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1...Should hear from Egghead oa May 21, 1991, IAW ref DRP 1 para 3.
0201 - Egghead Software 206 391 0800 fax 0880
020101 - Mr. Brian Mitchell; Product Manager; New Products Group
SDS Marketing, Sales,
Retail Sales, 910420
0404 - ..
0405 - Summary/Objective
0406 -
040601 - Prepared ref DIT 1, and submitted it with ref OF 1 and 2 attached, it
040602 - in response to Egghead's letter, ref DIP 1. Also included signed
040603 - "Evaluation Letter."
040604 -
040605 -
040606 - [This is a sample of a very simple "Diary" report that let's the
040607 - user write whatever seems to be important about the subject. For
040608 - illustrative purposes, the "Control Fields" are printed in the
040609 - sample; in standard output they are suppressed. Control Fields let
040610 - User's enter the time they spend for payroll and billings, enter a
040611 - billing entity, cost control code, Schedule code, and "Subject"
040612 - account. Records can have multiple subjects and multiple segments.
040613 -
040614 - The "Subject" of this record is "SDS, Marketing, Sales, Retail," as
040615 - shown on lines 0401 and 0402.
040616 -
040617 - User does not enter codes, but manages them with indexes.
040618 -
040619 - Note, the transmittal and envelope are SDS outputs as well.]
040620 -
040621 -
040622 -
0407 -
0408 - Follow Up
0409 -
040901 - Should hear from Egghead oa May 21, 1991, IAW ref DRP 1 para 3.
040902 -
040903 -
0410 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"