440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: October 7, 1988 01:30 PM .......; Rod Welch

Meeting with State counsel, PM, SM, Tudor management re procedures.

1...Clyde emphasized the importance of getting a current change order log

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Change Order Administration
Log preparation
Tudor - general views, policies
& procedures

0507 - Clyde emphasized the importance of getting a current change order log
0508 - that shows the status of change orders on each contract and the
0509 - current contract amount.
0510 -
0511 -
0512 -

Meeting Notes &
Understandings, Procedures

0905 - Clyde explained his view that meeting notes should reflect only what
0906 - was actually said at the meeting.  Norm pointed out that the under-
0907 - standing of what occured can vary for each attendee.  He cited an
0908 - occassion when he was sitting next to Bill Merriman in a meeting, and
0909 - observed him make notes that seemed to Norm to be nearly the opposite
0910 - of his (Norm's) understanding of what was being stated by Jeff.
0911 -
0912 - Rod pointed out it is vital that the parties are informed in clear and
0913 - unequivocal language what the Engineer understood and intended in a
0914 - timely manner, regardless of their own understandings.
0915 -
0916 -

Dewatering Reliability
Standby Power System
DNRC Legal - general views (meetings)

1205 -    ..
1206 - Duty to mitigate.
1207 -
120701 - Sarah explained the State has a duty to try and minimize the damage
120702 - caused by failure of the contractor to perform.  Clyde and Jeff were
120703 - not aware of this requirement.
120704 -
120705 - Norm explained that the State has been unable to provide adequate
120706 - standby electricity because it requires connecting the standby system
120707 - to the Contractor's pumping system.
120708 -
120709 - Sarah feels this may be adequate to meet the duty to mitigate.
120710 -
120711 - The immediacy of providing dewatering capability is reduced somewhat
120712 - now because the Voith equipment will not be installed until November
120713 - 28, 1988.  Another problem that exists though is that the time lost
120714 - due to flooding may be charged to the State, if it is held that
120715 -
1208 -
1209 -

Time Extensions

1806 - Discussion
1807 -
180701 - Jeff affirmed earlier position that Tudor needs an as-built schedule
180702 - based on Larry's DWR's and the pour schedule.
180703 -
180704 - I emphasized again the importance of insisting on performance of the
180705 - scheduling requirement.  Tudor and the State should perform the
180706 - schedule function themselves if Sletten fails to perform.
180707 -
180708 - This was not seen as a significant matter.
180709 -
180710 -
1808 -