440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: May 16, 1991 08:21 AM Thursday; Rod Welch

Called Ross at IBM re support for SDS; sent confirming fax.

2...Instructions to start SDS

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0201 - IBM Credit Corporation             415 277 5600 fax 5654
020101 - Mr. Ross H. Armstrong
020102 - Account Operations Manager =415 277 5647

SDS Marketing, Sales
IBM Credit Corp, Ross
Armstrong, 910308
Installation, General

0507 -    ..
0508 - Summary
0509 -
050901 - Called left message for Ross.
050902 -
050903 - Instructions to start SDS
050904 -
050905 - First, change the DOS dir to:   c: sd 01
050906 - by...
050907 -
050908 - At DOS prompt enter:
050909 -
050910 -              C>cd\sd\01  <Enter>
050911 -
050912 - Next, enter
050913 -
050914 -              C>sds  <Enter>
050915 -
050916 - This initiates or opens SDS screen where you can enter your name.
050917 - Ctrl F10 opens Help to explain how to get going.  Here is basically
050918 - what it says:
050919 -
050920 - Just type your name at the prompt, and hit F1, or...
050921 -
050922 - Since you have "Executive" SDS, after you enter your name, you can
050923 - enter a data base ID, if you wish by hitting F8, and entering a 5
050924 - digit number of any kind, e.g. "00101," "00001," etc.  Then hit F7 to
050925 - restore the screen to its initial position.
050926 -
050927 - F1 starts SDS for the User where the cursor is located.
050928 -
050929 - This starts you out in a Schedule Summary.  Ctrl F10 opens Help that
050930 - teaches you the program.  ESC closes Help.  Here are a few short cuts:
050931 -
050932 -     Shift F10   opens the Menu - ESC closes Menue
050933 -     Ctrl F10    opens Help for the menu as well
050934 -
050935 -
050936 - If you get lost, ESC closes the program so you can start over.
050937 - Sometimes this fails; in that case hit
050938 -
050939 -                    <Home>q <Enter> or <Home>
050940 -
050941 - Sometimes this has to done several times because you have multiple
050942 - files open in SDS.
050943 -
050944 - If that fails, turn the pc off and on.
050945 -
050946 -
0510 -
0511 - Profs Interface
0512 -
051201 - If you get going with SDS, I would like to configure it so you can
051202 - access Profs to send and receive messages.  Right SDS is programed to
051203 - support AT&T Mail, like this thing I crafted in SDS, then sent to you
051204 - via ATT Mail fax option.
051205 -
0513 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"