440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: October 7, 1991 09:00 AM Monday; Rod Welch

Meeting with Wayne and Walt re amending contract between Welch/DNRC.


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0201 - Department of Natural Resources    406 444 6699 fax 6721
020101 - Mr. Wayne Wetzel
020102 - Mr. Walt Anderson; Manager; Engineering Division
020103 - Ms. Sarah Bond, Esquire
020104 - Department Counsel =406 444 6660; Legal Division

Welch Consulting Assignment,
A01 - Furnish Voith
Claim Computer; SDS
Software & Training; 911004
Write Everything Down Not Necessary Write What is Important to Object
Write Everything Down Overkill Not Enough Time Don't Know to Only Nec

0808 -    ..
0809 - Summary/Objective
0810 -
081001 - Walt initially explained he wants to order 2 386 machines with 120 MB
081002 - hard drives for increased general operations work.
081003 -
081004 - Wayne indicated these should be ordered through DNRC standard
081005 - procurement procedures.  He said the 486 machine needed for the Voith
081006 - claims work can be added to the Welch contract and ordered today.
081007 - ..
081008 - Scope of contract amendment on SDS training.
081009 -
081010 -    Walt and Wayne asked about the prospect of writing everything down.
081011 -    They feel this is overkill.
081012 -
081013 -    I explained that managers write quite a bit already and that SDS
081014 -    simply lets them "manage" it better.  No more needs to be written
081015 -    with SDS than what is deemed prudent and necessary, and that such
081016 -    writing can be accomplished much quicker.
081017 -    ..
081018 -    Walt asked about the price of Training.
081019 -
081020 -    I thought it might take 3 nights a week 2 hours for 2 weeks = 12
081021 -    hrs @$65, or approximately $1,000.
081022 -
081023 -    Later came up with a total added amount to the contract of $4,500.
081024 -    I suggested that since the training is T&M, he might wish to make
081025 -    it an even $5,000 to cover contingencies.
081026 -
081027 -
081028 - Laser printer and tape backup?
081029 -
081030 -    Wayne suggested that Walt discuss with George, the MIS Manager,
081031 -    making connections to Norm's office where I am working for the main
081032 -    frame system that is connected to the laser printer.
081033 -
081034 - ..
081035 - I advised I need payment for hardware within 2 weeks.
081036 -
081037 -    Wayne said we can write into the contract that DNRC will pay for
081038 -    the equipment within 2 weeks of receipt of the invoice.
081039 -
081040 -
0811 -
0812 -
0813 - Placed Order
0814 -
081401 - Based on discusison above, ordered 486, and got prices for 2 386
081402 - computers, per ref SDS 7.
081403 -
081404 -
0815 -
0816 -
0817 - 1945 Called Sarah
0818 -   ..
081801 - Asked if it would be possible to complete the amendment to the
081802 - contract per above understandings.  Mentioned the need for specific
081803 - para on paying for equipment two weeks following receipt of invoice.
081804 -
081805 - Sarah will try to do this tomorrow.  She will be away from the office
081806 - this Wed - Fri.
081807 -
081808 - Actually, it is probably okay to conclude the amendment say next
081809 - Monday or even Tuesday, since the equipment will not likely arrive
081810 - until then.  On the other hand, it is always helpful to get the admin
081811 - stuff out of the way to avoid unexpected delays.
081812 -
081813 -
0819 -
0820 - Follow Up
0821 -   ..
082101 - Sent ref DIT 1 to Sarah to confirm understandings.
082102 -
082103 -
0822 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"