440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: September 29, 89 07:39 AM .......; Rod Welch

CSCJ, call Gordon re plan for doing schedule analysis.

1...Gordon had not seen the fax, ref DCT 1, I sent last night. He will

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0201 - O-0437 0201 High Point Schaer          602 944 7737 fax 8272
020101 - Mr. Gordon H. Aronson, P.E.

HPS, CSCJ, Schedule analysis
HPS procedures, report
Work plan by Gordon/others

0507 - Gordon had not seen the fax, ref DCT 1, I sent last night.  He will
0508 - find it and call me back.
0509 -
0510 - 1448 called Gordon back
0511 -
0512 - Gordon said he located the fax, has read through it and feels it is a
0513 - sound approach.  He said he mentioned to Alex this morning in a call
0514 - that it is important to begin doing the contract A schedule analysis
0515 - first.  He emphasized the importance of getting this information and
0516 - the Master schedule data as soon as possible.
0517 -
0518 -
0519 -
0519 -    ..
0520 - General objectives of opinion development
0521 -
052101 - This analysis was faxed to Gordon, and discussed with Alex and Roy.
052102 - It incorporates the points raised by Gordon in and responds to his
052103 - fax, ref DRT 1.
052104 -
052105 -
052106 - I think he will need one to three weeks to inventory files and
052107 - assemble original schedules and the last as-built.  Another week or
052108 - two will be needed to decide what to do with the monthly as-built
052109 - stuff.  May turn out some stuff is missing or broke  so there could
052110 - be some time needed to get a complete record.
052111 -
052112 -
052113 - Schedules should be evaluated sequentially.
052114 -
05211401 - Original project schedule proposed at commencement, in 1984.
05211402 -
05211403 - Schedule for project A
05211404 -
0521140401 - Much of the Contract B claim rests on difficulties on contract A.
0521140402 -
0521140403 -
05211405 -
05211406 -
05211407 - Schedule for project B
05211408 -
05211409 -
05211410 - Evaluate all of the points in Gordon's list  see ref SDS 1 line
05211411 - 0416.
05211412 -
05211413 - We need "Pour schedule" on request from NW (counsel).
05211414 -
05211415 - We need Inspector's Daily Reports that show impact on cpm
05211416 - activities by node number, as required by CM Project Project
05211417 - Manual.
05211418 -
05211419 -
05211420 -
052115 -
052116 -
052117 - As-built schedules, develop cp for Master, Contract A, and B
052118 -
05211801 - We could make it a single integrated schedule.
05211802 -
05211803 - Plot approved changes.
05211804 -
05211805 - Plot claimed changes (supplied by HPS after we locate them in the
05211806 - record).
05211807 -
05211808 - Plot HPS evaluation of claims, per below.
05211809 -
05211810 - Apply job photos and video, if available, to verify progress
05211811 - reported by parties.
05211812 -
05211813 -
052119 -
052120 -
052121 - SF HPS analysis
052122 -
05212201 - Initially we will look at micro claims, i.e. specific disputes.
05212202 - This requries reading into the plans and specs  obtaining the claim
05212203 - files and assembling the chronologies for each dispute to the point
05212204 - of administrative decision by OKA and the County.
05212205 -
0521220501 - We want to see what monies the parties are seeking and why they
0521220502 - believe entitlement lies.
0521220503 -
0521220504 - We want to see why OKA and the architect denied recovery to the
0521220505 - extent sought.
0521220506 -
0521220507 - We want to see what response the contractor made, and the basis
0521220508 - for the final determination.
0521220509 -
0521220510 - We will review the depositions of the percipient witnesses on
0521220511 - each claim, and address their testimony by seeking verification
0521220512 - of alleged facts.
0521220513 -
0521220514 - At this time, no evaluation of expert testimony will be made
0521220515 - because, it has not been entered into the record.
0521220516 -
0521220517 - HPS will attempt upon approval of counsel to obtain verification
0521220518 - of material facts on matters involving specialized expertise, to
0521220519 - insure the opinion we devleop is supported.
0521220520 -
0521220521 -
05212206 -
05212207 -
05212208 - Since SF HPS is reading the specs, can we assist Phoenix in this
05212209 - step?
05212210 -
05212211 - HPS SF opinions on claims will be supplied to Gordon.
05212212 -
05212213 - He will incorporate claim analysis into the as-built.
05212214 -
05212215 -
052123 -
052124 -
052125 - Joint effort
052126 -
05212601 - Plot and evaluate RFI's for effect on cp.
05212602 -
0521260201 - The analysis sheets used on Sac Jail may be good way to capture
0521260202 - and define this matter.
0521260203 -
05212603 -
05212604 -
05212605 - Plot and evaluate Submittals for effect on cp.
05212606 -
0521260601 - Possibly the OKA submittal log is all that needs to be reviewed.
0521260602 - At least as a first cut.
0521260603 -
0521260604 -
05212607 -
05212608 -
05212609 - Plot Inspector Daily Reports of defective work by GC for effect on
05212610 - cp.
05212611 -
05212612 - Plot other GC caused delays for effect on cp.
05212613 -
05212614 - Consider work arounds.
05212615 -
0521261501 - Did contractors fail to adopt work arounds that could have
0521261502 - reasonably avoided the claimed delay?
0521261503 -
0521261504 - An example is the alledged failure to permit MEM (masonry sub) to
0521261505 - use blockouts for openings instead of wait 5 months until the
0521261506 - security door frames were delivered and installed?  This forced
0521261507 - stacking of trades.
0521261508 -
0521261509 - Was Bount ordered to do this by OKA?  Did they do it at all?
0521261510 -
0521261511 -
05212616 -
05212617 -
052127 -
052128 -
0522 -

WMA Marketing evaluation
Gordon Aronson
Competitive products,

0707 - Gordon said he read the Overview.  He feels it is very similar to
0708 - Expedition which he has recently obtained.
0709 -
0710 - Gordon feels the price of $10K is too high.  Expedition sells for
0711 - $2,900.  The cost of installation is extra.
0712 -
0713 -
0714 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"