440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: May 1, 1991 11:14 AM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Received call from Cindy Gardner re marketing SDS; set follow up

1... 2...Summary/Objective

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0201 - Intelogic Trace                    415 572 2866                                                                                                                    O-00000238 0201
020101 - Mr. Merrill Malvini Jr.

SDS Marketing
Customer analysis, perceived value
Sales, brokerage; 901010
Sales, Developing Leads

0506 -    ..
0507 - Summary/Objective
0508 -
050801 - Cindy called to follow up discussions with Merrill, ref SDS 1.
050802 -
050803 - She is assisting a college friend who initiated a business of publish-
050804 - ing and marketing a calendar to stockbrokers, as described by Merrill,
050805 - ref SDS 1 line 071004.  Cindy's background is in finance and some
050806 - marketing.
050807 -
050808 - We will meet next Wednesday, May 8, 1991, oa 1000, for a demo on SDS.
050809 -
050810 - Sent Cindy a brochure and the product spec., plus the background
050811 - discussion with Merrill and Dale Ames at Van Kasper.
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0509 -
0510 -
0511 - Analysis
0512 -
051201 - Cindy's product could be incorporated into SDS to provide direct
051202 - appeal to Stockbrokers.  Each year they could purchase a new disk that
051203 - updates their SDS calander for the year with the industry specific
051204 - repetitive dates.
051205 -
051206 - Since SDS has a Repetitive date feature for birthdays/anniversaries
051207 - and the like, this would supplement that.
051208 -
051209 - The feature might be a good general marketing concept to create
051210 - industry identification, i.e. "Trader's SDS," "Engineer's SDS,"
051211 - "Marketing SDS" and so on.
051212 -
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0513 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"