440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: May 17, 1990 02:29 PM .......; Rod Welch

Called Jeff re testimonial on using SDS at Broadwater.

1...900517 1445 left message with receptionist.

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0201 - O-0420 0201 Seawest Company            619 293 3340 fax 3347
020101 - Mr. Jeff Ghilardi,

WMA marketing, Advertizing
Materials, testimonials
Testimonials on product
Customer analysis, perceived
value; Competition
Day Timer (this is hardware)
Individuals, organizations

0710 - 900517 1445 left message with receptionist.
0711 -
0712 - 1548 Jeff called back.
0713 -
0713 -    ..
0714 - Progress
0715 -
071501 - He has written his letter, but wants to do some edits.  Jeff said his
071502 - schedule today will probably not permit him to complete it today, but
071503 - he feels his letter should go out tomorrow.
071504 -
071505 -
0716 -
0717 - Competitive Product
0718 - Day Timer
0719 -
071901 - Jeff said he uses the "Day Timer" now and finds it is inadequate
071902 - because it does not have a procedure to segment information according
071903 - to subject, like SDS does.
071904 -
071905 - If you only have a few things going on, it is okay.  But for his
071906 - management that involves subjects that last weeks and months, it is
071907 - impossible to use the Day Timer effectively, because he cannot
071908 - assemble the data entered when he needs it.
071909 -
071910 - He feels this is a strong selling point for SDS.
071911 -
071912 -
0720 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"