440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: January 5, 2018 04:30 PM Friday;
Rod Welch
Doctor Tucker 3rd regeneration PRP injection treatment feet and knees.
........Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy for Arthritis
........Application of Platelet-Rich Plasma to Disorders of the Knee Joint
2...Develope Scope of Work for Regeneration PRP Injection Treatments
3...PRP Treatment Layout Injection Sites
........Right Leg Injections
........Left Leg
........Right Foot
........Left Foot
4...Blood Draw for PRP Completed with One Needle Stick
5...PRP Injections Mostly Pain Free
6...Follow Up Treatments Might be Needed
7...Discharge Instructions and Payment
8...Driving from Novato to Concord
Click here to comment!
0201 - Doctor Gloria Tucker
020101 - Dr. Gloria Tucker
020103 - Medical Offices
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
0403 -
0403 - ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Follow up ref SDS 24 0000. ref SDS 23 0000.
040502 -
040503 - Good work today, injecting right knee, both feet, including Tailor's
040504 - Bunions, and rest into left knee. ref SDS 0 VO3F Reviewed findings in
040505 - MRI on 171229. ref SDS 0 9J8N Got better insight into how PRP
040506 - resolves pain by regenerating soft tissue. Post procedure research
040507 - found support for PRP increasing collagen, ligaments, etc. ref SDS 0
040508 - T14I Another article in PMC relates research finding PRP increases
040509 - cartilage at 6 months. This indicates subsequent measurements in
040510 - Welch, may yield comparable findings. ref SDS 0 JX67 Scope of
040511 - treatment today, was limited by lack of driver. ref SDS 0 HP5O As a
040512 - result, only 12 injections were made. ref SDS 0 VO3F Doctor Tucker
040513 - injected right knee for first time, and with full protocol amount.
040514 - ref SDS 0 K65M
040515 -
040516 -
040517 -
040518 -
040520 - ..
0406 -
0407 -
0408 - Progress
0409 -
040901 - Arrived OA 1500, so worked for 90 minutes in one of the spare
040902 - offices. This was helpful to review the record preparing for
040903 - productive meeting.
040905 - ..
040906 - The 3nd PRP treatment performed today, was scheduled with Connie
040907 - earlier this morning, during a call intended to schedule treatment on
040908 - 180221, reported on 180105 1118. ref SDS 40 5P4L
040910 - ..
040911 - During this 90-minute period, a patient took ill in the waiting room.
040912 - She was with her husband. He coordinated with Jane, and partly with
040913 - Doctor Tucker to provide interim care until they could drive to a
040914 - hospital. At one point, Doctor Tucker authorized the patient to lie
040915 - down on an examination table to recover. Turned out this patient did
040916 - not receive PRP treatment today, so her illness was unrelated.
040918 - ..
040919 - Doctor Tucker's other patients required care until about 1650.
040920 -
040922 - ..
0410 -
0411 -
0412 - 1700
0413 -
041301 - Jane came and said a treatment room is ready, so stopped working, and
041302 - went into the procedure room. Removed shoes and waited for the
041303 - doctor. Within a few minutes she came into the room.
041304 -
041341 - ..
041342 - Discussed scope of treatment today, presented in a letter to Doctor
041343 - Tucker on 171208 1242. ref SDS 34 CJ60
041345 - ..
041346 - Scope was reviewed again in another letter on 171227. ref SDS 38 FN52
041348 - ..
041349 - On 171227 1300, Doctor Thuillier in VA Orthotpedics ordered MRI
041350 - studies on both feet and both knees, to find changes in anatomy that
041351 - reconcile clinical improvement reducing severe osteoarthritis pain.
041352 - 171227 0915, ref SDS 37 E54H
041354 - ..
041355 - On 171229 0615 went to Radiology at VAMCSF. Jonus did MRI scans on
041356 - both knees to evaluate recovery osteoarthritis. ref SDS 39 FZ5L
041358 - ..
041359 - Doctor Tucker said earlier today, she read the MRI findings on left
041360 - knee shown in the record on 171229 0745, ref SDS 39 ZG6H, and
041361 - referenced in the copy she received of the letter sent to Doctor
041362 - Thuiller earlier today on 180105 1321. ref SDS 41 O46F
041364 - ..
041365 - The doctor said there is not a lot of reporting on MRI studies finding
041366 - regeneration of cartiage in joints. This aligns with results of MRI
041367 - on 171229 0745, ref SDS 39 PSWR, which says in part...
041368 -
041369 - Unchanged complete degenerative tearing of the medial
041370 - meniscus and partial tearing of the lateral meniscus with
041371 - extrusion of the body with intrasubstance degeneration.
041373 - ..
041374 - This finding indicates PRP did not regnerate cartilage. Why then has
041375 - there been no pain in the left knee? The right knee was treated with
041376 - Supartz on 170731 1500, ref SDS 20 0001, 5 days after PRP treatment on
041377 - 170726. It's known that hyaluronic acid in Supartz lubricates the
041378 - joint to reduce pain. This worked well in the right knee for about 4
041379 - months, then pain began to recur, so Glucosamine Chondroitin has been
041380 - taken to continue lubricating the right knee joint for pain
041381 - management. Since PRP does not inject hyaluronic acid, how has it
041382 - prevented pain in the left knee for over 5 months and counting?
041384 - ..
041385 - Doctor Tucker seemed to say PRP eliminated pain hiking 630 miles since
041386 - injections on 170726, cited in the letter to Doctor Thuillier on
041387 - 180105 1321, ref SDS 41 I48O, by regenerating (healing??) soft tissue.
041388 - The doctor mentioned specifically collagen, ligaments, muscles, and
041389 - further indicated MRI technology cannot assess these soft tissue
041390 - improvements.
041392 - ..
041393 - After the meeting, research found on the Internet...
041394 -
041395 - Arthritis-Health
041397 - ..
041398 - Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy for Arthritis
041399 -
041400 - By John J Wilson, MD, MS
041401 - Updated................................ 2014 01 07 | Peer Reviewed
041402 -
041403 -
041405 - ..
041406 - The article says in part...
041407 -
041408 - PRP injections are formulated from your own immune system's
041409 - platelets, which are extracted from a blood sample, then
041410 - concentrated to make the injection. This seems to stimulate
041411 - healing through the production of collagen and to alter pain
041412 - receptors, which reduces pain.
041414 - ..
041415 - This seems to support Doctor Tucker's theory, per above. ref SDS 0
041416 - T14I Would be helpful to have study measuring collagen before and
041417 - after PRP treatment. What signals increased collagen?
041419 - ..
041420 - Article continues...
041421 -
041422 - What Does Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy Do?
041424 - ..
041425 - Experts are unsure exactly how PRP therapy may alleviate
041426 - symptoms for certain orthopedic conditions. Doctors who use
041427 - PRP therapy to treat osteoarthritis theorize that the
041428 - platelet-rich plasma might:
041429 -
041430 - 1. Inhibit inflammation and slow down the progression of
041431 - osteoarthritis1
041433 - ..
041434 - MRI study may support this explanation.
041436 - ..
041437 - Article continues...
041438 -
041439 - 2. Stimulate the formation of new cartilage2
041441 - ..
041442 - MRI study seems not to support this explanation.
041444 - ..
041445 - Article continues...
041446 -
041447 - 3. Increase the production of natural lubricating fluid in the
041448 - joint, thereby easing painful joint friction3
041450 - ..
041451 - MRI study seems silent on this.
041453 - ..
041454 - Article continues...
041455 -
041456 - 4. Contain proteins that alter a patient's pain receptors and
041457 - reduce pain sensation
041459 - ..
041460 - It could be that platelet-rich plasma does all of these things,
041461 - or none.5 More large-scale, high-quality clinical studies are
041462 - needed before scientists can know.
041463 -
041465 - ..
041466 - Pubmed article sounds promising...
041467 -
041468 - NCBI
041469 - PMC
041470 - US National Library of Medicine
041471 - National Institutes of Health (NIH)
041473 - ..
041474 - Cartilage
041475 - Cartilage: 2013 Oct, 4 (4) 295-312
041477 - ..
041478 - PMCID: PCM4297162
041479 - doi: 10.1177/1947603513497553
041481 - ..
041482 - Application of Platelet-Rich Plasma to Disorders of the Knee Joint
041483 -
041484 - Omitted - authors and copyright and license information
041485 -
041486 -
041488 - ..
041489 - Abstract
041491 - ..
041492 - Importance. The promising therapeutic potential and
041493 - regenerative properties of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) have
041494 - rapidly led to its widespread clinical use in musculoskeletal
041495 - injury and disease. Although the basic scientific rationale
041496 - surrounding PRP products is compelling, the clinical
041497 - application has outpaced the research.
041499 - ..
041500 - Objective. The purpose of this article is to examine the
041501 - current concepts around the basic science of PRP application,
041502 - different preparation systems, and clinical application of PRP
041503 - in disorders in the knee.
041505 - ..
041506 - Many articles mention varying results based on "different preparation
041507 - systems, as here. In this case, where results seem favorable after
041508 - only 5 months on the left knee, and both feet, specifications on
041509 - "preparation" and "product composition" should be reported to evaluate
041510 - repetitive results.
041512 - ..
041513 - Article continues...
041514 -
041515 - Basic Scientific Rationale of Platelet-Rich Plasma Use in
041516 - Articular Cartilage Degradation and Repair
041518 - ..
041519 - On a molecular level, results have indicated a beneficial
041520 - effect of PRP on chondrocytes and mesenchymal stem cells.
041521 - Increased cell proliferation and synthesis of proteoglycans and
041522 - collagen type II has been demonstrated when cell cultures of
041523 - chondrocytes56,57 and mesenchymal stem cells58 are treated with
041524 - PRP compared with controls treated with platelet-poor plasma or
041525 - fetal bovine serum.
041527 - ..
041528 - This seems to align with Doctor Tucker's explanation that PRP
041529 - increases collagen, per above. ref SDS 0 T14I
041531 - ..
041532 - Article continues...
041533 -
041534 - Clinical Application of Platelet-Rich Plasma Use in Articular
041535 - Cartilage Degradation and Repair in the Knee
041537 - ..
041538 - Osteoarthritis
041540 - ..
041541 - In an uncontrolled prospective study, 14 patients with knee OA
041542 - were treated with PRP produced using anticoagulated blood
041543 - processed in the GPS III system.61 These authors reported
041544 - reduced pain and improved functional outcome after a series of
041545 - injections with PRP.
041547 - ..
041548 - This aligns with Welch case on left knee.
041550 - ..
041551 - Article continues...
041552 -
041553 - They also reported improvement in the ultrasonographic
041554 - measurement of femoral articular cartilage thickness in 6 out
041555 - of 13 patients at 6 months and in the satisfaction survey at
041556 - the 1-year follow-up examination, 8 of 13 patients reached
041557 - their goals at 1 year (Table 3).
041559 - ..
041560 - There is no evidence of cartilage thickness improvement in Welch,
041561 - after 5 months, at least using measurements applied by radiologists
041562 - for MRI study on 171229. Conceivably, more refined measurement
041563 - methodology might register either increase or decrease in cartilage of
041564 - left knee joint. Since PRP injected on 170726, was deminimus, i.e.,
041565 - less than protocol, per Doctor Tucker below, ref SDS 0 TR68, perhaps
041566 - another MRI in 6 months after treatment today, will show increased
041567 - miniscus. If so, this would further reconcile clinical improvement
041568 - feeling no pain in left knee hiking 630 miles between MRI on 170726,
041569 - and recent follow up MRI on 171229.
041570 -
041571 -
041573 - ..
041574 - Develope Scope of Work for Regeneration PRP Injection Treatments
041575 -
041576 - Follow up ref SDS 24 PPVQ.
041577 -
041578 - Doctor Tucker asked about pain medication. How long since taking
041579 - NSAID drugs? She said these should have been stopped for at least
041580 - the past 7 days.
041582 - ..
041583 - Cited letter to the medical team (including Doctor Tucker) on 171103,
041584 - reported all pain medication was stopped 4 weeks earlier ref SDS 33
041585 - S273 Ending pain medication actually began on 171018, shown in diary
041586 - listing daily exercise, diet, vitals and medication in case study
041587 - beginning on 160101 0700. ref SDS 9 PM5F
041589 - ..
041590 - Based on understanding for rational basis that PRP in left knee
041591 - reduced pain through improving multiple joint deficits, made
041592 - following decisions...
041593 -
041594 - Because the meeting today, was scheduled ad hoc from a call
041595 - this morning, reported on 180105 1118, ref SDS 40 GO9L, it was
041596 - not possible to have a driver.
041598 - ..
041599 - Driver is needed when injections require strong medication to
041600 - manage pain, which then impairs ability to drive, based on
041601 - prior care, reported on 170816 1400, ref SDS 24 J97M On that
041602 - occasion, the body suffered severe side effects from
041603 - post-procedure pain medication. ref SDS 24 RN5H
041605 - ..
041606 - Without driver, should not do deep injections to left and right
041607 - feet plantar plate tears, nor to arches, which both caused
041608 - severe pain and so required pain medication for prior PRP
041609 - injections on 170816 1400. ref SDS 24 1H6M
041611 - ..
041612 - Doctor Tucker agreed to defer injections into the arch today,
041613 - but noted efficacy to relieve hallus valgus in both feet.
041615 - ..
041616 - We noted simple procedure of placing felt pad spreaders between
041617 - toes has been successful preventing feet pain and increased
041618 - blisters caused by hallus valgus injuries, as recommended by
041619 - Doctor Thuillier during the meeting at the VA on 171227 0915.
041620 - ref SDS 37 3B3H This reduces urgency for injecting hallus
041621 - valgus today, so that PRP can be injected in left knee.
041623 - ..
041624 - Will consider PRP injecting hallus valgus during subsequent
041625 - treatments, when a driver is available and/or conscious
041626 - sedation can be performed.
041628 - ..
041629 - Primary PRP injection objective is right knee, presented in the
041630 - letter on 171208 1242, ref SDS 34 YM3I, and to achieve pain
041631 - relief comparable to total relief experienced with left knee
041632 - during hiking, reported in the letter to the medical team on
041633 - 171103 1141, ref SDS 33 S293, further presented in the letter
041634 - to Doctor Tucker on 171208 1242. ref SDS 34 CK36 This was
041635 - confirmed in recent letter on 171227 1328. ref SDS 38 FN52
041637 - ..
041638 - Next inject both feet metatarsals only, and not inject bottom
041639 - of feet to specifically treat plantar plate. These seem
041640 - largely healed. Injecting metatartsals today, may also
041641 - additonally treat plantar plate area without direct injections.
041643 - ..
041644 - Tailor's bunion inject PRP on both feet.
041646 - ..
041647 - Remaining PRP plasma, if any, can be injected into left knee.
041649 - ..
041650 - Doctor Tucker said she was surprised the left knee responded so well
041651 - to PRP injection on 170726, which used less than standard protocol for
041652 - knee injections. She explained this occurred, because at that time,
041653 - the left knee was injected last with only what remained after
041654 - injecting both feet metatarsals and plantar plate tear on bottom of
041655 - right foot.
041657 - ..
041658 - Longevity of recovery was discussed.
041660 - ..
041661 - Doctor Tucker seemed to say the single injections into both feet and
041662 - left knee could last 1 - 5 years.
041664 - ..
041665 - Discussed research indicating some patients get injections every 6
041666 - months or at least annually.
041668 - ..
041669 - The doctor seemed to say that properly applied PRP injection
041670 - treatments should last at least multiple years.
041672 - ..
041673 - Since the left knee did not receive a full amount of PRP injection,
041674 - supplementing the first injection today, is good insurance for longer
041675 - results.
041677 - ..
041678 - Finally, most patients don't hike 2,500 miles per year, with running
041679 - and sprinting included.
041681 - ..
041682 - The doctor seemed to indicate that running and sprinting in particular
041683 - reduce longevity of PRP care. She recommended agains it. This
041684 - conflicts with reporting that many professional atheltes are extending
041685 - their careers by getting PRP injections, cited in the letter to Doctor
041686 - Tucker on 171212 1657. ref SDS 35 RX52 These athletes run and sprint,
041687 - endemic to tennis, baseball, et al.
041689 - ..
041690 - As a result, multiple PRP injections to feet and knees are required to
041691 - achieve longevity normally expected for patients who receive only
041692 - single injections. Hopefully, injections today, will last 2 - 5
041693 - years.
041694 -
041696 - ..
041697 - PRP Treatment Layout Injection Sites
041698 -
041699 - Follow up ref SDS 24 VO3F, ref SDS 17 PP4N.
041700 -
041701 - In procedure room laying on treatment table, Doctor Tucker again
041702 - marked locations on both feet and both knees to be injected.
041704 - ..
041705 - Right Leg Injections
041706 -
041707 - Knee joint........................................... 1
041708 -
041710 - ..
041711 - Left Leg
041712 -
041713 - Knee joint........................................... 1
041714 -
041716 - ..
041717 - Right Foot
041718 -
041719 - Follow up ref SDS 24 0108.
041720 -
041721 - Metatarsalgia
041722 - Between little toe and ring toe................. 1
041723 - Between ring toe and middle toe................. 1
041724 - Between middle and long toe..................... 1
041725 - Between long toe and big toe.................... 1
041727 - ..
041728 - Tailor's bunion................................. 1
041730 - ..
041731 - Total right foot............................... 5 5
041733 - ..
041734 - Left Foot
041735 -
041736 - Follow up ref SDS 24 YY3G.
041737 -
041738 - Metatarsalgia
041739 - Between little toe and ring toe................. 1
041740 - Between ring toe and middle toe................. 1
041741 - Between middle and long toe..................... 1
041742 - Between long toe and big toe.................... 1
041744 - ..
041745 - Tailor's Bunion................................. 1
041747 - ..
041748 - Total right foot............................... 5 5
041750 - ..
041751 - Total injections...................................... 12
041752 -
041754 - ..
041755 - Blood Draw for PRP Completed with One Needle Stick
041756 -
041757 - Follow up ref SDS 24 YY6N, ref SDS 17 FG7F.
041758 -
041759 - Doctor Tucker drew blood for PRP platelet extraction. She used outer
041760 - side of left arm inner elbow, which was successful for prior treatment
041761 - on 170816 1400, ref SDS 24 YY6N, and previously on 170726 1600.
041762 - ref SDS 17 TZ8N
041764 - ..
041765 - This took only 1 stick today.
041766 -
041768 - ..
041769 - PRP Injections Mostly Pain Free
041770 -
041771 - Follow up ref SDS 24 K65M, ref SDS 17 GU6N.
041772 -
041773 - Doctor Tucker initially, marked all locations for PRP injections.
041774 - She sprayed numbing agent on each location.
041776 - ..
041777 - The doctor made markings around the knee caps to consider possible
041778 - multiple injection points. However, she ultimately made only 1
041779 - injection, and advised this is a standard protocol location for knees.
041781 - ..
041782 - Doctor Tucker injected each location with lidocain to further numb
041783 - needle penetrations.
041785 - ..
041786 - Right knee - after waiting mintutes for lidocain to take effect, PRP
041787 - was injected into the right knee joint, using standard protocol
041788 - amount, discussed above. ref SDS 0 059O
041790 - ..
041791 - This was completely pain free.
041793 - ..
041794 - Right foot - PRP was next injected into 4 locations on top of right
041795 - foot metatarsals. The outer 2 injections were pain free. The middle
041796 - injections caused severe pain. The doctor noted this reflected these
041797 - middle toes have been worn down by hiking, running and sprinting.
041799 - ..
041800 - Tailor's bunion right foot was injected with small amount.
041802 - ..
041803 - Left foot - same scenario as right foot, with considerable pain
041804 - injecting middle metatarsals.
041806 - ..
041807 - Pain was only at moments of needle penetration, similar but less
041808 - severe than prior procedure on 170816 1400. ref SDS 24 1A3I
041810 - ..
041811 - Tailor's bunion left foot was injected with small amount.
041812 -
041813 - [On 180315 shown in case study on 160101 0700 tailor's
041814 - bunion on left foot now requires dressing to relieve shoe
041815 - pressure during hikes. Tailor's bunion right foot does not
041816 - require dressing. ref SDS 10 4B6L
041818 - ..
041819 - Left knee - remainting PRP was injected into left knee. This was
041820 - completely pain free.
041821 -
041822 -
041824 - ..
041825 - Follow Up Treatments Might be Needed
041826 - Discharge Instructions and Payment
041827 -
041828 - Follow up ref SDS 24 WV5I, ref SDS 17 S93J.
041829 -
041830 - Doctor Tucker cleaned forefeet which had leaked blood slightly.
041832 - ..
041833 - On standing up from the treatment table, there was mild pain at level
041834 - 1 - 2 in the feet where injections were made. This was much less
041835 - severe than after deep injections to plantar plate and arches done on
041836 - 170816 1400. ref SDS 24 J97T As a result, pain medication was not
041837 - needed today.
041839 - ..
041840 - Doctor Tucker said not to hike for a week, then follow prior protocol.
041841 - On 170727 1747 Doctor Tucker called and said walking 1 mile 2 days
041842 - after feet injections stimulates PRP healing (regeneration) processes,
041843 - and then slow for about 3 miles helps distribute PRP in the feet.
041844 - ref SDS 18 0W6V
041846 - ..
041847 - After treatment today, research found...
041848 -
041849 - The Stemcell Orthopedic Institute of Texas
041850 - Call 210 293 3136
041852 - ..
041854 -
041855 -
041856 -
041857 -
041858 - 1. Medication Guidelines
041859 -
041860 - For a minimum of two weeks post-injection, it is important
041861 - for the efficacy of the treatment that all
041862 - anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDS) are discontinued.
041863 - You can take Tylenol (Acetaminophen) and Celebrex, but we
041864 - ask that you avoid other NSAIDS such as aspirin, Naproxen
041865 - (Aleve) and Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) because they will
041866 - inhibit platelet function. Other prescription medication
041867 - should be reviewed with your procedure physician.
041869 - ..
041870 - Apply moist heat to treated area for the first 24 hours.
041872 - ..
041873 - 2. Activity Guidelines
041874 -
041875 - FIRST WEEK&Treated areas should remain immobile. For the
041876 - first two weeks, we encourage you to resume normal day-to
041877 - day activities&BUT NO exercise of the treated extremity.
041879 - ..
041880 - SECOND WEEK& light exercises and progressively build back
041881 - to normal exercise after 4 weeks. Controlled and moderate
041882 - movement is important for the proper stimulation of tissue
041883 - to rebuild in a linear and physiologic fashion. However,
041884 - we strongly advise that you avoid heavy lifting or high
041885 - exercise levels because these activities will compromise
041886 - the progress we are trying to make
041888 - ..
041889 - AFTER TWO WEEKS&you are cleared by your physician to resume
041890 - exercising the area. However, we ask that you gradually
041891 - increase the intensity of your workouts so as not to
041892 - re-injure the tissue. Use pain in the area of injection as
041893 - a guide to how far you push yourself. This is not like
041894 - physical therapy after surgery. We do not want you to push
041895 - through the pain. Instead, ease off the intensity if the
041896 - pain persists.
041898 - ..
041899 - The question is whether damaged tissue heals, i.e., regenerates, e.g.,
041900 - miniscus cartilage, ligaments. How long does this take? 1 week,
041901 - month, 6 months, a year. Once healed, how long will "healed" miniscus
041902 - cartilage, metatarsal cartilage last hiking 11 - 15 miles per day?
041904 - ..
041905 - Article continues...
041906 -
041907 - If you feel any of the following symptoms immediately
041908 - contact our office: prolonged redness, swelling, fevers,
041909 - chills, muscle weakness as well as numbness and/or
041910 - tingling.
041911 -
041913 - ..
041914 - The doctor also cautioned against using NSAID pain medications for 2
041915 - weeks after injections, since NSAID drugs block/reduce blood flow
041916 - needed for PRP healing process.
041918 - ..
041919 - Thanked Doctor Tucker for great work.
041920 -
041921 -
041923 - ..
0420 -
0421 -
0422 - 1842
0423 -
042301 - Jane had already left, so Doctor Tucker prepared the bill...
042302 -
042303 - $900
042304 -
042312 -
042313 -
042315 - ..
0424 -
0425 -
0426 - 1613
0427 -
042701 - Driving from Novato to Concord
042702 -
042703 - Follow up ref SDS 24 VJ3G.
042704 -
042705 - After leaving the doctor's office traffic was okay on 101 for the 5
042706 - miles to highway 37 off ramp.
042708 - ..
042709 - Traffic moved well for 2 or 3 miles on highway 37 with 2 lanes in
042710 - both directions.
042712 - ..
042713 - Fortunately, traffic speed remained normal all the way to Vallejo.
042715 - ..
042716 - Made it to Vallejo and transitioned onto US 80 toward San Francisco.
042717 - There was moderate rain, and in the dark took wrong turn off, so
042718 - missed highway 780 to Benecia- Martinez bridge. Was fortunate to
042719 - quickly find an onramp for highway 80 West to Sacramento. Took this
042720 - to 680, and then to Benecia-Martinez bridge and home.
042721 -
042723 - ..
0428 -
0429 -
0430 - 2010
0431 -
043101 - Arrived home, and transferred the record from c23 to c22.
043102 -
043103 - Began writing up the record meeting with Doctor Tucker.
043104 -
043105 -
043106 -
043107 -
043108 -
043109 -
043110 -
043111 -
043112 -
043113 -
043114 -
043115 -
0432 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"