440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 28, 1991 02:10 PM Monday;
Rod Welch
Further research on changes to structural support of speed increaser.
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0201 - Dep Natrl Rscrs & Consvn 406 444 6699 fax 6721
020101 - Mr. Walt Anderson; Hydro Power Section Supervisor
020102 - Engineering Division
Speed Increaser
Gear support bolting
Shaft Misalignment, 900916
Submit Shop Drawings
for approval, review
Submittals Engineering Approval
Notice of Defects/Failure
Engineering Management
Failure to Perform, General Notice to Voith
Speed Increaser Shaft Repairs to Correct Misalignment
Shaft Repair Misalignment
1514 - ..
1515 - Summary/Objective
1516 -
151601 - Did a little more research today and found some indication of
151602 - the original support scheme for the speed increaser in the Voith
151603 - original field installation drawings.
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151606 - ..
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1519 - Voith-Renk drawings
1520 - Tudor file series 00730-11257
1521 -
152101 - These Tudor files show a series of Voith submittals. One drawing
152102 - submitted by Voith is titled "Assembly." It shows an outline of a
152103 - bolting arrangement which Walt today described as a cantileaver from
152104 - the structural steel member of the draft tube liner.
152105 -
152106 - The bolts themselves, the sizing, spacing and structural
152107 - calculations that establish they will support 32 tons in the
152108 - operating mode of this unit, are not shown.
152109 -
152110 - Renke personnel came to the site and installed a vertical support
152111 - that ultimately applied 30 tons of support pressure on the speed
152112 - increaser. The details we examined do not indicate the design could
152113 - easily accomodate 30 tons of vertical support.
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152117 - ..
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1524 - Misalignment of Shaft
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152501 - Walt advisded that the reason for the change in the support design is
152502 - that DNRC observed misalignment in the gear shaft at a flexible
152503 - coupling. The supplemental structural support restored the alignment
152504 - to nearly the specified criteria, but not fully.
152505 -
152506 - This work was not supervised nor approved by the Engineer.
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152508 - [On 911105 set agenda to meet with Engineer, Tudor, about
152509 - completing engineering review of project design. ref SDS 3 YH8J
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152511 - Voith maintains that even though the system does not meet the
152512 - specified requirement, it is adequate.
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152514 - I asked Walt for any records he has on these events, and to prepare
152515 - something that reflects his understanding. Where is the alignment
152516 - tolerence specified?
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Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"