440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: April 13, 1990 08:13 AM .......; Rod Welch

Sent Pat SDS program and Manual.

2...Profile Index Help, F3

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WMA Marketing, Evaluations
Individuals, organizations
Pat Welch

0405 -    ..
0406 - Progress
0407 -
040701 - Talked to him this morning.  He said he has a 3.5" floppy disk
040702 - drive.  Prepared disketts and manual, sent via FE #
040703 -
040704 - Transmitted program disketts, manual and this memo via ref DIT 1.
040705 -
040706 - Millie mailed it from Lillick & Charles.
040707 -
040708 -
0408 -
0409 - Scope
0410 -
041001 - Gave him the directory sort and compression batch routine, and the
041002 - month of April for SDS training data.
041003 -
041004 -
0411 -
0412 -
0413 - Installation instructions
0414 -
041401 - Put Diskett #1 in the appropriate floppy port and enter at DOS
041402 - prompt:
041403 -
041404 -       C>restore a: c:\sds\*.* /s
041405 -                 |
041406 -   Where --------+---- = 3.5" floppy drive port.
041407 -
041408 -
041409 - When that restore is complete -- DOS prompt returns -- enter:
041410 -
041411 -       C>restore a: c:\01\*.* /s
041412 -
041413 - Then do --
041414 -
041415 -       C>restore a: d:\05\*.* /s
041416 -
041417 -
041418 - SDS is now installed on your computer.
041419 -
041420 - You have been given some diary records for April, 1990, for User
041421 - 00101 (Rod), so you have something to test and explore the Diary
041422 - reporting features on.
041423 -
041424 -
041425 - The files in the new c:\SDS directory created by the install
041426 - procedure above, can be copied to your "DOS" directory.  This will
041427 - eliminate having an extra directory and the following step.
041428 -
041429 - To do the copy operation, enter:
041430 -
041431 -       C>copy \sds\*.* \dos
041432 -
041433 - This assumes your DOS files in a directory called "dos" as most
041434 - people do.
041435 -
041436 - Then delete the c:\sds directory with the following:
041437 -
041438 -       C>delsub c:\sds
041439 -
041440 - At the ensuing prompt, enter "y"
041441 -
041442 -
041443 - If you do not move the SDS files to your DOS directory, then modify
041444 - your autoexec.bat file to put SDS in your path statement.  If you
041445 - need help, call me.
041446 -
041447 -
0415 -
0416 - Default directory
0417 -
041701 - I recommend that you create a dummy [nul] directory that is your
041702 - starting place when you turn on the machine.  This way temporary work
041703 - files do not get mixed up with program and actual work files.
041704 - Maintenance is easier and it is less confusing.
041705 -
041706 - If you wish to do this, enter at the DOS prompt:
041707 -
041708 -       C>md \01\01
041709 -
041710 - Then modify your autoexec.bat file so the last line in it says:
041711 -
041712 -       cd\01\01
041713 -
041714 - Boot the machine, and your all set.  Call me, if you need assistance.
041715 -
041716 -
041717 -
0418 -
0419 -
0420 - Starting SDS
0421 -
042101 - Simply at the DOS prompt:
042102 -
042103 -       C>sd pat   {or [pw; phw; or anthing convenient for you]}
042104 -
042105 - Peggy for example could enter:
042106 -
042107 -       C>sd Peggy  {or [vw; pw; or anthing convenient for her]}
042108 -
042109 - Thus, each User has a unique SDS body of information they can access
042110 - with a unique call name:  e.g. "pat," "peggy," etc.
042111 -
042112 -
042113 - When you start the thing for the first time, it beeps to tell you it
042114 - is building a Schedule module with dates for the next two months.
042115 -
042116 - It opens on a green screen that lists dates like a desk calender for
042117 - the next two months.  You simple move the cursor vertically down the
042118 - screen to pick the activity you wish to perform.
042119 -
042120 - In this case, since you are a new User, hit F1 immediately to begin
042121 - a training session.
042122 -
042123 -
0422 -
0423 -
0424 - User ID - "00101"
0425 -
042501 - Besides a unique SDS call "name" used to access your records, you
042502 - also have a unique User ID number.  This provides security for users
042503 - in a network which does not apply in this case, so the selection of
042504 - the number is non-critical.
042505 -
042506 - One of the first things you are asked to do when you begin the SDS
042507 - training session, is enter the User ID.
042508 -
042509 - Please use 00101 when you perform that portion of the session.  This
042510 - makes training easier in applying an existing User ID, mine.  Peggy
042511 - can use 00102, if she uses the system.
042512 -
042513 - The instructions for new Users to enter a User ID are new, so I do
042514 - not know how clear they are.  If you have difficulty with this step,
042515 - please call me for assistance.
042516 -
042517 -
0426 -
0427 -
0428 - Manual - on line Help [Ctrl F10]
0429 -
042901 - I think the best way to learn SDS is with the Manual and performing
042902 - the SDS training session.  The Editor comes first in the manual,
042903 - because you use its data entry procedures to enter stuff in SDS.
042904 -
042905 - The on-line Help feature [you access it with Ctrl F10], is new and
042906 - incomplete, but please experiment with it so see how helpful it is.
042907 - The Editor Help feature is the most complete.
042908 -
042909 - All of the fun things to do in SDS are done with Function keys, and
042910 - they are listed under function Shift F10.  Note that Function keys
042911 - are Shift F10, and Help is Ctrl F10.
042912 -
042913 -
042914 - Profile Index Help, F3
042915 -
042916 - From within the Function Key Index, you can obtain help on the
042917 - functions (sometimes the descriptions are not adequate to inform you
042918 - what the thing actually does), with F3.
042919 -
042920 -
0430 -
0431 -
0432 - Keyboard
0433 -
043301 - If you have been working with an XT, then you are skilled with the
043302 - standard keyboard used by SDS.  The "new improved" version called
043303 - "enhanced" is not nearly efficient as the XT keyboard, especially
043304 - for SDS which uses the Shift, Ctrl and Alt functions regularly.
043305 -
043306 - For about $100, you can buy a keyboard for your new computer with the
043307 - function keys on the left end of the keyboard, like your XT.  You
043308 - get 12 function keys and all of the other features on the "enhanced"
043309 - keyboard.
043310 -
043311 - If you wish to pursue this, call me for information on ordering the
043312 - thing.
043313 -
043314 -
043315 -
0434 -
0435 -
0436 - Utilities
0437 -
043701 - I have included some special utilities, some of which you may already
043702 - have, but if not they may be helpful.
043703 -
043704 - From the c:\SDS directory:
043705 -
043706 - Speed
043707 -
04370701 - This tells you how fast your cpu is operating.
04370002 -
043708 -
043709 - disk
043710 -
04371001 - This tells you how fast your hard drive and controller are
04371002 - operating.
04371003 -
04371004 -
043711 -
043712 - dcc
043713 -
04371301 - This sorts all of the directories and files on your disk, and
04371002 - compresses the data.  This gives you optimum performance of the
04371003 - disk drive.
04371004 -
043714 -
043715 - cal
043716 -
04371601 - This returns a calender for the current month.  You can enter a
04371002 - month and/or year as parameters, e.g.
04371003 -
04371004 -        C>cal jun        shows June for 1990
04371005 -        C>cal feb 55     shows Feb for 1955
04371006 -
043717 -
043718 - tm
043719 -
04371901 - Returns the current date and time.
04371002 -
04371003 -
043720 -
043721 - There are a number of others that are a little fancier, but these
043722 - may be helpful to start.
043723 -
043724 -
0438 -
0439 -
0440 - Rod's objective
0441 -
044101 - My interest is to see if you can more or less train yourself to use
044102 - it, and to determine the level of effort required by someone with
044103 - your background to learn and apply it.
044104 -
044105 - You have two assets for this test:  time and experience.
044106 -
044107 - You are not absolutely under the gun to turn out a body of work each
044108 - day, as other new Users are.
044109 -
044110 - Many of the users trying the thing so far get a little lost because
044111 - they lack the experience to appreciate end objectives in creating a
044112 - record, or what to enter.  You have worked with all of the pieces SDS
044113 - provides and so have an idea of where you are trying to come out.
044114 -
044115 - I am hopeful of you providing information on how to improve the
044116 - manual, the on-line Help feature (e.g. what are you having difficulty
044117 - with that is not presented in the Manual?) and program operation to
044118 - meet the needs of the market.
044119 -
044120 -
0442 -
0443 - Modem
0444 -
044401 - If you do not have a modem, you can pick one up for about $250
044402 - including the software.  This could be very helpful in expediting
044403 - assistance by passing files quickly over the phone.  I have an
044404 - internal Everex modem that runs at 1200 and 2400 baud.  If you do not
044405 - have a modem, I suggest you get an Everex, because it is easier to
044406 - support you if we have the same stuff.
044407 -
044408 -
0445 -
0446 -