440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: May 23, 1989 06:50 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
SDS linking, delete records, reports and subject management.
2...Linking New Records to Prior Related Events Fixed
3...Mark System Improved
4...Delete Record Feature Created
5...Flexible Structure Integrate Creativity and Forms Management
6...Writing Flexible Structure Integrates Creativity Formality
7...Granularity Records Management Enables Command Control of Work
8...Plan Perform Report Flexible Structure Writing and Forms Management
9...Well Ordered Record Enables Accurate Memory Understanding Cause Effect
10...Microcosm Vast Complexity Innocuous Details Controls Productivity
11...Granularity Flexible Structure Enables Command Control Microcosm
12...Command Control Microcosm Complexity Granularity Flexible Structures
13...Connect Cause Effect Across Time and Distance Power of Knowledge
14...Line Numbers Shallow Outline Increase Command Control of the Record
15...Subject Index Organic Structure Context Replaces Traditional Filing
16...Filing Replaced by Subject Index Assign Control Fields Record Segments
17...Control Fields Segment Records with Subjects Granularity of Context
18...Context Management Organizes Narrative with Control Fields
19...Records Segments Granular Structure Applies Subjects Replaces Filing
20...Accuracy Remembering Complex Correlations Distant Chronology
21...Headlines Outlining Organize Summarize Narrative Flexible Structure
22...Hansel Gretle Trails Associations SDS Links Supports Memory
23...Subjects Focus Aligned Reduce Frustrations Increase Productivity
24...Accuracy Increased Maintain Alignment Communications Reduce Mistakes
25...Wandereing Off Subject Conversation Email SDS Improves Listening
26...Listening Communication Mistakes Reduce SDS Alignment Focus on Subject
27...Writing Creativity Flexiblity Balanced with Formality Organization
28...Alphabet Technology Flexible Structure Writing and Forms Management
29...Line Numbers Spreadsheet for Knowledge Complement Time Context
30...Shallow Outline Line Numbers Linear Nodes Flexible Structure
31...Flexible Structure Line Numbers Complement Coordinates Time Subjects
32...Spreadsheet for Knowledge Flexible Structure Time Subjects Line Numbers
33...Fragile Mistakes Easy with Flexible Structure Frustrating
34...Flexible Structure Learn Knowledge Space Powerful Fragile Line Numbers
35...Learn New Way Working Time Training Knowledge Space Powerful Fragile
36...Memory Improved Links Connect Cause Effect Intelligence Accuracy
37...Granularity Links Improve Accuracy Intelligence Connect Cause Effect
38...Intelligence Flexible Structure Granular Links Improve Accuracy Memory
39...Links Connect Cause Effect into Power of Knowledge Across Time Distance
40...Context Organic Structure Enables Assemble Relevance New Discoveries
41...Remembering Subject Representations Requires Multiple Descriptions
42...Organic Structure Context Multiple Ways Describe the Same Subject
43...Subject Index Connects Stories Relevant to Understand Big Picture
44...Organize Everything Big Challenge Hard Work Big Benefits
45...Knowledge Repository Library Science Dewey Decimal Organize Books
46...Dewey Decimal System Organic Structure of Knowledge in Library Science
47...Finding Relevant Information Quickly for Making Connections
48...Subject Index Matrix Correlations Implications Relational Hierarchial
49...Big Picture Represents Spatial Relationships SDS Managges Context
50...Relational Hierarchial Associations SDS Matrix Design Subject Index
51...Work Breakdown Structures (WBS) Methods Expanded Organic Subject Index
52...Contextual Boundaries with Vast Organic Structure
53...Bottom Line Requires Comand Control Details in Big Picture
54...Big Picture Hides Correlations for Accurate Understanding of Context
55...Needs Theory Shows Expansion Organic Subject Structure Objectives
56...Filing Records Management Extremely Complex
57...Common Storage Subject Index Replace Cross-reference Filing
58...Cross-reference Filing Replaced Subject Index Computers Common Storage
59...Granular Indexing New Way Working File Once Multiple Subject Pointers
60...Hidden Context Makes Sense of Expanding Complexity in Big Picture
61...Contextual Boundaries Hidden from View in the Big Picture
62...Subjects Not Visible in Big Picture Represented by Organic Indexing
63...Big Picture Comprehension Discover Contextual Boundaries Cause Effect
64...Integrate Synergy Harmony Chronology Context Connections
65...Paperless Office Efficiencies Electronic Records Management
66...Complementarity Productivity Integrate Chronology Context Connections
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SDS create new record
Link Summary to Details Part of Intelligence
Link Record in References, Macro 101, F1 Shift F2
0505 -
0505 - ..
0506 - Summary/Objective
0507 -
050701 - Follow up ref SDS 4 0000.
050702 -
050703 - Fixed problem in code that automatically links records to create
050704 - chronologies of related events. ref SDS 0 TNV4 The Mark feature was
050705 - improved for smoother use. ref SDS 0 TN6L Went ahead and created a
050706 - function to delete SDS records. ref SDS 0 TO3H Explain SDS granular,
050707 - flexible structure that enables intelligence support. ref SDS 0 P13O
050708 - Writing applies granularity, ref SDS 0 5C8H, with linking across time
050709 - and distance to track cause and effect. ref SDS 0 5C9H Links create
050710 - trails of associations that enhance memory like Hansel and Gretle.
050711 - ref SDS 0 VM4M Granularity of time provides natural structure for
050712 - uniquely identifying records. ref SDS 0 MO8O Headlines and outlining
050713 - organize and summarize narrative with flexible structure. ref SDS 0
050714 - VM8N Lines numbers provide shallow outlining and flexible, vertical
050715 - fields with unlimited capacity that uniquely position informaion in
050716 - Knowledge Space. ref SDS 0 T1VQ Granular subject indexing applied
050717 - with Control Fields create record segments that complement flexible
050718 - structure for command and control of the record. ref SDS 0 A25H
050719 -
050720 -
050721 -
050723 - ..
0508 -
0509 -
0510 - Progress
0511 -
051101 - Linking New Records to Prior Related Events Fixed
051102 -
051103 - It seems like when a new function is executed after calling the record
051104 - link function, the thing fails.
051105 -
051106 - The problem is with the external link record function. Counter 12
051107 - is reset for internal calls, but is not reset for external calls.
051109 - ..
051110 - It appears that the cause is that Medit is reading -label and -goto
051111 - command with different case labels as though they are the same.
051113 - ..
051114 - It may not be an Medit problem. Macro 3 which updates the line
051115 - counter field, was resetting counter 12, preventing it from completing
051116 - the routine.
051117 -
051118 - [...below, linking complements granular structure of writing,
051119 - granularity of time, and organic divisions of context provide
051120 - flexible structure. ref SDS 0 P13O
051121 -
051122 -
051123 -
051124 -
051125 -
0512 -
Mark & Return
0603 -
060401 - ..
060402 - Mark System Improved
060403 -
060404 - Need better way to save marks to jump between records in main SDS.
060405 -
060406 - Changed the Source record from Mark 2 to Mark 4.
060408 - ..
060409 - This way we have two marks we can enter manually mark 2 and 3, and
060410 - still be able to mark the two positions.
060411 -
060412 -
060413 -
060414 -
060415 -
060416 -
0605 -
SDS record delete
Delete SDS Record Remove from Archive History Data Base
0804 -
080501 - ..
080502 - Delete Record Feature Created
080503 -
080504 - We need an efficient means to delete records. For a long time I have
080505 - taken the position that this function should not exist in order to
080506 - force careful thinking about whether to delete records.
080508 - ..
080509 - This will facilitate changing an existing record ID.
080511 - ..
080512 - Used 024A06 for function.
080513 -
080515 - ..
080516 - Options
080517 -
080518 - It can be executed from current SDS file to remove a record listed
080519 - in the Reference section, or from a Diary record to delete the
080520 - record on the screen.
080522 - ..
080523 - This permits purging pointers when they exist, but for some reason
080524 - there is no actual SDS record, which arises occasionally.
080525 -
080526 -
080527 -
0806 -
Flexible Structure Integrate Creativity Formality Complementarity Gr
3403 -
340401 - ..
340402 - Flexible Structure Integrate Creativity and Forms Management
340403 - Writing Flexible Structure Integrates Creativity Formality
340404 - Granularity Records Management Enables Command Control of Work
340405 - Plan Perform Report Flexible Structure Writing and Forms Management
340406 -
340407 - SDS records beginning in 1985 provide a new way of working that
340408 - leverages ability to think, remember, and communicate. Flexibility of
340409 - writing enables people to craft and preserve fleeting thoughts and
340410 - ideas. SDS organic structure for context management and shallow
340411 - outlining format (see "line numbers," ref SDS 0 5C6L) transform
340412 - written information into the power of knowledge. Combining inherent
340413 - creativity of writing with structure to maintain a "well ordered
340414 - record" (see below, ref SDS 0 TP8O) helps cope with complexity from
340415 - rising population and technology in a faster paced world. SDS
340416 - flexible structures maintain order to find and understand cause and
340417 - effect that is constantly erroding from compression of time and
340418 - distance that overwhelms mental biology due the inherent conflict
340419 - between time and accuracy. Ordinarily hurrying causes mistakes;
340420 - taking time to check the record causes delay. Electronic structure
340421 - enables people to get more done in less time, and still maintain order
340422 - essential for finding critical detais later.
340424 - ..
340425 - [On 960304 review of Vanniver Bush article in 1945 proposed
340426 - computers for efficiencies of electronic records management to
340427 - cope with rising complexity that overwhelms memory and
340428 - understanding. ref SDS 39 H68K
340430 - ..
340431 - [On 040312 2nd law of thermodynamics describes rising entropy
340432 - dissipates order under the irreversibility of time, ref SDS 96
340433 - 566F; requires adding energy to maintain the order of cause and
340434 - effect yields the power of knowledge to control the future.
340435 - ref SDS 95 YH4G
340437 - ..
340438 - [On 080531 Morris seemed to use language of SDS, Communication
340439 - Metrics, and Knowledge Management. ref SDS B4 1J4L
340441 - ..
340442 - Writing extends speaking for flexible thinking by using both hands and
340443 - eyes in addition to hearing the words spoken silently. Additional
340444 - time and cognitive resources of communication through writing increase
340445 - delibration for creative thinking with fast and easy computer editing
340446 - to extend, correct, and refine understanding. Written analysis occurs
340447 - to plan work listed in the schedule supported with records showing
340448 - background, objectives, problems, solutions, alternatives, and
340449 - adjustments to consider in carrying out the work. Writing is often
340450 - part and sometimes most of performing the work, as in writing a
340451 - letter, report, article, book, spreadsheet, etc. Writing a diary to
340452 - report results includes analysis of implications, correlations, and
340453 - nuance discovered creating connections showing alignment and disparity
340454 - with objectives, requirements, and commitments from the history of
340455 - prior related work.
340457 - ..
340458 - SDS combines flexibility of writing with structures of formality using
340459 - "forms" with rigid "fields" that make sense of complexity based upon
340460 - reliability of consistent position. Integrating formality with
340461 - flexiblity requires granularity that optimizes complementarity using
340462 - creativity for command and control of the work, discussed further
340463 - below. ref SDS 0 T16K
340464 -
340466 - ..
340467 - Well Ordered Record Enables Accurate Memory Understanding Cause Effect
340468 - Microcosm Vast Complexity Innocuous Details Controls Productivity
340469 - Granularity Flexible Structure Enables Command Control Microcosm
340470 - Command Control Microcosm Complexity Granularity Flexible Structures
340471 -
340472 - "Granularity" provides command and control of the record. People can
340473 - work intelligently leveraging creativity with analysis using "flexible
340474 - structures" (see above, ref SDS 0 P13O) to find relevant experience
340475 - for solving problems and discovering opportunities in time to be
340476 - effective. "Flexible structure" summarizes the idea of "granularity"
340477 - in a "well ordered record" for command and control of the work with
340478 - the power of knowledge managing low levels of organic structure in the
340479 - microcosm of history, see POIMS. ref OF 17 1113 Seven complementary
340480 - components of flexible structure implement granularity to maintain
340481 - order essential for accurate memory and understanding of cause and
340482 - effect...
340484 - ..
340485 - 1. Writing................................. ref SDS 0 5C8H
340486 - 2. Links................................... ref SDS 0 5C9H
340487 - 3. Time and record dates................... ref SDS 0 MO8O
340488 - 4. Subjects contextual granularity......... ref SDS 0 A25H
340489 - 5. Record segments Control Fields.......... ref SDS 0 6H8O
340490 - 6. Line numbers............................ ref SDS 0 5C6L
340491 - 7. Outlining headlines..................... ref SDS 0 VM8N
340493 - ..
340494 - [...below "complementarity" means synergy from harmony
340495 - integrating flexible structures that optimize the power
340496 - of knowledge. ref SDS 0 LV59
340498 - ..
340499 - [On 070831 12 "units of information" with granularity
340500 - yield effective Communication Metrics. ref SDS A8 JM9O
340502 - ..
340503 - [On 080531 Morris working on SDS program to support
340504 - flexible structure with "shallow outlining" for command
340505 - and control of the record. ref SDS B4 MN5F
340507 - ..
340508 - SDS support enables Knolwedge Space with a well ordered record for
340509 - working intelligently using precision access to critical details in
340510 - time to be effective, explained in NWO. ref OF 23 PX6J
340511 -
340512 - [On 061011 1746 Kaiser notified UCSF reduced bill $200
340513 - because Kaiser documents on doctor's progress notes, labs
340514 - and radiology tests submitted for 2nd opinion were
340515 - organized into a well ordered record that reduced time
340516 - and expense for understanding patient history.
340517 - ref SDS A5 Z39O
340519 - ..
340520 - [On 070201 0800 meeting with UCSF cancer center advises
340521 - that SDS record shows comprehensive, accurate report for
340522 - meeting on medical examination. ref SDS A6 NW9J
340524 - ..
340525 - Writing connects granularity of alphabetic symbols to construct data
340526 - into progressively larger meanings than represented by symbols alone
340527 - (see explanation below, ref SDS 0 T16K). As time passes, people get
340528 - confused when memory of multiple stories gets mixed up, commingled,
340529 - and disconnected from relevant context. Forgetting causes confusion,
340530 - frustration, errors, and conflict. People get mad when time degrades
340531 - memory, and piles of paper take a lot of time to understand a lot of
340532 - details, because nobody can find anything days, months, and years
340533 - later in time to be effective. (see below, ref SDS 0 S84J).
340535 - ..
340536 - The professional discipline of writing "history" invests time
340537 - positioning stories in the correct order for understanding context.
340538 - Investing time to construct history enables other people to take less
340539 - time making sense of complexity by understanding sequence of
340540 - chronology (time) in the context of objectives, requirements, and
340541 - commitments. SDS schedule and diary records maintain a natural order
340542 - of cause and effect by using the granularity of time, i.e.,
340543 - chronology, combined with granular indexing for the organic structure
340544 - of context. Granularity magnifies command and control of daily work
340545 - by managing content of documents at the level of paragraphs. Advances
340546 - managing flexible structure of writing with granularity at the
340547 - paragraph level increases precision access to writing by orders of
340548 - magnitude, compared with traditional records management practice
340549 - organizing books, articles, reports, and correspondence at the
340550 - document level in libraries, filing cabinets, and file folders.
340552 - ..
340553 - [On 921127 Morris Jones reported small, innocuous details turn
340554 - out later to be major problems that nobody had time to fix
340555 - because everybody focused on major problems leaves no time for
340556 - proactive management. ref SDS 18 0674
340558 - ..
340559 - [On 940812 Microcosm Gilder's book explains power derived from
340560 - command and control of lower levels of organic structure,
340561 - ref SDS 25 3385; helps people cope with complexity, discussed on
340562 - 950718, ref SDS 33 KZ55; presented at Intel on 950927 correlating
340563 - microprocessors improving computers that can improve management
340564 - of daily details. ref SDS 36 5412
340566 - ..
340567 - [On 960304 Moore's Law on rising speed of microprocessors using
340568 - lower levels of physical structure aligns with Gilder's law of
340569 - the microcosm that productivity rises controlling lower levels of
340570 - organic structure. ref SDS 39 4004
340572 - ..
340573 - [On 040513 flexible structure of Knowledge Space required for
340574 - critical mass of requirements to augment intelligence.
340575 - ref SDS 99 EY9F
340577 - ..
340578 - [On 070831 12 "units of information" with granularity yield
340579 - effective Communication Metrics. ref SDS A8 JM9O
340581 - ..
340582 - [On 071212 SDS supports processes that aid human thinking, and
340583 - the practice of management. ref SDS B0 Z48H
340584 -
340586 - ..
340587 - Connect Cause Effect Across Time and Distance Power of Knowledge
340588 -
340589 - Linking paragraphs and sentences within stories across time and
340590 - distance, discussed above, ref SDS 0 TNV4, complements writing that
340591 - connects alphabetic symbols into "information." Granular links
340592 - between parts of stories connect the order of cause and effect that
340593 - converts information into the power of knowledge for predicting the
340594 - future. A well ordered record, per above, ref SDS 0 TP8O, enables
340595 - precision access with electronic links to quickly and easily verify
340596 - accuracy and expand span of attention for accurately understand
340597 - correlations, implications and nuance whether events occurred 10
340598 - minutes ago, 10 days, months, years earlier. Every link is equally
340599 - accessible instantly. Timely awareness of context with precision
340600 - access using links to instantly check the record helps avoid mistakes
340601 - (see "Stories Connecting Dots," below. ref SDS 0 T14T)
340602 -
340603 - [On 080206 people feel that market dynamics favor appearance over
340604 - substance and this makes technology required for a well ordered
340605 - record beyond reach of people on the job. ref SDS B2 YI9F
340607 - ..
340608 - Granularity of time uniquely organizes the record based on the natural
340609 - structure of chronology. Constantly expanding history reporting daily
340610 - work creates a record of experience to plan, and perform future work.
340611 - Flexible structure of chronology enables simple, common storage that
340612 - complements writing and linking to connect cause and effect into the
340613 - power of knowledge for predicting the future. Electronic "records
340614 - management" organized by the immutable, irreversability of time
340615 - significantly improves traditional "forms" that evolved the past 2,000
340616 - years for associating information with "fields," paper clips, staples,
340617 - scotch tape, binders, file folders, filing cabinets, books, reports,
340618 - etc. Combining flexiblity of creative narrative with formality and
340619 - flexible structure of time provides order that increases speed finding
340620 - sources to create links that enable people to study context with
340621 - DNA-like organic structures that combine relational and hierarchial
340622 - dimensions, explained below. ref SDS 0 T14T
340624 - ..
340625 - [On 031215 flexible structure supported by Freeman's PhD
340626 - thesis on Lifestreams published in 1997 calling for
340627 - flexible summarizing. ref SDS 92 E38N
340629 - ..
340630 - [On 070831 12 "units of information" with granularity
340631 - yield effective Communication Metrics. ref SDS A8 JM9O
340632 -
340634 - ..
340635 - Line Numbers Shallow Outline Increase Command Control of the Record
340636 -
340637 - Shallow outlining provides flexible structure, per above, ref SDS 0
340638 - P13O, using line numbers for granular linear nodes that precisely
340639 - indentify free-form narrative using a unique address, which is easy to
340640 - cite in the record. Order in the record enables precision access
340641 - using unlimited "vertical forms" for timely, accurate communication,
340642 - explained below. ref SDS 0 PQ7I The look and feel of SDS unique line
340643 - numbering structure conveys the power of knowledge associated with a
340644 - well ordered record, similar to legal briefs, to easily distinguish
340645 - purpose and form of SDS from traditional documents for letters, books,
340646 - articles, and reports. Line numbers help quickly navigate complex
340647 - records with orientation of context visually associated with shallow
340648 - outline structure, further explained below. ref SDS 0 VB64
340650 - ..
340651 - Granularity of line numbers complements chronology, context, and
340652 - connections (time, subjects, links) for constructing a well ordered
340653 - record that enables command and control of daily work, explained
340654 - below. ref SDS 0 T1VQ SDS design allows flexibility to enter
340655 - continuous narrative with inherent shallow outline structure of record
340656 - segments, and headlines, or to formalize structure with traditional
340657 - outlining methods (see below, ref SDS 0 VM8N), which together maintain
340658 - a well ordered record for understanding cause and effect, i.e., to
340659 - work intelligently, explained in POIMS. ref OF 13 1X6G
340660 -
340661 - [On 040312 2nd law of thermodynamics describes rising entropy
340662 - dissipates order under the irreversibility of time, ref SDS 96
340663 - 566F; requires adding energy to maintain the order of cause and
340664 - effect yields the power of knowledge to control the future.
340665 - ref SDS 95 YH4G
340667 - ..
340668 - [On 070831 12 "units of information" with granularity yield
340669 - effective Communication Metrics. ref SDS A8 JM9O
340671 - ..
340672 - [On 080426 Gary Johnson presents analysis in a record on 080425
340673 - that line numbers are not needed; tagging systems provide
340674 - flexible structure to maintain order in the record, ref SDS B3
340675 - PE5H, from continual "refactoring" cited by Gary on 001222.
340676 - ref SDS B3 4K9M
340677 -
340678 -
340680 - ..
340681 - Subject Index Organic Structure Context Replaces Traditional Filing
340682 - Filing Replaced by Subject Index Assign Control Fields Record Segments
340683 -
340684 - Follow up ref SDS 1 OL6H.
340685 -
340686 - Granular indexing of DNA-like hierarchial and relational organic
340687 - subject structures, also called "classifications" and "catagories"
340688 - assigned to Control Fields in SDS records (see below, ref SDS 0 6H8O)
340689 - replace traditional card catelog methods in library science and
340690 - management science methods of "records management" and "information
340691 - management" "filing" documents in multiple folders and cabinets to
340692 - cross-reference, where mountains of paper pile up on desks, the floor,
340693 - the coffee table at home, the back seat of the car - any place handy
340694 - at the moment. Scribbling, writing, typing, moving, storing, getting,
340695 - returning, and losing documents is replaced with benefits of a
340696 - "paperless office" model using organic, flexible structure of context
340697 - for efficiencies of electronic records management where information
340698 - exists in a single location and is identified for retrieval in
340699 - multiple ways (see explanation on 880628, ref SDS 1 BI3G and
340700 - ref SDS 1 02PS). Subject indexing complements time and linking for
340701 - precision access to make sense of complexity using multiple views of
340702 - context for comprehensive understanding (see example of "big picture"
340703 - below, ref SDS 0 G14K)
340705 - ..
340706 - [On 910221 organic subject structures apply DNA processes
340707 - for growing knowledge, and reflect alphabet technology of
340708 - assembling small meanings into larger organic structures
340709 - called stories that eventually comprise history.
340710 - ref SDS 11 OP7M
340712 - ..
340713 - [On 070831 12 "units of information" with granularity
340714 - yield effective Communication Metrics. ref SDS A8 JM9O
340715 -
340716 -
340718 - ..
340719 - Control Fields Segment Records with Subjects Granularity of Context
340720 - Context Management Organizes Narrative with Control Fields
340721 - Records Segments Granular Structure Applies Subjects Replaces Filing
340722 -
340723 - Shallow outline structures are constructed with SDS Control Fields to
340724 - identify record segments that apply granularity for controlling
340725 - management criteria at the paragraph level with headlines, including
340726 - groups of paragraphs. Control Fields track the following....
340728 - ..
340729 - 1. Time worked on subject function
340730 - 2. People doing the work
340731 - 3. Billing entity
340732 - 4. Function cost account to be charged
340733 - 5. Action Item/Schedule Activity
340734 - 6. Subject WBS account
340736 - ..
340737 - Control Fields provide a lot of structure to organize flexiblity and
340738 - creativity of narrative reporting the record of daily work. As noted,
340739 - subjects and functions are assigned by selection from the Subject
340740 - Index and pressing the Enter key. Nobody types "subjects" into SDS
340741 - records. Traditional methods of data entry take too long for
340742 - efficient usability of electronic records management.
340743 -
340744 - [On 070831 12 "units of information" with granularity
340745 - yield effective Communication Metrics. ref SDS A8 JM9O
340746 -
340748 - ..
340749 - Accuracy Remembering Complex Correlations Distant Chronology
340750 -
340751 - Flexible structure provides faster and often instant access to
340752 - personal experience and relevant history for better accuracy
340753 - remembering and discovering complex issues. Timely, accurate
340754 - understanding of experience fosters comprehensive analysis, and to
340755 - verify accuracy of correlations, associations, and chronology.
340756 - Whether recent events are remembered by span of attention, or can only
340757 - be remembered partially from long ago, these small fragments of
340758 - memory, called "the gist of the story," can find and assemble relevant
340759 - segments of a long complex record into a story sharply focused by the
340760 - organic structure of context. Control Field assignments of subjects
340761 - construct chronologies that accurately and quickly convey cause and
340762 - effect.
340763 -
340764 - [On 940327 Morris Jones at Chips and Technologies reported
340765 - dates are hard to remember; people get frustrated and mad with
340766 - everybody pointing fingers in accusation and blame during
340767 - conversation in meetings arguing about the sequence of past
340768 - events. ref SDS 22 GD9G
340770 - ..
340771 - [On 950204 accuracy is primary Communication Metric for
340772 - evaluating conversations reviewed in adjudication of legal
340773 - disputes. ref SDS 30 8A9F
340775 - ..
340776 - [On 980307 Andy Grove, CEO of Intel, reports mental maps are
340777 - awfully forgiving of ambibuity, ref SDS 55 3668, and so writes
340778 - copious notes to remember accurately. ref SDS 55 3101
340780 - ..
340781 - [On 010622 Doug Lenat describes literacy reading writing using
340782 - alphabet technology makes people superhuman by writing things
340783 - down that can then be remembered accurately. ref SDS A1 N668
340785 - ..
340786 - [On 020217 Roy Roebuck reports people point fingers in meetings
340787 - blaming others because nobody can find anything to point out in
340788 - the record what actually happened. ref SDS 78 9360
340790 - ..
340791 - [On 021108 Bill Gates at Microsoft points out that merely
340792 - writing things down does not improve memory and productivity,
340793 - unless people can find relevant parts of the record in time to
340794 - be effective saving lives, time, and money. ref SDS 86 EF5I
340795 -
340796 -
340798 - ..
340799 - Headlines Outlining Organize Summarize Narrative Flexible Structure
340800 -
340801 - Outlining with headlines summarize meaning of narrative with nested
340802 - lists that complement granularity of flexible structure using writing,
340803 - links, line numbers, subject indexing, and record segments with
340804 - control fields.
340806 - ..
340807 - Headlines summarize primary outline levels for controlled visibility
340808 - to navigate and comprehend complex records. Headlines are a component
340809 - of baseline shallow outline structure when formal outlining and
340810 - listing are not employed. Headlines are the first step constructing
340811 - account descriptions in the subject index since headlines summarize
340812 - meaning of paragraphs and groups of paragaphs, and this is part of
340813 - context management.
340814 -
340815 - [On 070831 SDS design provides command and control of the
340816 - record using 12 "units of information" with granularity
340817 - that yield effective Communication Metrics. ref SDS A8
340818 - JM9O
340820 - ..
340821 - Flexible structure adds value to traditional forms management with
340822 - unlimited content in "fields" so there is no artificial constraint on
340823 - innovation and creativity to clarify meaning and application (see
340824 - vertical fields, below, ref SDS 0 PQ7I). Flexible structure adds
340825 - value to traditional writing by enabling people to create any
340826 - structure required to make sense of complex circumstances, and can be
340827 - summarized for easy comprehension and fast navigation.
340828 -
340829 -
340830 -
340831 -
3409 -
Hansel Gretle Trails Association Flexible Structure Granular Links R
4303 -
430401 - ..
430402 - Hansel Gretle Trails Associations SDS Links Supports Memory
430403 -
430404 - SDS improves memory to find and study correlations, implications and
430405 - nuance that aid understanding cause and effect based on organizing
430406 - knowledge with organic structure in the natural order of existence.
430407 - Integrating flexible structures of granular indexing subjects with SDS
430408 - links make good management fast and easy by enabling trails of
430409 - associations using an audit trail for traceability to original
430410 - sources. People can step forward in time at any place along the trail
430411 - of chronology to trace consequences. Better memory of experience,
430412 - history and consequences looking forward and backward in time,
430413 - understanding context and subjects yields better results. Like the
430414 - story of Hansel and Gretle who left a trail to find their way back
430415 - home, SDS makes trails of associations fast, easy, and reliable to
430416 - create and use when needed.
430417 -
430418 - [On 950721 professional standards require traceability to original
430419 - sources for better management and communication. ref SDS 34 1740
430420 -
430421 -
430422 -
4305 -
Links Stay on Course SDS Empower People to Remember Original Subject
5603 -
560401 - ..
560402 - Subjects Focus Aligned Reduce Frustrations Increase Productivity
560403 - Accuracy Increased Maintain Alignment Communications Reduce Mistakes
560404 - Wandereing Off Subject Conversation Email SDS Improves Listening
560405 - Listening Communication Mistakes Reduce SDS Alignment Focus on Subject
560406 -
560407 - Follow up ref SDS 3 0071, ref SDS 1 OL6H.
560408 -
560409 - Flexible structure of writing supported with links, chronology, and
560410 - context in the Subject Index, explained above, ref SDS 0 P13O, and
560411 - illustrated by the "big picture" below, ref SDS 0 G14K, improves
560412 - stream-of-conscious communication in meetings, calls, and email that
560413 - routinely wander off subject, causing frustration, anger, stress and
560414 - mistakes, which reduce productivity and earnings, because listening
560415 - and understanding fail, when attention and focus wander.
560417 - ..
560418 - [On 890809 Morris reported failed listening causes communication
560419 - to fail, ref SDS 7 CJ9J, bad management reduces productivity and
560420 - earnings. ref SDS 7 126J
560422 - ..
560423 - [On 910520 Morris used SDS to save time and money by aligning
560424 - communications to correct misunderstandings before mistakes occur.
560425 - ref SDS 14 655O
560427 - ..
560428 - [On 921127 people busy fixing big problems frustrated because
560429 - small, innocuous deviations from requirements are ignored that
560430 - later become big problems. ref SDS 18 0674
560432 - ..
560433 - [On 940114 Eric Jennet interview advised that Project Management
560434 - Institute (PMI) was founded to improve poor productivity of
560435 - communication in meetings. ref SDS 21 2290
560437 - ..
560438 - [On 940901 example PG&E project with CDWR communication meetings
560439 - poor productivity. ref SDS 28 1301
560441 - ..
560442 - [On 950228 Morris executive VP frustrated by wasting time during
560443 - meetings arguing about prior understandings. ref SDS 31 1994
560445 - ..
560446 - [On 950303 Morris proposed bow and arrow diagram showing SDS keeps
560447 - work aligned with objectives, requirements and commitments.
560448 - ref SDS 32 3497
560450 - ..
560451 - [On 950721 ISO professional standards require audit trail showing
560452 - traceability to original sources that maintain alignment of work
560453 - with objectives, requirements, commitments, history of prior work.
560454 - ref SDS 34 1740
560456 - ..
560457 - [On 951026 organizations certified compliant with ISO requirements
560458 - are unable to comply with requirements for good management to
560459 - document traceability to original sources. ref SDS 37 3245
560461 - ..
560462 - [On 960205 study shows people waste 70% of day in unproductive
560463 - meetings because nobody is prepared, because nobody has time to
560464 - capture the record, and nobody can find anything to be prepared.
560465 - ref SDS 38 5902 and ref SDS 38 5F4S
560467 - ..
560468 - [On 960721 people angry at meetings between Chips, Intel,
560469 - Lockheed/Martin because everybody remembering what happened
560470 - at the last meeting differently. ref SDS 47 0896
560472 - ..
560473 - [On 970123 Intel uses conflict and emotion to aid memory and build
560474 - shared meaning in communication during meetings. ref SDS 49 1111
560476 - ..
560477 - [On 980403 Max Blodgett at USACE worried productivity of
560478 - meetings very poor, ref SDS 56 4033; wants SDS for Communication
560479 - Metrics. ref SDS 56 BQ42
560481 - ..
560482 - [On 020217 meetings fundamental team process requires accurate
560483 - records for effective communication; too often meetings degrade to
560484 - "finger pointing" blaming people for misunderstandings,
560485 - ref SDS 78 9360; case study examples of communication challenges
560486 - in meetings are listed. ref SDS 78 TT3F
560488 - ..
560489 - [On 020504 study shows professional standards for communication
560490 - practices and requirements on good management specified in FAR,
560491 - ISO, Health Care, Covey, Drucker, law, contract notice provisions,
560492 - and 2,000 years of literacy for contemporaneous documentation to
560493 - show alignment and feedback to work intelligently, quickly, and
560494 - accurately are ignored in government, business, health care, every
560495 - sector. ref SDS 79 NS6F
560497 - ..
560498 - [On 040505 Paris peace conference in 1919 heads of state began
560499 - holding meetings hoping to avoid keeping records, but found the
560500 - top people in the world could not remember enough to perform daily
560501 - work; eventually leadership yielded to an even stronger fear of
560502 - accountability for failing to get anything done, and so a record
560503 - of organizational memory was prepared and this change in
560504 - management practice yielded results that expedited progress.
560505 - ref SDS 98 MQ49
560507 - ..
560508 - [On 060505 case study shows challenge discovering the purpose of
560509 - meetings. ref SDS A3 P18O
560511 - ..
560512 - Better understanding with flexible structure to organize and connect
560513 - the record makes finding information fast and easy, and assembles
560514 - patterns that discover and refine accuracy remembering connections of
560515 - cause and effect with links to original sources and to future
560516 - consequences. Understanding is not forgotten because alignment does
560517 - not drift off course in a sea of details that normally overwhelm span
560518 - of attention, explained in POIMS. ref OF 17 2301 Leveraging the
560519 - capacity to think, remember, and communicate, ref OF 17 3742,
560520 - strengthens daily management. ref OF 17 1113
560522 - ..
560523 - [On 900319 research shows human reasoning largely follows memory
560524 - of sequence that is imparted by chronology. ref SDS 10 1323
560526 - ..
560527 - [On 940327 Morris reported SDS links provide self-evident benefits
560528 - of better memory. ref SDS 22 J496
560530 - ..
560531 - [On 960406 people waste a lot of time finding information on
560532 - computers. ref SDS 44 5922
560534 - ..
560535 - [990718 busy executives and engineers only have time for cursory
560536 - understanding because technology people like does not support
560537 - analysis. ref SDS 61 5251
560539 - ..
560540 - [990817 busy executives and engineers excuse failure to use SDS as
560541 - a failure of attitude, discipline and diligence so they can can
560542 - continue using tools they like, rather than learn to tools they
560543 - need. ref SDS 62 8663
560545 - ..
560546 - [On 000927 research shows people mainly rely on remembering the
560547 - gist of information which degrades over time to memory that is
560548 - about 5% - 10% accurate. ref SDS 71 DX9F
560550 - ..
560551 - [On 080531 Morris Jones seemed to use language of SDS,
560552 - Communication Metrics, and Knowledge Management. ref SDS B4 1J4L
560553 -
560554 -
5606 -
Writing Alphabet Technology Flexible Structure Creativity Free Flowi
8903 -
890401 - ..
890402 - Writing Creativity Flexiblity Balanced with Formality Organization
890403 - Alphabet Technology Flexible Structure Writing and Forms Management
890404 -
890405 - Talking and writing are communication tools for telling a "story" with
890406 - free flowing, stream-of-conscious narrative.
890408 - ..
890409 - Verbal communication with talking, speech, dialog, conversation, and
890410 - discussion conveys meaning with sounds, including pauses, changing
890411 - volume, and genstures with hands and facial expression.
890413 - ..
890414 - Literacy uses a system of writing documents to construct progressively
890415 - larger "meaning" from associating very small, highly-granular
890416 - alphabetic symbols into narrative text comprising words, paragraphs,
890417 - sections, chapters, reports, articles, books, and so forth, per above.
890418 - ref SDS 0 5C8H Writing applies flexible structure to associate text
890419 - with punctuation that provides highly-granular control for boundaries
890420 - of alphabetic characters that form near term context. Combining
890421 - contextual expressions into larger, and related meanings tells a
890422 - coherent "story" relating events to human needs. This system yields a
890423 - history of experience that guides actions and planning with the power
890424 - of knowledge from energy released connecting cause and effect.
890426 - ..
890427 - When people say something like...
890428 -
890429 - What's the story?
890430 -
890431 - ...they are asking for a narrative that associates action with
890432 - objectives, i.e., human needs, and results, which adds to experience
890433 - for deciding what to do in the moment or later.
890435 - ..
890436 - [On 900303 review Improbable Machine, Campbell explains how the
890437 - brain stores "stories" called "history" for experience to guide
890438 - taking action. ref SDS 9 EV5N
890440 - ..
890441 - [On 930112 alphabet technology and history of writing engine of
890442 - civilization, reviewed. ref SDS 20 3443
890444 - ..
890445 - [On 960324 Landauer explains theory of "meaning" derived from
890446 - frequency of word associations that impart context through
890447 - dimension matching. ref SDS 40 2882
890449 - ..
890450 - [On 020924 flexible structure of traditional punctuation was
890451 - reviewed. ref SDS A0 0001
890453 - ..
890454 - The flexible structure of alphabet technology enables writing
890455 - stream-of-conscious text that externalizes complex, fleeting human
890456 - thought. Unlike thoughts in the mind that come and go when people
890457 - forget context, the permenance of text expands creativity by focusing
890458 - thinking on what is written. Synergy between mental energy and
890459 - external written renderings enables people to change, compare, and
890460 - revise to improve initial thought. The natural creative feature of
890461 - writing constructs narrative that conveys a satisfying, insightful,
890462 - often inspiring "story," that sometimes leads to mental awakening.
890463 - Both writer and reader can experience "epiphany," which has historical
890464 - religious foundations, and today is commonly used to mean a revealing
890465 - scene or moment that changes or deepens understanding cause and
890466 - effect, i.e., increases the power of knowledge...
890468 - ..
890469 - Webster Dictionary
890470 -
890471 -
890473 - ..
890474 - Encarta
890475 -
890476 -
890478 - ..
890479 - American Heritage Dictionary
890480 -
890481 -
890483 - ..
890484 - epiphany...
890485 -
890486 - (1) sudden manifestation or perception of the essential
890487 - nature or meaning of something
890489 - ..
890490 - (2) intuitive grasp of reality through something (as an
890491 - event) usually simple and striking
890493 - ..
890494 - (3) an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure
890496 - ..
890497 - (4) comprehension or perception of reality by means of a
890498 - sudden intuitive realization:
890500 - ..
890501 - Creative writing occurs as sentences assembled into paragraphs that
890502 - form documents of 1, 2, 10 somtimes hundreds of pages. Facts, ideas,
890503 - and description are arranged in multiple ways with narrative text to
890504 - impart realization, perception, and comprehension that unlocks
890505 - discovery. Writing a "story" with continuous narrative fits human
890506 - mental biology that receives information in a continuous stream. The
890507 - irreversibility of time makes receiving and creating information in a
890508 - continuous stream biologically satisfying. Since people absorb
890509 - information along a continuous timeline through sensory perception,
890510 - e.g., sight and sound, and since verbal communication using speech and
890511 - hearing occurs along a continuous timeline, and further since most
890512 - conversation strives to inspire others to share understanding, as an
890513 - imperative of survival, people are biologically driven to write and
890514 - read with a format of continuous narrtive that tells a "story,"
890515 - similar to speech, and general senseory perception.
890516 -
890517 - [On 991108 stream-of-conscious conversation is entertaining,
890518 - and persuasive, ref SDS 64 4505; similarly stream-of-conscious
890519 - writing has persuasive and entertainment effects of
890520 - conversation without a well ordered record for common
890521 - reference. ref SDS 0 A53H
890523 - ..
890524 - [On 040312 irreversibility of time dissipates order with rising
890525 - entropy under the 2nd law of thermodynamcis, reviewed on
890526 - 040312, ref SDS 96 566F; line numbers provide an easy method to
890527 - maintain order with minimal effort, discussed below,
890528 - ref SDS 0 T1VQ, that yields the power of knowledge to control
890529 - the future under the locality principle, also, reviewed on
890530 - 040312. ref SDS 95 YH4G
890532 - ..
890533 - Appearance of documents using professional publishing tools is a
890534 - powerful part of writing that inspires credibility of content to
890535 - increase acceptance and agreement. This is so because people are
890536 - biologically attracted to pretty things, including documents. This
890537 - makes accuracy subsidiary to appearance. Through the dark ages monks
890538 - invested lifetimes transcribing the Bible to provide attractive
890539 - manuscripts that appeal to followers who could not read, but followed
890540 - preaching credited to beautiful documents. Success of Gutenberg's
890541 - printing press in 1455 led to marketing competition for technology
890542 - that optimizes appearance of documents. Today, a frenzy of tools for
890543 - wordprocessing empower everyone to produce beautiful documents hoping
890544 - to inspire and convince people quite apart from the content.
890546 - ..
890547 - Creativity from writing continuous sentences and paragraphs to tell an
890548 - inspiring story makes managing specific facts and ideas in documents
890549 - difficult to use for daily work. Planning requires structure for
890550 - order that enables predictability. Daily work rarely has time to read
890551 - through an entire story, article, report, specification, etc., days,
890552 - weeks, months, years later to find controlling content. Therefore,
890553 - managing the dynamics of daily life requires efficient usability for
890554 - command and control of the record on parts of the story relevant at
890555 - particular moments, and different parts at other moments to accurately
890556 - understand cause and effect. Rapidly changing events long after the
890557 - record is written require quickly considering alternative order for
890558 - disparate elements of the story within the framework of the original
890559 - order. This is a structuring problem.
890561 - ..
890562 - [On 020820 truth is annoying and does not move the conversation
890563 - forward, because nobody can relax, when truth is important.
890564 - ref SDS 82 V66I
890566 - ..
890567 - [On 040312 locality principle rests on accurate understanding
890568 - of order connecting cause and effect which releases energy that
890569 - drives the power of knowledge to predict the future. reviewed
890570 - 040312. ref SDS 95 YH4G
890572 - ..
890573 - Legal practice applies "creative" writing to convince judges about a
890574 - version of truth. Lawyers write long sentences and paragraphs of
890575 - persuasive prose, like conventional narrative text. ref SDS 0 C29X
890576 - Lawyers add "citations" that verify accuracy. Lawyers also add line
890577 - numbers, similar to numbers on the left of this record. This added
890578 - flexible structure in legal documents provides a well ordered record
890579 - for uniform reference, explained further below. ref SDS 0 QB8J
890581 - ..
890582 - Line numbers are not common to writing outside the legal profession
890583 - for two (2) related reasons...
890584 -
890585 - 1. A well ordered record takes time that costs a lot of money.
890586 - Litigation concerns a very limited history, and requires
890587 - experts called lawyers and court reporters to create a well
890588 - ordered record for discovering the truth about complex
890589 - facts that occurred years earlier. People making critical
890590 - judgements outside the law do not have high priced help
890591 - like judges have to maintain a well ordered record. The
890592 - size, variety, and complexity of continually expanding
890593 - information overwhelm efforts to maintain a well ordered
890594 - record, beyond filing cabinets and computer directories.
890596 - ..
890597 - 2. Truth is less important in writing outside the law than
890598 - creating insiprational and attractive narrative that fits
890599 - human biology receiving and sending information that
890600 - influences the conscious span of attention in the moment.
890601 - ref SDS 0 C29X
890603 - ..
890604 - Since the cost is very high for a well ordered record in legal
890605 - practice to understand a small, fixed part of work history, and since
890606 - managing continuous information streams that optimize creativity,
890607 - discussed above, ref SDS 0 C29X, is much more difficult applied to
890608 - everything that occurs in daily work, and since truth is less
890609 - important than inspiring, entertaining writing, i.e., people spend
890610 - more time selling than on accuracy, then therefore "line numbers" are
890611 - not commonly used to provide a well ordered record, and so are not
890612 - familiar to most people.
890614 - ..
890615 - Long experience in a culture familiarizing people with documents that
890616 - have no line numbers inoculates people against benefits of a well
890617 - ordered record, ref SDS 0 OP4H, compared to experiencing benefits of
890618 - publishing documents with attractive appearance. ref SDS 0 C29X
890619 - Historically, publishing documents with high quality appearance gave
890620 - some assurance of accurate content, because publishing books and
890621 - articles in magazines takes a lot of expensive work, including editing
890622 - and fact checking. Cultural forces over thousands of years enabled
890623 - people to rely on the publisher to review content that justifies the
890624 - expense of making documents look good. Today, wordprocessing software
890625 - for personal computers has reduced the cost of publishing. Anyone can
890626 - create documents that look good without the time and expense of
890627 - vetting content. This experience fosters a paradigm of
890628 - professionalism based on appearance, rather than accuracy.
890630 - ..
890631 - [On 980307 Andy Grove reports experience at Intel shows
890632 - that people like to work on familiar things in familiar
890633 - ways. ref SDS 54 3740
890635 - ..
890636 - This simple equation elevating appearance over order yields a blizzard
890637 - of beautiful documents churned out by bureaucracies. People are
890638 - buried with information overload that degrades accuracy and therefore
890639 - productivity. Span of attention is constantly overwhelmed with
890640 - complexity, confusion, and chaos that creates endless mistakes, i.e.,
890641 - bumbling, loss, conflict, and tragedy.
890642 -
890643 - [On 970707 US Air Force study shows management systems
890644 - eventually fail under the weight of information
890645 - overload. ref SDS 51 0108
890647 - ..
890648 - [On 020820 truth is annoying and does not move the
890649 - conversation forward, because nobody can relax, when
890650 - truth is important. ref SDS 82 V66I
890652 - ..
890653 - SDS enables a new way of working that supports both continuity for
890654 - creativity, and order for management by extending the flexible
890655 - structure of alphabet technology, leading to a practice of working
890656 - intelligently for creative management.
890658 - ..
890659 - Granularity of SDS line numbers expand traditional punctuation to
890660 - manage continuous narrative with an overarching shallow outline that
890661 - constructs a well orcered record, see below. ref SDS 0 T1VQ Time,
890662 - context, and connections add flexible structures to increase command
890663 - and control at very low levels of granularity in the record (see below
890664 - for "history," ref SDS 0 L14M) that converts information into the
890665 - power of knowledge. see above, ref SDS 0 TP8O
890667 - ..
890668 - Outlining provides the lowest level of control.
890670 - ..
890671 - Traditional outlining decomposes creative narrative into an organic
890672 - structure to understand correlations through visual presentation of
890673 - order. Outline structure adds control to narrative text with unique
890674 - address nodes that facilitate navigation for quickly finding specific
890675 - information, shown by example below. ref SDS 0 PQ7I Decomposition of
890676 - text while aiding analysis and navigation, eviscerates the creative
890677 - dimension of a narrative "story" to inspire awakening of new meaning.
890678 - ref SDS 0 TJ4H Analysis with traditional outlining is a powerful
890679 - tool, and so takes much longer than traditonal narrative text. As a
890680 - result, outlining is rarely used in most documents.
890682 - ..
890683 - [On 021107 support for outlining increased. ref SDS 85 W16K
890685 - ..
890686 - Shallow outlining provides highly granular control with an overarching
890687 - numbering system for each line of text, explained below. ref SDS 0
890688 - T1VQ People can write creatively with spontaneous, inspired
890689 - narrative. People can also use traditional outlining, as time and
890690 - necessity dictate. The SDS design strikes a balance using flexible
890691 - structure for command and control that complements creativity to tell
890692 - the "story" of daily work.
890694 - ..
890695 - [On 040312 locality principle - energy released connecting
890696 - cause and effect yields the power of knowledge to control the
890697 - future. ref SDS 95 YH4G
890699 - ..
890700 - A "story" covers many "subjects" about human affairs in relation to
890701 - objectives, requirements and commitments (see "big picture" below,
890702 - ref SDS 0 G14K).
890704 - ..
890705 - [On 940609 explained value of writing relative to pictures and
890706 - conversation for analysis and understanding, ref SDS 24 8854
890708 - ..
890709 - History accumulates stories that have common subjects. The meaning of
890710 - a story is enriched by associating related context from prior events
890711 - because chronology imparts sequence that conveys cause and effect,
890712 - which drives human reasoning needed for survival (see "subjects" in
890713 - Big Picture, below. ref SDS 0 RC5K and ref SDS 0 428F). Organizing
890714 - information with the rigidity of traditional formality common to
890715 - "forms management," reduces the power of creativity in telling the
890716 - story with clear, concise, complete narrative that can, also, inspire
890717 - action; yet, stories without organization to impart the weight of
890718 - accurate history can mislead by conveying incorrect understanding of
890719 - cause and effect. Balancing rigid formality with chaotic flexibility
890720 - requires a design that organizes records with flexible structure,
890721 - explained above. ref SDS 0 P13O
890723 - ..
890724 - [On 960518 research shows human memory is fragile; meaning drifts
890725 - away over time which makes "truth" a moving target that causes
890726 - lots of mistakes, i.e., bumbling. ref SDS 45 3734
890728 - ..
890729 - [On 990303 research shows human memory automatically recodes
890730 - information to help remember by paraphrasing; this causes meaning
890731 - drift that reduces long-term memory. ref SDS 59 2838
890733 - ..
890734 - Connecting parts of a current story to parts of earlier stories for
890735 - understanding context of background across time and distance reflects
890736 - the human mind's natural process of drawing on experience for growing
890737 - knowledge of cause and effect to reason intelligently. Reasoning
890738 - connects common elements of a story, which is strengthened by linking
890739 - and organizing with assignments from the subject index for Context
890740 - Management. SDS offers a new way of working by thinking through
890741 - writing that augments intelligence, explained in POIMS. ref OF 17 3742
890742 -
890743 - [On 940327 Morris noted SDS linking enables self-evident benefits
890744 - of better memory; remembering dates that impart chronology of
890745 - cause and effect is difficult; SDS makes remembering chronology
890746 - fast and easy. ref SDS 22 J496
890748 - ..
890749 - The design of SDS "flexible structure" enables natural, free flowing
890750 - narrative, described above, ref SDS 0 T16K, within a spreadsheet-like
890751 - format that provides command and control for making connections, also
890752 - explained above. ref SDS 0 WN6J A baseline "shallow outline"
890753 - structure is manintained automatically with line numbering, per below,
890754 - ref SDS 0 T1VQ, and so does not interfere with traditional practice of
890755 - creative writing. People can write as much as needed without
890756 - limitations of a rigid, bureaucratic "form." Yet, the program overlays
890757 - a baseline formal structure to manage content. SDS automatically
890758 - connects related events into a continuous case study based on context.
890759 - Additional structure can be easily added to find and manage
890760 - information quickly. see POIMS. ref OF 17 M17I
890761 -
890762 - [On 890809 discussed flexible structure with Morris. ref SDS 7
890763 - 6047
890765 - ..
890766 - [On 950204 SDS provides a lot of firepower to improve thinking
890767 - through writing that strengthens management practice. ref SDS 30
890768 - 4995
890770 - ..
890771 - [On 000709 Bill DeHart explained advantage of SDS flexible
890772 - structure that provides better organization than other methods.
890773 - ref SDS 70 0052
890775 - ..
890776 - [On 080531 Morris working on SDS program to support flexible
890777 - structure with "shallow outlining" for command and control of the
890778 - record. ref SDS B4 MN5F
890779 -
890780 -
890781 -
8908 -
Line Numbers Spreadsheet for Knowledge Granularity Complement Time C
AX03 -
AX0401 - ..
AX0402 - Line Numbers Spreadsheet for Knowledge Complement Time Context
AX0403 - Shallow Outline Line Numbers Linear Nodes Flexible Structure
AX0404 - Flexible Structure Line Numbers Complement Coordinates Time Subjects
AX0405 - Spreadsheet for Knowledge Flexible Structure Time Subjects Line Numbers
AX0406 -
AX0407 - Line numbers enable a new way of working at the lowest level of
AX0408 - flexible structure for a well ordered record to increase command and
AX0409 - control of daily work, explained in POIMS. ref OF 17 1113 Linear
AX0410 - nodes uniquely number each line of text to expand traditional
AX0411 - punctuation for highly granular control of writing with the flexible
AX0412 - structure of alphabet technology, discussed above. ref SDS 0 T16K
AX0414 - ..
AX0415 - Legal practice uses "pleading paper" for a well ordered record that
AX0416 - identifies every line of written text with a unique number. Order
AX0417 - magnifies the power to discover correlations, implications, and nuance
AX0418 - that make sense of complexity. People are in awe and often loath the
AX0419 - microscope of the law that uses line numbers for granular control of
AX0420 - highly flexible written text, see above. ref SDS 0 C29X Line numbers
AX0421 - provide a vertical axis for uniform reference to navigate a record on
AX0422 - very narrow issues in dispute. In trial, lawyers ask the witness to
AX0423 - examine...
AX0424 -
AX0425 - Plaintiff's exhibit P15 page 20 line 22.
AX0427 - ..
AX0428 - This is a simple, direct way to communicate with granular precision
AX0429 - that everyone can follow at the time, and any time later using uniform
AX0430 - reference of specific details in the record. Precision access is very
AX0431 - difficult and ponderous without line numbers, due to the continuous
AX0432 - flow of traditional text, discussed above. ref SDS 0 C29X
AX0434 - ..
AX0435 - [On 960620 flexible structure led to concept of Knowledge Space
AX0436 - using a "spreadsheet" for knowledge. ref SDS 46 3516
AX0438 - ..
AX0439 - Law is a reactive solution to aid communication by processing a
AX0440 - static, well ordered record of a few events that occurred years in the
AX0441 - past.
AX0443 - ..
AX0444 - SDS enables proactive management with a well ordered record to improve
AX0445 - daily work, so there are fewer legal disputes to resolve. Writing
AX0446 - things down and organizaing the record provides "order" for precision
AX0447 - access that leverages intelligence understanding cause and effect.
AX0448 - Improving alphabet technology to think, remember, and communicate in a
AX0449 - spreadsheet for knowledge enables people to discover correlations,
AX0450 - implications, and nuance that guide daily action solving problems and
AX0451 - seizing opportunities in time to be effective.
AX0453 - ..
AX0454 - Proactive management of a dynamic record creates solutions and avoids
AX0455 - mistakes by aligning daily work with objectives, requirements, and
AX0456 - commitments set in the past, and which evolve over time. Maintaining
AX0457 - order through continual alignment transforms complex, confusing, and
AX0458 - conflicting information streams into a well ordered record of personal
AX0459 - and organizational integrated memory and management for research,
AX0460 - correspondence, calls, meetings, books, articles, analysis, planning
AX0461 - and performing work. see POIMS. ref OF 15 1101 Complexity of 30
AX0462 - elements that routinely occur every day on the job, ref OF 14 6011,
AX0463 - requires a fast, simple, flexible solution for proactive management to
AX0464 - have uniform reference of a dynamic record.
AX0466 - ..
AX0467 - Line numbers provide a simple, immediate first order shallow outline
AX0468 - structure in SDS to manage context and navigate in the midst of
AX0469 - constant complexity.
AX0471 - ..
AX0472 - SDS records can have hundreds, even thousands of lines, much longer
AX0473 - than 28 lines in legal practice. A flexible structure of line numbers
AX0474 - provides a unique shallow outline design that provides order in
AX0475 - narrative text on multiple discusisons from calls and meetings
AX0476 - throughout the day at various times, and may contain parts of
AX0477 - documents, specifications, books, articles, report entire
AX0478 - correspondence issued and received, present test reports, perform
AX0479 - research, planning, etc., that forms a highly complex record.
AX0480 - Differentiating information streams accurately within a single record
AX0481 - requires combining conventional outlining with the shallow outline for
AX0482 - overarching order. This is a new way of working using line numbers
AX0483 - for special punctuation at the lowest level of control for the
AX0484 - flexible structure of writing, discussed above. ref SDS 0 C29X
AX0486 - ..
AX0487 - [On 020217 benefits of shallow outline structure with line
AX0488 - numbers was noted by Roy Roebuck at DOD. ref SDS 78 3105
AX0490 - ..
AX0491 - Line numbers provide a vertical axis that complements coordinates of
AX0492 - chronology, context, and connection to provide a "spreadsheet for
AX0493 - knowledge" (see above, ref SDS 0 5C6L). A well ordered record where
AX0494 - everything is in the right place at the right time aids mental metrics
AX0495 - for accuracy with precision access, explained above. ref SDS 0 T18R
AX0496 - Fast, accurate communication navigating through complex records using
AX0497 - granular control of text for uniform reference improves discussion,
AX0498 - understanding.
AX0500 - ..
AX0501 - [On 010425 Morris Jones reports SDS is a utopia because
AX0502 - everything is in the right place at the right time. ref SDS 74
AX0503 - EP7F
AX0505 - ..
AX0506 - Increasing speed and accuracy finding information at the lowest level
AX0507 - of control in a well ordered record improves productivity through
AX0508 - collaboration for taking complementary action that reduces conflicts
AX0509 - and mistakes. Optimizing navigation with flexible structure in a
AX0510 - complex, dynamic record provides an effective "spreadsheet for
AX0511 - knowledge"...
AX0513 - ..
AX0514 - Go to date x and time y, at line z to find analysis on
AX0515 - subject "abc."
AX0517 - ..
AX0518 - SDS significantly expands legal practice using a special form of line
AX0519 - numbers for new dimension of punctuation for granular identification
AX0520 - of location with a unique address to navigate complex records.
AX0521 - ref SDS 0 QB8J Like all punctuation, people can make mistakes by
AX0522 - typing over line numbers; the SDS program automatically restores line
AX0523 - numbers, in some cases, explained below. ref SDS 0 YN8J
AX0525 - ..
AX0526 - [On 960620 flexible structure led to concept of Knowledge Space
AX0527 - using a "spreadsheet" for knowledge. ref SDS 46 3516
AX0529 - ..
AX0530 - [On 070831 12 units of information with granularity yield
AX0531 - effective Communication Metrics. ref SDS A8 SG9T
AX0533 - ..
AX0534 - SDS unique line numbers for shallow outlining creates a strong visual
AX0535 - scheme that distinguishes the structure of knowledge from familiar
AX0536 - formats for information in "documents" created with wordprocessing,
AX0537 - explained above. ref SDS 0 5C6L
AX0539 - ..
AX0540 - Line numbers are not needed for documents to tell a "story," per
AX0541 - above. ref SDS 0 HI5M Flexible structure of line numbers maintain a
AX0542 - well ordered record for command and control to efficiently manage
AX0543 - construction of narrative (see "navigate" above, ref SDS 0 5C6L), with
AX0544 - connections to references, see below, ref SDS 0 6J6G, and organizing
AX0545 - analysis of content for documents, meetings, calls, research, etc.
AX0546 - The long history using line numbers in legal practice supports
AX0547 - experience using line numbers in SDS over the past four (4) years.
AX0548 - ref SDS 0 QB8J
AX0550 - ..
AX0551 - [On 950927 spreadsheet for knowledge discussed at Intel.
AX0552 - ref SDS 36 51HP
AX0554 - ..
AX0555 - SDS line numbers create "vertical forms" with unlimited fields to
AX0556 - manage flexible content of written narrative. Line numbers complement
AX0557 - links, time, and context for command and control of the record.
AX0558 - ref SDS 0 TP8O Flexibility to enter continuous narrative with
AX0559 - inherent order of line numbers, record segments, Control Fields, and
AX0560 - headlines, (see above, ref SDS 0 VM8N), and to add traditional outline
AX0561 - structure (see example, ref SDS 0 PQ7I, increases command and control
AX0562 - to make sense of complexity in the microcosm of daily work, explained
AX0563 - in POIMS. ref OF 17 1113
AX0565 - ..
AX0566 - [On 941221 developed 99+ counters for line numbers to expand
AX0567 - flexible fields in SDS and Contact records. ref SDS 29 0001
AX0569 - ..
AX0570 - Linear nodes are used in SDS records and Contact records for flexible
AX0571 - structure.
AX0572 -
AX0573 - [On 910314 improving line numbers in Contact records.
AX0574 - ref SDS 12 0201
AX0576 - ..
AX0577 - [On 950204 mental metrics innately construct a flexible
AX0578 - structure for knowledge. ref SDS 30 AK5L
AX0580 - ..
AX0581 - [On 940327 SDS linking self-evident benefit that helps people
AX0582 - rememeber where to find things. ref SDS 22 J496
AX0584 - ..
AX0585 - [On 960406 finding information with conventional information
AX0586 - technology problematic, nobody can find anything on computers.
AX0587 - ref SDS 44 5922
AX0589 - ..
AX0590 - [On 960620 flexible structure led to concept of Knowledge Space
AX0591 - using a "spreadsheet" for knowledge. ref SDS 46 3516
AX0593 - ..
AX0594 - [On 030118 SDS outline support enhanced. ref SDS 88 0001
AX0596 - ..
AX0597 - [On 031215 flexible structure supported by Freeman's PhD thesis on
AX0598 - Lifestreams published in 1997 calling for flexible summarizing.
AX0599 - ref SDS 92 E38N
AX0601 - ..
AX0602 - [On 071220 example Jack Park using line numbers to orient
AX0603 - references in Knowledge Space rather than use links.
AX0604 - ref SDS B1 XZ6J
AX0606 - ..
AX0607 - [On 080611 Morris uses line numbers to focus near term
AX0608 - communication, ref SDS B5 M38T, and comments that experience
AX0609 - using wordprocessing does not convince people to use line
AX0610 - numbers for a well ordred record, feeling that editing to
AX0611 - refine understanding prevents long term use, ref SDS B5 M34P
AX0613 - ..
AX0614 - Continual revision over months, and years thinking, remembering,
AX0615 - planning, organizing, aligning, summarizing, and discovering
AX0616 - correlations, implications, and nuance transform complexity and
AX0617 - confusion into the power of "knowledge" to control the future with
AX0618 - accurate understanding of cause and effect. Without structure,
AX0619 - understanding complex events degrades into disorder, confusion, error,
AX0620 - delay, loss, conflict, and tragedy.
AX0622 - ..
AX0623 - Line numbers organize records for processing with associations to
AX0624 - functions and subjects that assign "meaning" to text. SDS design of
AX0625 - specialized line numbers provide flexible fields that integrate diary,
AX0626 - schedule, contacts, documents, prior events, and connections. Line
AX0627 - numbers control a critical mass of complementary elements to manage
AX0628 - free-form narrative with connections that leverage disparate meaning
AX0629 - across space and time into the power of knowledge that controls the
AX0630 - future, explained above. ref SDS 0 DS5H
AX0632 - ..
AX0633 - [On 040312 the irreversibility of time dissipates order with
AX0634 - rising entropy under the 2nd law of thermodynamcis, reviewed on
AX0635 - 040312, ref SDS 96 566F; line numbers provide an easy method to
AX0636 - maintain order with minimal effort that yields the power of
AX0637 - knowledge to control the future under the locality principle,
AX0638 - also reviewed 040312. ref SDS 95 YH4G
AX0640 - ..
AX0641 - [On 080426 Gary Johnson presents analysis in a record on 080425
AX0642 - that line numbers are not needed; tagging systems provide
AX0643 - flexible structure to maintain order in the record, ref SDS B3
AX0644 - PE5H, from continual "refactoring" cited by Gary on 001222.
AX0645 - ref SDS B3 4K9M
AX0647 - ..
AX0648 - Flexiblity to add conventional outline structure for narrative text
AX0649 - within an overarching shallow outline structure of line numbers, and
AX0650 - without requiring special setup, gives people immediacy to analyze or
AX0651 - be creative. Immediacy switching between outline and narrative
AX0652 - formatting, while at all times every line is uniquely identified for
AX0653 - uniform reference maintains a well ordered record that facilitates
AX0654 - discovering correlations, implications, and nuance in time to be
AX0655 - effective.
AX0656 -
AX0658 - ..
AX0659 - Vertical forms created with SDS line numbers, explained above,
AX0660 - ref SDS 0 SJ4N, provide benefits of traditional forms to organize
AX0661 - complex information. Flexible structure enables creativity by
AX0662 - eliminating rigid boxes. This design manages all information streams
AX0663 - that occur in daily work...
AX0664 -
AX0665 - 1. record descriptions integrated with the schedule.
AX0667 - ..
AX0668 - 2. contacts, with multi-line presentation, and list all
AX0669 - required for the record.
AX0671 - ..
AX0672 - 3. references...
AX0673 -
AX0674 - a. prior related events
AX0676 - ..
AX0677 - b. document log...
AX0678 -
AX0679 - 1) formal correspondence
AX0680 -
AX0681 - a) received today
AX0682 - b) received prior
AX0683 - c) issued today
AX0684 - d) issued prior
AX0686 - ..
AX0687 - 2) Publications
AX0688 -
AX0689 - a) books
AX0690 - b) magazines
AX0691 - c) newspapers
AX0692 - d) Internet
AX0694 - ..
AX0695 - 3) Other files
AX0696 -
AX0697 - a) reports
AX0698 - b) plans
AX0699 - c) specifications
AX0700 - d) movies
AX0701 - e) software code
AX0703 - ..
AX0704 - 4. Control fields and narrative as much as needed.
AX0706 - ..
AX0707 - The "story" of daily work captured with written text for comprehensive
AX0708 - history, per above, ref SDS 0 R78I, is organized for making sense of
AX0709 - complex issues and events. Line numbers provide a well ordered record
AX0710 - with flexible structure to write what is needed, rather than what fits
AX0711 - in a box. Flexibility to switch between narrative writing and
AX0712 - conventional outlining with lists, and tables, per above, ref SDS 0
AX0713 - JH5N, all within an over arching shallow outline structure combined
AX0714 - with access to a rich assortment of references, ref SDS 0 6J6G, plus
AX0715 - links that form trails of associations improve accuracy and expand
AX0716 - span of attention.
AX0718 - ..
AX0719 - The SDS design leverages inherent advantages of electronic speed using
AX0720 - computers to provide a lot of firepower for creativity, explained
AX0721 - above, ref SDS 0 RS8G Control Fields segment the story into
AX0722 - contextual frames, called "subjects" or "categories," like a book is
AX0723 - organized into chapters, except on a larger scale, because electronics
AX0724 - make it practical to recognize narrow and specific context, down to a
AX0725 - paragraph, if that seems helpful. Flexible structure of line numbers
AX0726 - increases benefits of traditional subject identification. A paragraph
AX0727 - or series of paragraphs can have many subjects, 10, 20, 40, based on
AX0728 - the organic structure of context, explained below. ref SDS 0 VP3N
AX0729 -
AX0730 - [On 940901 line numbers explained with diagram of SDS
AX0731 - structure. ref SDS 28 9009
AX0733 - ..
AX0734 - [On 960620 flexible structure led to concept of Knowledge Space
AX0735 - using a "spreadsheet" for knowledge. ref SDS 46 3516
AX0736 -
AX0737 -
AX0738 -
AX0739 -
AX08 -
Flexible Structure Harder to Learn Easier to Make Mistakes than Trad
C803 -
C80401 - ..
C80402 - Fragile Mistakes Easy with Flexible Structure Frustrating
C80403 - Flexible Structure Learn Knowledge Space Powerful Fragile Line Numbers
C80404 - Learn New Way Working Time Training Knowledge Space Powerful Fragile
C80405 -
C80406 - Flexibility, explained above, ref SDS 0 P13O, is powerful, but is also
C80407 - more fragile than a rigid form. For example, alphabet technology is
C80408 - powerful because it is not significantly constrained by a form.
C80409 - Speech and writing allow full self-expression drawing on memory of
C80410 - relevant experience to communicate.
C80412 - ..
C80413 - The SDS method of integrating creativity with a well ordered record,
C80414 - per above, ref SDS 0 C24K, adds structure to manage complexity of
C80415 - daily work captured quickly, and randomly as events unfold in a diary
C80416 - of written narrative (see above, ref SDS 0 QA5H). Granularity of
C80417 - time, context, and connections, see above, ref SDS 0 TP8O, organize
C80418 - text with linear nodes (see again "line numbers," ref SDS 0 T1VQ) into
C80419 - record segments for constructing case studies that demonstrate cause
C80420 - and effect. This requires learning a few conventions for converting
C80421 - information in the seemingly random story of life into a connected web
C80422 - of useful knowledge. Structure turns experience into history linked
C80423 - to the context of human needs. SDS applies structure to manage
C80424 - context within a paradigm of Knowledge Space that integrates personal
C80425 - and organizational memory to make sense of complexity in time to save
C80426 - lives, time, and money.
C80428 - ..
C80429 - Traditional forms are easy to learn and use because application is
C80430 - rigid rather than "flexible. A rigid format forces people to ignore a
C80431 - wide range of circumstances that occur in daily life which do not fit
C80432 - the form. People therefore resist using forms because rigid formality
C80433 - stifles growth of knowledge and ideas.
C80435 - ..
C80436 - Organized flexible structures in the SDS design empower creativity,
C80437 - but are harder to learn becasue it is easy to make mistakes that cause
C80438 - frustrations when applied incorreclty during the learning period, just
C80439 - like it is easy to make mistakes in spelling, punctuation and word
C80440 - selection to apply the flexibility of alphabet technology. Flexible
C80441 - structure using SDS therefore presents a dilemma: good management to
C80442 - save time and money is fast and easy by following a few simple
C80443 - guidelines, but learning a new way of working requires forming new
C80444 - habits through initial practice.
C80445 -
C80446 - [On 890809 Ross Armstrong reported software programs that can be
C80447 - learned in about 20 minutes are successful at IBM; programs that
C80448 - take longer to learn are frustrating. ref SDS 6 5U6K
C80450 - ..
C80451 - [On 921205 Stephen Covey reports that learning new habits is hard
C80452 - to do. ref SDS 19 4803
C80454 - ..
C80455 - [On 020911 Tom Munnecke discussed challenge of learning to use the
C80456 - flexible structure of SDS illustrates differences between
C80457 - information tools and complex tools for knowledge work.
C80458 - ref SDS 83 PV7H
C80460 - ..
C80461 - [On 021104 learning SDS illustrates challenge of learning powerful
C80462 - technology with flexible structure that is fragile. ref SDS 84
C80463 - QATW
C80465 - ..
C80466 - [On 030505 example of flexible structure causing inexplicable
C80467 - errors; and work to reduce this problem. ref SDS 89 0001
C80468 -
C80469 -
C80470 -
C80471 -
C80472 -
C805 -
Subject Index Organizes Meaning Context Relevant Parts of Stories Ac
CJ03 -
CJ0401 - ..
CJ0402 - Memory Improved Links Connect Cause Effect Intelligence Accuracy
CJ0403 - Granularity Links Improve Accuracy Intelligence Connect Cause Effect
CJ0404 - Intelligence Flexible Structure Granular Links Improve Accuracy Memory
CJ0405 - Links Connect Cause Effect into Power of Knowledge Across Time Distance
CJ0406 -
CJ0407 - Follow up ref SDS 1 OL6H.
CJ0408 -
CJ0409 - Making connections between stories solves historical problems of time
CJ0410 - and distance causing memory to fade. Links show an audit trail of
CJ0411 - cause and effect based on context, called "causation" in legal work.
CJ0412 - Common control criteria occur naturally in organic structures for
CJ0413 - subject indexing daily work (see "picture" example below, ref SDS 0
CJ0414 - 428F). Managing alignment of content with links at the paragraph and
CJ0415 - sentence level helps understand the meaning of correlations,
CJ0416 - implications and nuance. Better understanding avoids mistakes and
CJ0417 - increases command and control of the work by finding critical details
CJ0418 - quickly when needed to save lives, time, and money.
CJ0419 -
CJ0420 - [On 960322 common control criteria natural organic structures for
CJ0421 - subject indexing. ref SDS 41 FG4M
CJ0423 - ..
CJ0424 - [On 000331 Jack Park asked how SDS creates so many links without
CJ0425 - using XML technology. ref SDS 67 TQ52
CJ0427 - ..
CJ0428 - [On 000425 Cliff Joslyn at LANL notices SDS makes constructing a
CJ0429 - connected record fast and easy. ref SDS 68 0001
CJ0431 - ..
CJ0432 - [On 020608 IBM is working on ways to organize "stories" for
CJ0433 - performing knowledge management. ref SDS 81 NP54
CJ0435 - ..
CJ0436 - [On 080206 Morris Jones asked how so many links can be created in
CJ0437 - email to precise locations in SDS records across vast differences
CJ0438 - in time. ref SDS B2 NB5H
CJ0440 - ..
CJ0441 - Accurate understanding that "connects the dots" of cause and effect
CJ0442 - yields the power of knowledge for command and control of daily work.
CJ0443 - Finding critical details for making connections requires efficient
CJ0444 - tools to create and organize subjects. Comprehensive granular
CJ0445 - indexing of subjects manages unique events within multiple contextual
CJ0446 - boundaries for assembling alternate associations from the expanding
CJ0447 - complexity of daily life. Flexibility managing context and chronology
CJ0448 - connects stories of events for precision access to relevant history.
CJ0449 - This grows knowledge of causation that fosters ideas for strategy and
CJ0450 - planning. SDS integrates relational and hierarchial associations with
CJ0451 - multiple expressions to manage organic structure, explained developing
CJ0452 - SDS Help on 880628. ref SDS 1 OL6H
CJ0453 -
CJ0454 - [...below, Help for Subject Index refined. ref SDS 0 KV5H
CJ0456 - ..
CJ0457 - [On 960304 Vannevar Bush famous article in 1945 proposed
CJ0458 - paperless office efficiencies electronic records management
CJ0459 - required intelligence support for granular indexing and
CJ0460 - comprehensive links for working quickly and accurately.
CJ0461 - ref SDS 39 GX59
CJ0463 - ..
CJ0464 - [On 011102 Larry Prusak at IBM explains Knowledge Management
CJ0465 - strives to implement goals of "paperless office" for
CJ0466 - efficiencies performing records management, after discovering
CJ0467 - that merely storing information on computers overwhelms human
CJ0468 - mental biology and so degrades productivity. ref SDS 76 M24F
CJ0469 -
CJ0470 -
CJ0471 -
CJ0472 -
CJ05 -
Context Organic Structure Assemble Rlevance New Discoveries Remembe
SDS Subject Index Design Matrix Correlations Implications Nuance Obj
D504 -
D50501 - ..
D50502 - Context Organic Structure Enables Assemble Relevance New Discoveries
D50503 - Remembering Subject Representations Requires Multiple Descriptions
D50504 - Organic Structure Context Multiple Ways Describe the Same Subject
D50505 - Subject Index Connects Stories Relevant to Understand Big Picture
D50506 -
D50507 - Follow up ref SDS 1 OL6H.
D50508 -
D50509 - Organic subject structure applies granular indexing to integrate
D50510 - personal and organizational memory and management, leading to the idea
D50511 - of POIMS, explained in the record on 880726, ref SDS 2 MH8N, and
D50512 - earlier on 880628 explaining indexing required to make paperless
D50513 - office productive. ref SDS 1 BI3G
D50515 - ..
D50516 - [On 060907 Gary Johnson lists scope for "huge task" of subject
D50517 - indexing. ref SDS A4 IB6Q
D50518 -
D50520 - ..
D50521 - Organize Everything Big Challenge Hard Work Big Benefits
D50522 - Knowledge Repository Library Science Dewey Decimal Organize Books
D50523 - Dewey Decimal System Organic Structure of Knowledge in Library Science
D50524 -
D50525 - Follow up ref SDS 1 WU49.
D50526 -
D50527 - The purpose of SDS subject index is to organize everything into a well
D50528 - ordered record that enables finding and retrieving the proverbial
D50529 - "needle in a haystack," and also assembling a chronology relevant to
D50530 - particular contextual boundaries showing cause and effect on anything
D50531 - and in time to be effective saving lives, time, and money, as
D50532 - explained last year on 880628. ref SDS 1 02PS
D50534 - ..
D50535 - How though can everything be organized for precision access?
D50537 - ..
D50538 - Records Management has a long tradition in library science applying
D50539 - taxonomy keywords with work breakdown structure (WBS) practices. The
D50540 - dewey decimal system beginning in 1878 standardized organization of
D50541 - books in a library using comprehensive representation of knowledge,
D50542 - though with minimal hierarchial organic structure.
D50544 - ..
D50545 - Research on the Internet shows a location for OCLC...
D50546 -
D50547 -
D50548 -
D50549 - The Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system, ref OF 28 7T3M,
D50550 - devised by library pioneer Melvil Dewey in the 1870s and owned by
D50551 - OCLC since 1988, provides a dynamic structure for the organization
D50552 - of library collections.
D50554 - ..
D50555 - 000 Generalities.............................. ref OF 28 0002
D50556 - 100 Philosophy & psychology................... ref OF 28 1000
D50557 - 200 Religion.................................. ref OF 28 2000
D50558 - 300 Social sciences........................... ref OF 28 3000
D50559 - 400 Language.................................. ref OF 28 4000
D50560 - 500 Natural sciences & mathematics............ ref OF 28 5000
D50561 - 600 Technology (Applied sciences)............. ref OF 28 6000
D50562 - 700 The arts.................................. ref OF 28 7000
D50563 - 800 Literature & rhetoric..................... ref OF 28 8000
D50564 - 900 Geography & history....................... ref OF 28 9000
D50566 - ..
D50567 - Educational subjects organize teaching and learning. Like library
D50568 - science, the established taxonomy for curriculum has evolved over
D50569 - thousands of years through trial and error
D50571 - ..
D50572 - The challenge of organizing existence can be seen from the Dewey
D50573 - Decimal system placing "computer science" under "Generalities" account
D50574 - 004, ref OF 28 0002, rather than "Technology." ref OF 28 6000
D50575 - Similarly, "Dictionaries & encyclopedia" are listed under multiple
D50576 - accounts. This suggests there is nothing intuitive nor "logical"
D50577 - about the listing, but rather requires extensive experience in order
D50578 - to anticipate where any particular book might be located. Where, for
D50579 - example, might the "dictionary" be found in a typical library?
D50581 - ..
D50582 - "Farming" is not listed in the DDS, but "orchards, fruits, and
D50583 - forestry" are included in the "Technology" account 634, lumped
D50584 - together with "household furnishings" account 645, "applied physics"
D50585 - account 621, and "roof covering" account 695. For some reason, "lawn
D50586 - mowing" is not listed anywhere.
D50588 - ..
D50589 - SDS addresses a much deeper problem to organize content in books and
D50590 - all daily activity, including school work, lectures, meetings, calls,
D50591 - reading, writing, observations, impressions, everything. Since the
D50592 - human mind automatically manages deeper levels of organic structure
D50593 - than simple lists of book classification and school curriculum, there
D50594 - must be an organizing theory to guide practices and tools that improve
D50595 - the speed and accuracy of natural mental strength in like manner that
D50596 - an automobile leverages physical strength by magnifying slight effort
D50597 - pressing the accelerator pedal to greatly increase the speed and
D50598 - accuracy traveling from point a to b.
D50600 - ..
D50601 - Is everything alphabetized at a single level? Should a master list of
D50602 - "keywords" be maintained, or a bunch of smaller lists be linked
D50603 - together based on context?
D50604 -
D50605 - [On 910221 organic subject structures apply DNA processes for
D50606 - growing knowledge, and reflect alphabet technology of assembling
D50607 - small meanings into larger organic structures called stories that
D50608 - eventually comprise history. ref SDS 11 OP7M
D50610 - ..
D50611 - [On 910418 Byte article reports complexity of subject indexing.
D50612 - ref SDS 13 5584
D50614 - ..
D50615 - [On 910611 explained organic subject structure in relation to
D50616 - MBO. ref SDS 15 0001
D50618 - ..
D50619 - [On 950812 explained organic subject structure in NWO.
D50620 - ref SDS 35 1111
D50622 - ..
D50623 - This brings us back to the original challenge of remembering how
D50624 - people initially thought about things when the record was created, so
D50625 - that parts of the record that are relevant to current needs can be
D50626 - retreieved without being overwhelmed by all the other parts that are
D50627 - not relevant at the moment, but will be relevant to other issues at
D50628 - other moments. How, as well, can parts of the record be retrieived
D50629 - that may not seem relevant to current needs, but really are needed to
D50630 - avoid making mistakes, i.e., how to expand span of attention.
D50631 -
D50632 - [On 960325 Landauer discusses keyword retrieval in a paper
D50633 - Plato's Problem. ref SDS 43 8445
D50635 - ..
D50636 - [On 970116 fractionalized subjects managing complexity with SDS
D50637 - organic structure of context. ref SDS 48 1732
D50639 - ..
D50640 - Putting everything into a single alphabetical list of "keywords" is
D50641 - not a good solution because the human mind does not work that way. It
D50642 - seems to use pointers within small lists that fit current perspective
D50643 - based on near term events, i.e., span of attention. We think of 4 or
D50644 - 5 things, and select one. The subject selected points to 4 or 5 more
D50645 - things, and we select one that enables action in the moment. If it
D50646 - doesn't work, we try to break it down further, or go back and select
D50647 - another path, if there is enough time, but usually there isn't so we
D50648 - select a best fit in the time available and move on. If SDS is going
D50649 - to be helpful, it must somehow aid this process, i.e., leverage the
D50650 - way people think.
D50651 -
D50652 - [On 891117 example of problem using keyword methods. ref SDS 8
D50653 - 5762
D50655 - ..
D50656 - [On 900303 Campbell's book on human cognition explains categories
D50657 - enable people to process information with limited time and span
D50658 - of attention. ref SDS 9 5555
D50660 - ..
D50661 - [On 971001 rework and cost escalate when span of attention is
D50662 - overwhelmed; SDS organic subject structures expand span of
D50663 - attention. ref SDS 52 4472
D50665 - ..
D50666 - [On 971008 SDS reduces rework to save time and money. ref SDS 53
D50667 - 1273
D50669 - ..
D50670 - [On 990303 limited span of attention enables the mind to handle
D50671 - at most 7 subjects. ref SDS 59 5328
D50672 -
D50674 - ..
D50675 - Finding Relevant Information Quickly for Making Connections
D50676 -
D50677 - The problem to solve is complexity from multiple ways to describe
D50678 - contextual frameworks, which include associations, relationships and
D50679 - structure that classify "subjects" like an event, letter, book,
D50680 - chapter, paragraph, sentence, conversation, concept, meeting, call,
D50681 - garden, automobile repair, bridge construction, everything..., because
D50682 - meaning and perspective drawn from current context is always somewhat
D50683 - different from prior occassions.
D50684 -
D50685 - [On 890617 modified 03501 to scroll subject levels easier.
D50686 - ref SDS 5 0001
D50688 - ..
D50689 - [On 910418 article Byte magazine presents challenges of context
D50690 - management using organic structures to create and apply subject
D50691 - indexing. ref SDS 13 YS49
D50693 - ..
D50694 - [On 940510 multiple meanings based on context makes subject
D50695 - indexing difficult for organizing information on computers
D50696 - presented in HBR article. ref SDS 23 3829
D50698 - ..
D50699 - [On 960324 Landauer's induction theory indicates subjects occur
D50700 - from recognizing common patterns associated with other patterns.
D50701 - ref SDS 42 YT6O
D50703 - ..
D50704 - [On 970116 fractionalized subjects managing complexity with SDS
D50705 - organic structure of context. ref SDS 48 1732
D50707 - ..
D50708 - [On 031215 subject indexing difficult because information has
D50709 - multiple meanings depending on context, excellent explanation
D50710 - with examples in Freeman's PhD thesis paper at Yale presenting
D50711 - Lifestreams to Professor Gelertner. ref SDS 92 K37H
D50713 - ..
D50714 - [On 040102 explain theory of SDS design to manage complexity with
D50715 - flexible structure of Control Fields to create discrete segments
D50716 - of memory that fit span of attention. ref SDS 94 OX6L
D50718 - ..
D50719 - Complexity of existence, including actions people take individually,
D50720 - and in cooperation with others through community, cause the human
D50721 - mind, which itself is an organic structure, to "think" about and,
D50722 - therefore, describe and look for the order of cause and effect within
D50723 - patterns of context which enables predictability for similar patterns.
D50724 - At the conscious span of awareness, context that appears in the moment
D50725 - to be different and unrelated, in total, has common smaller elements,
D50726 - or "subjects" at lower levels of detail. In other words, context has
D50727 - organic structure. Order, structure, and patterns empower people with
D50728 - command and control of the work.
D50730 - ..
D50731 - [On 040312 science discovers order, structure, and pattern to
D50732 - enable people to control the future. ref SDS 95 RP6K
D50733 -
D50734 -
D50735 -
D50736 -
D50737 -
D508 -
SDS Subject Index Design Matrix Correlations Implications Nuance Obj
DP03 -
DP0401 - ..
DP0402 - Subject Index Matrix Correlations Implications Relational Hierarchial
DP0403 - Big Picture Represents Spatial Relationships SDS Managges Context
DP0404 - Relational Hierarchial Associations SDS Matrix Design Subject Index
DP0405 - Work Breakdown Structures (WBS) Methods Expanded Organic Subject Index
DP0406 -
DP0407 - A picture on the wall of a simple countryside represents relations of
DP0408 - size, shape, color, and space between sky, pasture, trees, hills, a
DP0409 - stream, a barn, some cows, a house, a well. Each of these smaller,
DP0410 - organic "subjects" in the "big picture" represent work breakdown
DP0411 - structures with multiple relational and hierarchial associations of
DP0412 - cause and effect. These subsidiary contextual frames are difficult to
DP0413 - represent in a picture. (see below visible and evident contextual
DP0414 - boundaries, ref SDS 0 RC5K, and further below hidden frames,
DP0415 - ref SDS 0 428F, to manage context of the "big picture.")
DP0416 -
DP0417 - [On 940827 example setting up relational and hierarchial
DP0418 - subject index structures for PG&E to perform project with
DP0419 - California Department of Water Resources (CDWR). ref SDS 27
DP0420 - 007R
DP0422 - ..
DP0423 - [On 000221 research for a Colloquium at Stanford on knowledge
DP0424 - management found that organizing the work with subject indexing
DP0425 - is a Pandora's Box of complexity. ref SDS 65 7455
DP0427 - ..
DP0428 - [On 000307 research sponsored by SRI for ad hoc team developing
DP0429 - new technology found that knowledge management is a lot of hard
DP0430 - work with conventional tools and practices.
DP0432 - ..
DP0433 - [On 070205 stories explain context to understand the meaning of
DP0434 - pictures that capture of moments in time. ref SDS A7 DO3O
DP0435 -
DP0437 - ..
DP0438 - Contextual Boundaries with Vast Organic Structure
DP0439 - Bottom Line Requires Comand Control Details in Big Picture
DP0440 - Big Picture Hides Correlations for Accurate Understanding of Context
DP0441 -
DP0442 - The barn, for example, in the "big picture" presents a contextual
DP0443 - boundary with vast subsidiary frames. Inside the barn could be hay
DP0444 - stocked for the cows seen in the picture outside the barn. Stalls for
DP0445 - horses need repair; equipment and tools are stored with a workbench
DP0446 - and supplies. The vice on the workbench is broken, and needs to be
DP0447 - repaired in order to repair tools needed for operation of the ranch.
DP0448 - The sky has seasonal conditions of pressure, temperature, velocity,
DP0449 - and direction. The stream has depth, history of annual flow, legal
DP0450 - rights constrain water use. The ground has minerals that may sustain
DP0451 - or inhibit growing crops and feeding live stock, e.g., sheep, cattle,
DP0452 - pigs, etc. Ownership of the land may have restrictions that limit
DP0453 - use. These smaller "organic" subjects cannot be represented in even a
DP0454 - "big picture," yet require understanding a vastly complex matrix of
DP0455 - correlations, implications, and nuance in relation to objectives,
DP0456 - requirements, and commitments that empower people to accomplish tasks
DP0457 - at the right time and in the right order for realizing grand visions
DP0458 - of a "big picture" that yield a favorable "bottom line."
DP0460 - ..
DP0461 - [...below, context management tracked by organic subject
DP0462 - structure is endlessly complex. ref SDS 0 428F
DP0464 - ..
DP0465 - [On 910810 SDS hybrid design dynamically integrates relational
DP0466 - and hierarchial methods. ref SDS 16 7793
DP0468 - ..
DP0469 - [On 940609 pictures conversation convey cursory 1st impression
DP0470 - false confidence fools gold, ref SDS 24 4933, leading to
DP0471 - continual bumbling, ref SDS 24 4671, Alice in Wonderland
DP0472 - management noted by Kissinger. ref SDS 24 4238
DP0474 - ..
DP0475 - [On 970116 fractionalized subjects managing complexity with SDS
DP0476 - organic structure of context. ref SDS 48 1732
DP0478 - ..
DP0479 - [On 000515 pictures limited representation of multi-dimensional
DP0480 - knowledge, ref SDS 69 3R5K, Peirce semiotic strives to capture
DP0481 - continuous flow of human thought with exestential graphs.
DP0482 - ref SDS 69 Y34F
DP0484 - ..
DP0485 - [On 010312 pictures need 1000 words to explain, noted by Eric
DP0486 - Armstrong. ref SDS 72 MU62
DP0488 - ..
DP0489 - [On 031215 Gary listed elements of SDS that comprise both
DP0490 - hierarchial and relational data base design. ref SDS 91 GN5J
DP0492 - ..
DP0493 - [On 040312 complexity without order, structure, patterns
DP0494 - connecting cause and effect overwhelms people under the 2nd law
DP0495 - of thermodynamics; people can ignore principles, but the laws
DP0496 - of nature do not ignore people. ref SDS 96 4X5F
DP0498 - ..
DP0499 - Work breakdown structure (WBS) can represent some relationships using
DP0500 - flexible flow chart methods to diagram organic structure. A picture
DP0501 - diagrams fixed associations; for example, between cows and the barn,
DP0502 - the well and the house, and between sky and everything.
DP0503 -
DP0504 - [On 920211 WBS uses organic structures, similar to SDS subject
DP0505 - indexing; it is a hard job. ref SDS 17 5220
DP0507 - ..
DP0508 - [On 970406 WBS created for Richmond Harbor project, and applied
DP0509 - for granular divisions of organic structure in the Subject
DP0510 - Index. ref SDS 50 0001
DP0512 - ..
DP0513 - [On 981009 WBS application for subject index to manage the
DP0514 - Moscone convention center expansion project. ref SDS 58 2845
DP0516 - ..
DP0517 - [On 020108 Morris descirbed SDS subject index applying WBS
DP0518 - methods. ref SDS 77 GA9J
DP0519 -
DP0520 -
DP0521 -
DP06 -
SDS Subject Index Design Matrix Correlations Implications Nuance Obj
DX03 -
DX0401 - ..
DX0402 - Needs Theory Shows Expansion Organic Subject Structure Objectives
DX0403 -
DX0404 - The SDS subject index expands flexibility and benefits of traditional
DX0405 - WBS and "big picture" methods for context management of the natural
DX0406 - hierarchy of human needs, explained in POIMS. ref OF 13 0367 For
DX0407 - example, Abraham Maslow's 1943 paper "A Theory of Human Motivation"
DX0408 - explained that as basic needs are met, successively higher needs
DX0409 - motivate action, with the result that people are never satisfied, and
DX0410 - are constantly worrying and anxious about getting things done....
DX0412 - ..
DX0413 - 1. Biological and Physiological needs - air, food, drink,
DX0414 - shelter, warmth, sex, sleep, etc.
DX0416 - ..
DX0417 - 2. Safety needs - protection from elements, security, order,
DX0418 - law, limits, stability, etc.
DX0420 - ..
DX0421 - 3. Belongingness and Love needs - work group, family,
DX0422 - affection, relationships, etc.
DX0424 - ..
DX0425 - 4. Esteem needs - self-esteem, achievement, mastery,
DX0426 - independence, status, dominance, prestige, managerial
DX0427 - responsibility, etc.
DX0429 - ..
DX0430 - 5. Self-Actualization needs - realising personal potential,
DX0431 - self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth and peak
DX0432 - experiences.
DX0433 -
DX0434 -
DX0435 -
DX05 -
Filing Records Management Extremely Complex Organic Structure Human
E803 -
E80401 - ..
E80402 - Filing Records Management Extremely Complex
E80403 - Common Storage Subject Index Replace Cross-reference Filing
E80404 - Cross-reference Filing Replaced Subject Index Computers Common Storage
E80405 - Granular Indexing New Way Working File Once Multiple Subject Pointers
E80406 -
E80407 - Command and control of the record constructs granular divisions of
E80408 - context that organize complexity into manageable explanations of daily
E80409 - work, commonly called "filing" using "folders" and file cabinets in
E80410 - traditional records management.
E80412 - ..
E80413 - DNA-like organic structures frame somewhat arbitrary, but useful,
E80414 - contextual boundaries for human needs, see above, ref SDS 0 XT6O This
E80415 - helps maintain order connecting cause and effect over long time spans
E80416 - (see "house" example below. ref SDS 0 428F) Energy connecting cause
E80417 - and effect yields the power of knowledge to predict the future that
E80418 - enables command and control of the work. People can organize,
E80419 - represent, and manage evolving, multiple relationships, including
E80420 - hierarchial structures, see again below. ref SDS 0 UP4U
E80422 - ..
E80423 - Traditional records management tracks organic structure of meaning
E80424 - with cross-reference filing. Documents are copied and placed in
E80425 - multiple folders including distribution to multiple people. This
E80426 - takes a lot of time and expense, as bureacracies produce a lot of
E80427 - documents using computers and email for mass distribution. Organizing
E80428 - the glut of information in documents to discover connections of cause
E80429 - and effect is very hard work, because people cannot construct a well
E80430 - ordered record, discussed above. ref SDS 0 A53H Without timely,
E80431 - accurate understanding, management productivity falls due to
E80432 - complexity and confusion that create mistakes, bumbling, crisis, loss,
E80433 - and conflict.
E80435 - ..
E80436 - [On 970707 US Air Force study shows management systems
E80437 - eventually fail under the weight of information overload.
E80438 - ref SDS 51 0108
E80440 - ..
E80441 - SDS addresses the problem with paperless office efficiencies of
E80442 - electronic records management, reviewed on 880628. ref SDS 1 GA6L
E80443 - Management by objectives (MBO) is another popular way to summarize the
E80444 - process. Every objective is bound by context with multiple
E80445 - relationships and hierarchial patterns, like DNA that grows biological
E80446 - life from molecular structures. Context management associates
E80447 - disparate events in the record with a matrix of correlations,
E80448 - implications, and nuance that flow from relational and hierarchial
E80449 - structures for objectives, requirements, and commitments.
E80450 -
E80451 - [On 960304 Vannevar Bush proposed in 1945 robust indexing to
E80452 - improve productivity with efficiencies of electronic records
E80453 - management. ref SDS 39 PG5L
E80455 - ..
E80456 - As noted, per above, ref SDS 0 T15F, work on 880628 created Help to
E80457 - explain the Subject Index applied with Control Fields that create
E80458 - record segments for improving productivity of traditional records
E80459 - management. ref SDS 1 OL6H
E80461 - ..
E80462 - SDS Control Fields and granular indexing apply computer power to
E80463 - improve command and control of the record, eliminating traditional
E80464 - duplicate and cross-reference filing. Information is saved once in
E80465 - common storage and segmented according to subjects identified in a
E80466 - hierarchial index that reflects the natural order of needs, per above.
E80467 - ref SDS 0 XT6O This accomplishes a "paperless office" capability
E80468 - that avoids the time, cost, and frustrations of paper handling.
E80470 - ..
E80471 - [On 921127 proactive management aligns the work to discover
E80472 - correlations, implications, and nuance that prevents small,
E80473 - inconsequential details from exploding into major problems.
E80474 - ref SDS 18 0674
E80476 - ..
E80477 - [On 940825 applied granular diversity for multiple views in the
E80478 - subject index to support proactive management avoiding problems
E80479 - and discovering opportunities to save time and money for CDWR
E80480 - project at PG&E. ref SDS 26 XR6L
E80482 - ..
E80483 - [On 960322 common control criteria natural organic structures
E80484 - for subject indexing. ref SDS 41 FG4M
E80486 - ..
E80487 - [On 040312 subject index makes complexity productive by
E80488 - managing connections of cause and effect, ref SDS 96 5P9I,
E80489 - under the locality principle, also, explained on 040312.
E80490 - ref SDS 95 L22S
E80491 -
E80492 -
E805 -
Subjects Not Visible Big Picture Mapped Hierarchial Organic Structur
F303 -
F30401 - ..
F30402 - Hidden Context Makes Sense of Expanding Complexity in Big Picture
F30403 - Contextual Boundaries Hidden from View in the Big Picture
F30404 - Subjects Not Visible in Big Picture Represented by Organic Indexing
F30405 - Big Picture Comprehension Discover Contextual Boundaries Cause Effect
F30406 -
F30407 - Electronic records management tracks thousands of details that cannot
F30408 - be seen in the "big picture." For example, the house has a foundation,
F30409 - floors, walls, rooms, doors, ceiling, roof, windows, etc. ref SDS 0
F30410 - G14K In turn, the "foundation" for the house has footings, utilities,
F30411 - piers, a subgrade, etc. All of these subjects have relational and
F30412 - hierarchial associations with requirements, design, engineers,
F30413 - architects, contractors, stakeholders, construction, defects, wear,
F30414 - repair, replacement, warranty, insurance, cost, schedule, materials,
F30415 - equipment, plus an array of consultants, lawyers, judges, juries,
F30416 - regulators. As well, cows need feed, water, protection, medical
F30417 - attention, Bankers need mortgage payments. The well needs a pump, and
F30418 - distribution piping. The wife of the family living in the home wants
F30419 - to go on vacation, rather than buy a pump for the well. The husband
F30420 - wants the wife to have an operation for a bad back, rather than go on
F30421 - vacation. The oldest daughter wants to study medicine, rather than
F30422 - fashion design and agriculture at the university. Her sister wants to
F30423 - buy a mortorcycle, rather than a horse. The youngest son needs help
F30424 - on a 4H project to clone hybrid stock; the storm basement needs to be
F30425 - stocked for the tornado season, the exploration company needs storm
F30426 - insurance, and more money to keep drilling for oil on the South forty.
F30427 - The Fortune 500 company financing the drilling operations needs a
F30428 - meeting to revise terms of agreement with the family and environmental
F30429 - regulators because explorations so far indicate a much larger deposit
F30430 - may be found than was specified in the approval permit. The husband
F30431 - and wife decide they need to attend a seminar in Hawaii on managing
F30432 - complexity hidden by simplicity seeing only the "big picture.
F30434 - ..
F30435 - SDS has unlimited range for representing an infinite variety of
F30436 - relationships that arise from a simple picture of the countryside, per
F30437 - above. ref SDS 0 G14K
F30438 -
F30439 - [On 960406 example of key word methods people use striving for
F30440 - initial simplicity to save time, results in wasting enormous time
F30441 - later becasue nobody can find informaation. ref SDS 44 0218
F30443 - ..
F30444 - [On 970116 fractionalized subjects managing complexity with SDS
F30445 - organic structure of context. ref SDS 48 1732
F30447 - ..
F30448 - [On 000221 ontology study of organic structure of context
F30449 - Pandora's Box of complexity creating, managing, and using Subject
F30450 - Index. ref SDS 65 L58O
F30452 - ..
F30453 - [On 040312 complexity significantly leverages energy to increase
F30454 - productivity when order, pattern, and structure are maintained;
F30455 - but when connections of cause and effect are lost, productivity
F30456 - is paralyzed by chaos that overwhelms human cognition.
F30457 - ref SDS 96 1D6I
F30459 - ..
F30460 - The story of daily work recorded as history, ideas, concepts, plans,
F30461 - objectives, requirements, and commitments can be respresented as
F30462 - organic building blocks, or structures with complementary hierarchial
F30463 - and relational associations represented in SDS records. The Subject
F30464 - Index enables continuous mapping of SDS records to assemble at any
F30465 - time small, seemingly inconsequential events, e.g., read a book, fix
F30466 - the car, attend a meeting, write a report, mow the lawn, sign a
F30467 - contract, visit the hospital, etc., into associations of larger
F30468 - meanings, and, also, analyzed further to form new ideas, concepts, and
F30469 - knowledge in the same way that DNA assembles small common organic
F30470 - structures into a huge variety of bigger, independently living
F30471 - organisms. Similarly, human needs and objectives drive associations
F30472 - the mind assembles to identify subjects that synthesize disparate
F30473 - experience in guiding daily action. Since needs evolve according to
F30474 - context, the mind makes different subject associations for the same
F30475 - information; and, since context occurs along a continuum, the range of
F30476 - potential subjects for any body of information is large, and therefore
F30477 - fluid.
F30479 - ..
F30480 - This presents a dilemma to balance opposing processes of analysis to
F30481 - break things down for finding critical details, with synthesis that
F30482 - assembles relevant details for understanding correlations that present
F30483 - a wide range of "big pictures," often with vastly different
F30484 - implications, illustrated by the example developed today, per above.
F30485 - ref SDS 0 G14K
F30487 - ..
F30488 - SDS supports command and control of the record (see POIMS, ref OF 17
F30489 - 1113, to both find small details in time to verify accuracy of
F30490 - spontaneous impressions from situational awareness (see NWO,
F30491 - ref OF 24 08XX), and, also, assemble contextually relevant parts of
F30492 - the record into meaningful reports showing trends of cause and effect
F30493 - that control the future. Accurate understanding of relevant details
F30494 - and trends that are otherwise hidden in a "sea of details," helps
F30495 - manage complexity caused by continuous information streams from a
F30496 - hectic schedule of meetings, calls, and documents. Integrating
F30497 - relational and hierarchial structures solves the problem of complexity
F30498 - overwhelming conscious span of attention that is necessarily driven by
F30499 - biological memory of the most recent experience on the basis of
F30500 - "last-in-first-out." Since everyone has different experience, and
F30501 - even where people have common experience, the chance that people share
F30502 - their last experience in common, or that the most relevant sequence of
F30503 - experiences would be remembered in common is quite remote.
F30505 - ..
F30506 - [On 040312 complexity without order, structure, patterns
F30507 - connecting cause and effect overwhelms people under the 2nd law
F30508 - of thermodynamics; people can ignore principles, but the laws of
F30509 - nature do not ignore people. ref SDS 96 4X5F
F30511 - ..
F30512 - For example, much different associations arise from seeing a picture,
F30513 - per above, ref SDS 0 G14K, than from driving through the country and
F30514 - getting a flat tire, even though the eyes absorb mostly the same big
F30515 - "picture." As well, different subjects, also, arise from working on a
F30516 - farm in the country, than from getting a contract to build a barn, or
F30517 - from visiting a farm to buy property, rather than to pick up a child
F30518 - that may be visiting for the summer, etc. Each of these scenarios are
F30519 - comprised of mostly the same small building blocks of information, but
F30520 - lead to thousands, even millions of different organic subject
F30521 - structures, which easily overwhelm span of attention.
F30522 -
F30523 - [On 970116 fractionalized subjects managing complexity with SDS
F30524 - organic structure of context. ref SDS 48 1732
F30526 - ..
F30527 - [On 990329 Pinker explains complexity of language that enables
F30528 - humans to understand the complexity of existence better than
F30529 - other creatures. ref SDS 60 ZN6G
F30531 - ..
F30532 - [On 010420 Jeff Conklin described cognitive overhead that takes
F30533 - time for creating links and to follow links; does not discuss
F30534 - organic structure which is a far larger issue. ref SDS 73 SU6K
F30536 - ..
F30537 - [On 060412 outline software explains advantages of writing for
F30538 - explaining meaning of pictures. ref SDS A2 IH3Y
F30540 - ..
F30541 - The vastness of "subjects" for understanding even a simple "picture,"
F30542 - per above, ref SDS 0 LV40, make common "filing" a hugely complex task
F30543 - because at any moment all of the associations that categorize
F30544 - information are not evident. ref SDS 0 428F Most correlations,
F30545 - implications, and nuances are hidden by complexity of near term
F30546 - events: the last meeting, phone call, book, a trip to Fresno, a
F30547 - television program, a conversation. Daily activity constantly changes
F30548 - the orientation of perspective about the context of information. It
F30549 - is a double edged sword that illuminates some organic structures, and
F30550 - conceals others, because conscious span of attention is concerned
F30551 - about needs in the moment.
F30553 - ..
F30554 - SDS helps the mind differentiate context into lower levels of organic
F30555 - subject structures that unlock deeper understanding of correlations,
F30556 - implications and nuance. Subjects can quickly and accurately assemble
F30557 - knowledge of cause and effect about small details common to larger
F30558 - objectives. Faster, more accurate understanding enables better
F30559 - decisions for taking action on a wider range of circumstances than
F30560 - contemplated in the absence of using SDS. This, technology therefore,
F30561 - seems to leverage natural "intelligence." ref OF 17 2050
F30562 -
F30563 - [On 910221 organic subject structures apply DNA processes for
F30564 - growing knowledge, and reflect alphabet technology of assembling
F30565 - small meanings into larger organic structures called stories that
F30566 - eventually comprise history. ref SDS 11 OP7M
F30568 - ..
F30569 - [On 900303 book on human cognition and AI explains categories
F30570 - enable people to process information with limited time and span of
F30571 - attention. ref SDS 9 5555
F30573 - ..
F30574 - [On 970116 "fractionalized subjects" reflects complexity of
F30575 - organic structure that occurs in existence. ref SDS 48 1732
F30577 - ..
F30578 - Span of attention is always a prisoner of current circumstances, i.e.,
F30579 - blinded by focus on immediate observations in the heat of battle,
F30580 - causing the mind to look for subjects in an index that seem not to
F30581 - exist, but in fact are simply described differently. This augurs for
F30582 - a dual system that associates alternate descriptions for the same
F30583 - subject scope. When alphabetized the mind has a much greater chance
F30584 - to find information that fits current context, regardless of original
F30585 - circumstances. This helps solve the problem of current perspective
F30586 - preventing the mind from finding needed knowledge in time to act.
F30588 - ..
F30589 - In addition, subjects and meaning occur along a continuum. Therefore,
F30590 - reviewing subject listings with alternate descriptions of the same
F30591 - thing, also, positions the mind to observe and recognize closely
F30592 - related subjects for consideration of correlations and implications
F30593 - for current objectives, decisions and actions. This greatly
F30594 - expands span of attention.
F30595 -
F30596 - [On 960320 improved SDS subject management. ref SDS 41 7749
F30598 - ..
F30599 - [On 960322 analysed SDS subject management. ref SDS 41 7749
F30601 - ..
F30602 - [On 971008 report by USACE shows SDS organic subject structure
F30603 - saves time and money by expanding span of attention so that errors
F30604 - that cause rework are avoided. ref SDS 53 1273
F30605 -
F30606 -
F30607 -
F307 -
F30701 -
F308 -
Complementarity Chronology Context Connections Paperless Office Harm
G403 -
G40401 - ..
G40402 - Integrate Synergy Harmony Chronology Context Connections
G40403 - Paperless Office Efficiencies Electronic Records Management
G40404 - Complementarity Productivity Integrate Chronology Context Connections
G40405 -
G40406 - Follow up ref SDS 1 GA6L.
G40407 -
G40408 - Computers configured to support a well ordered record, explained
G40409 - above, ref SDS 0 TP8O, provide speed and precision access that solves
G40410 - the problem of information density which otherwise overwhelms people,
G40411 - causing endless mistakes, bumblng, loss, conflict, chaos, and tragedy.
G40412 - SDS supports a well ordered record for a much broader share of daily
G40413 - work, expanding legal practice for managing case records, also
G40414 - explained above. ref SDS 0 OP4H
G40416 - ..
G40417 - Paperless office efficiencies of electronic records management require
G40418 - "precision access" from smoothly integrating flexible structures (see
G40419 - list above, ref SDS 0 P13O) applied with ease and harmony, so that
G40420 - each supports the other, called out in POIMS. ref OF 14 8559
G40421 - Complementarity from harmony between features and functions together
G40422 - with ergonomic usability applying left and right brain power yields
G40423 - synergy that makes the "paperless office" model productive. see POIMS,
G40424 - ref OF 16 6M5H,
G40426 - ..
G40427 - [On 960304 Vannevar Bush proposed in 1945 computers can
G40428 - support paperless office for efficiencies of electronic
G40429 - records management, ref SDS 39 H68K; requires 4 elements of
G40430 - complementarity. ref SDS 39 GX59
G40432 - ..
G40433 - [On 020531 efficient usability required for complementarity
G40434 - to optimize human potential using computers for integrated
G40435 - functions and features that improve management
G40436 - productivity. ref SDS 80 5M3G
G40438 - ..
G40439 - Complementarity applying the "plan, perform, report" integrated SDS
G40440 - cycle supports a simple, conscious discipline ("scientific method")
G40441 - that leverages subconscious mechanics of "intelligence" for converting
G40442 - information into the power of knowledge, see POIMS, ref OF 13 0367, as
G40443 - a routine exercise creating work product that grows into a continuing
G40444 - resource, like an encyclopedia of personal and organizational memory,
G40445 - see POIMS. ref OF 16 6649
G40446 -
G40447 - [On 991025 Peter Drucker proposes applying technology to
G40448 - "routinize" cognitivie science applications for improving
G40449 - practice of management. ref SDS 63 0785
G40451 - ..
G40452 - [On 021118 Bacon in England is credited among others for
G40453 - "scientific method." ref SDS 87 N39H
G40455 - ..
G40456 - [On 040312 locality principle explains energy connecting
G40457 - cause and effect yields the power of knowledge to predict
G40458 - the future. ref SDS 95 YH4G
G40460 - ..
G40461 - [On 040312 complexity creates confusion and disorder until
G40462 - complementarity adds energy to "connect the dots" into the
G40463 - correct order of cause and effect applying chronology,
G40464 - context, and connection, ref SDS 96 5P9I; without energy to
G40465 - tend the garden of knowledge, disorder rises toward entropy
G40466 - making complexity a crushing liability that overwhelms
G40467 - human mental biology in confusion, conflict, crisis,
G40468 - calamity, and chaos. ref SDS 96 W46M
G40470 - ..
G40471 - [On 040312 POIMS design fits complementarity principle of
G40472 - quantum mechancs by extending a standard model of
G40473 - communication using stream-of-conscious conversation,
G40474 - meetings, calls, email, adding energy to connect the dots
G40475 - of cause and effect that strengthen accuracy and timely
G40476 - follow up. ref SDS 97 X66I
G40478 - ..
G40479 - [On 041213 Edison credited for scientific method practices
G40480 - of thorough planning from prior work, careful experiments
G40481 - following the plan, contemporaneous notes with analysis to
G40482 - accurately understand results and discover correlations,
G40483 - implications, nuance needed to plan next steps. ref SDS A1
G40484 - DK4N
G40486 - ..
G40487 - [On 071113 Knowledge Mangement professional papers on
G40488 - Technologies for Cooperation do not mention time,
G40489 - chronology, context, connection, nor complementarity,
G40490 - indicating SDS may complement popular solutions.
G40491 - ref SDS A9 H74J
G40493 - ..
G40494 - Complementarity between seven (7) elements of flexible structure (see
G40495 - above, ref SDS 0 TP8O) optimizes synergy from three (3) elements of
G40496 - "precision access" applied routinely...
G40497 -
G40498 - 1. writing............ chronology
G40499 - 2. indexing........... context
G40500 - 3. linking............ connection
G40502 - ..
G40503 - Precision access applied through SDS records enable processes that aid
G40504 - memory, thinking, reasoning, and by extension the practice of
G40505 - management....
G40506 -
G40507 - 1. people, process, time.................. ref OF 3 015M
G40508 - 2. plan, perform, report.................. ref OF 6 6649
G40509 - 3. past, present, future.................. ref OF 6 1112
G40510 - 4. chronology, context, connection........ ref OF 6 8555
G40511 - 5. 8-steps Communication Metrics.......... ref OF 6 685K
G40513 - ..
G40514 - [On 071212 SDS supports several powerful processes that
G40515 - aid human thinking, and the practice of management.
G40516 - ref SDS B0 Z48H
G40518 - ..
G40519 - Writing to capture the record in a diary applies the granularity of
G40520 - time, called "chronology" that imparts cause and effect (see above,
G40521 - ref SDS 0 5C8H). Organic structure applies granularity of context
G40522 - with rigorous subject indexing. Multiple relational subject
G40523 - assignments to Control Fields form record segments at the paragraph
G40524 - level which complement flexible structures of time and line numbers,
G40525 - discussed above. ref SDS 0 T1VQ Indexing at the paragraph level
G40526 - enables finding related history that expands span of attention to
G40527 - discover correlations, implications, and nuance associated with
G40528 - objectives, requirements, and commitments.
G40530 - ..
G40531 - Finding relevant history makes constructing links fast and easy that
G40532 - verify accuracy connecting cause and effect. Better accuracy
G40533 - organizing and connecting the record enables working intelligently to
G40534 - make sense of complexity, per example above. ref SDS 0 428F Harmony
G40535 - integrating three (3) elements of chronology, context, and connection
G40536 - efficiently converts information into the power of knowledge,
G40537 - explained in POIMS. ref OF 16 8555 Complementarity from each element
G40538 - supporting the other increases synergy that improves productivity, see
G40539 - again POIMS. ref OF 14 8559
G40541 - ..
G40542 - [On 950204 explained synergy from SDS design that provides a lot
G40543 - of firepower for working intelligently. ref SDS 30 4995
G40545 - ..
G40546 - [On 960304 Vannevar Bush proposed in 1945 requirements for
G40547 - complementarity between electronic records management capturing
G40548 - the record, rigorous subject indexing, and comprehensive trails
G40549 - of association in order to make efficiencies of a paperless
G40550 - office productive. ref SDS 39 GX59
G40552 - ..
G40553 - [On 980613 article reports paperless office efficiencies of
G40554 - electronic records management have not been realized by creating
G40555 - and storing information on computers; people overwhelmed by
G40556 - information density because only SDS has tools that convert
G40557 - information into knowledge. ref SDS 57 0526
G40559 - ..
G40560 - [On 000227 automatically organizing the record under many
G40561 - headings may take decades to accomplish. ref SDS 66 AP9J
G40563 - ..
G40564 - [On 011102 Larry Prusak at IBM explains Knowledge Management
G40565 - strives to implement "paperless office" for efficiencies of
G40566 - electronic records management because merely storing information
G40567 - on computers overwhelms human mental biology and so degrades
G40568 - productivity without complementary support for context and
G40569 - connections, i.e., Bush vision of "trails of associations."
G40570 - ref SDS 76 M24F
G40571 -
G40572 -
G40573 -
G40574 -
G40575 -
G40576 -
G406 -