440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: November 7, 2014 08:00 AM Friday;
Rod Welch
VA EGD dilate LESV to 18 mm add triamcinolone injection and ordered refill Omeprazole.
2...Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) and Dilation LESV Administration
3...GI Department VA Sacramento Medical Center Administration EGD Dilation
4...Pre-op Preparation No Problems Getting Blood Flow for Anesthesia IV
5...Consent Signed EGD Dilation and Meeting Review Pending Issues
6...Consultation Pending Issues and Sign Consent for EGD Dilation
7...Swallowing Vomitting Difficulties Resolved with Triamcinolone Injections
8...Triamcinolone Injection Prevent LESV Contraction Avoid Swallowing Vomitting Problems
9...OR EGD Dilation with Application Lidocaine
10...EGD Dilation Procedure in OR Application Lidocaine
11...LESV Contracted 15 MM Dilated 18 MM Meeting Doctor Lee
12...Meeting Doctor Lee LESV Contracted 15 MM Dilated 18 MM
13...Progress Notes EGD Dilation Today
14...Ulceration LESV and Hiatal Hernia New Findings Fundoplication Failed
15...Biopsy Reports No Barrett's Esophabus Precursor to Cancer
16...Doctor Lee Letter Report Results EGD Dilation 140509
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VA EGD Procedure Stricture Lower Esophageal Sphincter Valve LESV 15
4303 -
4303 - ..
4304 - Summary/Objective
4305 -
430501 - Follow up ref SDS B1 0000. ref SDS A5 0000.
430502 -
430503 - Met with Doctor Lee at VA Medical Center in Sacramento (Mather).
430504 - Checking in and initial administration went well. ref SDS 0 GD4H
430505 - Preparation for the procedure was very professional as usual; however,
430506 - there was difficulty setting IV for conscious sedation - required 3
430507 - sticks today. ref SDS 0 5W5I Good discussion with Doctor Lee guided
430508 - by agenda submitted for the meeting today to facilitate collaboration
430509 - through doctor patient partnership. ref SDS 0 VV6N The doctor
430510 - explained increased difficulty swallowing this cycle occurred because
430511 - of experiment to evaluate omitting triamcinalone steriod injection on
430512 - prior procedure performed 140507. ref SDS 0 4U8I EGD dilation LESV
430513 - from 15 mm back to 18 mm because triamcinalone steriod was not
430514 - injected during prior procedure on 140509. ref SDS 0 T55I Progress
430515 - Notes report findings of ulceration and hiatal hernia. ref SDS 0 MG6N
430516 - Photographs taken today seem to show significantly different condition
430517 - of fundoplication from a year ago. ref SDS 0 I74I
430519 - ..
430520 - [On 141125 0942 letter to the VA notifies Doctor Lee that
430521 - Progress Notes sometimes fail to post to patient medical
430522 - records on VA computer system, when the file includes an
430523 - addendum. ref SDS C0 GN75
430525 - ..
430526 - [On 150115 1110 visited VA Medical Center in Sacramento and
430527 - met with Jessica, an admin attendant for GI Clinic; she
430528 - could not find Progress Notes for EGD dilation procedure on
430529 - 141107, in patient medical records on the VA computer
430530 - system; she will notify Doctor Lee and discuss with
430531 - supervising nurse to expedite filing the Progress Notes
430532 - required by VA regulations for completing patient care.
430533 - ref SDS C1 MX5I
430535 - ..
430536 - [On 150116 0813 met with Jessica at GI Clinic VA Medical
430537 - Center in Sacramento, she has notified Doctor Lee that
430538 - Progress Notes are missing for EGD Dilation on 141107,
430539 - ref SDS C2 MX5I; later that day at 0922 Doctor Lee called
430540 - and left voicemail message that his Progress Notes for the
430541 - EGD Dilation procedure on 141107, are missing from VA
430542 - medical records computer system; he further said the
430543 - missing Progresss Notes can be restored by scanning another
430544 - source; he will have the records restored and submit notice
430545 - to the patient when his Progress Notes can be downloaded
430546 - using the Internet to access the VA computer system.
430547 - ref SDS C2 ZX6I
430548 -
430549 -
430550 -
430551 -
430553 - ..
4306 -
4307 -
4308 - Background
4309 -
430901 - On 050629 meeting Primary Care swallowing and vomitting problems
430902 - reported. ref SDS 1 K78K
430904 - ..
430905 - On 050714 barrium swallow test, ref SDS 2 2I4S, showed esophagus
430906 - distorted by swallowing problems. ref SDS 2 WE4H
430908 - ..
430909 - On 050816 meeting Primary Care Doctor Sandhu diagnoses achalasia.
430910 - ref SDS 3 DG8G Ultrasound test ordered to verify initial diagnosis of
430911 - swallowing and vomitting problems. ref SDS 3 6E7H Primary Care made
430912 - referral to GI clinic for care to resolve swallowing problems.
430913 - ref SDS 3 0G7M
430915 - ..
430916 - On 050830 ultrasound test evaluate swallowing problems possible
430917 - diagnosis achalasia. ref SDS 4 DG8G
430919 - ..
430920 - On 050830 results received barrium swallow test performed on 050714,
430921 - findings in the lower espohagus and gastroesophageal junction are
430922 - consistent with achalasia - recommend endoscopic examination.
430923 - ref SDS 4 6H9S
430925 - ..
430926 - On 050906 report ultrasound test on 050830, finds no cause for
430927 - swallowing problems and does not diagnose achalasia. ref SDS 5 BM6R
430929 - ..
430930 - On 051202 meeting GI Clinic Doctor Lee diagnoses achalasia.
430931 - ref SDS 6 HP9H Orders endoscopy (EGD) test to verify diagnosis of
430932 - achalasia and assess for cancer. ref SDS 6 NZ5H
430934 - ..
430935 - On 051209 GI Clinic endoscopy examination preliminary findings no
430936 - evidence of cancer, ref SDS 7 0001; biopsy report should be submitted
430937 - in a few weeks to confirm status of cancer, ref SDS 7 PY5J, and if so,
430938 - then a procedure can be schedule for next month to dilate the
430939 - exophageal sphincter valve. ref SDS 7 NZ5H
430941 - ..
430942 - On 051222 biopsy reports no evidence of cancer. ref SDS 8 FT6M
430944 - ..
430945 - On 060111 received letter from Doctor Lee in the Gastrointestinal (GI)
430946 - Clinic reporting that the biopsy was negative for cancer and
430947 - infection; next step is manometry test to verify achalasia, then
430948 - treatment for achalasia. ref SDS 9 4Q3R
430950 - ..
430951 - On 060125 manomety test scheduled for 060209 0800. ref SDS 10 GG9I
430953 - ..
430954 - On 060209 meeting at VA Mather AFB in Sacramento, test was postponed
430955 - until 060223, due to equipment failure. ref SDS 11 OW6M
430957 - ..
430958 - On 060221 Jimmy in GI Department at Sacramento VA Medical Center
430959 - reports manometry equipment still broken; has been sent out for
430960 - repairs and there is no date at this time on when the equipment will
430961 - be available for use at the VA. ref SDS 12 ND7M
430963 - ..
430964 - On 060330 endoscopy follow up examination at GI Department Sacramento
430965 - Medical Center - Doctor Lee finds no evidence cancer performed at VA
430966 - Sacramento condition precedent treatment recover from achalasia.
430967 - ref SDS 13 VX4G
430969 - ..
430970 - On 060330 manometry test performed by Doctor Lee at VA in Sacramento,
430971 - ref SDS 13 MC7P, verifies diagnosis swallowing and vomitting problems
430972 - caused by achalasia, ref SDS 13 MD4N, patient meets criteria for
430973 - treatment with pneumatic dilation. ref SDS 13 MD5G
430975 - ..
430976 - On 060505 Martinez VA GI clinic Doctor Lee reported equipment and
430977 - pneumatic balloon materials on hand to perform dilation for treating
430978 - achalasia; treatment delayed until diagnostic data is received from
430979 - Sacramento VA Medical Center from manometry test performed on 060330;
430980 - doctor following up to obtain data; will submit test data to patient
430981 - during the week of 060508, along with a schedule to treat achalasia.
430982 - ref SDS 14 FT6M
430984 - ..
430985 - On 060614 Martinez VA GI clinic reports increased work load treating
430986 - soldiers returning from war in Iraq requires prioritizing; patient
430987 - advocate, Rubin Soto, will coordinate with the GI Clinic notifying the
430988 - customer of the schedule based on current priorities. ref SDS 15 J86N
430990 - ..
430991 - On 070220 letter to VA asks about progress getting test results from
430992 - VA in Sacramento, and scheduling surgery for achalasia, ref SDS 16
430993 - 5R5R
430995 - ..
430996 - On 090812 1030 continued vomitting achalasia causes weight loss 30
430997 - pounds in a few months, Primary Care physician notified GI clinic to
430998 - review schedule for dilation to relieve achalasia. ref SDS 17 7L5O
431000 - ..
431001 - On 090908 meeting GI Clinic in Martinez reports treatment for
431002 - achalasia still waiting to receive results for manometry test on
431003 - 060330, at Sacramento VA Medical Center. ref SDS 18 HX46 Prepared new
431004 - work plan to treat achalasia without manometry test results, because
431005 - the doctor performed the test 3 years ago, and is so knows results
431006 - consistent with achalasia, shown on 060330 0712, ref SDS 13 MD4N;
431007 - schedules treatment for achalasia after treadmill stress test,
431008 - ref SDS 18 BU6W, to evaluate new chest pains hiking hills at Lafayette
431009 - Reservoir which have not occurred doing extended exercise hiking 3 -
431010 - 14 miles a day over the past 5 years. ref SDS 18 MY4N
431012 - ..
431013 - On 091021 report history achalasia issue during meeting with
431014 - cardiothoracic surgery team to prepare for heart bypass surgery the
431015 - next day. ref SDS 20 NX6M Surgery team will coordinate with
431016 - anesthesia team to provide swallowing relief during heart surgery to
431017 - prevent choking. ref SDS 20 R78O
431019 - ..
431020 - On 091022 0700 meeting anesthesia team - Doctor Brezinski not familiar
431021 - with achalasia - asked if achalasia has been reported to the VA?
431022 - ref SDS 21 JF9K While being prepared with IVs for surgery, patient
431023 - assists anesthesia find VA records on achalasia, ref SDS 21 2W4K;
431024 - Doctor Brezenski makes plans for patient care and safety so that
431025 - achalasia does not risk death during heart surgery. ref SDS 21 GX4J
431027 - ..
431028 - On 091022 cabg x4 cardiothoracic surgery San Francisco Medical Center.
431029 - ref SDS 21 PQWU
431031 - ..
431032 - On 091030 0800 at 1406 meeting with Doctor Stewart at San Francisco
431033 - Medical Center during recovery from heart surgery, proposes Heller
431034 - Myotomy surgery rather than pneumatic (balloon) dilation as more
431035 - effective and longer lasting solution to recover from swallowing and
431036 - vomitting problems caused by achalasia. ref SDS 24 KE3B
431038 - ..
431039 - On 091030 0800 at 1430 received documentation from GI Department at
431040 - San Francisco Medical Center - review shows 3 different treatments for
431041 - achalasia - pills, pneumatic dilation, Heller Myotomy surgery.
431042 - ref SDS 24 495I
431044 - ..
431045 - On 091030 0800 at 1440 meeting cardiothoracic surgery team; Doctor
431046 - Ratcliff concerned about how to maintain nutrition for the patient to
431047 - recover from heart surgery while digestion remains problematic due to
431048 - achalasia; proposes feeding tube for several months until Heller
431049 - Myotomy surgery. ref SDS 24 03GF
431051 - ..
431052 - On 091216 Heller Myotomy surgery at San Francisco VA Medical Center to
431053 - recover from achalasia. 091216 0600, ref SDS 36 KE9U
431055 - ..
431056 - On 100202 meeting with Doctor Lee - report swallowing and vomitting
431057 - problems 3 months after Heller Myotomy surgery. Doctor explains
431058 - achalasia disease breaks nerve connections from the brain that
431059 - contract the esophagus to force food and liquid from the mouth through
431060 - the esophagus; as well broken nerve connections prevent the lower
431061 - esophageal sphincter valve (LESV) to relax so that content can pass
431062 - into the stomach. Without esophageal contractions, food and liquid
431063 - can only reach the stomach with gravity, but since the LESV won't
431064 - relax the patient continues to have swallowing and vomitting problems,
431065 - despite Heller Myotomy surgery on 091216, intended to maintain
431066 - adequate opening into the stomach. ref SDS 47 485W
431068 - ..
431069 - On 100305 meeting at GI Clinic in Martinez, EGD procedure dilated LESV
431070 - from 11 to 15 mm. ref SDS 48 WR6L
431072 - ..
431073 - On 100827 meeting at GI Clinic in Martinez, EGD procedure dilated LESV
431074 - from 11 to 15 mm. ref SDS 55 JE6X
431076 - ..
431077 - On 101210 EGD procedure dilated esophageal sphincter valve (LESV)
431078 - without sedation, ref SDS 67 BE7K - dilated LESV again from 11 to 14
431079 - mm. ref SDS 67 BF6L
431081 - ..
431082 - On 101216 1021 letter commends medical team for excellent work, and
431083 - confirms schedule next EGD on 110218 0730. ref SDS 69 K35G
431085 - ..
431086 - On 110218 0730 4th EGD procedure at VA in Martinez, and using
431087 - anesthesia with Fentanyl. ref SDS 71 PQWY LESV dilated 11 - 14 mm,
431088 - and added triamcinolone steriod injections to resist contraction of
431089 - LESV so that swallowing is maintained over the next 3 month cycle.
431090 - ref SDS 71 SR4G
431092 - ..
431093 - On 110429 0830 5th EGD dilation at VA in Martinez - triamcinolone
431094 - steriod injections worked well to resist contraction of LESV so that
431095 - swallowing was maintained over the prior 3 month cycle, ref SDS 75
431096 - FE3F, so LESV dilated from 13 - 16.5 mm, ref SDS 75 U23I, and
431097 - triamcinolone injections were continued. ref SDS 75 SS5N
431099 - ..
431100 - On 110607 1414 visited GI Department, ref SDS 77 HC5H, and Charlene
431101 - reported a computer mistakes requires scheduling next EGD dilation on
431102 - 110819 0830. ref SDS 77 N642 Requested meeting with Doctor Lee to
431103 - review pending action items. ref SDS 77 4P6J,
431105 - ..
431106 - On 110819 0830 EGD and Dilation of stricture at lower esphageal sphincter
431107 - valve. Triamcinolone steriod injections worked well to resist
431108 - contraction of LESV so that swallowing is maintained over the prior 3
431109 - month cycle, so LESV dilated from 15 - 16.5 mm, ref SDS 80 J978, and
431110 - triamcinolone injections were continued. ref SDS 80 J985
431112 - ..
431113 - On 111115 1300 EGD dilation procedure - triamcinolone steriod injections
431114 - worked well over the prior 3 month cycle, so LESV dilated from 16.5 -
431115 - 18 mm, ref SDS 81 IR57; for some reason triamcinolone injections to
431116 - resist contraction of LESV was not performed. ref SDS 81 IS6L
431118 - ..
431119 - On 120322 1030 EGD dilation procedure - swallowing and vomitting problems
431120 - increased without triamcinolone steriod injections on prior 3 month
431121 - cycle. ref SDS 83 UI9H LESV dilated from 16.5 - 18 mm. ref SDS 83
431122 - 516N Triamcinolone injections to resist contraction of LESV was not
431123 - performed. ref SDS 83 5179
431125 - ..
431126 - On 120925 0900 meeting Doctor Lee reported schedule mistake using new VA
431127 - business unit; reported patient history. ref SDS 86 RG9K Scheduled
431128 - EGD and dilation procedure for 1300; returned and performed procedure,
431129 - ref SDS 86 TB4J; dilated from 15 mm to 18 mm. ref SDS 86 XB51
431130 - Swallowing and vomitting problems increased after omitting
431131 - triamcinolone steriod injections to resist contraction of LESV after
431132 - dilation, ref SDS 86 TZ4M; therefore, injections were resumed to
431133 - complement dilation to enable and maintain effective swallowing.
431134 - ref SDS 86 R87N
431136 - ..
431137 - On 130110 0900 meeting Doctor Lee EGD dilation procedure found
431138 - improvement recovering from acalasia, LESV contracted only slightly
431139 - from 18 mm down to 15 mm. ref SDS 94 Q333
431141 - ..
431142 - On 130416 1100 meeting Doctor Lee EGD procedure no dilation required LESV
431143 - remained at 18 MM, ref SDS 99 CO5N, same as dialated 4 months earlier
431144 - on 130110 0900. ref SDS 94 Q333 Report CT test on 130117, shows
431145 - esophagus fully recovered from severe distortions caused by achalasia
431146 - 8 years earlier. ref SDS 99 MT6F Doctor Lee injected steriod again to
431147 - maintain swallowing. ref SDS 99 F38G Prescribed reducing Omeprazole
431148 - to 1 pill per day. ref SDS 99 R74M Scheduled next EDG dilation in 6
431149 - months, instead of 3. ref SDS 99 6P6G
431151 - ..
431152 - On 131115 0700 meeting Doctor Lee EGD prodecure dialation LESV from 16.5
431153 - to 18 mm. ref SDS A5 CO5N Triamcinolone steriod injected again to
431154 - maintain improved swallowing. ref SDS A5 I167 Omeprazole medication
431155 - maintained 20 mg taken morning and evening for 1 month, then reduce to
431156 - 20 mg once per day. ref SDS A5 R74M Biopsies taken. ref SDS A5 3N8L
431158 - ..
431159 - On 131121 1604 ordered refill of Omeprazole to aid digestion. There
431160 - is 1 refill remaining. ref SDS A6 YS4O
431162 - ..
431163 - On 131205 1443 received order for Omeprazole prescription placed on
431164 - 131121. ref SDS A7 5N3O
431166 - ..
431167 - On 140318 1043 received letter cancelling meeting scheduled for
431168 - EGD/Dilation procedure on 140425 1000, ref SDS A8 935L; a second
431169 - letter scheduled prodedure on 140509 0900. ref SDS A8 5D7H
431171 - ..
431172 - On 140401 1659 ordered refill Omeprazole; none are remaining; need
431173 - Doctor Lee to order new prescription to increase refills. ref SDS A9
431174 - 4P5M
431176 - ..
431177 - On 140509 0900 meeting Doctor Lee for EGD Dilation at VA medical
431178 - center in Sacramento, Mather. ref SDS B1 K37G Pre-op preperation went
431179 - well - IV setup on first stick. ref SDS B1 EP75 Doctor ordered refills
431180 - for Omeprazole. ref SDS B1 AW5O Doctor patient partnership continues
431181 - to progress with doctor reading up on patient history to be prepared
431182 - for effective meeting. ref SDS B1 ZZ6J Doctor Lee recalled today
431183 - having made timely referral for having heart surgery, enabling patient
431184 - to recover and Half Dome 4 years later. ref SDS B1 0N6I Reported
431185 - swallowing and vomitting problems reduced past 6 months with
431186 - triamcinolone steriod injections to resist contraction of LESV.
431187 - ref SDS B1 VV6N Doctor Lee dilated LESV contracted to only 16.5 MM
431188 - over past 6 months with triamcinolone steriod injections to resist
431189 - contraction; he dilated LESV back to 18 MMy, ref SDS B1 5H5J, scheduled
431190 - next EGD dilation in 6 months since this worked well the past 6 months
431191 - with triamcinolone steriod injections. ref SDS B1 549I The doctor
431192 - explained that since there was no tearing of LESV during procedure
431193 - today, triamcinolone steriod was not injected into LESV to resist
431194 - contraction. ref SDS B1 I167 Progress notes report small tearing of
431195 - LESV during dilation procedure. ref SDS B1 P680
431197 - ..
431198 - On 140718 1017 planning for notifying VA to update current fill date
431199 - for Omeprazole. ref SDS B4 U88L Kathy visited VA in Sacramento, and
431200 - requested changing refill date for Omeprazole to 140718. ref SDS B4
431201 - OL5K VA representative called customer, and said Doctor Lee would
431202 - call back later that day to consider action on updating scheduled
431203 - refill date of Omeprazole to 140718. ref SDS B4 U76M
431205 - ..
431206 - On 140810 1839 letter to Doctor Lee requesting EGD dilation with
431207 - triamcinolone injection soonest, if cancellation occurs; but, not an
431208 - emergency, ref SDS B6 W83K, based on history rising vomitting
431209 - swallowing problems, shown in patient history case study on 120101,
431210 - beginning 140712. ref SDS 82 4E4M
431212 - ..
431213 - On 140819 0800 during meeting at VA Primary Care Clinic in Martinez,
431214 - Doctor Sandhu indicated Doctor Lee at VA Medical Center in Sacramento
431215 - will be notified about rising achalasia symptoms for consideration to
431216 - advance EGD dilation procedure. ref SDS B7 EX78
431218 - ..
431219 - On 141014 0943 Kathy visited VA Medical Center in Sacramento and met
431220 - with Lapria again, who advised that the VA responded in a letter on
431221 - 141001, to the letter on 140810, and further scheduled a meeting with
431222 - Doctor Lee on 141121 1530. ref SDS B8 QJ5N
431224 - ..
431225 - On 141103 2152 submitted agenda for meeting with Doctor Lee at VA
431226 - Sacramento Medical Center on 141107 0800, for next EGD dilation.
431227 - ref SDS B9 K37G Submit record showing normal swallowing occurs longer
431228 - with triamcinolone steriod injection to resist contraction of LESV.
431229 - ref SDS B9 3U97 Request schedule next EGD dilation in 4 months, and
431230 - if LESV does not contract, then schedule following EGD dilation in 6
431231 - months. ref SDS B9 3U66 Notified results of Half Dome hike.
431232 - ref SDS B9 3U6Y
431233 -
431234 -
431235 -
431236 -
431237 -
431238 -
431240 - ..
4313 -
4314 -
4315 - Progress
431601 - ..
431602 - Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) and Dilation LESV Administration
431603 - GI Department VA Sacramento Medical Center Administration EGD Dilation
431604 -
431605 - Follow up ref SDS B9 NU8L, ref SDS B1 NU8L.
431606 -
431607 - Meeting today implements planning in Progress Notes on 140509 0900.
431608 - ref SDS B1 LG9L
431610 - ..
431611 - On 141103, submitted agenda for the meeting today. ref SDS B9 K37G
431613 - ..
431614 - Applied pre-proc requirements for NPO after midnight, from letter on
431615 - 101015 1547. ref SDS 59 4J9L Last food was at......
431617 - ..
431618 - Stayed at Kathy's place last night in Sacremento. This morning, She
431619 - drove us to VA Medical Center at Mather AFB.
431621 - ..
431622 - Checked into GI Department at the customer counter.
431623 -
431624 - 800-382-8387
431625 -
431626 - 916 843 7000
431627 -
431628 -
431630 - ..
431631 - Submitted Kathy's cell phone for designated driver.
431635 - ..
431636 - Kathy signed the discharge form affirming she will be designated
431637 - driver, and responsible to facilitate no driving for 24 hours.
431639 - ..
431640 - Nurse at customer counter asked questions on patient history to verify
431641 - ready for procedure, e.g., no allergies, and NPO after midnight to
431642 - avoid conflicts with anesthesia; no health problems, e.g., no
431643 - diabetes, alcohol, cigarettes.
431645 - ..
431646 - Waited in lobby for 5 minutes. Then called to prepare for procedure.
431647 -
431649 - ..
4317 -
4318 -
4319 - 0907
4320 -
432001 - Pre-op Preparation No Problems Getting Blood Flow for Anesthesia IV
432002 -
432003 - Follow up ref SDS B9 EP75, ref SDS B1 EP75.
432004 -
432005 - This is different from prior procedures where vitals were initial case
432006 - setup prepared in a small office just off the lobby, and not in the
432007 - treatment center, reported on 120925 0900. ref SDS 86 PT5P
432009 - ..
432010 - The nurse took vitals...
432011 -
432012 - Weight.................. 186
432013 - BP...................... 132 71
432014 - HR (pulse).............. 57
432015 - Temp....................
432017 - ..
432018 - Denise did major prepartion work. Configured on gurney and connected
432019 - equipment to monitor vitals during the procedure.
432021 - ..
432022 - Gale set catheter IV for sedation. Required 3 tries, so difficult
432023 - day. This is the first time in several years that catheter required
432024 - more than one stick, shown in case study on 110429 1230. ref SDS 75
432025 - UO3G
432027 - ..
432028 - As occurred previously on 110429, on removing the failed catheters,
432029 - the puncture wounds began bleeding, and required a special bandage.
432030 - Marry noted anomoly of blood failing through the catheter needle, but
432031 - flowing freely from the needle puncture. As before, catheter was
432032 - finally set on top of left hand.
432034 - ..
432035 - Denise went through patient identification and medical profile
432036 - filling out forms on the computer.
432038 - ..
432039 - Waited about 30 minutes.
432040 -
432041 -
432043 - ..
4321 -
4322 -
4323 - 1011
4324 -
432401 - Consent Signed EGD Dilation and Meeting Review Pending Issues
432402 - Consultation Pending Issues and Sign Consent for EGD Dilation
432403 -
432404 - Follow up ref SDS B9 RG9K, ref SDS B1 RG9K.
432405 -
432406 - Meeting Doctor Lee to sign form consenting to undergo EGD dilation
432407 - procedure today.
432408 -
432410 - ..
432411 - Swallowing Vomitting Difficulties Resolved with Triamcinolone Injections
432412 - Triamcinolone Injection Prevent LESV Contraction Avoid Swallowing Vomitting Problems
432413 -
432414 - Follow up ref SDS B9 VV6N, ref SDS B1 VV6N.
432415 -
432416 - Doctor Lee seemed familiar with the letter to the VA on 141103,
432417 - submitting the agenda for the meeting today performing EGD dilation
432418 - that resolves difficult swallowing with increased vomitting beginning
432419 - in July. ref SDS B9 K37G The letter on 141103 cited prior request for
432420 - immediate care on 140718 1017, ref SDS B3 U76M; follow up letter using
432421 - VA online communication system was submitted on 140810 1839,
432422 - ref SDS B5 LW4I, another verbal request for care was made on 141014
432423 - 0943. ref SDS B8 QJ5N
432425 - ..
432426 - The doctor explained that omitting Triamcinolone steroid injection for
432427 - the procedure on 140509, ref SDS B1 I167, was an experiment to test
432428 - LESV resisting contraction without steriod injection.
432430 - ..
432431 - This report aligns with analysis in the record on 140509, concluding
432432 - that omitting triamcinolone injection was an experiment. ref SDS B1
432433 - R26H
432434 -
432435 - [On 150120 1636 letter to Doctor Lee encourages continuing
432436 - to "experiment" on improving care, and to give notice of
432437 - experiments so that timely feedback can be provided on
432438 - results. ref SDS C3 VE60
432440 - ..
432441 - Advised that without triamcinolone steroid injection swallowing became
432442 - difficult in July, and so on 140810, submitted letter requesting EGD
432443 - dilation if cancellation occurred, but the issue at no time was an
432444 - emergency that required immediate care, as set out in the letter to
432445 - the VA on 140810 1839, ref SDS B5 W83K, and confirmed in the recent
432446 - letter on 141103 2152. ref SDS B9 K37G
432447 -
432448 - [On 150116 0813 at 0922 Doctor Lee called and left
432449 - voicemail message - pleased hearing that returning to
432450 - adding triamcinolone steriod injections has improved
432451 - swallowing, and thereby reduced vomitting problems caused
432452 - by achalasia. ref SDS C2 EZ4J
432454 - ..
432455 - There have been several occassions while hiking 11 miles that stomach
432456 - disorder occurs. Continuing the hike releives the problem.
432458 - ..
432459 - In recent weeks saliva tends to build up in the esophagus, so this is
432460 - a good time to do another dilation with triamcinolone steriod
432461 - injections, which resists contraction of LESV, so that effective
432462 - swallowing is maintained much longer than without injecting steriods,
432463 - as shown in Progress Notes on 111115 1300. ref SDS 81 AW6J and
432464 - reported again in Progress Notes on 120925 0900. ref SDS 86 E558
432466 - ..
432467 - Estimated LESV will engage below 16mm today, showing increased
432468 - shrinkage than prior procedures the past year.
432469 -
432470 - [...below on 141107 0800 at 1130 after the procedure Doctor
432471 - Lee reported LESV 15 mm, was more than twice the
432472 - contraction of prior procedures over the past 2 years.
432473 - ref SDS 0 6P6G
432475 - ..
432476 - Signed consent for the procedure, which is not visible - there is
432477 - merely a back screen to sign.
432479 - ..
432480 - Discussed request in the letter on 141103, for consideration to
432481 - schedule next meeting in 4 months, since swallowing and vomitting
432482 - problems have been severe this past cycle. ref SDS B9 3U66
432483 -
432484 -
432485 -
432486 -
432488 - ..
4325 -
4326 -
4327 - 1040
4328 -
432801 - OR EGD Dilation with Application Lidocaine
432802 - EGD Dilation Procedure in OR Application Lidocaine
432803 -
432804 - Follow up ref SDS B1 7V6I, ref SDS A5 CX4G.
432805 -
432806 - Doctor Lee and Denise wheeled the gurney into the OR for the
432807 - procedure. Met Brianna.
432809 - ..
432810 - Think the other nurse in the OR was Chris or Christine. Everything
432811 - went smoothly, as always.
432813 - ..
432814 - Conscious sedation was applied using the catheter set in Preparation,
432815 - per above. ref SDS 0 544G
432817 - ..
432818 - The team then did the EDG/dilation procedure.
432819 -
432820 -
432821 -
432823 - ..
4329 -
4330 -
4331 - 1130
4332 -
433201 - LESV Contracted 15 MM Dilated 18 MM Meeting Doctor Lee
433202 - Meeting Doctor Lee LESV Contracted 15 MM Dilated 18 MM
433203 -
433204 - Follow up ref SDS B9 5H5J, ref SDS B1 5H5J.
433206 - ..
433207 - An hour or so after the procedure, met with Doctor Lee in the recovery
433208 - room.
433210 - ..
433211 - Doctor Lee advised that LESV contracted 3 mm from 18 mm down to 15 mm,
433212 - since prior dilation 6 months ago on 140509 0900, ref SDS B1 5H5J;
433213 - following up discussion this morning prior to the procedure.
433214 - ref SDS 0 MQ4M This is 100% more than the 1.5 mm contraction from 18
433215 - mm, down to 16.5 mm reported for the prior cycle. It indicates the
433216 - experiment omitting triamcinolone steroid injection during the prior
433217 - procedure on 140509, explained earlier this morning, above,
433218 - ref SDS 0 4U8I, shows injections are still needed.
433220 - ..
433221 - Doctor Lee further advised that triamcinolone steriod was injected
433222 - today, in order to restore and maintain improved swallowing for the
433223 - next 6 months, as it has the past 2 years, since 120925...
433224 -
433225 - [On 150116 0813 at 0922 Doctor Lee called and left
433226 - voicemail message - pleased hearing that returning to
433227 - adding triamcinolone steriod injections has improved
433228 - swallowing, and thereby reduced vomitting problems caused
433229 - by achalasia. ref SDS C2 EZ4J
433230 -
433231 - LESV Dilated
433232 - Date from - to
433233 - 141107 15 18.....triamcinolone.......... ref SDS 0 I167
433234 - 140509 16.5 18............................ ref SDS B1 P680
433235 - 131115 16.5 18.....triamcinolone.......... ref SDS A5 RZ45
433236 - 130416 18 18.....triamcinolone.......... ref SDS 99 Y850
433237 - 130110 15 18.....triamcinolone.......... ref SDS 94 Q333
433238 - 120925 15 18.....triamcinolone.......... ref SDS 86 XB51
433239 - 120322 16.5 18............................ ref SDS 83 516N
433240 - 111115 16.5 18............................ ref SDS 81 IR57
433241 - 110819 15 16.5...triamcinolone.......... ref SDS 80 J978
433242 - 110429 13 16.5...triamcinolone.......... ref SDS 75 U23I
433243 - 110218 11 14.....triamcinolone.......... ref SDS 71 AA5O
433244 - 101210 11 14............................ ref SDS 67 H347
433245 - 100827 11 15............................ ref SDS 55 JE6X
433246 - 100305 11 15............................ ref SDS 48 WR6L
433248 - ..
433249 - Doctor Lee decided that since injection of triamcinolone steriod has
433250 - worked well to aid swallowing and avoid vomitting problems during
433251 - prior cycles, the next EGD dilation can be scheduled for another 6
433252 - months rather than in 4 months, discussed earlier today, per above.
433253 - ref SDS 0 7V5O
433254 -
433255 - [On 150319 0800 meeting with Doctor Lee indicated acid
433256 - reflux increased causing ulceration and constriction to
433257 - LESV that hampers swallowing, because fundoplication has
433258 - unraveled, ref SDS C4 N535; remedy - referral to Doctor
433259 - Stewart to assess re-fundoplication or other measures.
433260 - ref SDS C4 JQ5J
433262 - ..
433263 - We discussed scheduling next EGD dilation in 4 months, based on
433264 - difficulties this past cycle, with LESV contracting to 15 mm causing
433265 - swallowing difficulties. Doctor Lee indicated that if swallowing
433266 - becomes difficult sooner than 6 months, to let him know for scheduling
433267 - earlier EGD dilation procedure.
433269 - ..
433270 - Background on triamcinolone injection is further reviewed in the
433271 - record for the meeting at the VA on 140509 0900. ref SDS B1 R26H
433272 -
433273 -
433274 -
433275 -
433276 -
4333 -
Medical Chart Progress Notes VA EGD Procedure Stricture Lower Esopha
6403 -
640401 - ..
640402 - Progress Notes EGD Dilation Today
640403 -
640404 - Follow up ref SDS B1 CY7I, ref SDS A5 CY7I.
640405 -
640406 - After meeting with Doctor Lee in EDG Clinic, went to ROI and
640407 - requested CD with Doctor Lee's Progress Notes.
640409 - ..
640410 - VA website is at...
640411 -
640412 -
640413 -
640460 - 1. LOCAL TITLE: EGD 60111
640462 - DATE OF NOTE: NOV 07, 2014@08:00 ENTRY DATE: FEB 19, 2015@12:44:20
640465 -
640466 - [On 141125 0942 letter to the VA notifies Doctor Lee that
640467 - Progress Notes sometimes fail to post to patient medical
640468 - records on VA computer system, when the file includes an
640469 - addendum. ref SDS C0 GN75
640471 - ..
640472 - [On 150115 1110 visited VA Medical Center in Sacramento and
640473 - met with Jessica, an admin attendant for GI Clinic; she
640474 - could not find Progress Notes for EGD dilation procedure on
640475 - 141107, in patient medical records on the VA computer
640476 - system; she will notify Doctor Lee and discuss with
640477 - supervising nurse to expedite filing the Progress Notes
640478 - required by VA regulations for completing patient care.
640479 - ref SDS C1 MX5I
640481 - ..
640482 - 2. PATIENT NAME:
640489 - ..
640491 -
640492 - 1. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy.
640493 - 2. Endoscopic biopsy.
640494 - 3. TTS balloon dilation of esophagus.
640496 - ..
640498 - Randall E. Lee, M.D.
640500 - ..
640501 - 5. INDICATIONS:
640504 -
640505 - 1. 69-year-old man with a history of achalasia. After
640506 - undergoing coronary artery bypass and graft, he then
640507 - underwent laparoscopic myotomy and fundoplication at the
640508 - San Francisco VA Medical Center. He subsequently developed
640509 - acid reflux complicated by a recurrent distal esophageal
640510 - stricture.
640512 - ..
640513 - 2. His last EGD was May 2014 at which time he had a mild
640514 - esophageal stricture with an associated ulceration. This
640515 - was dilated sequentially from 15 mm to 18 mm. Biopsies
640516 - showed chronic inflammation, but no evidence of Barrett's
640517 - esophagus.
640519 - ..
640520 - 3. He is now here for a reevaluation and treatment. He was
640521 - recently seen by his cardiologist who thought that his
640522 - coronary artery disease was stable and asymptomatic.
640524 - ..
640525 - 4. He is noted to have an asymptomatic unconjugated
640526 - hyperbilirubinemia, which is consistent with Gilbert's
640527 - syndrome.
640529 - ..
640530 - 6. CONSENT:
640531 -
640532 - The risks, benefits, and alternatives to this procedure
640533 - including but not limited to the risks of bleeding and bowel
640534 - perforation were explained to the patient. The patient
640535 - understood and provided a written informed consent.
640537 - ..
640539 -
640540 - 1. Diphenhydramine 50 mg.
640541 - 2. Fentanyl 150 mcg.
640542 - 3. Midazolam 5 mg.
640544 - ..
640545 - Why was Fentanyl 150 mcg reduced from 200 mcg for prior procedure on
640546 - 140509? ref SDS B1 P341
640548 - ..
640549 - Progress Notes EGD Dilation procedure on 141107 continues...
640550 -
640551 - 8. PROCEDURE:
640552 -
640553 - 1. In the Sacramento VA GI Endoscopy Unit, the patient was
640554 - placed in the left lateral decubitus position.
640556 - ..
640557 - 2. Oxygen at 2 liters per minute by nasal cannula was administered.
640559 - ..
640560 - 3. Continuous oximetric and hemodynamic monitoring was initiated.
640562 - ..
640563 - 4. Intravenous sedation was administered in divided doses.
640565 - ..
640566 - 5. After a bite block was placed in the patient's mouth, an
640567 - Olympus GIF-H180J video gastroscope was advanced under
640568 - direct vision [...into the...] esophagus.
640570 - ..
640571 - 6. The GE junction was noted at about 39 cm and there was an
640572 - associated shallow ulceration and esophageal narrowing.
640573 - This did not impede passage of the diagnostic endoscope.
640575 - ..
640576 - 7. The endoscope was advanced into the descending duodenum,
640577 - then retroflexed views of the incisura, cardia, and fundus
640578 - were performed.
640580 - ..
640581 - Photographs of esophagus and stomach for procedure on 141107...
640592 - ..
640593 - 8. Biopsies were taken of the ulcerated area at the GE
640594 - junction at 39 cm labeled A and from a few whitish
640595 - chalk-like deposits in the mid esophageal body at 39 cm
640596 - labeled B.
640597 -
640598 - [On 150319 0800 meeting with Doctor Lee indicated acid
640599 - reflux increased causing ulceration and constriction to
640600 - LESV that hampers swallowing, because fundoplication has
640601 - unraveled, ref SDS C4 N535; remedy - referral to Doctor
640602 - Stewart to assess re-fundoplication or other measures.
640603 - ref SDS C4 JQ5J
640605 - ..
640606 - [On 150319 0800 meeting Doctor Lee reports hiatal hernia
640607 - reflects failure fundoplication that causes increased acid
640608 - burn on LESV leading to ulceration; this condition
640609 - increases stricture that in turn increases swallowing
640610 - problems, despite increased Omeprazole medication.
640611 - ref SDS C5 N535
640613 - ..
640614 - 9. Subsequently, a TTS balloon dilator was advanced across the
640615 - distal esophagus and inflated sequentially from 15 to 16.5
640616 - to 18 mm. As visualized through the balloon, there was
640617 - minimal contact with the mucosa at 16.5 mm and a small
640618 - amount of mucosal tearing at 18 mm.
640619 -
640620 - LESV Dilated
640621 - Date from - to
640622 - 141107 15 18.....triamcinolone..4.0mL..... ref SDS 0 I167
640623 - 140509 16.5 18.............................. ref SDS B1 P680
640624 - 131115 16.5 18.....triamcinolone..2.0mL..... ref SDS A5 RZ45
640625 - 130416 18 18.....triamcinolone..2.0mL..... ref SDS 99 Y850
640626 - 130110 15 18.....triamcinolone..3.0mL..... ref SDS 94 Q333
640627 - 120925 15 18.....triamcinolone..4.0mL..... ref SDS 86 XB51
640628 - 120322 16.5 18.............................. ref SDS 83 516N
640629 - 111115 16.5 18.............................. ref SDS 81 IR57
640630 - 110819 15 16.5...triamcinolone..2.5mL..... ref SDS 80 J978
640631 - 110429 13 16.5...triamcinolone..3.5mL..... ref SDS 75 U23I
640632 - 110218 11 14.....triamcinolone..2.0mL..... ref SDS 71 AA5O
640633 - 101210 11 14.............................. ref SDS 67 H347
640634 - 100827 11 15.............................. ref SDS 55 JE6X
640635 - 100305 11 15.............................. ref SDS 48 WR6L
640637 - ..
640638 - Reporting "minimal contact with the mucosa at 16.5 mm" conflicts with
640639 - understandings from post procedure meeting advising LESV contracted to
640640 - 15 mm, ref SDS 0 5H5J, consistent with the record of swallowing
640641 - problems from omitting triamcinolone steroid injection for prior EGD
640642 - dilation on 140509...
640644 - ..
640645 - 1. On 140718 1017 called Doctor Lee's nurse, Lapria; she
640646 - will notify Doctor Lee to call about advancing next EGD
640647 - dilation to resolve swallowing problems shown by
640648 - increased vomitting. ref SDS B4 PH53
640650 - ..
640651 - 2. On 140810 1839 letter to Doctor Lee requesting EGD
640652 - dilation with triamcinolone injection soonest, if
640653 - cancellation occurs; but, not an emergency, ref SDS B5
640654 - W83K, based on history rising vomitting swallowing
640655 - problems, shown in patient history case study on
640656 - 120101, beginning 140712. ref SDS 82 4E4M
640658 - ..
640659 - 3. On 140819 0800 during meeting at VA Primary Care Clinic
640660 - in Martinez, Doctor Sandhu indicated Doctor Lee at VA
640661 - Medical Center in Sacramento will be notified about
640662 - rising achalasia symptoms for consideration to advance
640663 - EGD dilation procedure. ref SDS B7 EX78
640665 - ..
640666 - Progress Notes EGD Dilation procedure on 141107 continues...
640668 - ..
640669 - 10. Triamcinolone was injected into the esophageal stricture
640670 - site after dilation. This was at a dose of 40/mL for a
640671 - total dose of approximately 4 mL.
640673 - ..
640674 - Previously on 120925, Triamcinolone of 1mL was injected into each of 4
640675 - LESV quadrants, to comprise 4mL total injection. 120925 0900,
640676 - ref SDS 86 R87N
640678 - ..
640679 - Progress Notes EGD Dilation procedure on 141107 continues...
640680 -
640681 - 11. The stomach was decompressed and the gastroscope removed.
640683 - ..
640684 - 9. COMPLICATIONS:
640685 -
640686 - None.
640688 - ..
640689 - Ulceration LESV and Hiatal Hernia New Findings Fundoplication Failed
640690 -
640691 - Follow up ref SDS B1 P396.
640692 -
640693 - 10. FINDINGS:
640694 -
640695 - 1. Previous area of esophageal stricture noted again at 39 cm.
640696 - Probable starting diameter was approximately 16.5 mm that
640697 - was then dilated to 18 mm.
640699 - ..
640700 - "Probable starting diameter was approximately 16.5 mm" appears
640701 - conflicting with record omitting triamcinolone injection and onset of
640702 - swallowing problems within a few months after prior EGD dilation on
640703 - 140509, per comment above. ref SDS 0 T55I
640705 - ..
640706 - Progress Notes EGD Dilation procedure on 141107 continues...
640707 -
640708 - 2. Shallow ulceration at the GE junction previously shown to
640709 - be just chronic inflammation again rebiopsied.
640710 -
640711 - [On 150421 1210 next EGD dilation found ulcerations
640712 - regressing (improving) to mere erosions. ref SDS C6 PXXY
640714 - ..
640715 - 3. Gastric fundus surgically altered consistent with known
640716 - history of fundoplication.
640718 - ..
640719 - 4. Hiatal hernia noted.
640721 - ..
640722 - On 140509 0900 Progress Notes report Hiatal hernia, ref SDS B1 P34O;
640723 - this was not reported for prior procedure on 131115 0700. ref SDS A5
640724 - PY6O At that time on 140509, Progress Notes further state "...hiatal
640725 - hernia suggests the fundoplication appears to be loosening."
640726 - ref SDS B1 I93F
640728 - ..
640729 - Photograph #4 showing fundoplication from procedure today...
640730 -
640733 - ...seems to show marked difference with photograph from EGD dilation
640734 - procedure on 131115, when Progress Notes fundoplication remains
640735 - intack. ref SDS A5 JW4I
640739 - ..
640740 - Fundoplication on 131115 appears much more wrinkled, as expected for
640741 - "wrapped" tissue; fundoplication in the photograph today appears much
640742 - flatter and smoother, suggesting loosening of fundoplication, as set
640743 - out in Progress Notes on 140509. ref SDS B1 I93F
640744 -
640745 - [On 150319 0800 meeting with Doctor Lee indicated acid
640746 - reflux increased causing ulceration that increases
640747 - constriction to LESV that hampers swallowing, because
640748 - fundoplication has unraveled, i.e., failed, further
640749 - causing hiatal hernia, ref SDS C4 N535; remedy -
640750 - referral to Doctor Stewart to assess re-fundoplication
640751 - or other measures. ref SDS C4 JQ5J
640753 - ..
640754 - Progress Notes continue...
640755 -
640756 - 5. Normal pylorus.
640758 - ..
640759 - 6. Normal duodenum to D2.
640761 - ..
640762 - 7. Scattered white deposits without surrounding erythema in
640763 - the esophageal body.
640765 - ..
640766 - 11. IMPRESSION:
640767 -
640768 - 1. Gastroesophageal reflux stricture with minor recurrence
640769 - since prior examination in May 2014. The presence of the
640770 - shallow ulceration suggests continued need for proton pump
640771 - inhibitor therapy.
640773 - ..
640774 - On 140801 in case study on 120101, Omeprazole not delivered; implement
640775 - fasting regimen to increase immunity and lower weight, ref SDS 82
640776 - NW6I; aligns with prior delays getting Omeprazole refill issued by VA
640777 - on 140725, reported on 140715 1614, ref SDS B2 4O6H, and prescribed on
640778 - 140509, to take 2 pills a day for achalasia - relieve acid burn that
640779 - inflames LESV, ref SDS B1 JG4K, confirmed Progress Notes. ref SDS B1
640780 - P43G Call to VA on 140718 to expedite delivery asked if necessary to
640781 - continue taking pills when supply runs out. ref SDS B3 U76M
640783 - ..
640784 - Progress Notes EGD Dilation procedure on 141107 continues...
640785 -
640786 - 2. Proton pump inhibitor therapy also continues to be
640787 - necessary to reduce esophageal stricture reformation.
640788 -
640789 - [On 150319 0800 meeting with Doctor Lee indicated acid
640790 - reflux increased causing ulceration and constriction to
640791 - LESV that hampers swallowing, because fundoplication has
640792 - unraveled, ref SDS C4 N535; remedy - referral to Doctor
640793 - Stewart to assess re-fundoplication or other measures.
640794 - ref SDS C4 JQ5J
640796 - ..
640797 - 3. Scattered plaques in the esophageal body consistent with
640798 - candidiasis as a result of the esophageal stasis.
640800 - ..
640801 - For some reason there is no report of fundoplication loosening or
640802 - unravelling as found and previously associated with hiatal hernia
640803 - reported in the EGD dilation procedure on 140509 0900. ref SDS B1 I93F
640805 - ..
640807 -
640808 - 1. Await the pathology results.
640809 -
640810 - 2. Continue omeprazole 20 mg twice daily.
640812 - ..
640813 - 3. Repeat EGD and dilation in approximately 6 months.
640814 -
640815 - [On 150319 0800 meeting with Doctor Lee indicated acid
640816 - reflux increased causing ulceration and constriction to
640817 - LESV that hampers swallowing, because fundoplication has
640818 - unraveled, i.e., failed, ref SDS C4 N535; remedy -
640819 - referral to Doctor Stewart to assess re-fundoplication
640820 - or other measures. ref SDS C4 JQ5J
640822 - ..
640823 - 13. DISPOSITION:
640824 -
640825 - 1. The patient was observed in the Recovery Room then
640826 - discharged to home with a companion.
640827 -
640828 - 2. I reviewed the endoscopic findings with the patient prior
640829 - to discharge.
640831 - ..
640832 - 14. TIME START: 0856 hours.
640833 - TIME END: 0917 hours.
640835 - ..
640836 - 15. LRM/CMTS
640837 - $end:
640839 - ..
640840 - Biopsy Reports No Barrett's Esophabus Precursor to Cancer
640841 -
640842 - Follow up ref SDS B9 1B5F, ref SDS B1 1B5F.
640843 -
640844 - 16. Microscopic exam/diagnosis: (Date Spec taken: Nov 07, 2014)
640845 -
640847 -
640850 -
640853 - ..
640854 - B. ESOPHAGUS, 29CM (BIOPSY):
640855 -
640858 -
640860 - CANDIDA
640861 -
640863 - ..
640864 - Doctor Lee Letter Report Results EGD Dilation 140509
640865 -
640866 - Follow up ref SDS B9 N57M, ref SDS B1 N57M.
640867 -
640868 - Doctor Lee's post-procedure letter received on 150324, and incoporated
640869 - into Progress Notes, says...
640871 - ..
640872 - 1. In Reply Refer To: Sacramento VA
640873 - Gastroenterology (111/SMAT)
640880 -
640881 - 2. 18 March 2015
640885 - ..
640886 - 3. You had an endoscopic examination of your esophagus, stomach,
640887 - and upper intestine (EGD) at the Sacramento VAMC on 7 November
640888 - 2014. I am happy to report to you that the biopsies showed NO
640889 - cancer.
640891 - ..
640892 - 4. There was inflammation (irritation) from food and liquid
640893 - remaining in the esophagus after you swallow. We will discuss
640894 - some strategies to resolve this at our next visit.
640896 - ..
640897 - 5. Truly yours,
640899 - ..
640900 - 6. Randall E. Lee, MD, FACP
640901 - Gastroenterologist, VA NCHCS
640902 - 916-366-5339
640903 -
640904 - 7. /es/ Randall E. Lee, MD
640905 - Staff Physician, Gastroenterology
640906 - Signed: 03/18/2015 15:52
640907 -
640908 -
640909 -
640910 -
640911 -
640912 -
640913 -
640914 -
640915 -
640916 -
640917 -
640918 -
640919 -
640920 -