440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: November 18, 1991 02:15 PM Monday;
Rod Welch
Meeting with DNRC re strategy on completing Broadwater project.
2...Missing Submittals on Speed Increaser
3...Submittal Review
4...Voith Refusing to Perform
5...Maritech Requests SI Shop Drawings
6...Punch List Cost
.....Notice to Voith of Extra Expense
7...Strategy to complete Broadwater - Replace Engineer
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0201 - Dep Natrl Rscrs & Consvn 406 444 6699 fax 6721
020101 - Mr. Wayne Wetzel
020102 - Mr. Walt Anderson; Hydro Power Section Supervisor; Engineering Division
020103 - Ms. Sarah Ann Bond, Esquire
020104 - Department Counsel =406 444 6660; Legal Division
Voith Contract Closeout
Engineering Management,
Submit Shop Drawings, Speed Increaser
Formulate Closeout Agreement
Vibration Detector
0807 - ..
0808 - Summary/Objective
0809 -
080901 - Sarah called the meeting to assess progress and strategy for the
080902 - coming period.
080903 -
080904 - Neither Voith nor Tudor have responded to DNRC demands to perform
080905 - their Agreements. DNRC considered steps to replace them in order to
080906 - complete the project at the least cost.
080907 -
080908 -
0810 -
0811 -
0812 - Discussion
0813 -
081301 - Wayne reported Tudor has not responded to his Nov 12 letter, ref DIP
081302 - 10, demanding Tudor perform its Agreement.
081303 -
081304 -
081305 - ..
081306 - Missing Submittals on Speed Increaser
081307 -
081308 - I explained recent findings on the submittal log, ref SDS 6 4912, and
081309 - DIP 11 and 12, ref OF 2. I asked Wayne if he recalls Tudor ever
081310 - indicating that Voith should not be held to perform the submittal
081311 - requirements.
081312 -
081313 - Wayne said he recalls no understandings that permitted Tudor to
081314 - waive submittal requirements or to waive the right for the
081315 - Engineer to recommend withholding payments from Voith for failure
081316 - to perform the submittal requirements.
081317 -
081318 -
081319 - Submittal Review
081320 -
081321 - Cited need for Engineer, in light of missing submittals on speed
081322 - increaser, ref OF 2, to review all of the submittals required by the
081323 - Voith contract to advise DNRC on the extent to which these need to be
081324 - obtained from the contractor in order to accomplish a professional and
081325 - competent approval of the Work.
081326 -
081327 -
081328 - Voith Refusing to Perform
081329 -
081330 - Walt reported Voith is still not being responsive to DNRC demands that
081331 - it perform, particularly with respect to SI submittals.
081332 -
081333 -
081334 - Maritech Requests SI Shop Drawings
081335 -
081336 - Walt reported that Maritech has requested detailed shop drawings on
081337 - the speed increaser. He passed around a letter he has sent to Voith
081338 - requesting this information.
081339 -
081340 -
0814 -
Voith Contract Closeout Planning
Vibration Detector
1005 - Progress
1006 -
100601 - Walt advised Voith (Renk) is installing a vibration monitoring system
100602 - at the plant as called for in the September 3, 1991 Agreement. They
100603 - are unprepared and their work is not supported by approved plans.
100604 - This system is needed to evaluate the effect of vibrations from the
100605 - speed increaser which seem to be worsening.
100606 -
100607 - A structural engineer will be hired to evaluate reports of cracked
100608 - concrete near the speed increaser and other possible impacts of the
100609 - vibration problem.
100610 -
100611 -
100612 - Punch List Cost
100613 -
100614 - Since Tudor has not done so, it would be helpful for DNRC to have an
100615 - estimate of the cost for engineering and construction to perform the
100616 - punch list items. Walt feels the cost will exceed $60K. He indicated
100617 - one piping item will be be very expensive.
100618 -
100619 - Comment
100620 -
100621 - Since the plant seems to be without engineering support due to
100622 - failure to follow contract submittal procedures, my sense is
100623 - without doing a detailed estimate that with engineering and
100624 - construction, the ultimate cost may exceed $300K.
100625 -
100626 -
100627 - Notice to Voith of Extra Expense
100628 -
100629 - Some thought needs to be given for interim plans to accomplish the
100630 - punch list items the Plant Superintendent reports should be
100631 - accomplished before the on set of cold weather. If Voith does not
100632 - do this work, it should be notified DNRC will incur extra cost to
100633 - accommodate the conditions caused by such uncompleted work.
100634 -
100635 -
1007 -
1008 -
Voith Contract Closeout Planning
Engineering Management,
Terminate Tudor
Hire Engineer - Scope Statement
1407 -
140701 - ..
140702 - Strategy to complete Broadwater - Replace Engineer
140703 -
140704 - As a result of Tudor's evident failure to perform, per above,
140705 - ref SDS 0 9052, and devestating consequences this failure has caused
140706 - to the State, completing the Broadwater Dam project requires firing
140707 - Tudor, and hiring a replacement.
140708 -
140709 - Main points under consideration are:
140710 -
140711 - 1. Legal
140712 -
140713 - a. Written opinion to support decision.
140714 - b. Outside counsel consultations.
140715 - c. Special considerations to fire contractor and engineer.
140716 - d. Notices required to sureties and others.
140717 - e. Authority to support operation of defective plant.
140718 - f. Warranty effects of new contractor[s].
140719 - g. File actions against contractor and engineer
140720 - h. Develop DNRC claims to recover extra expense.
140721 -
140722 - ..
140723 - 2. Management structure, steps and procedures.
140724 -
140725 - a. Planning, who will do initial CPM to guide effort, when?
140726 -
140727 - b. Who will procure engineer and to whom will engineer
140728 - report?
140729 -
140730 - 1. Who will write Engineer scope statement and when?
140731 - 2. Research on points to consider for task.
140732 -
140733 - Other Owners have encountered this problem and so may
140734 - have useful incites to share on important matters that
140735 - are difficult to anticipate.
140736 -
140737 - c. Who will procure contractor (engineer or DNRC) and to whom
140738 - will contractor report (engineer as with Voith, or DNRC,
140739 - and if so, who)?
140740 -
140741 - d. Organizaton of existing project records,
140742 -
140743 - 1. Complete chronology for all management levels.
140744 - 2. Separate from new contracts for litigation purposes.
140745 - 3. Where will records be stored and how?
140746 - 4. Who will be custodian?
140747 -
140748 - e. New Broadwater Contract records management procedures.
140749 - (see 2 - 4 above).
140750 -
140751 -
140752 - 3. Engineering
140753 -
140754 - a. Level of effort
140755 -
140756 - 1. Hire one engineer to replace Tudor.
140757 - 2. Hire engineers for different aspects of the Work.
140758 - 3. DNRC engineering interface.
140759 -
140760 - b. Warranty and Liability
140761 -
140762 - Engineering arrangements should maintain Tudor's and
140763 - Voith's liability, where others are doing supplemental work
140764 - on items subject to Voith's warranty. There is probably a
140765 - way for a new contractor to be responsible for its work and
140766 - for Voith to retain responsibility for its work.
140767 -
140768 - a. Procure new Engineer
140769 -
140770 - 1. Qualifications (size, discipline)
140771 - 2. Scope of assignment, develop
140772 -
140773 - b. Interim measures by DNRC management
140774 -
140775 - 1. CPM of tasks needed and relationships.
140776 - 2. Evaluate collateral damage, structural engineer.
140777 - 3. Notice to Voith if not fired that Tudor is fired and
140778 - DNRC will direct Voith per Article ______.
140779 - 4. Complete design vibration monitoring system.
140780 - 5. Evaluate vibration monitoring data and advise DNRC.
140781 - 6. ...
140782 -
140783 - c. Engineer Management for contract closeout
140784 -
140785 - 1. Develop Engineering Agreement
140786 -
140787 - a) Organization (how many people where located)
140788 - b) Coordination with DNRC operations and management
140789 - c) Coordination with DNRC experts
140790 - d) Litigation/claims interface
140791 - c) Reporting requirements to DNRC
140792 -
140793 -
140794 - 2. Develop background
140795 -
140796 - a). Examine the site, plans and specs.
140797 - b). Interview DNRC staff.
140798 - c). Review engineering record (e.g. submittals)
140799 - d). ...
140800 -
140801 - 3. Schedule engineering and construction closeout.
140802 - 4. Design punch list and speed increaser work.
140803 - 5. Determine procurement method.
140804 -
140805 - a). Competitive bid
140806 - b). Negotiated Award
140807 - c). Single construction contract like Voith
140808 - d). Multiple contracts according to trade.
140809 -
140810 -
140811 -
140812 - 4. Construction (contractor work)
140813 -
140814 - a. Vibration monitoring system, complete the work.
140815 - b. Procure and perform punch list work prior to cold weather.
140816 - c. Immediate procurement of speed increaser to try to meet
140817 - annual maintenance downtime next year to minimize damages.
140818 - d. Contractor Award
140819 - e. Schedule interface of speed increaser, punchlist and
140820 - engineering review.
140821 - f. ...
140822 -
140823 -
140824 - 5. Operations
140825 -
140826 - a. Run plant at capacity that minimizes vibration impacts.
140827 - b. Maintain vibration system.
140828 - c. Monitor collateral damage.
140829 - d. Oversee work on the plant.
140830 - e. ...
140831 -
140832 -
140833 -
140834 -
140835 -
140836 -
140837 -
140838 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"