440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: March 15, 89 09:40 PM .......;
Rod Welch
Telecon Norm re cofferdam removal, completion schedule, managing docs.
2...DNRC uses 3x5 Card System to Manage Docs, Norm Likes SDS
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0201 - State of Montana 406 444 6699 fax 6721
020101 - Department of Natural Resources and Conservation
020102 - Mr. Norman Barnard; Hydro Power Engineer =Telephone
020103 - Water Resources Division =406 444 0533 fax
Final Project Completion
Cofferdam removal
0804 - ..
0805 - Summary/Objective
0806 -
080601 - This follows up discussions with Norm and discussions at the site this
080602 - afternoon, SDS 5 line 061019 & 062007, and inspections, ref SDS 6 line
080603 -
080604 - I advised Norm of my findings concerning the stability of the
080605 - cofferdam. Norm said after our discussion with Stan he observed the
080606 - berm from the spillway and concurs it is doubtful Sletten can remove
080607 - the upstream cofferdam with this procedure.
080608 -
080609 - Norm advised Sletten has indicated it may bring in a barge. This
080610 - procedure will require another week to mobilize.
080611 -
080612 - Claim
080613 -
080614 - Sletten has indicated to Norm it believes it is entitled to extra
080615 - compensation because Gracon's work is delaying the lowering of the
080616 - reservoir.
080617 -
080618 - Voith may have a claim if it is delayed beyond its 890422 date for
080619 - delivering the Powerhouse so revenue can be produced. If Sletten or
080620 - Gracon are not ready, Voith would still be entitled to its share of
080621 - the incentive.
080622 -
080623 -
080624 -
0807 -
Document log
Documents, Automated Log
3 x 5 card catalog
1506 - DNRC procecures
1507 -
150701 - ..
150702 - DNRC uses 3x5 Card System to Manage Docs, Norm Likes SDS
150703 -
150704 - I asked Norm how DNRC manages documents, and noted this will be
150705 - critical when I leave the project.
150706 -
150707 - Norm said that DNRC manages documents with 3 x 5 cards.
150708 -
150709 - On Broadwater he and JoAnn fill out a 3 x 5 card that explains the
150710 - subject, intent and disposition of each document issued and received.
150711 -
150712 - Norm advised it is difficult to keep the 3 x 5 cards posted because
150713 - most of the time there isn't enough time to fill out the cards.
150714 -
150715 - [On 911005 3 x 5 cards had not been maintained. ref SDS 7 0849]
150716 - ..
150717 - Within the past year, he and Wayne Wetzel have tried to use the
150717 - computer to emulate their 3 x 5 card system, but gave up because they
150717 - could not find a program do it, and the Lotus 123 spreadsheet they
150717 - created was not flexible enough.
150721 -
150722 - Norm explained that one of the frustrations on the job was that the
150723 - contractor began sending a lot of letters complaining about Tudor
150724 - management and problems in the plans. Tudor was not keeping up with
150725 - these documents. He and JoAnn have not had time to maintain the 3 x 5
150726 - system, so they lost control of the project, which is why Welch was
150727 - hired.
150728 -
150729 - He feels now, based on the Welch work with SDS at Broadwater, that a
150730 - computer system might be more useful afterall especially with the
150731 - potential for supporting arbitration and operation of the plant.
150732 -
150733 - He commented that watching me use the SDS document system everyday to
150734 - support Tudor and DNRC, shows computers can be used to keep up with
150735 - the flow of daily documents and other information, if the right design
150736 - is applied.
150737 -
150738 - We discussed the inefficiency of a dual data system, where he and
150739 - JoAnn are filling out 3 x 5 cards, and I am capturing more and better
150740 - information in SDS.
150741 -
150742 - Considered having JoAnn log all incoming and outgoing documents in
150743 - SDS. It would require approximately 2 weeks for her to become
150744 - proficient in doing this, so there is a single comprehensive account
150745 - of documents that can be used to manage the work and support dispute
150746 - resolution.
150747 -
150748 - Norm will discuss this with Wayne and JoAnn.
150749 -
150750 -
150751 -
1508 -
1509 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"