440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: June 11, 2012 05:23 PM Monday;
Rod Welch
Comcast communication services paid for June 2012.
2...Billing for Communication Services Presented on Internet...
3...Payment Comcast August Communication Services
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0201 - Comcast
020101 - Mr. Customer Assistant
020103 - Customer Support Department
Comcast Payment $110.16 110712-110811 1 Months Communication Service
3703 -
3703 - ..
3704 - Summary/Objective
3705 -
370501 - Follow up ref SDS 38 0000. ref SDS 37 0000.
370502 -
370503 -
370504 -
370505 -
370507 - ..
3706 -
3707 -
3708 - Background
3709 -
370901 - Background on Comcast services reported on 110214 1910. ref SDS 18
370902 - SS5O
370904 - ..
370905 - Original rate of $128.51 for monthly communication services is listed
370906 - in the record ordering Comcast service, ref SDS 6 H13L The rate was
370907 - later changed to $115 per month, reported on 110125 0921, ref SDS 17
370908 - WZ4O
370910 - ..
370911 - On 110609 0849 Comcast made another billing mistake. ref SDS 22 UY6X
370912 - Contacted Comcast and entered into revised agreement reducing monthly
370913 - charges for all communication services to about $111. ref SDS 22 MQ6O
370915 - ..
370916 - On 111109 0800 Comcast agreed to provide HBO service for 3 months,
370917 - expiring on 120209, reported. 111109 1718, ref SDS 30 XP4N
370919 - ..
370920 - On 120109 0800 Comcast made billing mistakes charging $158, 120109
370921 - 0957, ref SDS 32 UY6X; after making corrections Comcast continued
370922 - making mistakes claiming agreement on 110609 expires on 120125, and so
370923 - proposed new agreement in the amount of $160 per month, reported on
370924 - 120109 0957. ref SDS 32 KG4O Since this conflicted with the
370925 - agreement, Comcast offered to increase the monthly charge to $144
370926 - instead of $160, shown on 120109 0957. ref SDS 32 SD8L Contacted AT&T
370927 - and got offer to provide comparable communication services for monthly
370928 - charge of $117, reported on 120109 0957, ref SDS 32 IO6O
370930 - ..
370931 - On 120116 1051 AT&T clarified offer to provide communication services
370932 - at same rate Comcast offered for comparable DTR, ref SDS 33 T59F;
370933 - called Comcast and entered revised agreement to continue current
370934 - communication services for monthly charge of $117.72, ref SDS 33 Z53M;
370935 - agreed to pay $128.04 on January invoice and due credit of $10.54 on
370936 - February invoice to reflect new agreement of $117.72, and in order to
370937 - avoid confusion in Comcast computer. ref SDS 33 6F94
370939 - ..
370940 - On 120118 0610 paid Comcast $128.04. ref SDS 34 EG8M
370941 -
370942 -
370943 -
370944 -
370946 - ..
3710 -
3711 -
3712 - Progress
3713 -
371302 - ..
371303 - Billing for Communication Services Presented on Internet...
371304 -
371305 - Follow up ref SDS 38 4E7O, ref SDS 37 4E7O.
371306 -
371310 -
371312 - ..
371313 - Comcast shows billing for period 120512 - 120611, calculated similar
371314 - to listing on 120208 1041. ref SDS 35 PY6O
371315 -
371316 - $123.21
371318 - ..
371319 - This conflicts with agreement to pay $117.72 per month, reported on
371320 - 120116 1051. ref SDS 33 SY91
371322 - ..
371323 - Called Comcast...
371324 -
371325 - 800 945 2288 O-00000859 0405
371326 -
371328 - ..
371329 - Talked to Carla.
371331 - ..
371332 - Carla found in Comcasts records that Michael entered into agreement on
371333 - 120126 for Comcast to provide communicaiton services in the amount of
371334 - $117.25 for 6 months until 120626, and as shown on 120116 1051.
371335 - ref SDS 33 6F77 Carla said to extend the agreement another 6 or 12
371336 - months, customers should talk with the Retention and Loyalty
371337 - Department.
371339 - ..
371340 - Carla transferred the call.
371341 -
371343 - ..
3714 -
3715 -
3716 - 1732
3717 -
371701 - Talked to Terrence.
371702 -
371703 - Terrecne said Comcast will not extend the contract another 6 or 12
371704 - months at the current rate or better.
371706 - ..
371707 - He suggested calling back on 120626 to discuss again extending
371708 - current communication services.
371710 - ..
371711 - Terrence also said current rates for this contract are $20 below the
371712 - best price available for new customers.
371713 -
371714 - [On 120615 1424 AT&T quoted current scope with Comcast for
371715 - $110 per month with $200 rebate. ref SDS 40 PG5H
371716 -
371717 - [On 120620 1215 Comcast offered to continue telephone and
371718 - Internet services, and to expand television services for
371719 - another year at monthly rate of $112.65. ref SDS 41 GY7K
371721 - ..
371722 - Terrence said he will note in Comcast's record for this call today
371723 - that Comcast overbillied for services this month in the amount of
371724 - $123.21, shown above, ref SDS 0 SF8O, and that the customer will pay
371725 - the monthly amount of $117.72, agreed with Comcast on 120116 1051.
371726 - ref SDS 33 Z53M
371727 -
371728 -
371729 -
371731 - ..
3718 -
3719 -
3720 - 1758
3721 -
372101 - Payment Comcast August Communication Services
372102 -
372103 - Follow up ref SDS 38 EG8M, ref SDS 37 EG8M.
372105 - ..
372106 - Comcast invoice for period 120612 - 120711.
372108 - ..
372109 - Paid $117.72 for erroneous Comcast billing in the amount of $123.21
372110 - per above. ref SDS 0 UY6X, and applying adjustments made by Comcast on
372111 - 120116 1051. ref SDS 33 SY91
372113 - ..
372114 - Posting expense ledger...
372118 - ..
372119 - Payment history...
372120 -
372121 - 120611......................... 117.72...... ref SDS 0 UY6X
372122 - 120508......................... 118.23...... ref SDS 38 UY6X
372123 - 120418......................... 117.72...... ref SDS 37 UY6X
372124 - 120308......................... 117.72...... ref SDS 36 UY6X
372125 - 120208......................... 106.99...... ref SDS 35 UY6X
372126 - 120118......................... 128.04...... ref SDS 34 UY6X
372127 - 111208......................... 111.25...... ref SDS 31 UY6X
372128 - 111109......................... 111.25...... ref SDS 30 UY6X
372129 - 111008......................... 111.23...... ref SDS 26 5V4M
372130 - 110908......................... 111.21...... ref SDS 25 5V4M
372131 - 110810......................... 111.21...... ref SDS 24 5V4M
372132 - 110708......................... 110.16...... ref SDS 23 5V4M
372133 - 110609......................... 111.71...... ref SDS 22 5V4M
372134 - 110509......................... 114.24...... ref SDS 21 5V4M
372135 - 110408......................... 114.54...... ref SDS 20 5V4M
372136 - 110308......................... 114.58...... ref SDS 19 5V4M
372137 - 110214......................... 105.96...... ref SDS 18 5V4M
372138 - 110125......................... 115.00...... ref SDS 17 5V4M
372139 - 101225......................... 134.18...... ref SDS 16 5V4M
372140 - 101201......................... 124.71...... ref SDS 13 0266
372141 - 101009......................... 231.57...... ref SDS 10 0266
372143 - ..
372144 - Paid with Wells Fargo online......... $117.72...... ref SDS 0 1H51
372145 -
372146 - Reference...................... 4BNBZSOE
372147 - Paid........................... 120611
372148 - Send payment on................ 120611
372149 - Deliver by..................... 120613
372150 -
372151 -
372152 -
372153 -
372154 -
372155 -
372156 -
372157 -
372158 -
372159 -
372160 -
3722 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"