440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: May 7, 1990 06:18 AM .......;
Rod Welch
Develop POIMS/SDS presentation ideas.
2...Power of POIMS Automating Integration, Harmony, Balance of Poetry
3...Intellectual Capital - Definition for Managers
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Concepts, ideas
Risk; Knowledge is Power
POIMS Integrates Management Tasks with
Nail, For Want of, A Shoe Was Lost...
Devil in Details, 20 80 Cuts Executives Off
Promise of POIMS Art Balance Harmony Creativity Poems
Creativity Poetry
Art of Management Technology Brings Creativity of Poetry
1510 -
1510 - ..
1511 - Summary/Objective
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151201 - Follow up ref SDS 2 0000.
151202 -
151203 - This develops an explanation of POIMS based on cognitive science ideas
151204 - about human mental functioning from reviewing Jeremy Campbell's book
151205 - on 900303, ref SDS 2 4284, and the need to present realities of
151206 - business communications in a manner that work-a-day managers can
151207 - grasp.
151208 -
151209 - [On 900529 presentation at Golden Gate University. ref SDS 5
151210 - 0899]
151212 - ..
151213 - [On 900703 applied for meeting at Stanford. ref SDS 6 3966]
151215 - ..
151216 - [On 940122 article supports science of management is an art of
151217 - balancing like poetry uses harmony. ref SDS 8 0001
151219 - ..
151220 - [On 991108 poetry technology evolved to aid memory, ref SDS 12
151221 - 2000, replaced by alphabet. ref SDS 12 5628]
151223 - ..
151224 - On 900222 discussed POIMS with Morris. ref SDS 1 0001
151226 - ..
151227 - Let's try this...
151229 - ..
151230 - Poems promise harmony, perspective, insight, and a brighter, creative
151231 - "light" on the subject, as evidenced by SDS management cycle developed
151232 - on 900406. ref SDS 3 0001
151233 -
151234 - POIMS paper describes management as "art," ref OF 3 1054, applying
151235 - ideas developed on 900222. ref SDS 1 5003
151237 - ..
151238 - This concept was later supported by published articles on 940105
151239 - that described management as the "art" of balancing with harmony
151240 - competing objectives and resources. ref SDS 8 0001
151242 - ..
151243 - An article published on 940120 cited advantages automated
151244 - integration. ref SDS 9 6033, also on 930408. ref SDS 7 3391
151246 - ..
151247 - Most of us do not associate poems in any meaningful way with our
151248 - working lives. The things we do at the office.
151250 - ..
151251 - One objective of this presentation is to show how indeed we should
151252 - all be striving to implement the promise of poems.
151253 -
151254 - Poetry evolved before the era of written language as a means to
151255 - remember complex ideas, because ryme and meter provide pointers to
151256 - unlock recollection in the human mind.
151258 - ..
151259 - Today, writing, books, television and radio have overtaken the
151260 - need to remember by ryme and meter, yet the power of poems is
151261 - still evident in the huge earnings of pop musicians who are able
151262 - to impart fundamental ideas in a way that a lot of people can
151263 - easily remember, and so are paid richly for their talent.
151264 -
151266 - ..
151267 - Power of POIMS Automating Integration, Harmony, Balance of Poetry
151268 -
151269 - We all appreciate the importance of "power" in business, as seen from
151270 - an article on power and politics in management reviewed on 940608,
151271 - ref SDS 10 0001, but do not associate POWER with poems.
151272 -
151273 - To see this, let's change the equation:
151274 -
151275 - [change the "E" to an "I"]
151277 - ..
151278 - We all recall the sad refrain of the poet who wrote:
151279 -
151280 - For want of a nail a shoe was lost, for want of a shoe a horse
151281 - was lost, etc.
151282 -
151283 - ... with the ultimate result that a war was lost; history was
151284 - changed.
151285 -
151287 - ..
151288 - This poem survives because it aptly illustrates the importance of
151289 - critical DETAILS in accomplishing LARGE objectives. To do great
151290 - things, we must somehow get the t's crossed and i's dotted. This
151291 - means executives who see only the "bottom line" and the "big picture,"
151292 - will fail, if the details that comprise the picture, are not correctly
151293 - applied. Hence we have the homili:
151294 -
151295 - ...the devil is in the details!
151297 - ..
151298 - Just as having an organization that can properly and timely shoe a
151299 - horse symbolizes the POWER of a great general in battle, so too,
151300 - dotting the "i" in POIMS, points to its POWER: integration.
151302 - ..
151303 - POIMS works down in the trenches with you and your people every day to
151304 - insure the important details get done that enable big decisions to
151305 - succeed. This is critical to avoiding risk that seems to occur in
151306 - the popular expression of Murphy's Law:
151307 -
151308 - What can go wrong, will!
151309 -
151311 - ..
151312 - [This idea was applied to solve the mystry of Murphy's Law reviewed
151313 - at Asilomar Conference on 940612. ref SDS 11 5882.]
151314 -
151315 -
151316 -
1514 -
1515 -
Intellectual capital = ideas
Thinking Through Writing
POIMS definition, 930408
Subject Index, 910906
Human Memory, SDS Emulates
Intellectual Capital, ROI Increased by SDS
Fear Unable to Write
Understanding aided by Technology
2310 -
231101 - ..
231102 - Intellectual Capital - Definition for Managers
231103 -
231104 - Intellectual capital consists of two things...
231105 -
231106 - knowledge
231107 - ideas.
231109 - ..
231110 - Knowledge can be increased simply by experience, reading and
231111 - discussion.
231113 - ..
231114 - Ideas can be increased by new knowledge, but also by assembling our
231115 - knowledge in different ways. We may be given an idea by someone, but
231116 - we are not bound to hold and apply it only in the form it was
231117 - received. Thus, we may receive one idea, but can make of it 2 or 3
231118 - or 10 different ideas.
231120 - ..
231121 - We can take ideas from different sources and combine them in ways
231122 - neither of the sources imagined, because our needs and perspective
231123 - are different.
231125 - ..
231126 - The process of increasing one's intellectual capital requires the
231127 - opportunity to acquire new knowledge, the means to make alternate
231128 - arrangements or structures, and the ability to make connections to
231129 - support sources, related history, and objectives. Formal education
231130 - is a start on this, but the demands of management are so varied that
231131 - acedemia can only open our minds to possibilities and give us tools
231132 - to learn. One of the main tools education provides is the ability to
231133 - write, because writing allows us to educate ourselves by capturing
231134 - and structuring our thinking. This is the means by which each of us
231135 - can increase personal and organizational intellecutal capital.
231137 - ..
231138 - What should a business person write about? The source of all writing
231139 - is our experience, our opinions and those of others. Write what
231140 - happened, what we heard, what was said and why.
231142 - ..
231143 - The writing process informs us of whether we truly understand the cor-
231144 - rleations and implications of information. POIMS provides the human
231145 - mental process of connecting information to related sources, history
231146 - and objectives; this is called "converting information into know-
231147 - ledge." Writing then saves our knowledge so that the passage of time
231148 - and emotional events, does not twist it to suit new circumstances.
231149 -
231150 - "Understanding" is a state of mind achieved only when we are able to
231151 - formulate ideas that explain in a consistent manner our knowledge. In
231152 - psycology this is called "schema." (See Improbable Machine page 91,
231153 - ref OF 1 line 1575).
231155 - ..
231156 - Schema can be increased simply by trying different ones. What does
231157 - this mean. It means editing.
231159 - ..
231160 - Editing is the disassembling of language and rearranging it to more
231161 - closly and coherently explain what happened and why. Our minds can
231162 - edit rapidly but not necessarily accurately. We can retain, accord-
231163 - ing to Jeromy Campbell only that much of our knowledge that fits
231164 - firmly held schema, i.e. structures or patterns (see ibid page 87; ref
231165 - OF 1 line 1472). Traditional writing can edit accurately, but is very
231166 - ponderous and slow, rather than rapid.
231168 - ..
231169 - POIMS technology provides fast, supple editing of written language to
231170 - enable you to quickly expand your intellectual capital. In this sense
231171 - it applies principals of wordprocessing.
231173 - ..
231174 - However, ordinary wordprocessing does not permit compartmentalizing
231175 - our thinking and cross referencing it. This is the process of
231176 - associating information with other events and understandings, and with
231177 - the subjects, i.e. organizational objectives. POIMS technology does
231178 - this so that you may retrieve and apply your intellectual capital
231179 - quickly as needed in the way the mind does.
231181 - ..
231182 - When you encounter a situation that can apply some knowledge or an
231183 - idea from say an engineering book or marketing book, you do not con-
231184 - sider the entire book, and begin thinking serially from page one,
231185 - looking for the part that pertains to your task at hand. Rather your
231186 - mind has segmented the contents of the book so you can instantly draw
231187 - on only the part that pertains to points of immediate interest. To-
231188 - morrow something may come up that will require you to draw on differ-
231189 - ent knowledge in the same books, and to the extent you remember the
231190 - material, you will draw on it instantly.
231192 - ..
231193 - POIMS technlogy enables you to emulate this process with your writing.
231195 - ..
231196 - Not only can you quickly and easily record what happened, and edit it
231197 - to build alternate schema looking for the best ideas, but you can
231198 - segment and link what you create, so that it can be quickly retrieved
231199 - later on to solve new problems and meet new needs that may not have
231200 - even been imagined when the original formulations were developed.
231202 - ..
231203 - Thus, the promise of POIMS in business is power and performance.
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