440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: March 15, 89 10:08 AM .......; Rod Welch

Follow up completion schedule finalization.


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Final Project Completion
Schedule meeting

0604 -    ..
0605 - Summary/Objective
0606 -
060601 - Follow up
060602 -
060603 - Called Hainline
060604 -
060605 - Stan was out, talked to Jerry.
060606 -
060607 - Jerry said they received the edited schedule from Tudor SF
060608 - yesterday, and Stan is working on the revisions.  Stan is out of the
060609 - office for a short while.   Jerry will ask him to call back.
060610 -
060611 -
060612 -
060613 -
060614 -  ..
0607 -
0608 - 1143 Stan called back
0609 -
060901 - Norm advised Voith is having trouble with the Speed Increaser,
060902 - and is about 2 weeks behind its projected schedule.  He does not know
060903 - if this has been solved yet.  Speed Increaser work controls
060904 - installation of the generator which in turn controls removal of the
060905 - big crane from the area adjacent to the Powerhouse.  The crane must be
060906 - removed to permit completion of power poles and lines to the
060907 - Powerhouse.  That work is underway today.  Harp began installing the
060908 - steel structure.
060909 -
060910 -  ..
060911 - Stan feels this condition may make Voith the critical work.
060912 -
060913 - Norm understands Voith expects to move its crane from the Powerhouse
060914 - area oa 890401.
060915 -
060916 - Norm will confirm with Voith when "runners" and other stuff are
060917 - scheduled.  Stan needs this to complete his finalization of the
060918 - completion schedule.
060919 -
060920 -  ..
060921 - Cofferdam (see also inspection, ref SDS 5 line 0705)
060922 -
060923 - I advised Stan of the delay in beginning removal of the cofferdam.
060924 - Norm understands Sletten expects to begin this work today.  I ex-
060925 - plained that an entire activity was not shown on the schedule of
060926 - placing rip rap, shaping the embankment and constructing the berm.
060927 -
060928 -  ..
060929 - Stan feels this work is part of the "remove cofferdam" activity shown
060930 - as 25 work days.  I explained the contractor has indicated the up-
060931 - stream cofferdam removal will require 2 weeks  and the downstream
060932 - cofferdam removal will require 3 weeks.  I noted my opinion that
060933 - removal of the upstream cofferdam alone will require two weeks,
060934 - assuming the berm operation works.
060935 -
060936 -  ..
060937 - Norm indicated Sletten has brought in another crane which may permit
060938 - concurrent activity.  He advised the equipment for the downstream
060939 - gate mechanism is on site, and Sletten expects to complete instal-
060940 - lation and testing by the last week in March.  Stan feels if this
060941 - works, Sletten may complete cofferdam removal within the time frame
060942 - shown on his initial schedule even though the activity of testing the
060943 - bulkhead gates was two weeks later than shown on the schedule.
060944 -
060945 - (see below for more discussons with Norm on cofferdam work).
060946 -
060947 -  ..
060948 - Stan expects to get the completed schedule in the mail today or
060949 - tomorrow.
060950 -
060951 -
060952 -
060953 -  ..
0610 -
0611 - 1252 called Clyde
0612 -
061201 - In the discussion on the Gracon barge landing access matter, we also
061202 - touched on this matter.
061203 -
061204 - I advised that Hainline's schedule should be available tomorrow  or
061205 - Friday.
061206 -
061207 - Clyde concurred with holding a project completion schedule meeting,
061208 - ref DCP 3. He was concerned that the March 17  date conflicts with
061209 - the Sletten settlement meeting.  I advised the intent is to have this
061210 - meeting on Monday, or Tuesday, so Jeff will be here.  Clyde also
061211 - asked if the thing has been reviewed by contractor site management.
061212 - I advised this step has been done, ref SDS 1.
061213 -
061214 -
061215 -
061216 -  ..
0613 -
0614 - 1410 Sarah Bond called
0615 -
061501 - I mentioned this matter.  She had me talk to Wayne.  He said we could
061502 - schedule the meeting next Monday, Wednesday, or  Friday.  We want to
061503 - do it when Jeff is here, so opted for Monday, 890320.
061504 -
061505 -
061506 -
061507 -  ..
0616 -
0617 -
0618 - 1450 talked to Norm
0619 -
061901 - He said he called Stan back and informed him that Voith maintains it
061902 - will meet the milestone of 890401 for removal of the large crane
061903 - from the Powerhouse area.  This does not directly answer Stan's
061904 - question about durations for subsidiary activities.
061905 -
061906 -
061907 -  ..
061908 - Cofferdam removal
061909 -
061910 - Norm said Kieth Ferguson expects Sletten will complete removal
061911 - of the upstream cofferdam in 5 days of 10 or 12 hour shifts, and will
061912 - complete removal of the downstream cofferdam in comparable time
061913 - following removal of the upstream system.
061914 -
061915 -  ..
061916 - Norm also advised that the second crane Sletten brought onto the site
061917 - was to replace the one that was already here, rather than to sup-
061918 - plement it, as discussed earlier this morning.  He said he gave this
061919 - information to Stan this afternoon.  Apparently the crane being
061920 - replaced is damaged and inoperable.
061921 -
061922 -  ..
061923 - Advised Norm of meeting on Monday.  He recalled the draft said March
061924 - 17, and I explained that was error because the date conflicted with
061925 - the Sletten meeting.
061926 -
061927 -
061928 -  ..
0620 -
0621 - Scheduled Project Completion meeting
0622 -
062201 - Revised notice to contractor's, ref DCP 3.  Hal signed.  Printed 15
062202 - copies and he signed 15 for distribution.  The copy machine is
062203 - broken again.
062204 -
062205 -
062206 -
062207 -
062208 -
062209 -
062210 -
062211 -
0623 -
0624 -