440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: June 3, 1991 09:18 AM Monday; Rod Welch

Called Jeff re status of Byte magazine responses; SDS support; send

1... 2...Summary
3...Omni Keyboard
4...Ref SDS 4 line 08
5...Memory Status

ACTION ITEMS.................. Click here to comment!

1...Jeff intends to experiment with this, but he will also back up his SI
2...Where Xn is a redirected file containing the memory status of his

0201 - Seawest Company                    619 293 3340 fax 3347                                                                                                           O-00000420 0201
020101 - Mr. Jeff Ghilardi

Seawest Evaluation of SDS,
Program updates
May 8, 1991

0405 -    ..
0406 - Summary
0407 -
040701 - Jeff said he has not installed the last program update, ref SDS 2.
040702 -
040703 - I explained this only takes about 5 minutes.  See also discussion
040704 - below re "Memory Management" line 13.
040705 -
040706 -
040707 - Sent confirming memo, ref DIT 1 via fax.
040708 -
040709 -
0408 -
0409 -

Byte Magazine response,
Reviews (magazines, etc.)

0706 - Summary/Objective
0707 -
070701 - He has an entry in the SAA Follow Up list, but has not got to it yet.
070702 -
070703 - I suggested he move it to his Schedule Summary, and highlight it with
070704 - white or red.  We bet a dollar this would result in completing this
070705 - objective by eow.
070706 -
070707 -
0708 -
0709 -

Seawest Evaluation of SDS,
Support, Cut & Paste
Data Entry speed, keyboard
for functions, 910603

0907 - Progress
0908 -
090801 - He is doing okay with Cut & Paste.
090802 -
090803 -
090804 - Omni Keyboard
090805 -
090806 - Urged him to order this, and if he decides he does not like it, he
090807 - can send it to me and I will pay for it.
090808 -
090809 - Gave him the phone number for Northgate from Help.
090810 -
090811 -
0909 -

Seawest Evaluation of SDS,
Subject Index

1005 - Progress
1006 -
100601 - Explained how he can convert his SI from an index called "ADMIN" to
100602 - one he wants to use now, called "AD."
100603 -
100604 - We went into some detail on how to do this, but he is busy and we do
100605 - not have time to talk it completely through on the phone.
100606 -
100607 - Jeff intends to experiment with this, but he will also back up his SI
100608 - and send it to me today so I can make the change for him.
100609 -
100610 -
1007 -

Seawest Evaluation of SDS,
Other programs, 910416
(Lotus, Wordperfect, etc.)

1106 - Objective
1107 -
110701 - Jeff asked about using programs other than Lotus and Wordperfect with
110702 - SDS.
110703 -
110704 - I explained that this requires special programing to open specific
110705 - files from the SDS ref section, as can be done now with Lotus and
110706 - Wordperfect.
110707 -
110708 - If he wishes to do this, I need a copy of the program and the
110709 - directory where it is located on his disk.
110710 -
110711 -
1108 -
1109 - Other options
1110 -
111001 - Many programs can however, be opened from SDS through the File List
111002 - feature, either using F1 F3 when you know the directory of the
111003 - program, or the SI (F1 F9) and F1 F5, when you do not know the
111004 - directory, but have included it in the SI.
111005 -
111006 - Simply hit F1 F2 with the cursor on any line in a File List with an
111007 - executable file (.bat, .exe, or .com filename extension).  The program
111008 - will be opened.  When you exit from the program, you will be returned
111009 - to the File List within SDS.
111010 -
111011 -
111012 -
1111 -

Seawest Evaluation of SDS,
Printing & Using Wordperfect
Memory Management, Wordperfect
failing, 910603
Printer problem, 910322
Memory usage, 910620

1509 - Summary
1510 -
151001 - After he prints an SDS memo, the cpu crashes when he tries to load
151002 - Wordperfect from within SDS.
151003 -
1511 -
1512 - Evaluation
1513 -
151301 - I tried this and did not encounter a problem (I did encounter a
151302 - different problem though due to having just run a Subject report and
151303 - not cleared the report from memory).
151304 -
15130401 - Tried again after we hung up and could not get SDS to crash.
15130402 -
15130403 - Ref SDS 4 line 08
15130404 - -----------------
15130405 - As a result of exploring the problem I encountered, the correction
15130406 - I made may also bear on the problem Jeff reported.
15130407 -
15130408 -
151305 -
151306 - I think this is likely a memory management problem, though it could be
151307 - solved by the program update which Jeff has not yet installed, see ref
151308 - OF 2 line 030111 and 061804, which indicate the update improves the
151309 - memo create function by avoiding crashes.
151310 -
151311 - Jeff should try creating a memo and loading Wordperfect after install-
151312 - ing the last update.
151313 -
151314 -
151315 - Memory Status
151316 -
151317 - He can only print from his network, Novel.  He has 572 bytes free off
151318 - the network, and 518 bytes free on the network.  We went through an
151319 - exercise in which he reported only 293 KB of RAM.  Initially, I
151320 - assumed he had used Shift F8 to access DOS from within SDS, but Jeff
151321 - said he had not done that. This means another program is using a
151322 - considerable amount of memory.
151323 -
151324 - Jeff will send me a report of each memory condition using the DOS
151325 - 4.01 command:
151326 -
151327 -                      mem /program >x1
151328 -                      mem /program >x2
151329 -                      mem /program >x...
151330 -
151331 - Where Xn is a redirected file containing the memory status of his
151332 - cpu.
151333 -
151334 -
1514 -
1515 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"