440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: September 26, 1991 01:56 PM Friday; Rod Welch

Received from Morrie Smyth disks showing his progress with SDS.

3...Schedule Analysis & Follow UP
4...Diary Summary
5...Outlining and Underlining
7...Prior Related Events
8...Save Initial SI - Alt F2

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0201 - Frank Russell Company              206 572 9500
020101 - Mr. Maurice E. Smyth
020102 - Systems Development

Frank Russel, Support
General, SDS work in progress

0404 -    ..
0405 - Summary
0406 -
040601 - Received ref DRT 1, mentioned by Morrie in his call yesterday, ref
040602 - SDS 3.
040603 -
040604 - Reviewed his SDS records and developed suggestions.
040605 -
040606 -
0407 -
0408 -
0409 - Subject
0410 -
041001 - I made a new account for this type of work in the Welch Subject Index.
041002 -
041003 - It also should be assigned to a task of product review.  Perhaps we
041004 - should only do that after examining his material.
041005 -
0411 -
0412 -
0413 - Substance
0414 -
041401 - The letter is handwritten, because his printer is not yet connected
041402 - to his PC.
041403 -
041404 - He submits:
041405 -
041406 -           SD 06 - his subject index
041407 -           SD 08 - his data base
041408 -
041409 - I thought he said his User ID was "00006", but the disks say 00002.
041410 - That is okay, because we do not have anyone with 00002.
041411 -
041412 - Morrie returned about 10 or so disks from earlier submissions of SDS.
041413 -
041414 -
041415 - He says:
041416 -
041417 -    It's been a pleasure getting back into working with SDS, although I
041418 -    haven't had the time to really browse through all of it.
041419 -
041420 -
0415 -
0416 - Disks
0417 -
041701 - Two of them are blank.  I guess these are just for me to send him
041702 - stuff.
041703 -
041704 - I restored the two disks he sent with his SDS records, and openned his
041705 - Schedule under user 00002.
041706 -
041707 - I can also open his records from within my own SDS environment using
041708 - SDS Executive Services, or from within my own SDS records with the
041709 - following diary summary string entered on any Reference ("03...")
041710 - field line:
041711 -
041712 -           d10 ^00002
041713 -
041714 - This gives the last 10 days for Morrie.  I cannot "save" his records,
041715 - but I can link them to my records for handy access and discussion as
041716 - shown below.
041717 -
0418 -
0419 -
0420 - Morrie's SDS records
0421 -
042101 - Generally, Morrie is using SDS as intended, given he is only getting
042102 - started again.  My comments are just a reminder of a few points.
042103 -
042104 -
042105 - Schedule
042106 -
042107 - There are a lot of tasks in the Diary, but nothing scheduled for
042108 - today, indicating everything "scheduled" was accomplished and there
042109 - were no follow up action items.
042110 -
042111 - Morrie no doubt has a lot of projects which have pending tasks.  One
042112 - would expect some scheduled activity would not get done and so be
042113 - rolled over.  Where is it?
042114 -
042115 - Morrie's SDS records are the oposite of Morris' who is also a
042116 - programmer and department head.  Morris shows everything in SDS as a
042117 - Schedule task and has no Diary records -- giving the false impression
042118 - that he never actually does anything.  Morrie's records give the
042119 - equally false impression that he never plans anything.  The middle
042120 - ground between these positions is what SDS is about.
042121 -
042122 - I browsed a few Diary records and found entries that appear to entail
042123 - follow up activity.  For example, ref SDS 7 says:
042124 -
042125 -    Judy will submit the test jobs for July and August time periods.
042126 -    She will get back with an evaluation of the results.
042127 -
042128 - Why are there no tasks in the Schedule for these expected follow up
042129 - activities, or at least a general pending entry in SAA (see below).
042130 -
042131 - It takes less than a second to mark entries for follow up with Alt
042132 - F10.  Just pop it, and the program then automatically gives it
042133 - visibility.  It takes only about 5 or 6 seconds to schedule a specific
042134 - follow up task and that is simply for the user to decide what day to
042135 - enter the activity in the Schedle with F1 Shift F1.
042136 -
042137 -
042138 - Schedule Analysis & Follow UP
042139 -
042140 - There are no generaly pending activities in this record.
042141 -
042142 -
042143 - Diary Summary
042144 -
042145 - He has quite a few records given he used SDS for so little time.
042146 -
042147 -
0422 -
0423 -
0424 - Diary Records
0425 -
042501 - Outlining and Underlining
042502 -
042503 - He is using the diary records as intended, including posting subjects.
042504 -
042505 - Morrie (along with everyone else) will probably want to create a bit
042506 - more structure via indented and underlined headings in the narratives,
042507 - so the major issues and concepts stand out.
042508 -
042509 - This point is covered in the lastest update, ref SDS 2 line 041144,
042510 - sent to all users via ref DIP 1.
042511 -
042512 -
042513 - Contacts
042514 -
042515 - Several of Morrie's records records seem to involve people and
042516 - organizations.  But there are no entries for them in the Contact
042517 - section of the diary records.  Contacts can be entered into SDS
042518 - records in less than 5 seconds and they provide a strong "hook" to
042519 - quickly find records and build reports.  Initially, it is a little
042520 - time consuming to create the Contact data base, but doing a few each
042521 - day, as they come up in the course of business, eventually pays big
042522 - dividends.
042523 -
042524 -
042525 - Prior Related Events
042526 -
042527 - Morrie has some records with PRE's.  It appears he is going back and
042528 - getting the last record on a subject to record the current activity,
042529 - which is the intent of the program.
042530 -
042531 -
0426 -
0427 -
0428 - Subject Index
0429 -
042901 - I popped <Enter> on a Control Field in Morrie's records, and SDS
042902 - reported no code exits for the Subject/File field.  I opened his SI
042903 - and found he had in fact created the code.
042904 -
042905 -
042906 - Save Initial SI - Alt F2
042907 -
042908 - This occurs because I had not create an inital SI for this User ID
042909 - when I started it today, by using Alt F2 in each level of the SI for
042910 - the FIRST time.  After I did this, <Enter> pops us right to the
042911 - applicable code in Morrie's SI, as designed.
042912 -
042913 - This is explained in Help when the SI is opened.
042914 -
0430 -
0431 -

Frank Russel, Support
General, SDS work in progress
Windows 3.0, 900713

0506 - Summary
0507 -
050701 - Morrie seems to be getting SDS to run acceptably in Windows, per ref
050702 - SDS 8.  I have not been able to get that to occur.
050703 -
050704 - I will call him Monday to inquire about this a little deeper.
050705 -
0508 -
0509 -

Frank Russel, Support
Editor compared to others,

0606 - Summary
0607 -
060701 - Morrie is using Brief as the programming editor, per ref SDS 9.
060702 -
060703 - I will be interested to see how he finds it compares with the SDS
060704 - editor.
060705 -
060706 -
0608 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"