440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: April 16, 1990 03:00 PM .......; Rod Welch

Called Jeff and Wayne for recommendation on POIMS and SDS.


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0201 - O-0420 0201 Seawest Company            619 293 3340 fax 3347
020101 - Mr. Jeff Ghilardi,

WMA marketing, Advertizing
Materials, testimonials
Help & Profile system
Training, General

0907 -    ..
0908 - Summary/Objective
0909 -
090901 - Jeff has the program installed.  He has spent about an hour doing
090902 - the training exercise.  He assigned himself user ID 00001.
090903 -
090904 - We need to create a set of Subject Index files for him under this
090905 - name.
090906 -
090907 - I told Jeff I will come down to Escondido in a few weeks to help him
090908 - with it, if he wishes.
090909 -
090910 - Jeff said he is going to make SDS work.  He said he is convinced of
090911 - its value and practicality from my work at Broadwater.  Jeff cited his
090912 - initial opposition to the detailed communications and amount of
090913 - analysis, but recalled the analysis proved accurate and the detail
090914 - became valuable in managing the work.
090915 -
090916 - Jeff wants to try to learn it on his own for awhile using the manual
090917 - and on-line Help.
090918 -
090919 -
0910 -
0911 - Marketing Testimonials
0912 - Letter of Recommendation
0913 -
091301 - I asked him to draft two letters of recommendation.  One on SDS and
091302 - one for me personally.
091303 -
091304 - He will draft this.
091305 -
091306 - I think I should create something for him to just edit.  I also
091307 - contacted Tom O'Niel at Tudor and will ask him to let Jeff issue the
091308 - letter on Tudor's letterhead.
091309 -
091310 -
0914 -
0915 - Marketing at Seawest
0916 -
091601 - He feels that after he masters the program, and his colleagues
091602 - experience the benefits of SDS, they will want to use.  Jeff
091603 - indicated that he does not think people who have not experienced the
091604 - program can truly appreciate the power it has.
091605 -
0917 -
0918 - Training & Help Ideas
0919 -
091901 - Jeff said he is going to keep a journal of his difficulties in
091902 - learing SDS and list ideas he has on how it might be easier to learn.
091903 -
091904 - Jeff said he finds the function key index not helpful.  I explained
091905 - about the new Help Profile Index system interface.  He will try
091906 - this.  I mentioned that in two weeks I should complete this feature
091907 - and will send him some updated code.
091908 -
091909 -
0920 -
0921 - Called Wayne
0922 -
092201 - He is out until Wednesday.  Sarah is also out until Monday.
092202 -
092203 - Left message for Wayne to call when he comes in on Wednesday.
092204 -
092205 -
092206 -
0923 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"