440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: November 30, 1991 05:10 PM Saturday; Rod Welch

Called Ross on his practice at IBM re destroying business records.

2...Follow Up

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SDS Marketing, Product Evaluation
Legal Restraints, can't save the record
Product definition

0505 -
0505 -    ..
0506 - Summary/Objective
0507 -
050701 - Follow up
050702 -
050703 - Ross says he is starting a new assignment as Business Development
050704 - Manager in this unit of IBM.
050705 -
050707 -  ..
050708 - I asked him about the practice at IBM re maintaining or destroying
050709 - records, and related some of the discussions with Morris and others on
050710 - this point.  Ross indicated IBM's practice is not to destroy
050711 - management information.  They have specific criteria for records
050712 - management on retiring information.
050713 -
050714 -    I did not pursue this in detail.  But need to chat about it some
050715 -    more.  It is not clear whether for example the kind of handwritten
050716 -    notebooks Ross has mentioned he keeps of phone calls (which is a
050717 -    sort manual form of SDS), are maintained.
050719 -     ..
050720 -    If that turns out to be true, then it would be helpful to discuss
050721 -    with IBM's counsel their experience on handling discovery.  I would
050722 -    expect Morris' point would be that few organizations have a large
050723 -    and capable legal staff.  IBM may simply be more experienced in and
050724 -    capable of deflecting overly intrusive discovery, or alternatively
050725 -    using it as a weapon.
050726 -
050727 -
0508 -

SDS Business Development
Business Plan

0604 -
0605 - Discussion
060601 -  ..
060602 - In his new assignment, he had to prepare a business plan, and he
060603 - expects to be reviewing a wide range of business plans from
060604 - prospective customers for IBM credit.
060606 -  ..
060607 - I asked if he would be willing to take a stab at assisting me in
060608 - preparing a business plan.  Ross feels some of the plans that come to
060609 - his attention may have some format ideas that would be helpful to the
060610 - Welch situation.
060611 -
060613 -  ..
060614 - Follow Up
060615 -
060616 - They cannot make it to Lucille's on Sunday because they will be
060617 - visiting in San Mateo that day.  We will try to get together when I am
060618 - in town for two weeks during Christmas.
060619 -
0607 -