440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: September 24, 89 08:12 PM .......; Rod Welch

Called Ross on continued SDS training.


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WMA Marketing, evaluation
by Outside people
Ross Armstrong, Training

0405 -    ..
0406 - General
0407 -
040701 - Ross said he was involved in an internal audit all last week on the
040702 - group at his former assignment.  They got a score of 2 on a scale from
040703 - 1 to 5 with 1 being the best.  His secretry is on board now.  She
040704 - has an XT with 10 MB hard disk.
040705 -
040706 - He expects to begin training again on SDS, and will call me tomorrow
040707 - about scheduling another session.
040708 -
040709 -
0408 -
0409 - Internal management concept
0410 -
041001 - I explained to Ross the idea I have developed for applying SDS in a
041002 - network, ref SDS 5.
041003 -
041004 - Ross said IBM currently uses a similar procedure with the Profs
041005 - system.  One person creates a record for the group and distributes it
041006 - through Profs.  People who do not attend can then review it as
041007 - needed.
041008 -
041009 - In that situation, individuals have to be specifically copied.  It is
041010 - not clear how the documents would be retrieved from the system once
041011 - they have been issued.  Ross said the primary problem is Profs does
041012 - not employ a Subject Index.  Each person maintains the record accord-
041013 - ing to its own personal organizational structure.
041014 -
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0411 -
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