440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: July 17, 1991 09:20 AM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Called Jeff to advise how to solve his memory problem.

2...DOS 5.0
3...Subject Index
4...Record linkage

ACTION ITEMS.................. Click here to comment!

1...I will send him the solution.

0201 - Seawest Company                    619 293 3340 fax 3347
020101 - Mr. Jeff Ghilardi

Seawest Evaluation of SDS,
Memory usage, 910620
Printer problem, 910322

0506 -    ..
0507 - Summary
0508 -
050801 - Jeff said he has stopped using the print feature for SDS reports,
050802 - because this is such a big problem.
050803 -
050804 - I will send him the solution.
050805 -
050806 -
0509 -
0510 - Modify Autoexec.bat
0511 -
051101 - Enter following string as the last line, or at least after the "path"
051102 - statement in the autoexec.bat file.
051103 -
051104 -              print /d:lpt1>nul
051105 -
051106 - ... or if you are using DOS 5.0 with extended memory, use
051107 -
051108 -              lh print /d:lpt1>nul
051109 -
051110 -
051111 - This assumes your printer is connected to lpt1.  If the printer is on
051112 - lpt2, use that param in place of "lpt1" in above command.
051113 -
051114 -
051115 - DOS 5.0
051116 -
051117 - This version of DOS increases available RAM for SDS by about 60K which
051118 - is very, very significant to program performance.  It costs about $50
051119 - for the update.
051120 -
051121 -
0512 -
0513 -

Seawest Evaluation of SDS,
Comments on usefulness
Subject Index, load
from CSF to Query Screen

0808 - 1640 called back
0809 -
0810 - Evaluation of Use
0811 -
081101 - For the most part, Jeff is using SDS as a chronological diary.  He is
081102 - probably getting value from the automated Schedule, highlighting and
081103 - follow up features, but not much from the Diary data base, although he
081104 - likes knowing it is there.
081105 -
081106 - Jeff feels that solving the computer memory problem will offer more
081107 - opportunities to use more of the SDS capability.
081108 -
081109 -
081110 - Subject Index
081111 -
081112 - Jeff is using the Subject Index on about 25% of his SDS records.  The
081113 - other 75% do not have subjects assigned.  He feels the SI will become
081114 - more valuable, but he has not yet developed a satisfactory subject
081115 - structure, and has not felt the need to assemble chronologies on
081116 - "subjects."
081117 -
081118 - Jeff is not doing much project management, so he feels his work is not
081119 - amenable to using a project specification for subject accounts.
081120 -
081121 - He has never done a subject report.
081122 -
081123 - Generally, he uses the Diary Summary function, F1 F2, to look up
081124 - contacts based upon keywords in the record description, with something
081125 - like:
081126 -
081127 - d60 /Howard
081128 -
081129 - He is not apparently using the SDS report features for subjects, doc-
081130 - uments, files or contacts, using F1 Alt F9 (now just F1 F9), nor the
081131 - "Keyword" report feature in the "Report" menu.
081132 -
081133 -
081134 - Record linkage
081135 -
081136 - This feature is generally being accomplished, and Jeff does on occas-
081137 - sion use the F1 F6 (now just <Enter>) function to step back in the
081138 - record to verify understandings.  Even this is being used minimally.
081139 -
081140 -
0812 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"