440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: June 29, 2011 09:12 AM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Firewall disconnect Internet virus protection router precision access.
2...Router Firewall solves Access Denied Disconnect Windows 7 Firewall
3...Access Denied solved Disconnect Windows 7 Firewall Use Router
4...Anytime Anywhere Intelligence Disconnect Windows 7 Firewall
5...Firewall Virus Protection Router Disconnect Windows 7 Firewall
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Firewall Virus Protection C17 C16 Case Study Disconnect Windows 7 32
2603 -
2603 - ..
2604 - Summary/Objective
2605 -
260501 - Follow up ref SDS 34 0000, ref SDS 41 XR4N.
260502 -
260503 -
260504 -
260506 - ..
2606 -
2607 -
2608 - Progress
2609 -
260901 - Router Firewall solves Access Denied Disconnect Windows 7 Firewall
260902 - Access Denied solved Disconnect Windows 7 Firewall Use Router
260903 - Anytime Anywhere Intelligence Disconnect Windows 7 Firewall
260904 - Firewall Virus Protection Router Disconnect Windows 7 Firewall
260905 -
260906 - Follow up ref SDS 40 0001, ref SDS 38 0001.
260907 -
260908 - Recent experience indicates disconnecting Windows 7 Firewall virus
260909 - protection system enables working interactively with SDS, the
260910 - Internet, and with SDS records on the local machine. Previously,
260911 - Windows 7 firewall prevented "efficient usability" (see POIMS,
260912 - ref OF 6 6M5H), because Microsoft "access denied" process stops
260913 - "precision access" based on "situational awareness" (see NWO,
260914 - ref OF 13 08XX) using anchors on the Internet and the local computer,
260915 - and so significantly degrades productivity.
260917 - ..
260918 - Windows 7 Firewall is currently controlled by...
260919 -
260920 - Control Panel
260921 - System and Security
260922 - Windows Firewall
260923 - Turns Windows Firewall On and Off
260925 - ..
260926 - Months ago, exhaustive experimenting indicated that the only way SDS
260927 - records on c17 can be uploaded to the Internet is by turning the
260928 - Windows 7 Firewall off. Since setting the Firewall to off increases
260929 - exposure to virus attack, after transferring files to the Internet,
260930 - the Firewall has to be reset. This constant turning the Firewall on
260931 - and off makes interoperability inefficient, and reduces reliance on
260932 - working intelligently, explained in POIMS. ref OF 3 ZC6N
260933 -
260934 - [On 110713 0658 Microsoft offers a download program to scan
260935 - a computer for virus infection; ran the pgram and it
260936 - reported finding no virus infection. ref SDS 42 OY7F
260938 - ..
260939 - Today, discovered that with Windows Firewall off, records on the
260940 - Internet and local machine can be opened consistently to specified
260941 - anchors. Up until now, IE 7 seems to prevent opening files on the
260942 - Internet to specified locations with anchors, reported previously on
260943 - 070815 1139. ref SDS 28 EK5I
260945 - ..
260946 - Actually, this was only illusory; later IE reverted to only getting
260947 - to within a page of precise location.
260949 - ..
260950 - Problem failing to open files in Internet Explorer (IE) to specified
260951 - anchors, was originally reported on 061202 0126. ref SDS 25 V13G
260952 -
260953 - [On 120311 2239 switched from IE to Google chrome.exe for
260954 - browser that enables precision access. ref SDS 43 LK5I
260955 -
260956 - 1. Good management requires working quickly
260957 - and accurately, sometimes called
260958 - working intelliegntly........................... ref OF 3 1X6G
260960 - ..
260961 - 2. Intelligence requires precision access based
260962 - on situational awarness......................... ref OF 13 PX6J
260964 - ..
260965 - 3. Cognitive science reason based on experience
260966 - remembering sequence from chronology; and
260967 - knowledge comes from
260968 - stories............................... 900303, ref SDS 1 0001
260970 - ..
260971 - 4. Intel goals "This is what I want..." computers
260972 - to improve the practice of management by
260973 - tracking daily details on meetings,
260974 - calls and documents................... 910418 1156, ref SDS 2 2744
260976 - ..
260977 - 5. Virus attack from Lotus 123 Spreadsheet software
260978 - purchased from Egghead, significant
260979 - time effort to
260980 - resolve............................... 920803 0930, ref SDS 3 0001
260982 - ..
260983 - 6. Anytime anywhere inforamtion on the Internet
260984 - Intel goals reflect common aspirations
260985 - using computers for instant
260986 - access for accurate
260987 - understanding......................... 960509 1354, ref SDS 4 3502
260989 - ..
260990 - 7. Anytime anywhere intelligence advances common
260991 - aspirations by converting information into
260992 - the power of knowledge on the Internet with
260993 - instant "precision access" to SDS records
260994 - that integrate time and context for
260995 - understanding cause and effect
260996 - to save lives, time, and
260997 - money................................. 971021 1350, ref SDS 5 O25H
260999 - ..
261000 - 8. Intelligence requires instant construction
261001 - and access to 2-tier storage - SDS design
261002 - for anytime, anywhere Intelligence
261003 - on the Internet....................... 000810 2257, ref SDS 7 9985
261005 - ..
261006 - 9. Information overload overwhelms span of
261007 - attention - case study................ 011003 1606, ref SDS 8 O76L
261009 - ..
261010 - 10. Economic demand for intelligence
261011 - support - case study.................. 011003 1606, ref SDS 8 SP6G
261013 - ..
261014 - 11. Case study productivity and earnings benefits
261015 - anytime, anywhere intelligence on
261016 - the Internet.......................... 020726 1509, ref SDS 9 QR9K
261018 - ..
261019 - 12. Windows 2000 enables anytime, anywhere
261020 - intelligence disconnect Microsoft
261021 - firewall..............................
261023 - ..
261024 - 13. Windows XP enables anytime, anywhere
261025 - intelligence disconnect Microsoft
261026 - firewall..............................
261028 - ..
261029 - 14. Virus attack on several computers c11
261030 - and c13 took a lot of research
261031 - time and effort to
261032 - resolve............................... 030812 1123, ref SDS 11 0001
261034 - ..
261035 - 15. Firewall protection against virus attack
261036 - through the Interent can be accomplished
261037 - with software or with a
261038 - router................................ 030812 1123, ref SDS 11 595N
261040 - ..
261041 - 16. Morris explains router hardware technology
261042 - provides stronger firewall protection
261043 - against virus attack than relying
261044 - on a software firewall
261045 - system................................ 030814 0722, ref SDS 12 E14G
261047 - ..
261048 - 17. Netgear router installed for firewall
261049 - protection network access to Internet
261050 - and uploading files to
261051 - Internet.............................. 030814 0722, ref SDS 12 P25R
261052 - firewall protection specification
261053 - Netgear router........................ 030814 0722, ref SDS 12 4S9F
261055 - ..
261056 - 18. Research indicates software firewall protects
261057 - against virus attacks better than hardware
261058 - router system for using the Internet with
261059 - email and opening web pages, which are
261060 - prevented by virus protection
261061 - software like McAfee and
261062 - Pccillin.............................. 030816 0713, ref SDS 13 0001
261064 - ..
261065 - 19. Virus attack from updating Microsoft Windows
261066 - 2000 resolved by McAfee software
261067 - virus protection...................... 030618 2050, ref SDS 10 0001
261069 - ..
261070 - 20. Virus attack detected and deleted by McAfee
261071 - software on computer
261072 - c13................................... 031031 1125, ref SDS 14 Q15H
261073 - full recovery requird considerable
261074 - time, effort transferring files
261075 - between computers and downloading
261076 - corrective software from
261077 - Microsoft............................. 031031 1125, ref SDS 14 YQ5W
261078 - required opening Windows 2000 in
261079 - safemode.............................. 031031 1125, ref SDS 14 H43G
261081 - ..
261082 - 21. Workplan very complex to recover from
261083 - virus attack.......................... 031031 1125, ref SDS 14 N96G
261085 - ..
261086 - 22. Firewall router for virus protection
261087 - prevented collaboration using Microsoft
261088 - Netmeeting software................... 031113 0732, ref SDS 15 HR7H
261090 - ..
261091 - 23. Firewall virus protection in McAfee software
261092 - caused severe drop in data transfer rate
261093 - (DTR) using the Internet for
261094 - anytime, anywhere
261095 - intelligence.......................... 031119 1613, ref SDS 16 NB4O
261097 - ..
261098 - 24. Passive Transfers or Passive Access setting
261099 - required for FTP software to overcome Firewall
261100 - protection in router hardware and in software
261101 - like McAfee and Microsoft Windows to enable
261102 - high speed data transfer rates (DTR) for
261103 - efficient usability performing
261104 - anytime, anywhere
261105 - intelligence.......................... 040105 1643, ref SDS 17 6L8N
261107 - ..
261108 - 25. Windows XP switch operating system
261109 - from Windows 2000..................... 040416 1408, ref SDS 18 498G
261111 - ..
261112 - 26. Firewall Windows XP prevents network access
261113 - to computers running Windows 2000 operating
261114 - system, without disconnecting the XP
261115 - firewall.............................. 040416 1408, ref SDS 18 AT5G
261117 - ..
261118 - 27. Firewall router for virus protection prevented
261119 - collaboration again using Microsoft
261120 - Netmeeting software................... 041113 1020, ref SDS 19 VY3N
261122 - ..
261123 - 28. Firewall Microsoft XP disconnect new computer
261124 - c14 so network can transfer files between computers
261125 - and to the Internet for efficient usability
261126 - applying anytime, anywhere
261127 - intelligence.......................... 041118 2124, ref SDS 20 P46I
261129 - ..
261130 - 29. Firewall disconnect Windows XP per Morris
261131 - for efficient network operations and rely
261132 - on router firewall with virus protection
261133 - software to prevent virus
261134 - atacks................................ 041118 2124, ref SDS 20 IM5K
261136 - ..
261137 - 30. McAfee virus protection software problems
261138 - encountered difficulty resolving because
261139 - vendor not responsive, abandoned
261140 - McAfee................................ 041205 1802, ref SDS 21 SS5J
261142 - ..
261143 - 31. Firewall explained and process for online
261144 - testing over the Internet to verify
261145 - computer network is well
261146 - protected............................. 041205 1802, ref SDS 21 4O9H
261148 - ..
261149 - 32. Pccillin virus protection by Trend
261150 - Micro installed switch from McAfee
261151 - on c15................................ 041223 1409, ref SDS 22 0001
261152 - firewall included..................... 041223 1409, ref SDS 22 QH9O
261154 - ..
261155 - 33. Firewall disconnected again on c14 replace
261156 - defective CPU, configure Windows XP
261157 - efficient usability................... 050204 2203, ref SDS 23 R59I
261159 - ..
261160 - 34. Router Netgear wireless new hardware
261161 - installed............................. 050916 1141, ref SDS 24 XS4I
261163 - ..
261164 - 35. Anchors precision access IE fails open
261165 - files to location with specified
261166 - anchors............................... 061202 0126, ref SDS 25 V13G
261168 - ..
261169 - 36. Firewall automatically set by Microsoft Windows
261170 - XP SP 2 prevented installing Pccillin virus
261171 - protection software that replaces Microsoft
261172 - Windows XP firewall
261173 - system................................ 070103 1323, ref SDS 26 6N9O
261175 - ..
261176 - 37. Pccillin forced customer to install
261177 - "new improved" version, but it
261178 - failed................................ 070103 1323, ref SDS 26 CX5H
261179 - work plan to recover very complex
261180 - compounds negative productivity because
261181 - too many people having too many problems
261182 - fiddling with operating
261183 - system ............................... 070103 1323, ref SDS 26 ML5J
261184 - vendor decides only way to solve
261185 - problem was to install prior
261186 - version............................... 070103 1323, ref SDS 26 864J
261188 - ..
261189 - 38. Anchors precision access to specified
261190 - location on Internet prevented by IE 7
261191 - reported to Microsoft................. 070705 1413, ref SDS 27 GZ56
261193 - ..
261194 - 39. Anchors precision access Microsoft
261195 - notifies problem will be
261196 - solved................................ 070815 1139, ref SDS 28 EK5I
261198 - ..
261199 - 40. Firewall Pccillin virus protection software
261200 - automatically disables Microsoft Wndows
261201 - XP firewall notice from Trend Micro
261202 - update definitions on
261203 - cpu 14................................ 090512 0833, ref SDS 29 N39G
261205 - ..
261206 - 41. SDS only Knowledge Management
261207 - software.............................. 090715 2123, ref SDS 30 PY7F
261209 - ..
261210 - 42. Hardware and software 64-bit technology
261211 - evolve to prevent performing
261212 - Knowledge Management.................. 090715 2123, ref SDS 30 PX6N
261213 - including resist configure operating
261214 - system on isolated drive to
261215 - avoid corruption from
261216 - virus attack.......................... 090715 2123, ref SDS 30 KR8M
261218 - ..
261219 - 43. Firewall disconnected c16 for Windows XP
261220 - implementing prior practice for router
261221 - and Pccillin to provide firewall virus
261222 - protection so that efficient usability
261223 - makes anytime, anywhere intelligence
261224 - effective saving lives, time,
261225 - and money............................. 090715 2146, ref SDS 31 P46I
261227 - ..
261228 - 44. Virus protection Pccillin Trend Micro notice
261229 - that software which took years to configure
261230 - for efficient usability would no longer be
261231 - supported, the company wants customers to
261232 - buy "new improved" program that will take
261233 - enormous effort and frustration to
261234 - install............................... 100218 1521, ref SDS 32 P56P
261236 - ..
261237 - 45. Pccillin "new improved" virus protection
261238 - program customers required to buy failed
261239 - to install like prior demands from the
261240 - vendor to buy more
261241 - products.............................. 100218 1521, ref SDS 32 486L
261243 - ..
261244 - 46. Pccillin virus protection vendor called Trend
261245 - Micro customer support took 4 - 6 hours to
261246 - finally get Pccillin working, and
261247 - restore access to the
261248 - Internet.............................. 100219 0811, ref SDS 33 Z76O
261250 - ..
261251 - 47. Router free upgrade Comcast provided
261252 - Netgear WNR1000 N150 with double
261253 - firewall protection................... 101027 1429, ref SDS 34 W45N
261254 - improved data transfer rate (DTR) 100%
261255 - for efficient usability anytime,
261256 - anywhere intelligence................. 101027 1429, ref SDS 34 JS4I
261258 - ..
261259 - 48. Firewwall virus protection Netgear WNR1000
261260 - N150 explained "true firewall" allows
261261 - outbound transfers and prohibits
261262 - inbound except responding to
261263 - outboud request....................... 101027 1429, ref SDS 34 MK4I
261265 - ..
261266 - 49. C17 computer purchased 6-core 3.2 Ghz 2 TB
261267 - disk 12 GB memory Windows XP, 7 32-bit and
261268 - 64-bit installed multi-boot, and configured
261269 - for efficient usability providing
261270 - and using anytime, anywhere
261271 - intelligence.......................... 101115 2018, ref SDS 35 2871
261273 - ..
261274 - 50. C17 owner assigned administrator Microsoft
261275 - Windows 7 fails copy files between computers
261276 - for efficient configuration, fails to copy
261277 - files to Internet, fails to open files on
261278 - Internet and on local computer at specified
261279 - anchor frustrating purpose of computer
261280 - to provide anytime, anywhere
261281 - intelligence.......................... 101115 2018, ref SDS 35 2192
261283 - ..
261284 - Access Denied - could not transfer files from
261285 - c17 to c16 - called for Technical Support
261286 - Microsoft OEM product key requires calling
261287 - HP or paying open ended amount for
261288 - guarentee of solution................. 101202 2242, ref SDS 36 6S6H
261290 - ..
261291 - Access Denied - much bigger problem for Windows 7,
261292 - because under various circumstances, "denied access"
261293 - prevents uploading records from the transfer directory
261294 - to the Internet. Sometimes this works and
261295 - other times not - problem seems hard
261296 - to understand......................... 101204 2004, ref SDS 37 NG7G
261297 -
261298 -
261300 - ..
261301 - Work with DOS forum suggested this is a Windows 7 code mistake,
261302 - reported on 101213 0717. ref SDS 39 IQ6X
261303 -
261305 - ..
261306 - Access denied has been a major problem using Windows 7. Efforts to
261307 - solve this problem have been centered on applying Windows 7
261308 - permissions protocols, reported on 110105 0949. ref SDS 40 1R5H
261310 - ..
261311 - Considered buying another Windows 7 Ultimate CD in order to get
261312 - Microsoft technical support to solve "access denied" problems,
261313 - explained on 101209 0823. ref SDS 38 1R5H
261314 -
261315 - and on 101202 2242.
261316 - ref SDS 36 6S6H
261318 - ..
261319 - "Access denied" problems never occurred in years past, because
261320 - Pccillin virus protection included firewall support that disconnects
261321 - Windows Firewall during installation, reported on 090512 0833.
261322 - ref SDS 29 N39G
261323 -
261324 - [On 110713 0658 Microsoft offers a download program to scan
261325 - a computer for virus infection; ran the pgram and it
261326 - reported finding no virus infection. ref SDS 42 OY7F
261328 - ..
261329 - On 110216 Trend Micro reported that "Titanium" virus protection
261330 - software that "improved" Pccillin, eliminated firewall support and so
261331 - it no longer disconnects the Windows 7 Firewall. ref SDS 41 4N3G Since
261332 - the Microsoft Windows 7 Firewall prevents using the computer
261333 - productively, Trend Micro eliminating the feature that disconnects the
261334 - Windows 7 Firewall by using a replacement, reduces productivity using
261335 - the computer.
261337 - ..
261338 - Access to Netgear router configuration is reported on 101027 1429.
261339 - ref SDS 34 Q26X
261341 - ..
261342 - Login name (User ID) and password are listed on, ref SDS 34 S55N
261344 - ..
261345 - Morris indicated that the Netgear WNR1000 N150 router has virus
261346 - protection, including firewall features that replace using the
261347 - Microsoft firewall. Therefore, even though Pccillin now called Trend
261348 - Micro "Titanium" does not have firewall support that disconnects
261349 - Microsoft Windows 7 Firewall, reported on 090512 0833, ref SDS 29 N39G,
261350 - customers can use the the Microsoft Windows 7 "Control Panel" to
261351 - disconnect the Windows 7 Firewall in order to avoid "access denied"
261352 - problems caused by using Windows 7 Firewall.
261353 -
261354 -
261356 - ..
2614 -
2615 -
2616 - 0915
2617 -
261701 - Called Morris.
261702 -
261703 - Morris said that....
261705 - ..
261706 - Advanced
261707 - Port Fordwarding
261708 - Port Triggering
261709 -
261710 - ...features in Netgear WNR1000 N150 Router configuration provide
261711 - firewall protection, which duplicates Windows 7 Firewall.
261713 - ..
261714 - Actually, the manual for the router says it provides firewall
261715 - protection, reported on 101027 1429. ref SDS 34 MK4I
261717 - ..
261718 - This record indicates that Windows 7 Firewall...
261719 -
261720 - Control Panel
261721 - System and Security
261722 - Windows Firewall
261723 - Turns Windows Firewall On and Off
261724 -
261725 - ...can be set to "off", since the router provides firewall security.
261726 -
261727 - [On 110713 0658 Microsoft offers a download program to scan
261728 - a computer for virus infection; ran the pgram and it
261729 - reported finding no virus infection. ref SDS 42 OY7F
261730 -
261731 -
261732 -
261733 -
261734 -
261735 -
261736 -
261737 -
261738 -
261739 -
261740 -
261741 -
2618 -