Welch Company
San Francisco, CA
DIARY: June 26, 2011 10:30 AM Sunday;
Rod Welch
Ross and Claudia meeting at Lafayette Reservoir hiking 2 laps.
2...Meeting Lafayette Reservoire with News of New Mastiff Puppy Goliath
3...Hike 2 Laps Keeping Up with Ross and Claudia Rewarding Challenge
4...Richard and Hutch MIA for Weekend Ceremony
5...Hutch Military Career on Fast Track Flying Jets with Marines
6...Stu and Kelsey Show Healthy Lifestyle Strong Family Connections
7...Successful Trip Finding Potential Retirement Properties Wine Country
8...Glucosamine Chondroitin Possible Solution Knee Hip Pain
9...Planning Visit in Danbury Late August
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Hike Lafayette Reservoir 5.5 Miles Excellent Time 86 Minutes Inspect
1303 -
1303 - ..
1304 - Summary/Objective
1305 -
130501 - Follow up ref SDS 9 0000, ref SDS 8 0000.
130502 -
130503 - Wonderful visit today with Ross and Claudia. They found interesting
130504 - prospects in Paso Robles for making the move to California, focused on
130505 - operating a vineyard. ref SDS 0 Z74O They have a new puppy waiting at
130506 - home. ref SDS 0 JN6O Ross and Claudia remain in great shape - had fun
130507 - hiking 2 laps at Lafayette Reservoir and in good time. ref SDS 0 6Z67
130508 - Hutch is flying for a Marine air show this weekend in Chicago, so he
130509 - was unable to join the family here on the West Coast celebrating
130510 - Kelsey's commission into the Marines as 2nd Leutenant. ref SDS 0 XX8J
130511 - Will try to visit in Danbury in late August. ref SDS 0 T27F
130512 -
130513 -
130514 -
130516 - ..
1306 -
1307 - Progress
1308 -
130801 - Meeting Lafayette Reservoire with News of New Mastiff Puppy Goliath
130802 -
130803 - Ross and Claudia are in town to support Nina for her daughter's
130804 - commisison ceremony. Yesterday, Kelsey was commissioned 2nd leutenant
130805 - in the Marine Corps, following the path of her cousin, Hutch,
130806 - discussed during Thanksgiving dinner on 101125 1142. ref SDS 5 K96H
130808 - ..
130809 - This morning, Ross called and said he and Claudia are in Lafayette.
130810 - Drove to the reservoir and met them for a hiking visit, planned in the
130811 - letter to Ross on 110316 1220. ref SDS 9 NT4S
130813 - ..
130814 - Ross and Nina's husband, Tom, hiked the rim trail yesterday. Ross
130815 - said he ran a few laps on Friday with Tom or maybe he and Claudia ran
130816 - it, not sure. In any case, they are very familiar now with Lafayette
130817 - Reservoir. Remembering the experience on the rim trail with Millie
130818 - about 10 years ago, decided to do the regular route today, and save
130819 - the rim trail for another visit.
130821 - ..
130822 - They have news - a new addition. Goliath is an 18 month Mastiff puppy
130823 - who already weighs 160 pounds. By the time they get home tomorrow
130824 - morning, taking the red-eye tonight,, Goliath will weigh 180. Who
130825 - cares for Goliath while Ross and Claudia are traveling? Must be
130826 - someone dedicated to generous canine meals, and able to restrain a
130827 - freight train on neighborhood walks.
130829 - ..
130830 - Hoperfully, Ross and I are passing Goliath on the weight scale. He is
130831 - at 196 going for 175. I am more like 200 going for 165, per the bet
130832 - on 101130 0400. ref SDS 6 UH7K Ross was kind today saying I don't
130833 - look like 200 pounds. Mentioned renewed dedication to weight loss
130834 - recently adopting drastic dietary reductions from 4 to 3 scoops of ice
130835 - cream in conjunction with starting the renowned "welder" diet. On
130836 - Tuesday a crew is coming to weld the refrigerator door shut. Ross
130837 - recalls hearing about the "welder diet" on Oprah. He will investigate
130838 - upon return to Danbury.
130839 -
130840 -
130841 -
1309 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
1403 -
140401 - ..
140402 - Hike 2 Laps Keeping Up with Ross and Claudia Rewarding Challenge
140403 -
140404 - Great day for hiking. Not real hot and a slight breeze.
140406 - ..
140407 - Very crowded on Sunday. All the activity enriches experience of
140408 - visiting while hiking.
140410 - ..
140411 - Did 2 laps in 43 minutes, reflecting Ross and Claudia being in great
140412 - shape. Doing 44 minutes for the 1st lap yesterday was a good effort,
140413 - reported in case study on 101010 0744. ref SDS 4 8Q5K Today, shows
140414 - clearly advantage of hiking as a team, like going with Millie. Today,
140415 - would not have done this pace hiking alone. Actually, may not have
140416 - gone out at all, since the plan was to hike after the Yankees play at
140417 - 1100. By the time 1400 arrives, would have eaten lunch and given up
140418 - on hiking. Maybe not, but fortune smiled today with the call from
140419 - Ross nudging things along, like Mil did.
140421 - ..
140422 - Told Ross he is very lucky to have Claudia, who among many qualities
140423 - shares Ross' interest in healthy lifestyle. Marriage presents a
140424 - powerful model for partenrship that leverages the magic of
140425 - complementarity, explained in NWO. ref OF 1 Q07K Michael Eisner
140426 - cites marriage as a powerful partnership in the project of life,
140427 - reviewed a few months ago on 110416 1030. ref SDS 10 6Z3H This formula
140428 - can be summarized as a lovely reminder - nudging things along.
140430 - ..
140431 - At home after the hike feel physically better than normal after such a
140432 - big effort. Further indicates body getting stronger from increased
140433 - level of effort the past 2 weeks, reported in case study on 101010
140434 - 0744. ref SDS 4 HI6H
140435 -
140436 -
140437 -
1405 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
1503 -
150401 - ..
150402 - Richard and Hutch MIA for Weekend Ceremony
150403 - Hutch Military Career on Fast Track Flying Jets with Marines
150404 -
150405 - Ross explained that Hutch could not make the trip, as planned. At the
150406 - last minute, he was assigned to represent the Marines flying for a
150407 - public air show in Chicago over the weekend. This was an honor for
150408 - Hutch to be 1 of only 2 pilots chosen from the Marine flight training
150409 - program, indicating his progress as a Marine, and proficiency flying
150410 - jet aircraft are rated very high. Terrific news for the whole family.
150412 - ..
150413 - Several years ago, Hutch took a chance and decided he wanted to fly
150414 - jets, based on a recruiter's respresentation that he need merely sign
150415 - on the dotted-line to join the Marines, and he would be assured of
150416 - assignment to flight training. He was not told that only 15% of
150417 - Marines in flight school are selected for jet pilots. So, there was
150418 - an 85% chance he would not fly jets. In December hard work and
150419 - determination were rewarded with Hutch being among the 15% selected
150420 - for jet training. Now he continues making the most of opportunity.
150421 - This is a good start for a military career that can prepare Hutch to
150422 - do great things in life. He is setting a good example for stu, and
150423 - for Nina's daughters, shown by Kelsey's comissioning ceremony
150424 - yesterday.
150426 - ..
150427 - Richard was also "missing in action" in this weekend for Kesly's
150428 - commission ceremony. Ross mentioned earlier that Richard is on
150429 - assignment in Europe at this time. His wife and child, however,
150430 - attended yesterday.
150431 -
150432 -
150433 -
150434 -
1505 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
1603 -
160401 - ..
160402 - Stu and Kelsey Show Healthy Lifestyle Strong Family Connections
160403 -
160404 - Today, Stu and Nina's daugher, Kelsey, went hiking up Mt Tamelpias
160405 - over in Marin. Ross and Claudia were invited, but decided to do
160406 - Lafayette Resrevoir again today, thankfully for me, per above.
160407 - ref SDS 0 GK7F
160409 - ..
160410 - Apparently, Kelsey though in the Marines has a civilian assignement
160411 - this summer as a guide (??) for river rafting in Colorado. She
160412 - reports for flight training in December. Quite an eclectic skill set.
160413 - In between, she will assist with Marine recruiting at a station on
160414 - campus at the University of California in Berkeley.
160416 - ..
160417 - Military recruiting at UC Berkeley - Who knew!! Move over Mario
160418 - Savio...
160419 -
160420 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mario_Savio
160422 - ..
160423 - Glad to hear that Kelsey is an athletic, competitive young lady. Ross
160424 - and claudia set a good example for their boys, cited previously in the
160425 - letter on 101130 1610. ref SDS 7 F39Y Sounds like Tom is a good
160426 - influence in this direction for Nina's daughers. If these young
160427 - people can develop a lifestyls of routine exercise to complement
160428 - academic skills for deliberative thinking chances of enjoying a long
160429 - productive life increase by orders of magnitude, irrespective of
160430 - vicissitudes in a complex world.
160432 - ..
160433 - After our hike at Lafayette, Ross and Claudia are driving over to
160434 - Marin and picking up the kids after their hike.
160435 -
160436 -
1605 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
1703 -
170401 - ..
170402 - Successful Trip Finding Potential Retirement Properties Wine Country
170403 -
170404 - Ross and Claudia had a productive trip examining properties in Paso
170405 - Robles again this past week, beginning on Tuesday. Two properties
170406 - caught their attention. At this time, with real estate prices
170407 - depressed, there are some "bargains" available. Not clear if Ross and
170408 - Claudia have decided to just grow grapes, or also produce wine?? Ross
170409 - indicated the next step is to make a closer study of growing grapes
170410 - and making wine.
170412 - ..
170413 - Originally, understood they are thinking about a retirement situation,
170414 - which is still 10 years or more in the future for both Ross and
170415 - Claudia. Today, Ross indicated he would like to get away from New
170416 - England weather back to California. He feels his work for IBM can be
170417 - performed anywhere, so being away from IBM HQ in Armonk, NY is not a
170418 - problem. San Louis Obispo is the closest airport. He would have to
170419 - fly to LAX or SFO to go anywhere though. Seems like dynamics of
170420 - corporate culture need careful consideration as well.
170422 - ..
170423 - Considered scenario of buying property at this time when prices are
170424 - depressed, and leasing it to someone with established credentials for
170425 - building successful wine making operation. Ross noted it would
170426 - require a long term commitment, since starting from scratch takes
170427 - several years to grow grapes to a point of having quality for becoming
170428 - wine. There is also investment in equipment and construction of
170429 - facilities. Learning all of this through trial and error might be
170430 - fun. Might also prove frustrating and expensive. Sharecropping
170431 - agreement with the right person might provide a smooth transition for
170432 - learning the wine business with minimal bumps along the road.
170433 - Partnering could further minimize financial risks. Of course finding
170434 - the right person also takes time and great care. Would be great if a
170435 - contract could be arranged that set objectives, commitments, and
170436 - requirements, so budget parameters are established. Since there is no
170437 - immediate urgency to act, there is time for prudence.
170439 - ..
170440 - Might try talking to people who have been forced out of the wine
170441 - making business in the current economic downturn. Doubtless many
170442 - share Ross and Claudia's dream of owning a vineyard, and who have
170443 - already traveled this path, only to get caught up in financial turmoil
170444 - of over-priced real estate.
170445 -
170446 -
1705 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
1803 -
180401 - ..
180402 - Glucosamine Chondroitin Possible Solution Knee Hip Pain
180403 -
180404 - Ross hustled well today, without evident problems, but reported
180405 - continuing knee and hip pain. He ran up Killer Ridge impressively.
180407 - ..
180408 - Discussed again Glucosamine Chondroitin. Claudia has been taking the
180409 - pills for several years, and said it is a big help to her.
180411 - ..
180412 - Explained background on taking liquid Glucosamine chondroitin,
180413 - reported in case study on 030807 2138, ref SDS 1 FN9N, and citing the
180414 - record explaining benefits to relieve knee pain that enables vigorous
180415 - hiking, like today, reported on 050421 1252. ref SDS 2 5A7W
180417 - ..
180418 - Ross asked about taste.
180420 - ..
180421 - Advised that Glucosomine Chondrotin has always tasted okay. Shopping
180422 - recently at Costso on 110603, showed taste has been upgraded to very
180423 - pleasant strawberry flavor. No nausea that often occurs with flavored
180424 - liquid medicines.
180425 -
180426 -
1805 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
1903 -
190401 - ..
190402 - Planning Visit in Danbury Late August
190403 -
190404 - Considered going to lunch, but Ross and Claudia have get over to Marin
190405 - in time to pick up Stu and Kelsey at 1430. He is thinking of taking
190406 - the Richmond San Rafael bridge with hopefully less traffic, rather
190407 - than the San Francisco Oakland Bay bridge, and then the Golden Gate
190408 - bridge to get to Marin.
190410 - ..
190411 - Did not mention discovering a "5 Guys" restaraunt in Vallejo, reported
190412 - on 110530 1100. ref SDS 11 KP5O Ross took us to "5 Guys" several
190413 - times in Danbury, last year, reported on 100831 1445. ref SDS 3 FW5G
190415 - ..
190416 - Discussed visiting Ross and Claudia in Danbury.
190418 - ..
190419 - Claudia's brother, Tavo and his family are visiting this week and
190420 - next. Ross mentioned previously that Claudia's nephew is doing well
190421 - in seminary near their home in Connecticut, and has visited from time
190422 - to time. Apparently, he has a lot of edcuation and service to perform
190423 - before being ordained as a priest about age 30. Wonderful that his
190424 - family from El Salvador can visit and provide support for this long
190425 - journey.
190427 - ..
190428 - Would like to come out for 2 or 3 weeks. Maybe after the August
190429 - meetings at the VA.
190431 - ..
190432 - The calandar shows the last meeting is on 110819. Might come out on
190433 - Tuesday for the price break, and get a return ticket for 110920.
190434 -
190435 - [On 110706 0742 made reservations for trip leaving on
190436 - 110823, and returning on 110913. ref SDS 12 HH8P
190438 - ..
190439 - This was a great day.
190440 -
190441 -
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190443 -
190444 -
190445 -
190446 -
190447 -
1905 -