440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: July 14, 2012 11:17 AM Saturday;
Rod Welch
Bathroom toilet American Standard notify shipping address.
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American Standard Toilet Model 4021 Replace Defective Unit Solve 2nd
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2604 - Summary/Objective
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260501 - Follow up ref SDS 7 0000. ref SDS 6 0000.
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2608 - Background
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260901 - On 120706 1326 toilet flush problem reported. ref SDS 2 4J5I
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260903 - On 120708 investigated venting issue, ref SDS 3 OT80, including
260904 - meeting with Eric in Plumbing Department at Home Depot. ref SDS 3 DL5L
260906 - ..
260907 - On 120709 2042 letter from American Standard submitted product specs,
260908 - and explained trouble shooting procedures. ref SDS 4 SA7G
260910 - ..
260911 - On 120709 2042 at 2203 notified American Standard that failure of
260912 - model 4021 is most likely product defect. 120709 2042, ref SDS 4 VE6Y
260914 - ..
260915 - On 120710 1549 American Standard seemed to offer replacement toilet to
260916 - correct product defect in AS model 421. ref SDS 6 OU4X
260918 - ..
260919 - On 120712 0909 submitted letter to American Standard asking Tina to
260920 - facilitate replacing defective toilet bowl. ref SDS 7 XV4K
260922 - ..
260923 - On 120712 0909 at 1320 American Standard confirms agreement to replace
260924 - toilet bowl that corrects siphoning defect, and requests product specs
260925 - that match water tank. ref SDS 7 1E5F
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260928 - ..
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2612 - Progress
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261301 - Submitted letter to Tina at American Standard saying...
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261303 - 1. Subject: Re: Customer Service Form Submission American Standard Ref #564989
261304 - Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2012 11:26:52 -0700
261312 - ..
261313 - 2. Responding to your letter on Thursday, 120712 at 1044,
261314 - ref SDS 7 1E5F, the toilet bowl model #4021 to replace is 13"
261315 - high, round, and white. [...reflecting Kathy's letter shown in
261316 - the record on 120714 0700. ref SDS 8 WU5J...].
261317 -
261318 - [On 120716 0830 received letter from American Standards
261319 - noting 13" hight of toilet bowl is incorrect, because no
261320 - product is manufactured at 13" high, and requests taking
261321 - another measurement. ref SDS 9 DP4N
261323 - ..
261324 - [On 120716 0830 letter to American Standards reports prior
261325 - notice on 120714 that toilet bowl to replace is 13" high
261326 - was a mistake, and submits correct measurement of 15" high;
261327 - further, called Kathy and verified that toilet bowl is
261328 - round. ref SDS 9 IT6W
261330 - ..
261331 - 3. Shipping address...
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