440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: September 23, 89 02:13 PM .......;
Rod Welch
WMA marketing analysis, internal management application concept.
1...Conceptual development
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WMA Marketing, Customer Analysis
Internal Management
0505 - Conceptual development
0506 -
0506 - ..
0507 - Problem
0508 -
050801 - From my experience with HPS the past week, it appears that a
050802 - standard business practice with respect to attending meetings is
050803 - that each individual takes independent notes.
050804 -
050805 - If someone comes to a meeting who was not at previous meeting, he
050806 - must be updated on prior discussions.
050807 -
050808 - This wastes a lot of time and inhibits individual creativity in
050809 - analysing the ideas and facts presented by each person.
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050811 -
0509 -
0510 - SDS solution
0511 -
051101 - Under SDS, a single person could be designated as chief note taker,
051102 - who would be responsible to prepare a factual statement of the
051103 - discussion, including follow up responsibilities. Each person would
051104 - take note of their individual assignments, and other points that
051105 - appeared particularly striking to them. But, the objective would be
051106 - to free participants for the most part to simply discuss and
051107 - concentrate on the ideas and objectives instead of writing, which
051108 - itself requires considerable concentration.
051109 -
051110 - After the meeting the note taker would cause the notes to be entered
051111 - into SDS immediately, so by the end of the business day or sooner,
051112 - the factual report is available to all participants on an LAN. At
051113 - the latest, it would be available by the next business morning.
051114 -
051115 - Each participant could then review and edit according to personal
051116 - recollection and understanding. This eliminates costly duplication
051117 - of every person taking notes; provides shared perspective rather
051118 - than each person being captive of self perspective; and affords the
051119 - opportunity for creative analysis by each person.
051120 -
051121 - It is not immediately clear how differences would be resolved.
051122 - Probably directly by those with conflicting views, or by convening
051123 - another meeting if there were strong differences.
051124 -
051125 - Persons who do not attend can then simply read the record of the
051126 - meeting rather than be briefed on prior understandings during the
051127 - next meeting.
051128 -
051129 - The data is then available within the context of other issues as
051130 - needed, rather than an all or nothing basis as exists with current
051131 - technology.
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