440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 5, 1988 10:00 AM .......;
Rod Welch
Progress meeting BPP with Sletten , Voith, Gracon.
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Weekly Schedule
& Progress Meeting
Tape Recordings Inefficient Take a Lot of Time Expensive
0605 - ..
0606 - Summary/Objectives
0607 -
060701 - Meeting Notes
060702 -
060703 - Bill Merriman said Sletten has not had time to submit corrections to
060704 - the Meeting Notes for 880922 and 880928, because they have been
060705 - occupied building the job.
060706 -
060707 - Jeff reviewed understandings from the meeting on 880907 about the need
060708 - for timely notice of corrections to mitigate harm. ref SDS 1 0594]
060709 -
060710 - [On 881102 Sletten complained that unspecified errors in the record
060711 - harmed their entitlement to claims. ref SDS 5 0629]
060712 -
060713 -
060714 -
0608 -
0609 -
0610 - Tape Recording
0611 -
061101 - The Engineer tape recorded the meetings and furnished Sletten a copy
061102 - of the tape at the conclusion of the meeting.
061103 -
061104 - Sletten will furnish a copy of the tape it made for the meeting held
061105 - on September 22, 1988, ref 3. Dave Marsh indicated they needed a
061106 - tape to make a copy.
061107 -
061108 -
061109 -
061110 -
0612 -
Reservoir Levels
1104 - Dale advised that Gracon has lowered the water level as far as required
1105 - under its contract, and as far is necessary for Gracon's work. Kieth
1106 - explained that it would be helpful to Sletten if the reservoir could be
1107 - lowered further.
1108 -
1109 - Dale said lowering the level further would be difficult because of the
1110 - force of the water going over the dam now. He explained it is very
1111 - difficult to reach and hold the flash boards to pull them out. Jeff
1112 - asked Sletten if they are sure this would be a significant assistance
1113 - to their work, and Kieth affirmed it would be.
1114 -
1115 - Dale said he could try and remove nine (9) more flash boards in bay 3
1116 - of the dam.
1117 -
1118 -
1119 -
Safety, Notice Damage
to Cofferdam, Scour
1405 - Dale reported the water is swirling around on the outside of the
1406 - cofferdam.
1407 -
1408 - Kieth advised that there does not seem to be continuing erosion of
1409 - the support berm on the inside of the cofferdam.
1410 -
1411 -
1412 -
Coordination with Gracon
& Sletten Concrete Pours
1705 - Dale advised Gracon has another pour scheduled for next week. He
1706 - would like to do it on Thursday, 881013.
1707 -
1708 - Jeff pointed out that the last attempt to coordinate a pour on the same
1709 - day between Sletten and Gracon didn't work out very well. He asked if
1710 - Sletten was planning to make a pour on that day. Bill Merriman said
1711 - Sletten has a lot going on, he is unsure of its schedule for next week,
1712 - and that something may come up. Rod Welch asked if Sletten knows or
1713 - now has reason to believe its own construction activities will conflict
1714 - with Gracon's announced intent to pour concrete next Thursday.
1715 -
1716 - Kieth indicated Sletten will try to work out the pour with Gracon.
1717 -
1718 -
1719 -
Schedule Impacts
Curb Ring
2305 - Sletten plans to set the bottom half of the curb ring in the powerhouse
2306 - today.
2307 -
2308 -
2309 -
2310 -
Time Extensions
Voith Contract Start
& Interface
3107 - Rod Welch advised that the Engineer does not accept Sletten's
3108 - characterization in its letter of 880923, ref 18 by Bill Merriman of
3109 - the Engineer's position as a "clarification" with respect to
3110 - interfacing Sletten's contract work and the start of Voith's contract
3111 - work. The Engineer views Sletten's 880923 letter as a change order
3112 - proposal.
3113 -
3114 - Jeff advised that Voith has indicated it cannot begin work on 881017,
3115 - and may not be able to start until November.
3116 -
3117 - Bill said Sletten has been "accelerating" its performance because it
3118 - has not received decisions on requests for time extensions [change
3119 - orders].
3120 -
3121 - Jeff and Bill Merriman will meet next week to discuss scheduling
3122 - relative to contract times of completion, addressed by Bill's 880923
3123 - letter, ref 18.
3124 -
3125 -
3126 -
3127 -
Voith Contract
3806 -
380601 - Voith Mobilize week of 881010
380602 -
38060201 - Ken advised he understands his crane will be delivered next week
38060202 - beginning on 881011. He indicated there may be two trucks with 40
38060203 - feet of crane boom delivered on 881010.
38060204 -
38060205 - The boom is to be stored on site, possibly on the far side of the
38060206 - canal.
38060207 -
38060208 -
380603 -
380604 - Equipment Deliveries
380605 -
38060501 - Jeff advised that Voith will be receiving special equipment (Speed
38060502 - Increaser) that needs to be stored within a moderate temperature
38060503 - range. He expects it will be delivered in 2 to 3 weeks and he
38060504 - wants to put it the parking lot.
38060505 -
38060506 -
38060507 -
380606 -
3807 -
3808 -
Rip Rap
Silt Barrier
4206 - The silt barrier submittal has not been approved yet.
4207 -
4208 -
4209 -
4210 -
02 Claim Settlement meeting with Sletten. 881102 130004 00101