440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: November 25, 1991 11:00 AM Monday;
Rod Welch
Meeting with DNRC Director on firing Tudor and hiring a new Engineer.
.....1...Grounds to fire Tudor -
.........If Tudor is not terminated what are the consequences of DNRC
.........Do facts require or merely permit DNRC to terminate Tudor?
.................Tudor's failure to perform the contract requirement
.........Mitigation: Cost of Firing Tudor
.........Detailed Discussion
.............Sarah summarized the positions for firing Tudor immediate-
.............Sarah presented background causing DNRC's reasonable
.............The Director inquired with respect to Tudor's defenses.
.............The Department finds that Tudor's position is not support-
.........f...DNRC's efforts to avoid/cure breach
.........h...Applicable law
.............Tudor's Job Record
.........i...Exposure if Tudor is not terminated
.........Outside opinions (Lamb)
.....2...Option paper on Voith
.....3...CPM showing Broadwater closeout tasks (and assignments).
.....4...Engineering analysis of Tudor failures
.....5...Procurement report on authority for hiring replacement
.....6...DNRC organization structure
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0201 - Dep Natrl Rscrs & Consvn 406 444 6699 fax 6721
020101 - Ms. Karen Barclay; Director
020102 - Mr. Wayne Wetzel
020103 - Mr. Gary Fritz; Administrator =406 444 6605; Water Resources Bureau
020104 - Mr. Walt Anderson; Hydro Power Section Supervisor =406 444 6659
020105 - Engineering Bureau fax 406 444 0533
020106 - Ms. Sarah Ann Bond, Esquire
020107 - Department Counsel =406 444 6660; Legal Division
Voith Contract Closeout
Engineering Management,
Termination notice, 911119
Communication Manager Planning Test Analyse
0806 - ..
0807 - Summary/Objective
0808 -
080801 - The Director decided to notify Tudor that it has defaulted on
080802 - its Agreement and will be terminated for cause on December 4, 1991, if
080803 - it does not cure the default.
080804 -
080805 - A second meeting will occur in the afternoon on hiring a replacement.
080806 -
080807 -
080808 -
080809 -
080810 - ..
0809 -
0810 -
0811 - Discussion
0812 -
081201 - The Department's position on terminating Tudor was reviewed. Major
081202 - points of consideration were....
081203 -
081204 - ..
081205 -
081206 - 1. Grounds to fire Tudor -
081207 -
081208 - On 911118 reviewed problem that the Engineer failed to require
081209 - Voith to perform submittal requirements, and was not excused
081210 - from performing its duty of notice by the State. ref SDS 5
081211 - 9052 This seems to present a breech of trust that cannot be
081212 - repaired, and so requires hiring a replacement Engineer, as
081213 - further discussed on 911118. ref SDS 5 ZL4J
081214 - ..
081215 - Fundamental Issues...
081216 -
081217 - If Tudor is not terminated what are the consequences of DNRC
081218 - carrying on as it has?
081219 -
081220 - It was represented to the Director that:
081221 -
081222 - Knowing that Tudor refuses to perform, DNRC may be in
081223 - breach of its contract with Voith if it fails to terminate
081224 - Tudor and hire an Engineer to perform the duties of the
081225 - "Engineer" defined in the Voith contract which specifies
081226 - Tudor and further indicates a professional entity will
081227 - represent the Owner to the contractor.
081228 -
081229 - The Work to complete the Voith contract requires the
081230 - services of a professional Engineer as set out in the
081231 - Agreement with Tudor which Tudor is now refusing to
081232 - perform.
081233 - ..
081234 - DNRC requires and the contractor is entitled to the
081235 - impar- tial opinion of a professional Engineer to
081236 - determine pend- ing claims and other matters in order to
081237 - closeout the pro- ject, as set out in the contract between
081238 - Voith and DNRC.
081239 -
081240 -
081241 - ..
081242 - Do facts require or merely permit DNRC to terminate Tudor?
081243 -
081244 - It was presented to the Director that...
081245 -
081246 - Since Tudor failed to direct Voith to perform its work in
081247 - accordance with the contract with the result that at least
081248 - the speed increaser is now deemed not to comply with the
081249 - contract by DNRC's experts, then Tudor may not be able to
081250 - perform the engineering management tasks needed now be-
081251 - cause to do so will establish its liability. The tension
081252 - this could cause between the duty to render impartial pro-
081253 - fessional opinions and the desire to avoid financial loss,
081254 - may render Tudor unable to carry out the current work, and
081255 - therefore imprudent for DNRC to permit them to do so.
081256 -
081257 - ..
081258 - Examples
081259 -
081260 - The Engineer must direct Voith to submit shop drawings
081261 - on the speed increaser. Tudor should have done this
081262 - in November of 1987 and thereafter, but did not do
081263 - so, ref OF 1 and 2.
081264 -
081265 - For it to do so now may be viewed as an admission of
081266 - error. A finding that the shop drawings do not comply
081267 - with the contract would show the harm Tudor caused
081268 - DNRC and possibly Voith, and that Tudor's notice of
081269 - Full Operation Date and Substantial Completion Date
081270 - were issued in error to the detriment of DNRC.
081271 - ..
081272 - Tudor permitted Voith to substitute a "spur" for
081273 - a "double helical" gear design without complying with
081274 - the applicable contract provisions (GC 6.7.2 & 6.7.3).
081275 -
081276 - ..
081277 -
081278 - Tudor's failure to perform the contract requirement
081279 - for establishing that the speed increaser was built
081280 - correctly, and the continued failures of various
081281 - systems, as manifested by the continually expanding
081282 - punch list, means that all Voith submittals must be
081283 - reviewed to determine how much of the remaining work,
081284 - if any, was properly approved by the Engineer. The
081285 - performance of this task would directly show Tudor's
081286 - liability to DNRC for a potentially massive job of
081287 - re-work to meet the contract requirement.
081288 -
081289 - Thus, much of the Engineering Management work remain-
081290 - ing inherently entails developing evidence that may
081291 - result in Tudor's liability to DNRC and others. Under
081292 - these circumstances it would be difficult for Tudor to
081293 - render impartial professional services for DNRC even
081294 - if competent engineers were assigned.
081295 -
081296 -
081297 - ..
081298 - Mitigation: Cost of Firing Tudor
081299 -
081300 - The only basis to retain Tudor is for it to assign new
081301 - personnel who were not involved in Tudor's prior errors. If
081302 - Tudor can demonstrate with competent evidence that it can do
081303 - the work in a professional manner, then it would be much less
081304 - expensive than hiring another Engineer. The likelihood of
081305 - this happening seems very remote, however the direct cost of
081306 - hiring, mobilizing, and informing a new Engineer will be very
081307 - significant. The cost of the lost time may be even greater.
081308 - Contract closeout of disputes with Voith may be further
081309 - complicated by hiring a new Engineer. DNRC will claim these
081310 - costs against Tudor, however there is always a risk in any
081311 - litigation regardless of the merits of the case.
081312 -
081313 -
081314 - ..
081315 - Detailed Discussion
081316 -
081317 - a. Summary
081318 -
081319 - Sarah summarized the positions for firing Tudor immediate-
081320 - ly and on giving additional notice for Tudor to cure its
081321 - default, discussed under "Mitigation" above.
081322 -
081323 - Sarah presented background causing DNRC's reasonable
081324 - reliance on Tudor's expertise and representations begin-
081325 - ning with the Definitive Project Report, its Agreement
081326 - with DNRC for project management services, and how Tudor
081327 - may have breached its duty to DNRC.
081328 -
081329 - ..
081330 -
081331 - b. Background
081332 - c. Contract/Agreement provisions (see citations throughout)
081333 - d. Facts of breach
081334 - e. DNRC contributory fault/exposure
081335 -
081336 - The Director inquired with respect to Tudor's defenses.
081337 -
081338 - Tudor's November 18, 1991 letter was discussed as summar-
081339 - izing Tudor's position that DNRC intends to sue Tudor,
081340 - that DNRC has not told Tudor to perform, that DNRC has
081341 - recently changed Tudor's duties, that DNRC has not com-
081342 - plained about Tudor's personnel, that the speed increaser
081343 - is warranty work, that work under its current Agreement is
081344 - minor and should be done under a new Agreement in which
081345 - Tudor is held harmless for its errors.
081346 -
081347 - ..
081348 -
081349 - The Department finds that Tudor's position is not support-
081350 - ed by the record, that Tudor has been notified of DNRC's
081351 - findings and has not furnished information to support its
081352 - position or refute DNRC's findings. (see DNRC letter of
081353 - November 12, 1991 ref DIP 4, and ref SDS 6).
081354 -
081355 - ..
081356 -
081357 - f. DNRC's efforts to avoid/cure breach
081358 -
081359 - Sarah explained DNRC's consistent efforts to encourage and
081360 - demand that Tudor perform its Agreement (see for example
081361 - ref SDS 2 - 3, and ref DIP 1 - 3). Such efforts have been
081362 - hindered by Tudor's failure to disclose an apparent uni-
081363 - lateral and improper contract change it may have either
081364 - permitted or conspired with Voith to avoid submitting
081365 - speed increaser shop drawings and other contract require-
081366 - ments under the rubric that contract "Manual requirements
081367 - can be deferred and deleted..." (see also ref OF 1 for
081368 - Pre-Award Meeting Minutes Sep 10, 1987, item #08: Clari-
081369 - fication of Substitutions).
081370 - ..
081371 - Within the past few weeks the Department has found
081372 - evi- dence supporting earlier suspicions that Tudor did
081373 - not carry out the submittal and approval contract
081374 - requirements (see ref OF 2 and DIP 7 & 8).
081375 -
081376 - ..
081377 -
081378 - g. Mitigation
081379 -
081380 - See para f above, and "Mitigation" above.
081381 -
081382 - Walt asked about the propriety of soliciting proposals
081383 - from other Engineers to take over Tudor's work before
081384 - Tudor is fully terminated. It was concluded that in light
081385 - of Tudor's conduct DNRC must protect itself by immediately
081386 - investigating the availability of other engineers in order
081387 - to minimize the cost of delay should Tudor persist in its
081388 - refusal to perform.
081389 -
081390 - ..
081391 -
081392 - h. Applicable law
081393 -
081394 - Sarah cited applicable cases which support recovery for
081395 - DNRC against Tudor.
081396 -
081397 - It was explained that DNRC is not required to give Tudor
081398 - any further notice, but may terminate immediately. The
081399 - distinction between terminating a personal services
081400 - Agreement and a construction contract like Voith's was
081401 - explained.
081402 -
081403 - ..
081404 - Tudor's Job Record
081405 -
081406 - A critical need upon termination will be to obtain the
081407 - project documents Tudor created but which it must deliver
081408 - to DNRC within 30 days of termination. The termination
081409 - letter will demand such documents. Tudor may be uncooper-
081410 - ative because the record may show Tudor's liability. The
081411 - Department needs to be prepared to issue notices that if
081412 - critical information is absent from the record Tudor sub-
081413 - mits, then the Department will assume it is not in the
081414 - record and will object to its use by Tudor in any subse-
081415 - quent legal action as a defense of Tudor's performance,
081416 - and Tudor will be liable for the reasonable cost required
081417 - to prepare such information by the new Engineer.
081418 -
081419 - ..
081420 -
081421 - i. Exposure if Tudor is not terminated
081422 -
081423 - Sarah explained that if Tudor is not terminated Voith may
081424 - sue DNRC for failing to provide a competent professional
081425 - Engineer (see Article 2 of Agreement between DNRC and
081426 - Voith dated October 14, 1987).
081427 -
081428 - ..
081429 -
081430 - k. Options
081431 -
081432 - The Director considered:
081433 -
081434 - 1. Take no action with respect to Tudor
081435 - 2. Enter into a new Agreement with Tudor
081436 - 3. Terminate Tudor immediately
081437 - 4. Demand Tudor perform its Agreement or be fired by
081438 - Dec 4, 1991
081439 -
081440 - See "Fundamental Issues" above for discussion.
081441 -
081442 - ..
081443 -
081444 - l. Conclusion
081445 -
081446 - The Department will advise Tudor it must submit a plan to
081447 - carry out the remaining work of its Agreement, as set out
081448 - above, by December 4, 1991 and if it does not do so, it
081449 - will be terminated for cause.
081450 -
081451 - DNRC will commence vigorous efforts to locate and hire a
081452 - replacement Engineer so that if Tudor refuses to perform
081453 - its agreement, a transition can occur as rapidly as pos-
081454 - sible to avoid delay damages to all parties.
081455 -
081456 - Discussions on this effort will occur in a follow up
081457 - meeting in the afternoon.
081458 -
081459 -
081460 - ..
081461 - Outside opinions (Lamb)
081462 -
081463 - The Director asked that the Department obtain written support
081464 - from its outside consultant on this action.
081465 -
081466 -
081467 - 2. Option paper on Voith
081468 -
081469 - Owing to the time devoted to the Tudor matter, this issue
081470 - which may present even greater difficulties, was not
081471 - discussed, but will be taken up separately.
081472 -
081473 - ..
081474 - 3. CPM showing Broadwater closeout tasks (and assignments).
081475 -
081476 - The Deputy Director and DNRC's project manager will meet today
081477 - to apply the decision taken today into the project CPM for
081478 - evaluating DNRC's exposure and planning for hiring a new
081479 - Engineer, per recommendations at ref SDS 1 line 123.
081480 -
081481 - [See follow up at ref SDS 8 line 43.]
081482 -
081483 - ..
081484 -
081485 - 4. Engineering analysis of Tudor failures
081486 -
081487 - a. Report from Geartech showing Speed Increaser failure is
081488 - pending.
081489 -
081490 - b. Report from Maritech on vibration problem is pending.
081491 -
081492 - c. Report from Welch on Contract review is in the record at
081493 - ref OF 1 & 2
081494 -
081495 - ..
081496 -
081497 - 5. Procurement report on authority for hiring replacement
081498 -
081499 - This was presented for further review this afternoon, ref DIP
081500 - 3.
081501 - ..
081502 - 6. DNRC organization structure
081503 -
081504 - Discussion of the impact on and need for organizational
081505 - adjustments resulting from Tudor's refusal to carry out its
081506 - job was deferred to the afternoon meeting. ref SDS 5 0900
081507 -
081508 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"