440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: November 3, 89 05:15 PM .......;
Rod Welch
Discussion with Vavina re WMA.
1...Explain SDS, distributed marketing brochure, ref OF 1
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WMA Marketing, Product
Evaluation, Vavina
0404 - ..
0405 - Explain SDS, distributed marketing brochure, ref OF 1
0406 -
040601 - Mike or Adam mentioned that Vavina is a programmer. I was sort of
040602 - aware she had been discussing various ideas on computer applications,
040603 - but did not realize she is a programmer.
040604 -
040605 - Turns out she creates applications in the macro language of a
040606 - particular program a collegue has written, similar to the manner I
040607 - created SDS. Much of her work is data base oriented.
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040609 - I gave her a copy of the SDS brochure.
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040611 - She has been doing wordprocessing for HPS as a temp and so has seen
040612 - some of the SDS report formats.
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0409 - Comments on SDS
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041001 - She initially seemed impressed with the SDS features as described in
041002 - the brochure. She also followed the explanation of how records are
041003 - related, when I drew some graphs.
041004 -
041005 - But when I demonstrated the thing, particularly Subject selection,
041006 - Vavina indicated the screen appears too confusing to Users. I
041007 - explained this arises from the trade off between having a slow User
041008 - friendly environment, and having a flexible utility that is fast
041009 - enough to keep pace with management work. To achieve the speed
041010 - requires the screen. If the thing is not fast, managers will not use
041011 - it.
041012 -
04101201 - More work is needed on this. I still think that it is like sugar.
04101202 - Once people experience the power of it, they have an incentive to
04101203 - learn it. They are pulled to learn it. We really don't know the
04101204 - answer to this until there is an installed base to gain some
04101205 - experience with it. Of course the intitial task is getting people
04101206 - exposed to benefits.
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041013 -
041014 - She commented that the Document Log selection screen gives a better
041015 - appearance. I printed a report of the current "Received & Responses"
041016 - log, as an example.
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0413 - Vavina background
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041401 - She indicated she has a BA from Stanford. Her father owns the
041402 - Niantic restaraunt. She has tried to market her computer skills
041403 - through contacts as a temp wordprocessor; but encounters considerable
041404 - resistance in several forms. One is the gap between management and
041405 - the work they want produced in the sense that computers are a
041406 - mystery. They don't realize the importance of having the correct
041407 - equipment, software and approach to each objective.
041408 -
041409 - She has done some writing, including a novel.
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0416 - Follow up
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041701 - Vavina has a variety of computer hardware at her home, including
041702 - PC's. She indicated a willingness to take a look at SDS. Her
041703 - background is ideal for this.
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