440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: September 14, 2013 01:40 PM Saturday;
Rod Welch
Ross called cancel Yosemite visit next week.
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Yosemite Half-Dome Ross Cancels Hike on 130918 Thanksgiving Dinner H
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3204 - Summary/Objective
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320501 - Follow up ref SDS 10 0000. ref SDS 9 0000.
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320508 - ..
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3208 - Progress
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320901 - Background is listed in the record on 130725 1410. ref SDS 8 K36O
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320903 - Ross seemed to be calling from Paso Robles, but not sure.
320905 - ..
320906 - Claudia made the trip, afterall. That was good to hear. Ross
320907 - indicated previously, that she was not coming, reported on 130816
320908 - 0734. ref SDS 9 KB7H
320910 - ..
320911 - Ross explained a problem occurred within the past few days, possibly
320912 - yesterday or today, delivering wine product to customers. He and
320913 - Claudia must return immediately to resolve the business issue in
320914 - Danbury.
320915 -
320916 - [On 130916 0633 cut to instep of left foot further
320917 - jeopardizes Half Dome hike project. ref SDS 12 EN8M
320919 - ..
320920 - Thanked Ross for early reporting this change in plans. He will be
320921 - greatly missed, including the loss of throwing the football. Cited in
320922 - the letter a few days ago reporting we got the football pumped up for
320923 - this event, reported on 130911 1102. ref SDS 11 5U4K Probably the
320924 - first time it has been pumped up in 15 - 20 years.
320925 -
320926 - [On 130918 0620 gave 3 permits to other hikers at the
320927 - bottom of the Sub Dome. ref SDS 14 HE8N
320929 - ..
320930 - Said will call Ross from top of Half Dome next Wednesday.
320932 - ..
320933 - Ross suggested bringing the football to Thanksgiving dinner. He and
320934 - Claudia are coming out to Yuma this year for dinner at Hutch's place.
320935 - We can coordinate on this, as we get nearer to Thanksgiving. Ross
320936 - said driving to Yuma from Concord takes about 8 hours.
320938 - ..
320939 - That seems about right. I drove 776 miles from Chandler, AZ (South of
320940 - Phoenix), to Concord one year. Took about 11 hours, reported on
320941 - 950420 1415. ref SDS 2 L573
320943 - ..
320944 - Ross asked about work plan starting Half Dome hike, which begins at
320945 - the trailhead for the the Mist trail to Vernal Falls at Happy Isle
320946 - checkpoint in the Valley? He recalled leaving about 0600, on the hike
320947 - with Tivo in 1995.
320949 - ..
320950 - Ross and I hiked with Tivo on 950916. The record seems to indicate
320951 - we took a bus from House Keeping campground to Happy Isle at the foot
320952 - of Vernal Falls. We seemed to have started up this trail OA 0800.
320953 - There is a bridge near the beginning of this trail that crosses a
320954 - water way from falls. After crossing the bridge, the trail branches
320955 - to another trail for hiking to Half Dome. ref SDS 3 NM6V
320957 - ..
320958 - The first hike up Half Dome was a year earlier on 940917 0742. The
320959 - record indicates we started OA 0800, then as well. ref SDS 1 HA6J On
320960 - that hike, I took the wrong trail and went up to Vernal Falls, 940917
320961 - 0742. ref SDS 1 HA9X On the next hike a year later, managed to
320962 - recognize where the trail branches for the hike to Half Dome, reported
320963 - on 950916 0700. ref SDS 3 NM85
320965 - ..
320966 - Today, Ross recommended carrying water on the hike.
320968 - ..
320969 - Asked Ross about gloves?
320971 - ..
320972 - Ross said he never carried gloves; he got them at the foot of the
320973 - cables. Hikers leave their gloves for others to use.
320975 - ..
320976 - Ross also urged carrying some water, because very little is available
320977 - on the hike to Half Dome.
320979 - ..
320980 - Advised will carry a bottle of water.
320982 - ..
320983 - Explained training the past 2 years, and increased work the past few
320984 - months, reported in case study on 120101 0900. ref SDS 5 SW5J
320985 - including Mount Diable on 130720 0700, ref SDS 7 K94K, and doing
320986 - longer hikes over 15 miles, also reported on 130720 0700. ref SDS 7
320987 - Q28O will help complete Half Dome hike next Wednesday, despite having
320988 - failed twice before 20 years ago.
320990 - ..
320991 - Cited confidence from hiking Mount Diablo, which Pam reported is
320992 - harder than Half Dome, reported in a letter to Ross on 080919 0111.
320993 - ref SDS 4 UP3P
320995 - ..
320996 - Ross advised that he has done Mount Diablo numerous times with a pack.
320997 - He said to let him know after hiking Half Dome, if Mount Diablo still
320998 - seems more difficult.
320999 -
321000 - [On 130918 0620 after reaching top of Half Dome called Ross
321001 - and agreed it is more difficult than Mount Diablo.
321002 - ref SDS 13 KU8M
321004 - ..
321005 - After talking to Ross, research on the Internet shows suggestions for
321006 - supplies to prepare for the Half Dome hike...
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321010 - 1. Hike takes 10 - 12 hours.
321012 - ..
321013 - 2. Take water, .5 gallons.
321015 - ..
321016 - 3. Food - high energy snacks, granola bars
321018 - ..
321019 - 4. Gloves - leather for grasping cables.
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