440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: January 30, 1991 07:49 AM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Modifications to Executive SDS feature; archive is not working

1... 2...Summary/Objective

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Executive User ID, 910121

0403 -    ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Decided to eliminate the Help feature in the Executive because it
040502 - really is not needed.  All of the instructions are on the screen.
040503 -
040504 - Changed pc10 to return an error message.  Made ps10 do the same, in
040505 - case someone trys it.
040506 -
040507 -
0406 -
0407 - 04702
0408 -
040801 - We do not seem to be archiving the Summary.
040802 -
040803 - It is putting the header in 1t4, as it should, but this file is not
040804 - being processed.  This circumstance occurs because of the code at line
040805 - 890, which sets a flag to avoid processing pointers, if none are
040806 - found.  Of course we always have the Summary header pointer in 1t4, so
040807 - need a way to process just it, if nothing else occurs.
040808 -
040809 -
040810 - Sort command file, 1s
040811 -
040812 - Line 1400, need global 165 set each pass so it knows which sort
040813 - criteria to use.  165 is set at line 1147 prior to entering each
040814 - pointer holding file, but this code is only used when a pointer is
040815 - actually processed, and this does not occur when a pointer is not
040816 - found for a record.
040817 -
040818 - I think the answer is to set global 165 intially to 4, so if there
040819 - are no records to process, the Summary can record description will
040820 - run.
040821 -
040822 - Did this at line 1220, seems to work okay now.
040823 -
040824 -
040825 -
040826 -
0409 -

Product definition

0504 - SDS Fast Manager
0505 -
050501 - This can be another product we give to get people started using SDS.
050502 - It can archive the Schedule Summary and does not provide any of the
050503 - advanced features of SDS record mangement.
050504 -
050505 - Later changed to PTM = Personal Time Manager.
050506 -
050507 -