440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: September 1, 89 11:25 AM .......;
Rod Welch
WMA marketing, follow up requests for comments on Theory.
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0201 - O-0427 0101 James E. Palmer AIA 415 921 1160 or 931 4203
020101 - Mr. James E. Palmer, A.I.A,
0202 - O-0420 0201 Seawest Company 619 293 3340 fax 3347
020201 - Mr. Jeff Ghilardi,
0203 - O-0387 0101 Tudor Engineering Company 415 543 9820 fax 415 543 5538
020301 - Mr. Clyde Earnest,
0204 - O-0183 0201 Swinerton & Walberg 415 421 2980
020401 - Mr. Larry Duggan, Manager, Interiors Division
WMA Marketing evaluation
Jeff Ghilardi
0504 - ..
0505 - Summary/Objective
0506 -
050601 - Jeff said he still has not had a chance to look at the stuff I
050602 - sent, but will do so next weekend. He is flying to Montana for the
050603 - dedication of Broadwater Dam Power Project, which is on 890911.
050604 -
050605 - He will call me the following week to discuss his ideas.
050606 -
050607 - [On 890918 Jeff feels product liturature is difficult to create
050608 - for SDS; planning to get a new computer to use SDS. ref SDS 6 0001
050609 -
050610 -
050611 -
050612 -
050613 -
050614 -
050615 - ..
0507 -
0508 - WMA marketing
0509 -
050901 - I asked him to give some consideration to using WMA at Seawest and
050902 - explained the proposal I am sending to DNRC, ref SDS 5.
050903 -
050904 - He said Seawest is considering automating their management. They
050905 - recently lost a large body of documents and also have had problems in
050906 - sharing information among the various managers and projects. Jeff
050907 - feels based on our BPP experience in Montana that the SDS would
050908 - address this problem.
050909 - ..
050910 - I mentioned that the Document Log system has been significantly
050911 - strengthened since leaving BPP.
050912 -
050913 - He feels that SDS would be even more valuable if "received" documents
050914 - could be input via a scanner, so the entire universe of information
050915 - pertaining to a topic is always instantly and directly available to
050916 - management.
050917 -
050918 - He still has not purchased a computer, but wants to do so within the
050919 - next month. I gave him Dick Tull's name again, as a possible source
050920 - for a reliable and competitively priced system.
050921 -
050922 - Jeff will call the week of the 11th to discuss WMA.
050923 -
050924 -
050925 -
050926 -
050927 -
0510 -
0511 -
WMA Marketing evaluation
Clyde Earnest
0605 - ..
060501 - Talked to Clyde this morning when I called to make sure Tudor
060502 - has no objections to my submitting a proposal to DNRC.
060503 -
060504 - He said he has not gotten entirely through the stuff I sent him, but
060505 - is working on it.
060506 -
060507 - Follow up with Clyde on WMA -- make a proposal.
060508 -
060509 -
060510 -
060511 -
0606 -
0607 -
WMA Marketing evaluation
Jim Palmer
070401 - Jim was out. Left message on his machine.
070402 -
070403 - Left a message that I am following up on our discussions and letters.
070404 - Explained I would like to examine his system, and discuss further the
070405 - system. Indicated he can call today, this evening or anytime over the
070406 - weekend.
070407 -
070408 - Jim called back.
070409 -
070410 -
070411 - ..
0705 -
0706 -
0707 - Objective
0708 -
070801 - I want to use Jim's contacts and his credibility in the market place
070802 - to obtain chances to show the product.
070803 -
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070805 -
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0709 -
WMA Marketing evaluation
Larry Duggan
080401 - Called Larry Duggan 421 2980.
080402 -
080403 - He is in, but away from his desk. His secretary will tell him I
080404 - called.
080405 -
080406 - [On 890929 followe up. ref SDS 7 HV8K
080407 -
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080409 -
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0805 -
0806 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"