440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: October 26, 89 08:45 AM .......; Rod Welch

Norm called re shipping the cpu tomorrow.

1...Backing up CPU #2

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0201 - O-0395 0201 DNRC, Montana              406 444 6699   fax 6721
020101 - Mr. Norman Barnard,
020102 - Hydro Power Engineer, =406 444 6663, Engineering Division

WMA Marketing, Sales
Proposal follow up
Send CPU #2 to Kath

0605 -    ..
0606 - Backing up CPU #2
0607 -
060701 - Norm backed up most of the stuff last night, but it sounds he did not
060702 - get the SDS records, because he did not use the "/s" parameter which
060703 - captures the subdirectories.
060704 -
060705 - Initially, I tried to explain how to perform the task, but finally
060706 - decided it would be easier for me to back up the stuff here and just
060707 - send it to him.  I have make some improvements which he needs anyway,
060708 - so this is the easiest way to get this done.
060709 -
060710 - He probably also needs an updated manual.
060711 -
060712 - Called Millie, she will pick up some 1.2 MB floppy disketts.
060713 -
060714 - I started to backup the stuff this afternoon about lunch time, but I
060715 - crashed it by forgetting to replace the diskett within a sequence, so
060716 - I have to start over.
060717 -
060718 - Norm called in the afternoon.  He said Sarah and Wayne expressed
060719 - concern about shipping the cpu with data on it for BPP.  I told him
060720 - to have Sarah call me to explain the cause for concern to see if I
060721 - can relieve it in some manner.  Since the data cannot be easily
060722 - accessed as Norm has found, and since I have the data and would
060723 - otherwise download it anyway, it is difficult to see why the thing is
060724 - of great concern.
060725 -
060726 - Completed backing up WMA oa 2100.
060727 -
060728 -
060729 -
060730 -
0608 -
0609 -
0610 - Shipping CPU #2 to Interstate
0611 -
061101 - Norm expects to send it today.  Will insure the whole thing for
061102 - $3,000.
061103 -
061104 - Called Kath and advised cpu is shipping today  so it should show up
061105 - next week.  She said she is taking a DOS class, or trying to get into
061106 - one.
061107 -
061108 -
061109 -
0612 -

WMA Marketing, Sales
Training Norm

0705 - Norm requested help
0706 - on obtaining Diary chronologies
0707 -
070701 - He was unable to get a chronology because he did not enter the User
070702 - ID in his specification.
070703 -
070704 - We looked at this feature in the manual and found it is explained on
070705 - page 2-20 and 2-21.  I am not sure it is adequately presented, or it
070706 - may be that portions of it are in different places that fully inform
070707 - the User how to apply this function.
070708 -
070709 - I called Millie and asked her to try to perform the function using
070710 - the manual explanation to see if it is adequate, or if we need to say
070711 - a little more.
070712 -
070713 -
0708 -
0709 -
0710 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"