440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: December 5, 89 09:29 AM .......; Rod Welch

Prepared disketts for Rob Edgerton on SDS, and readme file.

1...Prepared disketts - took 5 1.2 MB floppies

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0201 - O-0199 0201 High Point Schaer          206 386 5990 fax 5993
020101 - Mr. Robert B. Edgerton

WMA Marketing,
Prepare disketts with
program and instructions
Individuals, organizations
Product Evaluation, Rob Edgerton

0608 - Prepared disketts - took 5 1.2 MB floppies
0609 -
0609 -    ..
0610 - Instructions
0611 -
061101 - Rob here are some comments on this thing.
061102 -
061103 - You need directories c:\01\01
061104 -                      c:\01\02
061105 -                      c:\01\03
061106 -
061107 -
061108 - You need a d: drive -- it will contain the data base stuff.
061109 -
061110 -
061111 - The software is set up to use these particular directories.  If this
061112 - is a problem, let me know and I can make a conversion routine.
061113 -
061114 - The main code is on diskett #1, use the DOS "copy" command to move
061115 - the files from directories 01 02 and 01 03 to your harddisk.
061116 -
061117 - Put the directory c:\01\02 in your path statement.
061118 -
061119 - Gave you following programs that may be helpful to you:
061120 -
061121 -      CAL.COM          Calandar at Dos for spec month/year
061122 -      DELSUB.EXE       Deletes specified directories
061123 -      E.EXE a:\01      Editor - see Chapter 1 of WMA manual
061124 -      FL.EXE a:\0      Loads fonts using list in editor file
061125 -      S.COM a:\01      Sort routine
061126 -      SF.EXE a:\0      Search for files across directories
061127 -      TM.EXE a:\0      Time and date from cpu clock
061128 -      TX.EXE a:\0      Norton - text search
061129 -
061130 - You may have some these already, but if not they may be handy.
061131 -
061132 -
061133 - Use Dos "restore" command for diskett #2.
061134 -
06113401 - It sets up the SDS data base directory structure.  I gave you some
06113002 - Contact data to start with.  The HPS organization stuff you can use
06113003 - as is.  Most of the rest of the organizations and individuals you
06113004 - can just use those records as templates to make new records for
06113005 - your own use.
06113006 -
06113007 - You have to restore with with DOS 3.2
06113008 -
06113009 -
061135 -
061136 - Diskett #3, 4 and 5 -- printer fonts and WMA manual
061137 -
06113701 - Use the Dos "restore" command for these guys also.
06113002 -
06113003 - You can print the manual with the DOS print command.
06113004 -
06113005 -     C>print \03\00050\020601\___  {or * to print the whole thing}
06113006 -
06113007 - You have to load the fonts to your printer first with...
06113008 -
06113009 -     C>fl flist
06113010 -
06113111 - After you have restored the fonts from disketts 3 and 4  you can
06113112 - run the above and it will send the fonts to your printer.
06113113 -
06113114 - "Flist" is directory is directory 01 02 which is recommended to be
06113115 - included on your path statement, so this should work.
06113116 -
06113117 - The main manual Chapters are from 0000 - 04.  Appendix 09 may
06113118 - interest you.  I haven't completed the macros chapter (5), so you
06113119 - probably don't need the large appendix on commands.  You can look
06113120 - at all of the files on line to see what they cover before printing.
06113221 -
06113222 -
061138 -
0612 -
0613 - Starting SDS
0614 -
061401 - The Manual explains how to do this.  If you want to move ahead
061402 - without reading the manual in detail, after you have restored all of
061403 - the files, try the following:
061404 -
061405 - C>sd rbe [Enter]
061406 -
061407 - or just
061408 -
061409 - C>sd rob [Enter]
061410 -
061411 - It will get you started on some general stuff with SDS  and points to
061412 - the Manual sections where the most used commands are used.  One of
061413 - the primary benefits of SDS is fast data entry of free form text like
061414 - this memo.  As such it offers a wide variety of specific data entry
061415 - features you have to work with a bit to gain expertise.  These are
061416 - covered in the Editor Chapter 1.
061417 -
061418 - Good luck.
061419 -
061420 - Call me if you have any questions or would like assistance.  I am of
061421 - course interested in your progress and comments so I will try to
061422 - contact you in a few weeks, if I do not hear from you sooner.
061423 -
061424 - Thanks for your interest.
061425 -
061426 -
0615 -
0616 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"