440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: January 22, 2013 09:15 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
VA SF Medical Center ENT meeting voice therapy.
2...Vocal Chords Weak Schedule Voice Therapy Correct Disorder
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Voice Disorder Correct Speech Therapy Exercises Training Weak Vocal
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2404 - Summary/Objective
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240501 - Follow up ref SDS 23 0000. ref SDS 21 0000.
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2408 - Progress
240901 - ..
240902 - Vocal Chords Weak Schedule Voice Therapy Correct Disorder
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240904 - Follow up ref SDS 23 LS6W.
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240906 - Meeting changed from 130114 to 130122 in call with Trish on 121226
240907 - 0742. ref SDS 24 0I4G
240909 - ..
240910 - Meeting changed again from 130122 0800 to 0915. 130114 1619,
240911 - ref SDS 26 GJ52
240913 - ..
240914 - Background patient history on voice disorder reported on 121221 0830.
240915 - ref SDS 23 3X6L
240917 - ..
240918 - Trish submitted voice exercises...
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240920 - San Francisco VA Medical Center
240921 - Vocal Function Exercises
240922 - (2 Repetitions 2 Times Daily)
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240924 - 1. Warm Up - Hold the sound "e" as long as you can on one
240925 - breath.
240927 - ..
240928 - As softly as possibly but not a whisper
240929 - Forward focus slightly nasal sounding
240930 - Smooth voice
240931 - Continue until out of breath even if voice fades out
240933 - ..
240934 - Goal....... 20 seconds
240936 - ..
240937 - 2. Stretching - Glide up from your lowest to your highest
240938 - pitch on "OOOH"
240940 - ..
240941 - As softly as possibly
240942 - Keep gliding even if your voice fades out until you are
240943 - out of breath
240945 - ..
240946 - Goal... Continuous smooth sound without voice breaks
240948 - ..
240949 - 3. Contracting - Glide down from your highest to your lowest
240950 - pitch on "OOOH"
240952 - ..
240953 - As softly as possibly
240954 - Do not growl when you get to the lowest pitch
240955 - Keep gliding down until you are out of breath
240957 - ..
240958 - Goal... Continuous smooth sound without voice breaks
240960 - ..
240961 - 4. Power - Hold "oh" as long as possible on one breath on C D
240962 - E F G
240964 - ..
240965 - For men, begin begin at the 3rd octave, for women begin at
240966 - the 4th octave
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240969 - As softly as possible
240971 - ..
240972 - Goal... Longest output with minimum effort
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240976 - Trish demonstrated performing these 4 exercises. Explained not sure
240977 - about difference between soft and whisper, and not sure what "Forward
240978 - focus slightly nasal sounding" means.
240980 - ..
240981 - Trish requested the customer try each voice exercise. This was poorly
240982 - performed. Trish was helpful further demonstrating each exercise, and
240983 - indicated the customer eventually came closer to performing the
240984 - exercises as intended and in a way that may yield results.
240986 - ..
240987 - Trish scheduled meeting on Monday 130225 0800. She will evaluate
240988 - progress resolving voice disorder and adjust voice training.
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