440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 15, 2013 07:24 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
VA full lab with lipid panel test cholesterol and Ac3.
2...Blood Tests Evaluate Health 8 Months After Surgery
3...Total Bilirubin 1.7 Due to Rosuvastatin Recovery Failing
4...Salt Sodium Decreases Within Range Still Higher than Expected
5...Glucose Decreases Within Range Still Higher than Expected
6...LDL 249 Rises Despite Hike 1200 Miles Weight Lose 15 Pounds
7...Cholesterol LDL Lowered Heavy Exercise
8...Research indicates exercise Lowers Cholesterol Including LDL
....Exercise To Lower Cholesterol
9...Rosuvastatin Switch from Simvastatin Myopathy Side Effects Decline
10...Simvistatin Side Effects Myopathy Muscle Pain Decline Switch to Rosuvastatin
11...Myopathy Muscle Pain Side Effects Simvistatin Decline Switch to Rosuvastatin
12...HGBA1c Diabetes Blood Test
13...Diabetes Blood Test HGBA1c
Click here to comment!
VA Lab WBC Martinez Clinic
0603 -
0603 - ..
0604 - Summary/Objective
0605 -
060501 - Follow up ref SDS 30 0000. ref SDS 28 0000.
060502 -
060503 -
060504 -
060505 -
060506 - [On 131016 1632 submit letter for agenda meeting to review
060507 - lab results scheduled 131017 1000. ref SDS 32 X45G
060508 -
060509 -
060510 -
060512 - ..
0606 -
0607 -
0608 - Progress
0609 -
060901 - Blood draw today for meeting with Doctor Egan Thursday on 131017 at
060902 - 1000, scheduled.
060904 - ..
060905 - Last full lab was on 130529 0818. ref SDS 30 RP4N
060907 - ..
060908 - Prior full lab was on 121130 0846, ref SDS 24 RP4N, 120831 1400.
060909 - ref SDS 20 RP4N, following up 120509 1108, ref SDS 19 X45G; and before
060910 - that on 110727 1238, ref SDS 9 RP4N, and this was to prepare for
060911 - meeting in Primary Care a few weeks later on 110803 1400. ref SDS 10
060912 - U24I
060914 - ..
060915 - Last partial lab to resolve skewed results from dehydration was on
060916 - 121212 0941. ref SDS 26 KK9M
060918 - ..
060919 - Prior partial for lipid panel testing cholesterol and for glucose,
060920 - sodium, and total bilirubin was on 120831 1400. ref SDS 20 IM9N and
060921 - ref SDS 20 KK9M
060922 -
060924 - ..
060925 - Blood Tests Evaluate Health 8 Months After Surgery
060926 -
060927 - Follow up ref SDS 30 RP4N, ref SDS 28 RP4N.
060929 - ..
060930 - Prior CBC on 120509 1108. ref SDS 19 RP4N
060931 - Prior CBC on 120831 1524. ref SDS 20 RP4N
060932 - Prior CBC on 121130 1001. ref SDS 24 RP4N
060933 - Prior CBC on 130529 0818. ref SDS 30 RP4N
060935 - ..
060936 - For some reason test results do not include WBC. The nurse who drew
060937 - blood said the doctor ordered a "full" lab, required for a physical
060938 - examination.
060939 -
060941 - ..
060942 - CBC........... 2013 10 15 0825 130529
060943 - Blood Results Results Units Range
060944 - WBC 7.4 K/cmm 4.8 - 10.8
060945 - RBC 5.09 M/cmm 4.7 - 6.1
060946 - HGB 15.0 g/dL 14 - 18
060947 - HCT 46.2 % 42 - 52
060948 - MCV 90.7 fL 80 - 99
060949 - MCH 29.5 uug 27 - 34
060950 - MCHC 32.5 gm/dL 32 - 35.2
060951 - RDW 14.4 % 11.5 - 14.5
060952 - PLT 279 K/cmm 130 - 400
060953 - MPV 8.8 fL 7 - 10.4
060954 - NEUT % 69.9 % 40 - 80
060955 - LYMPH % L 19.7 % 20 - 51
060956 - MONO % 7.8 % 2 - 13
060957 - EOS % 1.9 % .5 - 7
060958 - BASO % 0.7 % 0 - 2
060959 - NEUT # 5.2 K/cmm 1.5 - 7.9
060960 - LYMPH # 1.5 K/cmm 1.2 - 3.4
060961 - MONO # 0.6 K/cmm .2 - 1.2
060962 - EOS # 0.1 K/cmm .1 - .5
060963 - BASO # 0.1 K/cmm 0 - .2
060964 - ESRmVES mm/hr 0 - 10
060965 - ESRxCYT mm/hr 2 - 10
060966 - RETIC % % .66 - 2.85
060967 - RETIC # k/uL 27.9 - 121.6
060969 - ..
060970 - Comments:
060971 -
060973 -
060974 -
060975 -
060976 -
060977 -
060978 -
060979 -
0610 -
VA Lab Electrolytes Chem Profile Glucose 108 Sodium NA 139 Potasium
1103 -
110401 - ..
110402 - Total Bilirubin 1.7 Due to Rosuvastatin Recovery Failing
110403 - Salt Sodium Decreases Within Range Still Higher than Expected
110404 - Glucose Decreases Within Range Still Higher than Expected
110405 -
110406 - Follow up ref SDS 30 KK9M, ref SDS 28 KK9M.
110407 -
110408 - Prior CHEM PROFILE on 120509 1108. ref SDS 19 KK9M
110409 - Prior CHEM PROFILE on 120831 1524. ref SDS 20 KK9M
110410 - Prior CHEM PROFILE on 130228 1140. ref SDS 28 KK9M
110411 - Prior CHEM PROFILE on 130529 0818. ref SDS 30 KK9M
110412 -
110415 - ..
110416 - CHEM PROFILE... 2013 10 15 0825 130529
110417 - PLASMA Results Results Units Range
110418 - GLUCOSE 108 H 120 mg/dL 74 - 118
110419 - GLUfast mg/dL Ref: <=99
110420 - NA (salt) 139 139 mmol/L 136 - 144
110421 - K (potasium) 4.3 H 4.9 mmol/L 3.4 - 4.8
110422 - CL 105 105 mmol/L 98 - 106
110423 - CO2 37.0 30.0 mmol/L 23 - 33
110424 - BUN 24 18 mg/dL 8 - 26
110425 - CREAT 0.83 0.83 mg/dL .5 - 1.1
110426 - eGFR >60 >60 mL/min Ref: >=60
110427 - CALCIUM 9.2 9.2 mg/dL 8.7 - 10.2
110428 - CA CORR mg/dL 8.7 - 10.2
110429 - PO4 mg/dL 2.4 - 4.5
110430 - MG mg/dL 1.8 - 2.5
110431 - ALK PHO 84 87 IntUnits/L 37 - 107
110432 - ..
110433 - T. BIL H 1.7 H 1.3 mg/dL .3 - 1.2
110434 - D. BILI < 0.1 mg/dL .1 - .4
110435 - AST 20 22 IntUnits/L 8 - 42
110436 - ALT 17 19 IntUnits/L 5 - 55
110437 - ALBUMIN 3.9 4.0 g/dL 3.3 - 4.8
110438 - PROTEIN 7.1 7.2 g/dL 6.5 - 8.1
110439 - LDH IntUnits/L 90 - 208
110440 - AMYLASE Units/L 28 - 100
110441 - LIPASE Units/L 7 - 58
110442 - NH3 mcmol/L 15 - 56
110443 - URIC AC mg/dL 4.8 - 8.7
110444 - Comments: a
110446 - ..
110449 - ..
110450 - b. Evaluation for CREAT:
110451 -
110452 - Effective 7/2/08, new standardized method for
110453 - creatinine in place. Note reference range change.
110454 - Previous range 0.5-1.2 mg/dL.
110456 - ..
110457 - c. Evaluation for ALK PHO:
110458 -
110459 - The normal range is for an adult population less than
110460 - 50 years old. Alk Phos increases with age over 50 to
110461 - about 60% higher values by ages greater than 75 years
110462 - old.
110464 - ..
110465 - d. Evaluation for eGFR:
110466 -
110467 - eGFR Units = mL/min/1.73 square meters
110469 - ..
110470 - Bilirubin increased, and is 25% high even after ending Rosuvastatin 10
110471 - months ago on 121206 0900, ref SDS 25 OS5L, indicating chornic side
110472 - effects. Peripheral neuropathy has declined from most severe effects,
110473 - but continues with mild symptoms sometimes when standing or walking
110474 - slowly, reported during meeting at VA on 121206 0900. ref SDS 25 H766
110476 - ..
110477 - Background on Rosuvastatin causing elevated T Bilirubin with
110478 - associated severe side effects is reported on 121206 0900, ref SDS 25
110479 - NI9L, and further explained in the record on 121130 0846. ref SDS 24
110480 - ER4K
110481 -
110482 - [On 131017 1000 doctor explained patient history of
110483 - intermittant and mild peripheral neuropathy that correlates
110484 - with persistent elevated T Bilirubin in lab on 131015,
110485 - ref SDS 0 015M, and further reported with vitals, diet and
110486 - exercise since prior meeting at VA on 130603, see case
110487 - study on 120101 0900, ref SDS 14 X14N, suggests
110488 - intervention is not required at this time to improve
110489 - recovery from side effects taking Rosuvastatin. ref SDS 34
110490 - LV5J
110492 - ..
110493 - [On 131017 1000 VA medical chart Progress Notes assessment
110494 - report doctor concerned about chronic hyperbilirubinemia.
110495 - ref SDS 34 PSXT
110496 -
110497 -
110498 -
110499 -
110500 -
110501 -
110502 -
110503 -
1106 -
VA Lab Lipid Cholesterol 321 Increases without Medication Despite Hi
1603 -
160401 - ..
160402 - LDL 249 Rises Despite Hike 1200 Miles Weight Lose 15 Pounds
160403 -
160404 - Follow up ref SDS 30 IM9N, ref SDS 28 IM9N.
160405 -
160406 - Lab results today conflict with increased hiking and weight loss past
160407 - few months, reported in case study on 120101 0900, ref SDS 14 P85O,
160408 - including Half Dome hike on 130918 0620. ref SDS 31 0001
160410 - ..
160411 - Prior LIPID PANEL 120509 1108. ref SDS 19 IM9N
160412 - Prior LIPID PANEL 120831 1525. ref SDS 20 IM9N
160413 - Prior LIPID PANEL 130228 1140. ref SDS 28 IM9N
160414 - Prior LIPID PANEL 130529 0818. ref SDS 30 IM9N
160416 - ..
160417 - LIPID PANEL.... 2013 10 15 0825 130529
160418 - PLASMA Results Results Units Range
160419 - CHOL 321 H 307 mg/dL Ref: <=200
160420 - TRIGLYC 109 85 mg/dL Ref: <=150
160421 - HDL 50 50 mg/dL Ref: >=40
160422 - LDL 249 H 240 mg/dL Ref: <=160
160423 - LDL Dir mg/dL Ref: <=160
160424 - TRIG NF mg/dL Ref: <=150
160425 - Comments: a
160427 - ..
160430 - ..
160431 - b. Evaluation for LDL-CHO:
160432 -
160434 - CHD and CHD risk equivalents <100 mg/dL
160435 - Multiple (2+) risk factors <130 mg/dL
160436 - 0-1 risk factor <160 mg/dL
160438 - ..
160439 - HDL Chol. greater than/equal to 60 mg/dL counts as "negative" risk
160440 - factor; its presence removes 1 risk factor from the total count.
160442 - ..
160443 - Ref: Adult Treatment Panel III (ATP III) JAMA 5/16/01 Vol. 285 #19.
160445 - ..
160446 - Follow up prior lipid history on 121130 0846. ref SDS 24 W25L.
160448 - ..
160449 - Collection DT CHOL TRIGL HDL LDL-CHO
160450 - 10/15/2013 08:25 321 H 109 50 249 H ..... ref SDS 0 BE6O
160451 - 05/29/2013 08:18 307 H 85 50 240 H ..... ref SDS 28 BE6O
160452 - 02/28/2013 08:39 310 H 73 47 248 H ..... ref SDS 28 BE6O
160453 - 11/30/2012 10:01 173 53 57 105 ..... ref SDS 24 BE6O
160454 - 08/31/2012 15:25 176 94 47 110 ..... ref SDS 20 U89N
160455 - 05/09/2012 11:24 155 76 49 94 ..... ref SDS 19 U89N
160456 - 02/09/2012 11:18 285 82 41 228 H ..... ref SDS 15 2A4G
160457 - 11/17/2011 14:27 260 84 43 200 H ..... ref SDS 13 2A4G
160458 - 07/27/2011 12:58 163 81 45 102 ..... ref SDS 9 E19L
160459 - 12/07/2010 09:17 151 41 47 96 ..... ref SDS 8 E19L
160460 - 07/21/2010 08:54 261 H 87 35 L 209 H ..... ref SDS 4 E19L
160461 - 06/10/2010 10:33 217 H 83 36 L 164 H ..... ref SDS 3 QV4F
160462 - * 12/14/2009 11:10 241 H 136 44 170 H ..... 100928 0706, ref SDS 5 VW6J
160463 - 08/13/2009 15:09 233 H 118 30 L 179 H ..... 100610 1046, ref SDS 3 U45G
160464 - 06/16/2006 10:59 238 H 68 32 L 192 H ..... 091002 0900, ref SDS 1 LJ5H
160465 -
160466 - * Lab at VA San Francisco Medical Center reported on 100928 0706.
160467 - ref SDS 5 VW6J
160469 - ..
160470 - Graph of LDL history shown on 120209 1118. ref SDS 15 7M42
160472 - ..
160473 - Research on cholesterol reported on 091002 0900. ref SDS 1 2F8K
160474 -
160475 - [On 131016 1632 submit letter for agenda meeting to review
160476 - lab results scheduled 131017 1000. ref SDS 32 X45G
160477 -
160478 - [On 131017 1000 meeting Doctor Egan determined that since
160479 - patient is very active phyically, hiking 1200 miles past 5
160480 - months, including Half Dome on 130918, and since the
160481 - patient remain asymptomatic, there is no need to perform
160482 - another treadmill stress test to evaluate for blocked
160483 - arteries due to elevated cholesterol in the lab on 131015.
160484 - ref SDS 35 ZZ6N
160486 - ..
160487 - [On 131017 1000 meeting Doctor Egan at VA on increasing
160488 - exercise and evaluate new drugs on clinical trials to
160489 - manage cholesterol. ref SDS 33 D95H
160491 - ..
160492 - [On 131103 1739 received letter from SFVA schedule meeting
160493 - on 131120 1000, to develop clinical trial care for lowering
160494 - cholesterol. ref SDS 36 Q27Z
160495 -
160497 - ..
160498 - Cholesterol LDL Lowered Heavy Exercise
160499 - Research indicates exercise Lowers Cholesterol Including LDL
160500 -
160501 - Lab today showing cholesterol increased over past 5 months, since
160502 - prior lab on 130529 0818, ref SDS 30 IM9N, appears conflicting with
160503 - research...
160504 -
160505 - Webmd
160506 - Cholesterol & Triglycerides Health Center
160508 - ..
160509 - Exercise To Lower Cholesterol
160510 -
160511 - By Susan Davis
160512 -
160513 -
160515 - ..
160516 - Reviewed on November 14, 2008
160517 - by Cynthia Dennison Haines, MD
160518 -
160519 -
160521 - ..
160522 - 1. You may have heard that exercise is one of the best ways to
160523 - lower your cholesterol. But how does it work? And what type of
160524 - exercise is most effective?
160526 - ..
160527 - 2. The Exercise-Cholesterol Link
160528 -
160529 - Researchers aren't entirely sure how exercise lowers
160530 - cholesterol, but they are beginning to have a clearer idea.
160531 - "Lots of people, even lots of doctors, assume that exercise
160532 - lowers cholesterol," says Amit Khera, MD, director of the
160533 - University of Texas, Southwestern, Medical Center's Program in
160534 - Preventive Cardiology. "But until recently, most of us weren't
160535 - sure just what the connection was."
160537 - ..
160538 - 3. One way exercise can help lower cholesterol is by helping you
160539 - lose -- or maintain -- weight. Being overweight tends to
160540 - increase the amount of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in your
160541 - blood, the kind of lipoprotein that's been linked to heart
160542 - disease.
160544 - ..
160545 - 4. Part of the confusion about the effect of exercise on
160546 - cholesterol stems from the fact that most early cholesterol
160547 - studies focused on both exercise and dietary changes, making it
160548 - hard to tease out which of these factors was actually making
160549 - the difference. But recent studies have more carefully
160550 - examined the effect of exercise alone, making it easier to
160551 - evaluate the relationship between exercise and cholesterol.
160553 - ..
160554 - 5. Researchers now believe there are several mechanisms involved.
160555 - First, exercise stimulates enzymes that help move LDL from the
160556 - blood (and blood-vessel walls) to the liver. From there, the
160557 - cholesterol is converted into bile (for digestion) or excreted.
160558 - So the more you exercise, the more LDL your body expels.
160560 - ..
160561 - 6. Second, exercise increases the size of the protein particles
160562 - that carry cholesterol through the blood. (The combination of
160563 - protein particles and cholesterol are called "lipoproteins;"
160564 - it's the LDLs that have been linked to heart disease). Some of
160565 - those particles are small and dense; some are big and fluffy.
160566 - "The small, dense particles are more dangerous than the big,
160567 - fluffy ones because the smaller ones can squeeze into the
160568 - [linings of the heart and blood vessels] and set up shop
160569 - there," says Khera. "But now it appears that exercise increases
160570 - the size of the protein particles that carry both good and bad
160571 - lipoproteins."
160573 - ..
160574 - 7. How Much Exercise Does It Take To Lower Cholesterol?
160575 -
160576 - Exactly how much exercise is needed to lower cholesterol has
160577 - been a matter of some debate. In general, most public health
160578 - organizations recommend, at a minimum, 30 minutes per day of
160579 - moderate to vigorous exercise , such as walking, jogging,
160580 - biking, or gardening.
160582 - ..
160583 - 8. But a 2002 study by researchers at Duke University Medical
160584 - Center found that more intense exercise is actually better than
160585 - moderate exercise for lowering cholesterol. In a study of
160586 - overweight, sedentary people who did not change their diet, the
160587 - researchers found that those who got moderate exercise (the
160588 - equivalent of 12 miles of walking or jogging per week) did
160589 - lower their LDL level somewhat. But the people who did more
160590 - vigorous exercise (the equivalent of 20 miles of jogging a
160591 - week) lowered it even more.
160593 - ..
160594 - 9. The people who exercised vigorously also raised their levels of
160595 - high-density lipoprotein (HDL) -- the "good" kind of
160596 - lipoprotein that actually helps clear cholesterol from the
160597 - blood. "We found it requires a good amount of high intensity
160598 - exercise to significantly change HDL," says William Kraus, MD,
160599 - an assistant professor of medicine at Duke and the lead author
160600 - on the study. "Just walking is not enough."
160602 - ..
160603 - 10. According to Kraus's findings, however, even though moderate
160604 - exercise was not as effective in reducing LDL or increasing
160605 - HDL, it did keep cholesterol levels from rising.
160607 - ..
160608 - 11. Bottom line? Some exercise is better than none; more exercise
160609 - is better than some.
160611 - ..
160612 - 12. How Much Will It Help?
160613 -
160614 - Just how much of an effect exercise has on cholesterol is also
160615 - a matter of debate. "We've found that the people who benefit
160616 - the most are those who had the worst diet and exercise habits
160617 - to begin with," says Roger Blumenthal, MD, director of the
160618 - Ciccarone Preventive Cardiology Center at Johns Hopkins
160619 - University. "Some of those people reduce their LDL by 10-15%
160620 - and increase their HDL by 20%."
160622 - ..
160623 - 13. Getting Started
160624 -
160625 - If you haven't been exercising regularly already, it's
160626 - important to start slowly. Be sure to check in with your
160627 - doctor, so that he or she can evaluate your current
160628 - cardiovascular health. This could mean blood tests or a
160629 - treadmill test to see how your heart reacts when you exercise.)
160631 - ..
160632 - Once you're cleared to begin working out, follow these
160633 - guidelines:
160634 -
160635 - 1. Choose a form of exercise you can do for 10-20 minutes at a
160636 - time, with at least moderate intensity, such as walking,
160637 - biking, swimming, jogging, or using an exercise machine at
160638 - low speed).
160640 - ..
160641 - 2. Know that while the intensity may be moderate, the
160642 - "exercise volume," which means the amount of time you spend
160643 - exercising, has to be pretty high. The American Heart
160644 - Association recommends working up to 30 minutes of physical
160645 - activity per day, or 60 minutes per day if you're also
160646 - trying to lose weight. Remember: you can get your exercise
160647 - in 10 minutes increments if need be, as long as it adds up
160648 - to 30 minutes by the end of the day.
160650 - ..
160651 - 3. Find an activity you love, whether it's walking your dog,
160652 - playing tag with your kids, swimming laps at a pool, or
160653 - bicycling through your community. Finding a buddy to
160654 - exercise with can be helpful, too, both for moral support
160655 - and to help make exercise more enjoyable.
160657 - ..
160658 - 4. Even better, find several activities you love, so you can
160659 - vary your routine. This helps you exercise more than one
160660 - set of muscles, as well as enjoying different work-out
160661 - environments.
160663 - ..
160664 - 14. Of course, exercise alone won't guarantee a low cholesterol
160665 - level. Genetics, weight, age, gender, and diet all contribute
160666 - to an individual's cholesterol profile. The most effective way
160667 - to ensure a healthy cholesterol level is to modify your diet
160668 - and, if need be, take cholesterol-lowering medications.
160670 - ..
160671 - 15. But exercise has many advantages beyond lowering cholesterol.
160672 - Exercise has been shown to keep bones strong, reduce the risk
160673 - of cancer, diabetes, stroke, and obesity, and to improve mood.
160674 - "Even if the improvements in your cholesterol profile are
160675 - modest, there are many, many other benefits," says Blumenthal.
160676 -
160677 - [On 131017 1000 meeting Doctor Egan determined that since
160678 - patient is very active phyically, hiking 1200 miles past 5
160679 - months, including Half Dome on 130918, and since the
160680 - patient remain asymptomatic, there is no need to perform
160681 - another treadmill stress test to evaluate for blocked
160682 - arteries due to elevated cholesterol in the lab on 131015.
160683 - ref SDS 35 ZZ6N
160685 - ..
160686 - [On 131017 1000 meeting Doctor Egan at VA on increasing
160687 - exercise and evaluate new drugs on clinical trials to
160688 - manage cholesterol. ref SDS 33 D95H
160689 -
160690 -
160691 -
160692 -
160693 -
160694 -
160695 -
1607 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
2003 -
200401 - ..
200402 - Rosuvastatin Switch from Simvastatin Myopathy Side Effects Decline
200403 - Simvistatin Side Effects Myopathy Muscle Pain Decline Switch to Rosuvastatin
200404 - Myopathy Muscle Pain Side Effects Simvistatin Decline Switch to Rosuvastatin
200405 -
200406 - Follow up ref SDS 19 D26G, ref SDS 15 D26G.
200407 -
200408 - Prior Cardiac Enzymes Profile on 120209 1118. ref SDS 15 D26G
200409 - Prior Cardiac Enzymes Profile on 120509 1108. ref SDS 19 D26G
200410 -
200411 - CARDIAC ENZYMES.2013 10 15 0825 120509
200412 - PLASMA Results Results Units Range
200413 - CK 110 152 IntUnits/L 36 - 340
200414 - TRPONIN ng/ml 0 - 0.07
200415 - CK-MB ng/ml 0.6 - 3.5
200416 - MYOGLOB ng/ml 20 - 82
200418 - ..
200420 - MATHER CA.
200422 - ..
200423 - Research on 111013 explains Creatine Kinase CK, relates to muscle
200424 - disorders caused by cholesterol medications with statins. 111013 1404,
200425 - ref SDS 12 J54K
200427 - ..
200428 - Decrease in CK lab may align with reduced side effects of muscle pain
200429 - in left shoulder.
200430 -
200431 -
200432 -
200433 -
200434 -
200435 -
2005 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
4003 -
400401 - ..
400402 - HGBA1c Diabetes Blood Test
400403 - Diabetes Blood Test HGBA1c
400404 -
400405 - Follow up ref SDS 8 IL4N, ref SDS 4 IL4N.
400406 -
400407 - Prior HGBA1c Profile on 100721 0800. ref SDS 4 IL4N
400408 - Prior HGBA1c Profile on 101207 0906. ref SDS 8 IL4N
400409 -
400410 - HGBA1c......... 2013 10 15 0825 101207
400411 - BLOOD Results Results Units Range
400412 - HGBA1c 5.5 5.7 % 4.1 - 6
400413 - eAG 111 mg/dL 74 : - 118
400415 - ..
400416 - Comments:
400417 -
400419 -
400420 - eAG = Calculated Estimated Average Daily Glucose and may be
400421 - easier for patients to understand than an A1c result.
400422 - Calculation: 28.7 x HGBA1c - 46.7
400424 - ..
400425 - Ordering Provider: Harkesh S. Sandhu MD
400426 - Report Released: Oct 15, 2013 @ 1309
400428 - ..
400429 - Reporting Lab: MARTINEZ OPC/CREC
400430 - 150 MUIR ROAD MARTINEZ, CA 94553-4668
400432 - ..
400433 - Performing Lab: MARTINEZ OPC/CREC
400434 - 150 MUIR ROAD MARTINEZ, CA 94553-4668
400435 -
400437 - ..
400438 - This test for diabetes was ordered by Doctor Abrams during a meeting
400439 - at the San Francisco VA Medical Center on 130227 0930. ref SDS 27 8T5L
400440 - However, it is not reported for the lab performed the next day on
400441 - 130228 1140, ref SDS 28 RP4N, nor in the follow up lab 3 months later
400442 - on 130529 0818. ref SDS 30 RP4N
400444 - ..
400445 - HGGA1c was performed previously on 101207 0906, ref SDS 8 IL4N, and 5
400446 - months earlier on 100721 0800. ref SDS 4 IL4N
400448 - ..
400449 - Report today shows no evidence of diabetes.
400450 -
400451 -
400452 -
400453 -
400454 -
400455 -
400456 -
400457 -
4005 -