440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: September 26, 1991 02:10 PM Friday; Rod Welch

Received letter from Pat on using SDS and his computer set up.

2...Narrative Application

ACTION ITEMS.................. Click here to comment!

1...leisure. Will remind him of this, and send him revised pages 1 and 3.


Pat Welch, Support

0505 -    ..
0506 - Summary/Objective
0507 -
050701 - Received ref DRT 1 from Pat.
050702 -
050703 - He does not indicate if he installed the prior update, ref DIP 1.
050704 -
050705 -
0508 -
0509 - General
0510 -
051001 - Narrative Application
051002 -
051003 - Pat is trying to do SDS stuff in Wordstar.  His letter is full of what
051004 - happened, who was contacted, what he thinks about it, and what needs
051005 - to be done as a result.  In time, he may come to realize why SDS was
051006 - created:  to segment a free flowing stream of consciousness narrative
051007 - like he has created, into logical knowledge and idea segements that
051008 - can be "managed" in the near term and assembled together over and over
051009 - again when needed to accurately show idea development and history.
051010 -
051011 -
0511 -
0512 - DOS software conflict
0513 - Hard Disk Installation
0514 -
051401 - Pat says one of his programs that we backed up on his old disk and
051402 - restored to the new one, ref SDS 1 line 041010, will not run under
051403 - DOS 5.0, it only runs on DOS 3.3 which was on his old disk.  He also
051404 - understands the program cannot be backed up and restored.
051405 -
051406 - He called the publisher to get an updated program.  The publisher
051407 - requested that Pat send in his disks for DOS 3.3 and they will send an
051408 - updated program set of disks.
051409 -
051410 -
0515 -
0516 - Wordstar
0517 -
051701 - He has recognized that Wordstar is not configured into his SDS
051702 - program.  He wants to use Wordstar "as-is" because he is used to it
051703 - now.
051704 -
051705 - It is difficult to see why he wants to use SDS at all.  I think he
051706 - needs to work with Wordstar a little more, to begin to appreciate how
051707 - to use SDS and why it is so valuable.
051708 -
051709 -
0518 -
0519 - POIMS
0520 -
052001 - He indicates he has not grasped what POIMS is about; feels his mind
052002 - may have been wandering when I explained it.
052003 -
052004 - Actually, I left a draft of an article on POIMS for him to read at his
052005 - leisure.  Will remind him of this, and send him revised pages 1 and 3.
052006 -
052007 -
052008 -
0521 -

Pat Welch, Support, General
Training, General
SDS Marketing
Evaluation by Others
Help & Profile system

0808 - SDS Help
0809 -
0810 -
081001 - He feels we should edit some of Help to remove the sales information.
081002 -
081003 - I have thought this should be done also, and have done some work on
081004 - it.  On the other hand, when users say they do not grasp what POIMS is
081005 - about, it seems to me Help should explain why SDS does what it does.
081006 -
081007 - Perhaps Pat could make some specific suggestions with respect to
081008 - editing Help.  He feels simpler, more concise language would be more
081009 - helpful.
081010 -
081011 - I need to watch people use SDS in order to figure out what to say
081012 - about which issues that arise.  My general view is that if I spent a
081013 - few days to a week teaching people the program structure then the main
081014 - functions, they could learn the rest themselves.
081015 -
081016 -
0811 -