440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: April 3, 1990 04:22 AM .......; Rod Welch

Received request for documents on Plumb Tree project; sent response.

1...Received DRT 1 from Pamela J. Caughey, Major Copy Service (MCS)

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0201 - O-0265 0106 Belzer, Jackl, Katzen      415 932 8500
020101 - Mr. Glenn H. Wechsler, Esq.

Plum Tree Apartments,
PMA, David R. Carney Company
document subpena
Discovery, Security, Privacy

0506 -    ..
0507 - Received DRT 1 from Pamela J. Caughey, Major Copy Service (MCS)
0508 -
050801 - Follow up work at ref SDS 1 line 53.
050802 -
050803 - MCS claims there has not been compliance with the Subpena, ref DRP 2.
050804 - MCS indicates subpena required submission of documents at MCS offices
050805 - on 900227.
050806 -
050807 - The subpena requests that documents be submitted to MCS at:
050808 -
050809 -             Major Copy Service, Notaries
050810 -             1333 Howe Avenue #211
050811 -             Sacramento, CA  95825
050812 -
050813 - Ms. Caughey's letter, ref DRT 1, shows a return address at:
050814 -
050815 -             Major Copy Service
050816 -             444 Townsend Street
050817 -             San Francisco, CA  94107
050818 -
050819 - The return envelope enclosed with the letter shows a return address
050820 - at:
050821 -             Major Copy Service
050822 -             175 Bluxome Street
050823 -             San Francisco, CA  94107
050824 -
050825 -
050826 -
050827 -
0509 -
0510 - Analysis
0511 -
051101 - MCS position conflicts with the record.  The subpena required produc-
051102 - tion of documents on 900305, not 900227.  I responded to subpena on
051103 - 900226, see ref SDS 1 and ref DIP 1, sent to counsel with copy to
051104 - Major Copy Service.
051105 -
051106 - Therefore, there is no basis for further action.
051107 -
0512 -
0513 - Action
0514 -
051401 - Sent reply to Major Copy Service with copy to counsel for both
051402 - parties, ref DIT 1.  Offered to supply additional disketts for $50,
051403 - and to assist MCS in using this data as explained in the prior
051404 - transmittal, ref DIP 1.
051405 -
051406 - Sent copy of reply to each of the MCS addresses indicated above, plus
051407 - one to counsel for each party.
051408 -
051409 -
0515 -
0516 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"