440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: October 9, 1991 02:04 PM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Called Morrie about running SDS in Windows and his progress.


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1...Need report from Morrie on how SDS is changing his work performance,

0201 - Frank Russell Company              206 572 9500
020101 - Mr. Maurice E. Smyth
020102 - Systems Development =fax 206 591 3495

Frank Russel, Support
SDS work in progress
Windows, Contacts, 911009
Postcript printing
Windows integration, 911009

0907 -    ..
0908 - Summary
0909 -
090901 - He likes the new keyboard; he likes the Alt F10 highlight feature.
090902 - Morrie is making good progress implementing SDS to improve management
090903 - of his work and department.
090904 -
090905 - I helped him with Contacts, diary reports, printing and editing
090906 - functions.
090907 -
0910 -
0911 -
0912 - SDS with Windows
0913 -
091301 - Morrie seems to be getting SDS to run acceptably in Windows, per ref
091302 - SDS 7.  I have not been able to get that to occur.
091303 -
091304 -    He says he is just using Alt Tab to switch between SDS and his
091305 -    other Windows applications.  He feels it works well.  He keeps
091306 -    track of what needs to be done, what gets done, and does his work
091307 -    all in Windows and SDS.  He can compile a program in one window,
091308 -    send an E-Mail message in another, and plan and report in the SDS
091309 -    window.
091310 -
091311 -
0914 -
0915 - Printing with Postcript
0916 -
091601 -    Morrie asked if SDS will work on a postcript printer? I explained
091602 -    he can try and see if it will accept HP PCL, and if not, just
091603 -    create the memos as ASCII.
091604 -
091605 -    Actually, Morris has this same situation and seems to have figured
091606 -    out how to work around it, ref SDS 4 line 0521.
091607 -
0917 -
0918 -
0919 - Contacts
0920 -
092001 - Which Data Base for In-house Contacts?
092002 -
092003 -   He is wondering how to apply the Contacts for a large company.
092004 -   Should they be part of the Individuals or Organization data base.
092005 -   He started with Individual, but it has a lot of stuff he doesn't
092006 -   need.
092007 -
092008 -   Morris questioned the same issue when he started with SDS.
092009 -
092010 -   I suggested he experiment.  I believe organizations work better, but
092011 -   it will take some experience to figure out which works best for a
092012 -   large organization like Frank Russel with 700 employees.  His firts
092013 -   impression is that since he deals mainly with people in his own
092014 -   organization, he would better to use the Individual data base.
092015 -
092016 -
092017 - How to get a summary list.
092018 -
092019 -   Explained how to use the Contact menu numerical field to call a
092020 -   composite summary of all contacts.  Went through Help to show how
092021 -   to do this.  He found it and feels it is clear enough.
092022 -
092023 -
092024 - How to specify multiple contacts for organizaitons.
092025 -
092026 -   Explained how to mark entries in the composite Summary to enter
092027 -   multiple contacts in SDS records, as occurs when planning or
092028 -   reporting on a meeting or on a conference call.
092029 -
092030 -   I need to work on this feature.  Morrie cited the example of having
092031 -   several Dave's and several Williams.  How does SDS know which one to
092032 -   get, if it only looks at the first or last name?
092033 -
092034 -   Solution
092035 -
092036 -   I will make a new function within a Contact record so the User can
092037 -   specify contacts names within a large organization.
092038 -
0921 -
0922 -
0923 - Temporary Left Margin - F1 F7
0924 -
092401 - Morrie asked how to set temp left margin and reset it to default, as
092402 - with the following text:
092403 -
092404 -    I explained how to do this with F1 F7 at the cursor position.
092405 -    After Alt F7 is used, the left margin is indented like this text
092406 -    and data entry automatically wraps.
092407 -
092408 - To reset, move the cursor to column 1, and press F7.  Shift Tab moves
092409 - cursor to screen column 1.  <Enter> moves the cursor to screen column
092410 - 1, when the cursor in a narative field like what I am typing in now.
092411 -
0925 -
0926 -
0927 - How to report to a Company without including personal stuff.
0928 -
092801 -   Morrie said they have a new group manager who wants a weekly report
092802 -   on performance.  Morrie is using SDS to schedule and record what
092803 -   gets done and wants to submit SDS reports to fulfill this new
092804 -   requirement.  For this reason he does not want to include personal
092805 -   stuff in his work SDS Schedule.
092806 -
092807 -   I suggested this is not a good practice, since the idea of SDS is to
092808 -   give visibility to everything so nothing is forgotten.  He can solve
092809 -   his problem by creating accounts for his Company or Projects, as
092810 -   presently exists in the Subject Index.  Reports can then be called
092811 -   that show only work on company related matters and show no personal
092812 -   information.
092813 -
092814 -   If he does not like this method, and prefers to just dump the
092815 -   standard full Diary Summary as his report, he can edit out any
092816 -   personal stuff; it only takes a second with Alt F8 after calling the
092817 -   report which takes less than a second.
092818 -
092819 -   A third method would be to use Executive Services for only personal
092820 -   stuff, and the main SDS environment for business.  A user can have
092821 -   as many alternate SDS environments as necessary.  The problem with
092822 -   it is out of sight out of mind.  We have the ability to have
092823 -   multiple SDS environments active, but it is better to use just one
092824 -   at a time.
092825 -
092826 -   A fourth solution which at this time sounds practicle would for
092827 -   Morrie to keep multiple schedules active through Windows.  He could
092828 -   just scroll periodically to different ones depending upon whether he
092829 -   is scheduling or reporting something personal or on FR stuff.  I
092830 -   would like him to try this a and let know how it works.
092831 -
0929 -
0930 -

SDS Theory
Schedule/Diary used
together, 911009

1207 - Summary
1208 -
120801 - Morrie seems to be using SDS exactly as it was designed to be used, to
120802 - get more management work done at higher quality.
120803 -
120804 - He likes the flexibile Schedule feature, likes the ability to write up
120805 - work plans, and the results of his work, and likes the ability to roll
120806 - over Diary reports into new scheduled tasks that are linked for fast
120807 - lookup of history.
120808 -
120809 - Morrie is using the Highlight and Automatic Follow Up function, Alt
120810 - F10 and finds it very helpful.  He finds the assignment of function
120811 - keys makes them much easier to use with the keys along the left side.
120812 -
120813 - Need report from Morrie on how SDS is changing his work performance,
120814 - in conjunction with Windows.
120815 -
120816 -
1209 -

Frank Russel, Support
Editor compared to others,

1306 - Summary
1307 -
130701 - Mentioned my interest in Brief compared to SDS editor.
130702 -
130703 - Morrie has not worked with the Editor enough yet to form an opinion.
130704 - He will think about it as he goes along and let me know his views
130705 - after he gets a better feel for it.
130706 -
1308 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"