440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: May 15, 1991 07:33 AM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Continue analysis of sales resistance to SDS.


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SDS Marketing, Sales
Resistance, analyse
why people do not buy

0405 -    ..
0406 - Objective
0407 -
040701 - Did more work on this.  Think I will make an appendix to the busniess
040702 - plan, ref OF 1.
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0408 -
0409 - Progress
0410 -
041001 - Reviewed a sales pitch from P.C. Window, a computer applicaiton
041002 - consulting firm by Jordon Rosenberg, who is also the leader of the
041003 - San Francisco Business Computer User Group.
041004 -
041005 - Jordon makes the following copywrited points:
041006 -
04100601 - Businesses that haven't gone to computers know they need to do some-
04100002 - thing.  Business that have computers feel statisfied when their com-
04100003 - puters are working.  They produce documents.  The documents look
04100004 - good.  That is the trap.  It is not enough that your computers work.
04100005 - They must be working on the right thing.
04100006 -
04100007 - Consider the law office.  Everyone knows by now that a law office
04100008 - needs PCs, HP Laserjets, Wordperfect, and a Novell lan.  True, but
04100009 - superficial.  The real benefits require a deeper level of automa-
04100010 - tion.  The virtue of today's systems is that they make available
04100111 - even to small enterprieses the kind of support that make them
04100112 - effective where only the largest players were before.
04100113 -
041007 -
041008 - I do not agree with the point "Everyone knows by now that a law office
041009 - needs PCs, HP Laserject, Wordperfect, and a Novell lan."  This is a
041010 - false statement, so it cannot be "known;" however, what is important
041011 - is that many believe this is what they know.  The configuration cited
041012 - by Jordon is the first set of arrangements tried by law firms to
041013 - automate.
041014 -
041015 -
041016 - Essentially this means people, business people, do not know how to
041017 - apply computers to improve their productivity.  This supports the
041018 - ideas in the sales resistance analysis, ref OF 2.
041019 -
041020 - What can be done about it?  We have to show people what can be done
041021 - with computers that they are not already doing that will make more
041022 - money.  It has to be demonstrated.  The number of people that have
041023 - confidence in their ability to discern the power of an idea alone is
041024 - too small to get the job done ahead of the competition.  If we educate
041025 - gradually, competitiors will catch on, and by the time the market is
041026 - created, we will be knee deep in a flood of SDS clones.
041027 -
041028 - I am also curious about Jordon that he recognizes that computers can
041029 - do more than they are being used to do, yet he in no way indicates how
041030 - this might occur.  I have presented the POIMS ideas, and he has not
041031 - commented on this.  So what are his ideas?
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