440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: November 25, 1991 08:57 AM Monday;
Rod Welch
Complete review Lee Mech's report on Broadwater inspection; submitted
2...Reconcile Oct 25 list with
3...Nov 4, 1991 Report to Engineer
4...Reconcile Lee's List with Nov 4, 1991 Report to Engineer
5...Lee is a Contractor Not an Engineering Firm
6...Cost Estimates
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Voith Contract
Close out of contract
Expert Opinion; Punch List
Calibration Fluctuations of Rosemount
Pressure Transducers, 911118
Opinion Contract Requirements,
Industry Standards, 911005
0809 - ..
0810 - Summary/Objective
0811 -
081101 - Completed review of Lee Engineering's preliminary report.
081102 -
081103 -
081104 - There appear to be a number of problems in Lee's report that require
081105 - immediate attention by DNRC.
081106 -
081107 - What is the status of these, per ref SDS 3?
081108 -
081109 -
0812 -
0813 -
0814 - 0940 Discussion with Walt
0815 -
081501 - Reconcile Oct 25 list with
081502 - Nov 4, 1991 Report to Engineer
081503 -
081504 - I asked Walt about the items on Mike Sim's list of Oct 25, 1991, ref
081505 - OF 1. He said the "legitimate" items were incorporated into a letter
081506 - he wrote to Tudor on Nov 4, 1991, ref DIP 2. I suggested DNRC prepare
081507 - a memo that explains the basis for reconciling any differences between
081508 - the Plant Superintendent's reported punch list, and what was submitted
081509 - to the contractor or Engineer.
081510 -
081511 -
081512 - Reconcile Lee's List with Nov 4, 1991 Report to Engineer
081513 -
081514 - Walt believes the items missing from Lee's list that are on DNRC's
081515 - list to Tudor reflect the fact that the missing items were already
081516 - known to DNRC.
081517 -
081518 -
081519 - ..
081520 - Lee is a Contractor Not an Engineering Firm
081521 -
081522 - Walt advised today that Lee Engineering is a contractor not an
081523 - engineer. He was not hired to inspect the plant and report on
081524 - defective or incomplete work, as initially indicated, ref SDS 1 3394.
081525 -
081526 - Walt indicated that Lee was hired to perform annual maintenance, and
081527 - to report on matters observed in the course of doing the work that a
081528 - reasonable contractor expects will require correction. Lee's report
081529 - did not consider the Voith contract plans and specifications prepared
081530 - by Tudor, and it was not intended for Lee to report on complinace with
081531 - project requirements as shown in the plans and specifications prepared
081532 - by Tudor which Voith was hired to perform.
081533 -
081534 -
081535 -
081536 - Cost Estimates
081537 -
081538 - As a contractor, Lee should be able to provide an estimate of cost for
081539 - performing the work on the punch list, including the matters that
081540 - require attention prior to cold weather.
081541 -
081542 - Electrical
081543 -
081544 - It is not clear Lee would be qualified to perform or cost this part
081545 - of the work.
081546 -
081547 - Requested from Walt his Nov 4, 91 letter on punch list to Tudor.
081548 -
081549 - Need this on a disk, for ref DIP 2.
081550 -
081551 -
0816 -
0817 -
0818 - Follow Up
0819 -
081901 - Should meet with Lee and discuss finalizing his report to include at
081902 - all punch list work, per ref DIP 2.
081903 -
081904 - Should get estimate of cost from Lee on doing the items on DNRC's
081905 - punch list, ref DIP 2, and since evidentally there are other punch
081906 - lists, all of such outstanding items should be costed.
081907 -
081908 - Consideration should be given to hiring Lee to perform this task and
081909 - paying him as an exerpt contractor.
081910 -
081911 - Then Voith can be given notice that if it does not perform, DNRC is
081912 - prepared to do the work for $x dollars.
081913 -
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0820 -