440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: April 28, 1990 08:27 AM .......; Rod Welch

Called Norm and Jeff re progress with SDS.


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0201 - O-0379 0201 SDWA                       619 480 1991 fax 9867
020101 - Mr. Norman Bernard,
0202 - O-0420 0201 Seawest Company            619 293 3340 fax 3347
020201 - Mr. Jeff Ghilardi,

WMA Marketing, Training
Printing Memos

0505 - General
0506 -
0507 - He has made an offer on a house, but does not know if it has been
0508 - accepted.  He has taken the California PE test; feels he may have to
0509 - take the seismic portion again.
0510 -
0511 -
0511 -    ..
0512 - Discussion with Norm
0513 -
051301 - Norm initially appologized for being abrupt a week or so ago when I
051302 - called.  He said his boss made an issue of Norm using SDS so much.
051303 -
05130301 - Norm said this matter is mostly a personality conflict.
05130302 -
05130303 - Norm feels the beeps are too distracting.  He has not installed the
05130304 - updated software I sent for Jeff, ref SDS 2 line 0533, so his pro-
05130305 - gram still has a lot of beeps.
05130306 -
05130307 - I suggested he ask Jeff for his disketts, and the memo I sent with
05130308 - instructions on how Norm can update his SDS program files.
05130309 -
051304 -
051305 -
051306 - Norm's biggest problem is he still cannot print SDS memos, so he is
051307 - doing them twice.  He said the instructions I gave him didn't work,
051308 - ref SDS 1 line 0405.  He is still getting an "incorrect DOS version"
051309 - message.
051310 -
051311 - I explained there is no apparent reason for that to occur, if he
051312 - followed the instructions.  Asked him to call me later today for
051313 - on-line assistance.
051314 -
051315 -
0514 -
0515 -

WMA Marketing, Evaluation
Individuals, organizations

0605 - Did he get updated software from Jeff?
0606 -
060601 - He has not obtained the updated software from Jeff.  He will ask Jeff
060602 - for it today.
060603 -
060604 - I explained I will have a better on-line Help feature in a few weeks.
060605 - Explained the code I sent to Jeff has improved program files, and
060606 - Help.
060607 -
060608 -
0607 -

WMA Marketing, Evaluation
Individuals, organizations
Sales Contacts

0706 - Application
0707 -
070701 - They need something for submittal control.  Norm feels the document
070702 - log can do it.
070703 -
070704 - Norm's boss wants something like SDS, but does not want to learn
070705 - anything.
070706 -
070707 -
0708 -

WMA Marketing, Sales Contacts

0805 - Progress
0806 -
080601 - Jeff has not done any further work with SDS.  He plans to spend some
080602 - time with the manual today.
080603 -
080604 - He had a question about function 022F07, whether he can post a
080605 - specific time.
080606 -
080607 -
080608 -
0807 -

WMA marketing, Advertizing
Materials, testimonials
Testimonials on product

0906 - Discusison
0907 -
090701 - Told Jeff about the testimonial written by Wayne Wetzel.  Jeff said
090702 - he has not had time to do this for me.
090703 -
090704 - Also mentioned I would like to reference him for potential SDS users
090705 - to ask about how SDS was applied at Broadwater.  He agreed to this.
090706 -
090707 - Draft letter for Jeff on using SDS.
090708 -
090709 -
0908 -
0909 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"