440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: July 11, 2020 03:29 PM Saturday;
Rod Welch
Exercise *** test *** record.
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Exercise Hiking Vitals Blood Pressure Pulse Heart Rate Medication Me
0803 -
0803 - ..
0804 - Summary/Objective
0805 -
080501 - Follow up ref SDS 81 0000. ref SDS 66 0000.
080502 -
080503 -
080504 -
080505 -
080507 - ..
0806 -
0807 -
0808 - Progress
0809 -
080901 - This is a test....
080903 - ..
080904 - Kardia recorded HR 51 before hike - reported normal sinus
080905 -
080906 - F:\05\00003\SM\CC\BNKG\000101cc\HR_200517-ecg-104325_mile_0.pdf
080908 - ..
080909 - Kardia recorded HR 76 at 5 miles - reported normal sinus, but seems
080910 - problematic...
080911 -
080912 - F:\05\00003\SM\CC\BNKG\000101cc\HR_200517-ecg-125702_mile_05.pdf
080914 - ..
080915 - Kardia recorded HR 96 at 14 miles - reported normal sinus
080916 -
080917 - F:\05\00003\SM\CC\BNKG\000101cc\HR_200517-ecg-154736_mile_14.pdf
080919 - ..
080920 - Polar HR profile indicates sinus all the way tracking elevation
080921 - changes with steady pace...
080922 -
080923 - Date 200517 200516 200515 200514 200513 200512 200511 200510 200509 200508 200507 200506 200505 200504 200503 200502 200501 200430 200429 200428 200427 200426 200425 200424 200423 200422 200421 200420 200419 200418 200417 200416 200415 200414 200413 200412 200411
080924 - Miles 14 12 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 2 15 0 3 13 8 0 0 0 17 14 17 12 18 13 4 16 12 18 0 16 19 13 17 12 18 18 17
080925 -
080926 - HR AVG 98 100 62 no no no ablation no no 107 107 no 75 102 93 no no ablation 131 131 88 86 88 89 78 98 87 132 no 90 96 132 99 120 108 122 115
080927 - MAX 122 115 146 hike hike data R atrial bike hike 136 136 hike 119 120 124 hike hike L atrial 165 165 120 122 117 120 111 121 124 148 hike 112 125 149 128 160 128 173 132
080928 - Min 60 84 44 65 65 42 77 66 74 74 56 65 60 56 50 50 60 67 62 54 92 57 72 61 68 94
080929 -
080931 - ..
080932 - HR profile shows good, steady sinus rhythm following ablation to treat
080933 - AF, tracking elevation profile, so no likely AF, and max HR 122
080934 - indicates no atrial flutter, following ablation right atrial to treat
080935 - flutter on 200511 0546. ref SDS 88 244I
080936 -
080937 -
080938 -
080939 -
080940 -
080942 -
080943 -
080945 - ..
080946 - HR profile post-hike beginning OA 1721 until 0820 next morning shows
080947 - heart beat 70 +/- with spikes for an hour, reflecting going up and
080948 - down stairs. Then stable 70s for few hours. Then erratic for several
080949 - hours when got sick, per below. ref SDS 81 TTQU Then about 6 hours
080950 - steady in 50s with coulple isolated spikes.
080951 -
080952 -
080953 -
080954 -
080956 -
080957 -
080959 - ..
080960 - Breakfast - cheerios chia seeds milk banana with medication
080961 - Lunch -
080962 - Dinner - lasanga - pasta brocolli hamburger avocado onion cheese, pie
080963 - ice cream
080965 - ..
080966 - Vomiting: 100% dinner began feeling stomach hurt OA 2300; took more
080967 - calcium carbonate. Vomitted OA 1230 - 0100. Stomach continued
080968 - hurting until 0200, but no repeat vomitting.
080969 -
080970 -
080971 -
080972 -
080973 -
080974 -
080975 -
080976 -
080977 -
080978 -
0810 -