440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: May 22, 1991 12:13 PM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Mike called re evaluation of Twinhead display.

2...Novel Dir Limits
3...SDS on Color

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0201 - Twinhead Corporation               408 945 0808 fax 1080
020101 - Mr. Mike Willif; Customer Service Rep; Technical Support

Portable, to demonstrate SDS

0403 -    ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - He received our stuff, ref DIT 1.  Concurs Superlap shows SDS better
040502 - than the Supernote.  I asked him to inquire about getting comparable
040503 - display for Supernote.  He will try SDS on his color pc and let me
040504 - know what he thinks.
040505 -
040506 - Sent ref DIT 1, via fax.
040507 -
0406 -
0407 -
0408 - Discussion
0409 -
040901 - Mike reported the install program crashed.  Not clear why?  I
040902 - explained how to use "restore" instead.
040903 -
040904 - Mike says the Supernote does not support an internal modem.
040905 -
040906 - He had problems loading it on the Superlap; so he will complete this
040907 - later, and call me with his results.
040908 -
040909 - Mike has studied philosophy, and some computer science.  He seems like
040910 - possibly a good candidate to understand SDS; asked interesting ques-
040911 - tions about the directories and the fonts.
040912 -
040913 -
0410 -
0411 -
0412 - 1620 called Mike back
0413 -
041301 - He has completed loading SDS on the Superlap and said he recognizes
041302 - that SDS looks better on the Superlap than on the Supernote.  Mike
041303 - feels the difference in appearance may not be as great as I observed
041304 - at Acecom, ref SDS 3, because the Supernote he is using in Twinhead's
041305 - office has a newer model of the screen than those in distribution.
041306 -
041307 - I asked him to inquire within Twinhead whether the Supernote can be
041308 - offered with a screen that shows SDS like the Superlap.
041309 -
041310 - In any event, since the Supernote does not support an internal modem,
041311 - it would still be less adequate for my purposes, than the Superlap.
041312 -
041313 -
041314 -
0414 -

SDS Marketing
Customer Perceived Value
Evaluation by Individuals
Novel Compatibility, 910522

0607 - Progress
0608 -
060801 - Novel Dir Limits
060802 -
060803 - Mike asked about possible conflicts with Novel directory limits that
060804 - are apparently set when the program is initially configured.
060805 -
060806 - He said there only 6500 dir's permitted on their Novel network.  I did
060807 - a rough calculation that SDS may require up to 3,500 dir's per user
060808 - per year.
060809 -
06080901 - After we hung up, I used Norton to list dir's and found that I have
06080902 - less than 1,300 for 2.5 years of data.  So 6,500 would support
06080903 - perhaps as many as 3 or 4 SDS users, with room for dir's to hold
06080904 - specific project data.
06080905 -
060810 -
060811 - In any case, this may be something we need to investigate and give
060812 - Users notice to adjust at inception.  Changed Help to reflect this
060813 - concern, ref OF 1.
060814 -
060815 -
060816 - SDS on Color
060817 -
060818 - Mike said he has a VGA color display.  I offered to let him work with
060819 - SDS on his company computer to evaluate it, and let me know his
060820 - comments, as time permits.
060821 -
060822 - Explained he should not expect to master it in a few hours or even
060823 - days, but should be able to begin tracking his list of things to do
060824 - and making diary records like this one I will send to him as a example
060825 - of output, via ATT Mail fax.
060826 -
060827 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"