440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: May 1, 1991 04:31 AM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Improve Schedule Summary format to show how to open Menu.


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SDS, Schedule Summary
User screen format
Second Guessing Avoided by Maintaining

0505 -    ..
0506 - Summary/Objective
0507 -
050701 - We need to show how to open the menu, as well as Help.
050702 -
050703 - There is a philosophy involved here.  If we tell them how to do this,
050704 - some will try to use it right away, and thereby ignore help.  If they
050705 - ignore Help, they will almost certainly fail to learn SDS. Therefore,
050706 - it would seem best to force them to use Help to find out about the
050707 - menu.  On the other hand sometimes people are nervous using Help and
050708 - so do not recognize that the functions explained have to be applied in
050709 - the work screen, and not the Help screen, even though this is stated.
050710 -
050711 - What a delima.  We are second guessing ourselves.
050712 -
050713 -
050714 -
0508 -

SDS, Help

0604 - Objective
0605 -
060501 - Need to eliminate references to "CSF" in Help.
060502 -
060503 - c: sd 05 12 02062 - is it called by anything?  It seems not to be, so
060504 - deleted it and the same for 024S01, which are both left over from old
060505 - functions.
060506 -
060507 -
060508 -
060509 -
0606 -

SDS, Contacts
Add or Delete CNS record,
910316, (see also "Repetitive
Dates, above)

0707 - Summary/Objective
0708 -
070801 - We need to make the local User ID start off with the same number as
070802 - the global in the Schedule Summary, so when a record is added from the
070803 - Schedule Summary, we get the correct value to update the Repetitive
070804 - Date data base.
070805 -
070806 -
0709 -
0710 - 04702
0711 -
071101 - Line 178 - added counters 288 and 289 to set the User ID to local
071102 - counters.
071103 -
071104 - We could have done by setting locals each time 02601 is used, but I
071105 - think will work.
071106 -
071107 -
0712 -