Welch Company
San Francisco, CA
DIARY: May 9, 2011 10:47 AM Monday;
Rod Welch
SDS Morris call stats, screen fill window, counters listed in menu.
2...Medit Java Commands Features Progress
3...Planning to work on....
4...Elluminate Telephone Conferencing System
5...SDS Java Fails Launch Out of Bounds Excpetion 6000
6...Netbeans Java Fails SDS Launch Out of Bounds Excpetion 6000
7...Macro 5020 Reported Duplicate Possibly Medit Development Code
8...Stats Line Caps and Num Lock Appearance Zone Margin
9...Medit Java 64-bit Slower Processing than Original Medit 16-bit
10...EM Open Current File in Memory Specified Name
11...Winset Command Needed Test Screen Width for FR FL Commands
12...SDS Launch Group Manager Notice Processing Daily Maintenance
13...@filename Commands Corrupted Save Medit Java Compiled Code Fails
14...Save Medit Java Causing @filename Commands Compiled Code to Fail
15...Pfinsw & Pfinsw1 and Wsplit Commands Pending
16...INS Insert Function Not Working Correctly
17...Wordwrap Not Advancing Cursor Correctly Right Margin
18...FR Command Failing with Cursor on Left Zone Column
19...Up Command Increment Error Counter Cusor End File
20...Reverse Search Locate Command Mode Broke
21...Search Locate Command Reverse Mode Broke
22...Bot Command Place Cursor TOF When File Empty
23...Get Command Top File Line When File Empty
24...Immed d End of File Line Increments Error Counter Turn this Off
25...Change Command Processing Wrong Column Report Format Fails
26...Setlen Counter 0 on End and Top of File
27...End of File Subject Reports Not Displayed After Setting Font
28...Display Problem After Set Font End of File Subject Reports
29...Reports Not Displaying End of File Possible Issue Setting Font
30...Font Choice Menu Similar Notepad
........Font Style Size
31...Cut & Paste Interoperability with OS and Other Applications
32...OS Cut & Paste Interoperability with Other Applications
33...Version Medit Should Not Display
34...Error Messages Display Command Line Rather than Filename Line
35...Error Messages On and Off Internal Medit Commands
36...Scroll Bar Refinements User Ergonomics
37...Title Simple Editor Screen Change Name Identify Application Session #
38...Screen Title Simple Editor Change Name Identify Application Session #
39...Simple Editor Change Name Screen Title Identify Application Session #
40...File List Menu SDS Java Refine Format Functions Efficient Usability
41...Global Counters Getgbl x @y
42...Debug Counters Expand Local 1000 Display Main Menu
43...Counters Added Main Help Menu Pending Improvements Realtime Display
44...Confidentiality Command Replace Attr Command SDS Records
45...Attr Command or Alternative Needed Manage Confidentiality
46...Menu System Markcur # Add to File List Main Menu File
47...Markcur # Add to File List Main Menu File Menu System
48...Backspace Key Incorrect Corrupting Choices Editing Menus
49...Java Netbeans 6.9 Installed on C17 Windows 7 64-bit
Click here to comment!
SDS Java Windows 64-bit Application Progress Medit Commands Create C
1403 -
1403 - ..
1404 - Summary/Objective
1405 -
140501 - Follow up ref SDS F4 0000. ref SDS E8 0000.
140502 -
140503 - Discussed status of program based on implementing Medit java changes
140504 - since last collaboration session with Eluminate, reported on 110417
140505 - 1400. ref SDS E8 4N5K Morris fixed screen display problem caused by
140506 - recent work on stats line, ref SDS 0 FS8G He made other corrections
140507 - on stats line, so this has only a few pending issues. ref SDS 0 GX9S
140508 - Morris suggested SDS java slow performance can be increased by moving
140509 - more code from macro files to compiled code. ref SDS 0 QK4N Discussed
140510 - new commands to reduce disk reads and writes that can increase
140511 - performance of SDS java. ref SDS 0 JW8N Reviewed problems with
140512 - @filename commands in compiled macros. ref SDS 0 SU5M Analysed
140513 - problems with insert key ops. ref SDS 0 OB5M Demonstrated issue with
140514 - wordwrap that needs more research to solve. ref SDS 0 GF3I
140516 - ..
140517 - [On 110517 0912 letter to Morris submitting record listing
140518 - pending issues. ref SDS G0 OW8P
140519 -
140520 -
140521 -
140523 - ..
1406 -
1407 -
1408 - Progress
1409 -
140901 - Medit Java Commands Features Progress
140902 -
140903 - Follow up ref SDS E8 4N5K.
140904 -
140905 - On 090318 planned to build an ascii file that lists commands for the
140906 - new editor. ref SDS 34 JY33
140907 -
140908 - 1. cut & paste (OS level)...new.......... 101124, ref SDS D9 244F
140909 - 2. $screen x y..............new.......... 100920, ref SDS C5 V13O
140910 - 3. stats 0 or 1.......................... 100828, ref SDS B5 OQ7O
140911 - 4. get (g)............................... 100729, ref SDS A4 BY3O
140912 - 5. beep.................................. 100604, ref SDS 96 CF6I
140913 - 6. tl.................................... 100604, ref SDS 96 HV9I
140914 - 7. right................................. 100428, ref SDS 93 W55G
140915 - 8. left.................................. 100415, ref SDS 93 W55G
140916 - 9. of.................................... 100415, ref SDS 93 W55G
140917 - 10. lsfile............new................. 100415, ref SDS 91 PS5S
140918 - 11. scroll bar............................ 100301, ref SDS 86 4C4N
140919 - 12. pfesc................................. 100224, ref SDS 84 QG6K
140920 - 13. setcolor.............................. 100108, ref SDS 76 4F3M
140921 - 14. wrapon...........wordwrap............. 091107, ref SDS 73 E17J
140922 - 15. wrapoff............................... 091107, ref SDS 73 E17J
140923 - 16. wrapflag.............................. 091107, ref SDS 73 E17J
140924 - 17. wsplit................................ 091107, ref SDS 73 E17J
140925 - 18. pfent................................. 091102, ref SDS 71 EZ3I
140926 - 19. pfb1.................................. 091008, ref SDS 68 4C4N
140927 - 20. pfb1i................................. 091008, ref SDS 68 4C4N
140928 - 21. pfb2.................................. 091008, ref SDS 68 4C4N
140929 - 22. pfb2i................................. 091008, ref SDS 68 4C4N
140930 - 23. pgup.................................. 090926, ref SDS 67 FW6N
140931 - 24. pgdn.................................. 090926, ref SDS 67 FW6N
140932 - 25. ul........cut & paste................. 090924, ref SDS 66 JZ4K
140933 - 26. lr.................................... 090924, ref SDS 66 JZ4K
140934 - 27. cut................................... 090924, ref SDS 66 JZ4K
140935 - 28. copy.................................. 090924, ref SDS 66 JZ4K
140936 - 29. clear................................. 090924, ref SDS 66 JZ4K
140937 - 30. paste................................. 090924, ref SDS 66 JZ4K
140938 - 31. insert................................ 090924, ref SDS 66 JZ4K
140939 - 32. pfd................................... 090924, ref SDS 66 JZ4P
140940 - 33. pfu................................... 090924, ref SDS 66 JZ4P
140941 - 34. tab................................... 090924, ref SDS 66 YW9N
140942 - 35. tab1.................................. 090924, ref SDS 66 YW9N
140943 - 36. pft................................... 090924, ref SDS 66 YW9N
140944 - 37. errormsg.............................. 090912, ref SDS 64 5N7J
140945 - 38. settabs............................... 090912, ref SDS 64 VM4L
140946 - 39. savx.................................. 090912, ref SDS 64 XT5J
140947 - 40. strcnt 0 0............................ 090907, ref SDS 61 XT5J
140948 - 41. compiler.............................. 090715, ref SDS 53 YY6N
140949 - 42. ioff.................................. 090715, ref SDS 53 0I5J
140950 - 43. debug nnn............................. 090530, ref SDS 50 OY3H
140951 - 44. -gosubup.............................. 090529, ref SDS 49 OY3H
140952 - 45. -gosubdn.............................. 090529, ref SDS 49 OY3H
140953 - 46. -label................................ 090528, ref SDS 47 OY3H
140954 - 47. -goto................................. 090528, ref SDS 47 OY3H
140955 - 48. -gg................................... 090528, ref SDS 47 OY3H
140956 - 49. -gosub................................ 090528, ref SDS 47 OY3H
140957 - 50. -return............................... 090528, ref SDS 47 OY3H
140958 - 51. -exit................................. 090528, ref SDS 47 OY3H
140959 - 52. -d.................................... 090528, ref SDS 47 OY3H
140960 - 53. -u.................................... 090528, ref SDS 47 OY3H
140961 - 54. -if @................................. 090528, ref SDS 47 OY3H
140962 - 55. join.................................. 090528, ref SDS 47 OY3H
140963 - 56. split................................. 090528, ref SDS 47 OY3H
140964 - 57. n<<................................... 090528, ref SDS E1 OY3H
140965 - 58. n>>................................... 090528, ref SDS E1 OY3H
140966 - 59. file.................................. 090511, ref SDS 46 HA3L
140967 - 60. purge................................. 090511, ref SDS 46 HA3L
140968 - 61. load.................................. 090511, ref SDS 46 HA3L
140969 - 62. pcmd2................................. 090511, ref SDS 46 HA3L
140970 - 63. datecnt n 0........................... 090511, ref SDS 46 QX52
140971 - 64. rs.................................... 090511 ref SDS 46 HA3L
140972 - 65. ins_text.............................. 090511, ref SDS 46 HA3L
140973 - 66. markcur nn............................ 090504, ref SDS 45 HA3L
140974 - 67. ecur nn............................... 090504, ref SDS 45 HA3L
140975 - 68. errorcnt 0 0.......................... 090504, ref SDS 45 Q24M
140976 - 69. aw.................................... 090504, ref SDS 45 HA3L
140977 - 70. eol................................... 090504, ref SDS 45 HA3L
140978 - 71. of.................................... 090504, ref SDS 45 HA3L
140979 - 72. quit.................................. 090504, ref SDS 45 HA3L
140980 - 73. setgbl................................ 090504, ref SDS 45 HA3L
140981 - 74. getgbl................................ 090504, ref SDS 45 HA3L
140982 - 75. gfname................................ 090504, ref SDS 45 HA3L
140983 - 76. pushc popc............................ 090504, ref SDS 45 HA3L
140984 - 77. savescr n............................. 090504, ref SDS 45 HA3L
140985 - 78. linecnt............................... 090430, ref SDS 44 KF9G
140986 - 79. margin................................ 090430, ref SDS 44 KF9G
140987 - 80. dos /c................................ 090430, ref SDS 44 XT4F
140988 - 81. dose /c............................... 090430, ref SDS 44 XT4F
140989 - 82. dosepath.............................. 090430, ref SDS 44 ET3M
140990 - 83. fr.................................... 090420, ref SDS 42 HD5J
140991 - 84. fl.................................... 090420, ref SDS 42 HD5J
140992 - 85. nb.................................... 090420, ref SDS 42 WE62
140993 - 86. pfe................................... 090420, ref SDS 42 WE5N
140994 - 87. l-/ /.............................. 090417, ref SDS 41 H95M
140995 - 88. zonereps.............................. 090413, ref SDS 39 C946
140996 - 89. repscnt............................... 090413, ref SDS 39 C946
140997 - 90. ins_cur ic............................ 090413, ref SDS 39 JN5J
140998 - 91. addcnt..........math counters......... 090413, ref SDS 39 245K
140999 - 92. subcnt................................ 090413, ref SDS 39 245K
141000 - 93. mulcnt......(inscnt below)............ 090413, ref SDS 39 245K
141001 - 94. divcnt................................ 090413, ref SDS 39 245K
141002 - 95. modcnt................................ 090413, ref SDS 39 245K
141003 - 96. c /xyz/zzz/* *........................ 090408, ref SDS 38 DO45
141004 - 97. zone.................................. 090331, ref SDS 36 PA54
141005 - 98. l / /............................. 090331, ref SDS 36 PA54
141006 - 99. s / /............................. 090331, ref SDS 36 PA54
141007 - 100. pf10.................................. 090331, ref SDS 36 KM9G
141008 - 101. pa7................................... 090331, ref SDS 36 KM9G
141009 - 102. immed commands........................ 090320, ref SDS 35 KM9G
141010 - 103. cmd2on................................ 090318, ref SDS 34 214J
141011 - 104. cmd2off............................... 090318, ref SDS 34 214J
141012 - 105. font.................new.............. 090131, ref SDS 31 D45G
141013 - 106. annotate.............................. 090119, ref SDS 20 UI4M
141014 - 107. color................................. 090119, ref SDS 20 IS6K
141015 - 108. setcolor.............................. 090119, ref SDS 20 IS6K
141016 - 109. setrgbcolorfg........new.............. 090119, ref SDS 28 K19J
141017 - 110. setrgbcolorbg......................... 090119, ref SDS 28 K19J
141018 - 111. @filename............................. 090119, ref SDS 20 CB8N
141019 - 112. setcur 0 0............................ 090119, ref SDS 20 CB8N
141020 - 113. setcura n 0........................... 090119, ref SDS 20 CB8N
141021 - 114. inscnt 0 0......(see "math" above).... 090119, ref SDS 20 CB8N
141022 - 115. medit................................. 090119, ref SDS 20 CB8N
141023 - 116. e..................................... 090119, ref SDS 20 CB8N
141025 - ..
141026 - 117. up..............unknown............... 090413, ref SDS 39 FV7G
141027 - 118. down............unknown............... 090413, ref SDS 39 FV7G
141028 - 119. setcnt..........unknown............... 090413, ref SDS 39 FV7G
141029 - 120. setlen..........unknown............... 090413, ref SDS 39 FV7G
141030 - 121. lincnt..........unknown............... 090413, ref SDS 39 FV7G
141031 - 122. setgbl..........unknown............... 090413, ref SDS 39 FV7G
141032 - 123. getgbl..........unknown............... 090413, ref SDS 39 FV7G
141033 -
141034 -
141035 -
1411 -
Medit Commands Pending List SDS Java Windows 64-bit Application Crea
2103 -
210401 - ..
210402 - Planning to work on....
210403 -
210404 - Follow up ref SDS E8 UZ3I.
210405 -
210406 - 1. er ..............(not needed)... ref OF 3 QWTZ
210407 - 2. repeat n ........(not needed)... ref OF 3 2RSR
210408 - 3. oo ..............(not needed)... ref OF 3 2RQQ
210409 - 4. posmouse.........(not needed)... ref OF 3 RPVP
210410 - 5. ins_down ........(not needed)... ref OF 3 2RVY
210411 - 6. recl n...........(not needed)... ref OF 3 2TVS
210412 - 7. rep_down.........(not needed)... ref OF 3 2XXT
210413 - 8. ESC <>..........(not needed)... ref OF 3 2TSU
210414 - 9. savc.............(not needed)... ref OF 3 R47G
210415 - 10. addtabs..........(not needed)... ref OF 3 2UPW
210416 - 11. tabs.............(not needed)... ref OF 3 2SYT
210417 - 12. tabsoff..........(not needed)... ref OF 3 2TPQ
210418 - 13. notabs...........(not needed)... ref OF 3 2TQV
210419 - 14. ragon ragoff.....(not needed)... ref OF 3 QPPP
210420 - 15. pad1.............(not needed)... ref OF 3 2SVT... ref SDS 73 YN5M
210421 - 16. nopad............(not needed)... ref OF 3 2SWQ... ref SDS 73 YN5M
210422 - 17. jj...............(not needed)... ref OF 3 2RXR... ref SDS 73 YN5M
210423 - 18. jc...............(not needed)... ref OF 3 2SPR... ref SDS 73 YN5M
210424 - 19. jl...............(not needed)... ref OF 3 2SPX... ref SDS 73 YN5M
210425 - 20. jr...............(not needed)... ref OF 3 2SQX... ref SDS 73 YN5M
210426 - ..
210427 - 21. EM............new............... 110509, ref SDS 0 JW8N
210428 - 22. msg on off....new............... 110509, ref SDS 0 TZ5O
210429 - 23. winlen........new............... 110509, ref SDS 0 RL9K
210430 - 24. Ctrl End........................ not documented
210431 - 25. getkey.......................... ref OF 3 RPQT
210432 - 26. attr............................ ref OF 3 QW6J
210433 - 27. pfinsw.......................... ref OF 3 4966
210434 - 28. pfinsw1......................... ref OF 3 4966
210435 - 29. wsplit.......................... ref OF 3 RQSU
210436 - 30. tm.............................. ref OF 3 RQPP
210437 - 31. space 1......................... ref OF 3 QVQS
210438 - 32. ledger.......................... ref OF 3 QXPR
210439 -
210440 -
210442 - ..
210443 - Elluminate Telephone Conferencing System
210444 -
210445 - Follow up ref SDS E8 TQ6I, ref SDS E3 TQ6I.
210446 -
210447 - Used Elluminate for teleconference with video and audio, with
210448 - instructions in the record on . 110417 1400, ref SDS E8 TQ6I
210449 -
210450 - [On 110603 1612 Internet address for Ellumnate changed, and
210451 - name changed to Blackboard. ref SDS G5 QV77
210452 -
210453 -
210454 -
2105 -
SDS Launch Fails Netbeans java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException:
3203 -
320401 - ..
320402 - SDS Java Fails Launch Out of Bounds Excpetion 6000
320403 - Netbeans Java Fails SDS Launch Out of Bounds Excpetion 6000
320404 -
320405 - On May 22, 2011, applying SDS report system to run in java. After
320406 - adding several lines in a macro, the compiler runs successfully, and
320407 - Netbeans runs clean and build successfully, but the program fails to
320408 - launch. Launching in Netbeans produces a long report of severe
320409 - errors, as listed in the record on 110414 0732, ref SDS E7 2G5M
320411 - ..
320412 - Netbeans reports the cause of the problem is...
320413 -
320414 - java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 6000
320415 -
320416 - ...listed on 110414 0732. ref SDS E7 584N
320418 - ..
320419 - The particular lines don't matter. Removing the lines enables
320420 - normal operation. Adding any lines in another macro causes the same
320421 - problem. Removing the lines enables SDS java to run normally.
320423 - ..
320424 - This suggests Medit java has exceeded some resource limit.
320426 - ..
320427 - Further development of SDS java compiled macros need resolution of
320428 - this problem.
320429 -
320430 - [On 110601 0936 Morris fixed Medit java code problem
320431 - causing "...out of bounds exception 6000 failure.
320432 - ref SDS G7 G55F
320433 -
320434 -
320435 -
320436 -
320437 -
3205 -
Macro 5020 SDS Java Netbeans Error Duplicate Medit Development Code
4403 -
440401 - ..
440402 - Macro 5020 Reported Duplicate Possibly Medit Development Code
440403 -
440404 - Weeks later got error message from Netbeans that -entry 5020 chosen
440405 - for new macro updating SDS data base pointers, was already assigned.
440406 -
440407 - Review of SDS development files shows no record of -entry 5020
440409 - ..
440410 - Has Morris used this for Medit development requirements?
440412 - ..
440413 - Have other -entry numbers been pre-assigned?
440414 -
440415 - [On 110511 0753 initially assigned new macro to -entry
440416 - 1427; tried changing later to 5020, and got Netbeans error
440417 - message that -entry 5020 is already assigned. ref SDS F8
440418 - P96K
440420 - ..
440421 - [On 110525 0538 discover Netbeans reports -entry 5020
440422 - duplicates existing assignement, ref SDS G2 GU9M; so,
440423 - changed name to -entry 4020, reported on 110511 0753.
440424 - ref SDS F8 P96K
440426 - ..
440427 - [On 110601 0936 Morris expanded range for assigning
440428 - compiled macros up to 9000. ref SDS G7 QZ7O
440429 -
440430 -
440431 -
440432 -
4405 -
Stats Fixed Broken Message Insert Off Display Ovr - Overwrite Mode M
6403 -
640401 - ..
640402 - Stats Line Caps and Num Lock Appearance Zone Margin
640403 -
640404 - Follow up ref SDS F4 FQ9J, ref SDS E8 QW9I.
640405 -
640406 - Stats command upgraded to support stats 0 and stats 1, that applies
640407 - original feature of stats and nostats, reported on 100828 1607.
640408 - ref SDS B5 QW9I
640410 - ..
640411 - On 100428 1133 Morris made changes that improve stats field; still
640412 - needs work for ergonomics. ref SDS 93 QW9I
640414 - ..
640415 - On 110417 1400 list pending improvments for stats line and command.
640416 - ref SDS E8 GX8G
640418 - ..
640419 - On 110504 Morris fixed some problems with stats, but caused a new
640420 - problem of the editor screen displaying only half of the window space.
640421 - ref SDS F4 EV4F
640423 - ..
640424 - He called today and advised that he fixed the new screen display
640425 - problem reported on 110504 1051. ref SDS F4 EV4F
640427 - ..
640428 - Morris also changed display on stats for insert off from "Broken" to
640429 - "Ovr," which stands for "overwrite mode.
640431 - ..
640432 - This work today solves some of the problems listed on 110417
640433 - 1400. ref SDS E8 GX8G
640435 - ..
640436 - Stats pending issues...
640437 -
640438 - 1. Zone Margin stats change to "Z" and "M," similar to C and R for
640439 - Column and Row.
640440 -
640441 - 2. R -row- consider changing to L -line- because lincnt command
640442 - orients to the concept of line counter, line number.
640444 - ..
640445 - 3. Color stats black with white letters a line below bottom of the
640446 - active screen to complement/balance the information line at the
640447 - top above the active screen showing the filename.
640448 -
640449 - [On 110601 0936 Morris made these changes, still need
640450 - intensity of white letters reduced a bit. ref SDS G4 QW9I
640452 - ..
640453 - [On 110603 1612 Morris reduced intensity of white
640454 - letters, and shifted text 1 column to improve appearance
640455 - of Stats line. ref SDS G5 QW9I
640457 - ..
640458 - [On 110621 1240 experimenting to integrate by overlaying
640459 - transitory/appended system messages on the Stats line was
640460 - abandoned, but caused color scheme to fail, ref SDS G8
640461 - 6643, and so needs to be restored to condition developed
640462 - today on 110601. ref SDS G4 QW9I
640464 - ..
640465 - 4. Caps and num lock add notice to stats line, reported on 100301
640466 - 1028. ref SDS 86 0G7L
640467 -
640468 - [On 110601 0936 pending stats command changes add caps and
640469 - num lock. ref SDS G7 5Z6H
640470 -
640471 -
640472 -
640473 -
640474 -
6405 -
Medit Java 64-bit Slower Processing than Original Medit 16-bit
6903 -
690401 - ..
690402 - Medit Java 64-bit Slower Processing than Original Medit 16-bit
690403 -
690404 - Morris suggested compiling code that assembles global pointers to
690405 - launch SDS, which is very slow in macro file 04702, reported on 110505
690406 - 2301. ref SDS F5 595H
690408 - ..
690409 - SDS record save function has already been transferred into compiled
690410 - code by moving macro file 07020510 into compiled macro 142, and moving
690411 - everything to a new macro file 000010, reported on 110403 1143.
690412 - ref SDS E6 0001
690413 -
690414 - [On 110511 0753 created macro 4018 move macro files 001 and
690415 - 0011 into compiled code to assemble SDS data base pointers
690416 - and increase speed launching SDS java, closer to original
690417 - SDS. ref SDS F8 DV5H
690419 - ..
690420 - [On 110524 0543 added code to calculate total time required
690421 - for launching SDS for 1st time each day that performs daily
690422 - backup and updates data base pointers. ref SDS G1 6K8H
690423 -
690424 -
690425 -
6905 -
EM Open Current File in Memory Specified Name New Command SDS Java
7603 -
760401 - ..
760402 - EM Open Current File in Memory Specified Name
760403 -
760404 - Did not have time to work on this command today...
760405 -
760406 - Can a command like....
760407 -
760408 - savm [alphanumstring]
760409 -
760410 - or even....
760411 -
760412 - em [alphanumstring]
760413 -
760414 - ...opens current file in memory with another name.
760416 - ..
760417 - This command might increase processing speed by eliminating a lot of
760418 - disk reads and writes.
760419 -
760420 - [On 110621 1240 discussed these new commands; did not have
760421 - time to create them; Morris seemed to indicate they are
760422 - fairly easy to program. ref SDS G8 JW8N
760424 - ..
760425 - [On 110806 0938 em command created; works well. ref SDS G0
760426 - ZN66
760428 - ..
760429 - Could create a macro that does...
760430 -
760431 - of 0
760432 - top
760433 - ul
760434 - bot
760435 - of [some big number]
760436 - lr
760437 - purge CUT
760438 - copy
760440 - ..
760441 - Not sure we can create a generic macro for opeing the thing
760442 -
760443 - e [filename]
760444 - macro 301 [empties file and adds blank line]
760445 - ul
760446 - paste
760447 -
760448 -
760449 -
760450 -
760451 -
760452 -
760453 -
760454 -
7605 -
Winlen Command Test Screen Width for FR FL Commands
8403 -
840401 - ..
840402 - Winset Command Needed Test Screen Width for FR FL Commands
840403 -
840404 - Follow up ref SDS B1 3S5J, ref SDS B0 Q66N.
840405 -
840406 - Morris indicated may need command, perhaps winlen, to test for width
840407 - of screen that avoids problems using commands that sensitive to the
840408 - screen width, reported on 100818 2103. ref SDS B1 6E64
840410 - ..
840411 - Another possibility is a command to set the width of the screen....
840412 -
840413 - winset n 0 or 1
840415 - ..
840416 - This command sets the width of the screen in columns.
840417 -
840418 - winset 90 0
840419 -
840420 - ...sets screen to 90 columns, and can be changed by user.
840422 - ..
840423 - Command...
840424 -
840425 - winset 90 1
840426 -
840427 - ...sets screen to 90 columns is permanent for the session.
840428 -
840429 - [On 110624 0937 testing indicates Morris accomplished
840430 - making execution of macro processing commands independent
840431 - of variable screen size. ref SDS G9 LZ7Y
840432 -
840433 -
840434 -
840435 -
8405 -
Notice System SDS Java Group Manager Open User Records 1st Time Each
9403 -
940401 - ..
940402 - SDS Launch Group Manager Notice Processing Daily Maintenance
940403 -
940404 - We need a way to notify people the program is paused while performing
940405 - daily maintenance.
940406 -
940407 - [...below is analysis on message system display for command
940408 - errors and moving display to CMD line from filename line.
940409 - ref SDS 0 636K
940411 - ..
940412 - [On 110524 0543 added code to display message while SDS
940413 - performs daily maintenance, but for some reason the message
940414 - does not display. ref SDS G1 TS6G
940416 - ..
940417 - [On 110601 0936 Morris has ideas on how to solve problem of
940418 - notifying when a program is processing data, rather than
940419 - failing, ref SDS G7 QR8M, needed for SDS data base ops,
940420 - explained on 110524 0543. ref SDS G1 TS6G
940421 -
940422 -
940423 -
9405 -
@filename Command Corrupted SDS Java Save F2 Macro 142 File 0000008
A603 -
A60401 - ..
A60402 - @filename Commands Corrupted Save Medit Java Compiled Code Fails
A60403 - Save Medit Java Causing @filename Commands Compiled Code to Fail
A60404 -
A60405 - Follow up ref SDS F7 P09I.
A60406 -
A60407 - Using Medit java to create, edit, and save SDS macro results in error
A60408 - messages during compiler run, reported on 110510 0852. ref SDS F7 P05H
A60410 - ..
A60411 - Morris determined error message signals that the end of the line is
A60412 - corrupt.
A60414 - ..
A60415 - Further research determined that @filename code lines are processed to
A60416 - look for a filename argument. Original Medit removes all space
A60417 - characters at the end of every line, but the new Medit java for some
A60418 - reason leaves a character 32 space character at the end of lines when
A60419 - files are saved. When Medit java compiler encounters this space at
A60420 - the end of a code string, this signals an argument should be present,
A60421 - and so for @filename commands that do not have an arguement this is
A60422 - reported by the compiler as an error. This problem is easily fixed by
A60423 - saving Medit java files with original SDS, but that defeates the
A60424 - purpose of having a new program, and the original Medit cannot run in
A60425 - 64-bit mode.
A60426 -
A60427 - [On 110517 0912 letter to Morris submitting record listing
A60428 - pending issues, and citing item #4, save, as priority.
A60429 - ref SDS G0 OW8P
A60431 - ..
A60432 - [On 110601 0936 Morris fixed the problem with "save" so SDS
A60433 - java compiler does not fail on @filename commands in
A60434 - compiled macros. ref SDS G7 SU5M
A60435 -
A60436 -
A60437 -
A60438 -
A60439 -
A605 -
Pfinsw Pfinsw1 Commands Pending INS Insert Function Key Not Working
AF03 -
AF0401 - ..
AF0402 - Pfinsw & Pfinsw1 and Wsplit Commands Pending
AF0403 - INS Insert Function Not Working Correctly
AF0404 -
AF0405 - Follow up ref SDS F4 OB5M, ref SDS E8 OB5M.
AF0406 -
AF0407 - Per list of Pending Commands, above, ref SDS 0 YU6L, discussed pending
AF0408 - work to make ins key work with SDS line numbers, listed on 110417
AF0409 - 1400. ref SDS E8 OB5M
AF0411 - ..
AF0412 - Data entry fails even when Ins key is off, because need wsplit, pfinsw
AF0413 - and pfinsw1 programmed for Medit java, as explained on 110417 1400.
AF0414 - ref SDS E8 OB5M
AF0415 -
AF0416 - [On 110517 0912 letter to Morris submitting record listing
AF0417 - pending issues, and citing item #11 to create insert key
AF0418 - code as priority. ref SDS G0 OW8P
AF0420 - ..
AF0421 - [On 110603 1612 studied scope of problem with wordwrap and
AF0422 - insert key ops; investigated original Medit code, and
AF0423 - command history; was unable to fix problems. ref SDS G5
AF0424 - OB5M
AF0426 - ..
AF0427 - [On 110606 1247 completed work on wsplit, pfinsw, and
AF0428 - pfinsw1 commands so wordwrap and insert key code fixed, and
AF0429 - working correctly, ref SDS G6 OB5M; except for use case
AF0430 - when space bar is used on column 50, explained on 110509
AF0431 - 1047. ref SDS 0 QQ9L
AF0432 -
AF0433 -
AF0434 -
AF0435 -
AF05 -
Wordwrap SDS Java Not Advancing Cursor Correctly Right Margin End of
AO03 -
AO0401 - ..
AO0402 - Wordwrap Not Advancing Cursor Correctly Right Margin
AO0403 -
AO0404 - Follow up ref SDS 81 W16I, ref SDS 73 E17J.
AO0405 -
AO0406 - Background on wordwrap...
AO0408 - ..
AO0409 - Wordwrap first reported on 091008 0812. ref SDS 68 W16I Planning
AO0410 - discussed on 091102 0735. ref SDS 71 W16I Initial work for wordwrap
AO0411 - (wrapon and wrapoff) reported on 091117 0730. ref SDS 73 E17J
AO0412 - Continuing issues applying macro 610 and macro 611 to manage left
AO0413 - margin for wordwrap, reported on 100115 0717. ref SDS 77 W16I
AO0415 - ..
AO0416 - On 100208 0907 Morris fixed several problems discovered running macro
AO0417 - 610 that found Medit java code is wraping the string before macro 610
AO0418 - executes, and this should occur after macro 610, because macro 610
AO0419 - sets left margin that tells wordwrap what column to wrap. ref SDS 81
AO0420 - W16I
AO0422 - ..
AO0423 - On 100210 2010 wordwrap failing using macro 610, because Medit java
AO0424 - "down" command was failing. 100210 1019, ref SDS 82 SH59 On 100224
AO0425 - 0814 Morris fixed "down" command so Medit java executes wordwrap..
AO0426 - ref SDS 84 789J
AO0428 - ..
AO0429 - On 101103 0920 Morris fixed problem with wordwrap corrupting menu bar
AO0430 - ops related to processing blank/space char 32. ref SDS D7 FG6F
AO0432 - ..
AO0433 - New problem today - cursor not advancing with space bar when word
AO0434 - string ends on right margin...
AO0436 - ..
AO0437 - This illustrates problem with wordwrap when the text string occurs
AO0438 - atthe right margin.
AO0440 - ..
AO0441 - The string "atthe" should show instead...
AO0442 -
AO0443 - ...trates problem with wordwrap when the text string occurs at
AO0444 - the right margin...
AO0446 - ..
AO0447 - Keyboard "space bar" i/o does not execute the space in this condition
AO0448 - to move the cursor ahead,
AO0449 -
AO0450 - [On 110606 1247 wordwrap and insert key code fixed, and
AO0451 - working correctly, ref SDS G6 OB5M; except for use case
AO0452 - when space bar is used on column 50, explained on 110509
AO0453 - 1047. ref SDS 0 QQ9L
AO0455 - ..
AO0456 - [On 110621 1240 Morris emulated the problem with wordwrap
AO0457 - and wrapflag; was unable to complete a solution because ran
AO0458 - out of time working on solving the error message screen
AO0459 - location problem. ref SDS G8 1A7M
AO0460 -
AO0461 -
AO0462 -
AO0463 -
AO0464 -
AO05 -
FR Command Failing Cursor on Left Zone Column
B003 -
B00401 - ..
B00402 - FR Command Failing with Cursor on Left Zone Column
B00403 -
B00404 - Follow up ref SDS 42 HD5J.
B00405 -
B00406 - Forward links are failing in Medit java because of fr command,
B00407 - originally developed on 090420 0913. ref SDS 42 HD5J
B00409 - ..
B00410 - Last month on 110417 1400 Morris fixed fr, so cursor maintains column
B00411 - position when file is offset by command processing. ref SDS E8 658G
B00413 - ..
B00414 - Line 1060, ref OF 1 KO8G, -label fr0301 in \01\14\0070030
B00415 -
B00416 - -label fr0301
B00417 - loc_cur 0 1
B00418 - z 1 5
B00419 - setcnt 0 0
B00420 - fr /0301/
B00421 - -if @0 = 0 -goto frcll
B00422 -
B00423 - This code tests to see when processing reaches a line that
B00424 - begins with "0301" in column 1. Original Medit uses this
B00425 - test throughout the code. Medit java needs slight adjustment.
B00426 -
B00427 - [On 110601 0936 Morris fixed fr problem. ref SDS G7 O23O
B00428 -
B00434 -
B00435 -
B00436 -
B005 -
Up Command Increment Error Counter When End of File Reaches Cursor L
B903 -
B90401 - ..
B90402 - Up Command Increment Error Counter Cusor End File
B90403 -
B90404 - Follow up ref SDS 39 FV7G.
B90405 -
B90406 - The up command is used regularly to signal process branching by
B90407 - reaching the end of a file. Need SDS java to conform to original SDS
B90408 - such that when the up command is called, if end of file line moves
B90409 - onto the current cursor line, the error counter is incremented.
B90410 -
B90411 - debug 100
B90412 - e x
B90413 - top
B90414 - loc_cur 4 1
B90415 - errorcnt 0 0
B90416 - -label lp1
B90417 - up
B90418 - -if @0 = 0 -goto lp1
B90419 - e fun
B90420 - -exit
B90422 - ..
B90423 - If end of file is on screen line 2, up command will fail and not
B90424 - scroll the file up another line, causing error counter to increment.
B90426 - ..
B90427 - In original Medit, for loc_cur 4 1, when up is executed and end of
B90428 - file reaches the cursor line 4, then error counter increments.
B90429 -
B90430 - [...below setlen has similar problem. ref SDS 0 146N
B90432 - ..
B90433 - Same occurs for loc_cur 5 1, 3 1, 10 1, etc.
B90434 -
B90435 - [On 110618 0622 problem with up command causing subject
B90436 - index ops to fail. ref SDS G7 E64N
B90437 -
B90438 - [On 110621 1240 Morris fixed up command; testing shows this
B90439 - solved problem causing subject index ops to fail.
B90440 - ref SDS G8 668K
B90441 -
B90442 -
B90443 -
B90444 -
B90445 -
B905 -
Reverse Search Locate Command Mode Broke SDS Java
BK03 -
BK0401 - ..
BK0402 - Reverse Search Locate Command Mode Broke
BK0403 - Search Locate Command Reverse Mode Broke
BK0404 -
BK0405 - Follow up ref SDS E6 KK8H. ref SDS 41 H95M.
BK0406 -
BK0407 - Morris worked on reverse search reported, 090417 0843, ref SDS 41 H95M
BK0409 - ..
BK0410 - Recent work indicates issues remain, reported on 110403 1143.
BK0411 - ref SDS E6 AG30 and ref SDS E6 HP6O When search fails using Medit
BK0412 - java cursor ends at bottom of file, but should be at the top for
BK0413 - revearse search, reported in command inventory. ref OF 3 QSWW
BK0415 - ..
BK0416 - Search/locate was developed for SDS java on 090331 0630. ref SDS 36
BK0417 - PA54
BK0419 - ..
BK0420 - Reverse search was developed for SDS java on 090417 0843. ref SDS 41
BK0421 - H95M
BK0422 -
BK0423 - [On 110514 0645 encountered another problem with reverse
BK0424 - search causing feature to add anchors to para when needed
BK0425 - during save op, macro 142. ref SDS F9 KV8G
BK0427 - ..
BK0428 - [On 110527 0713 Morris fixed problem with reverse search.
BK0429 - ref SDS G3 WO6N
BK0430 -
BK0431 -
BK0432 -
BK0433 -
BK05 -
Bot Command Place Cursor TOF When File Empty SDS Java
BV03 -
BV0401 - ..
BV0402 - Bot Command Place Cursor TOF When File Empty
BV0403 -
BV0404 - Follow up ref SDS F0 676L.
BV0405 -
BV0406 - Problem occurring with bot command encountered transforming SDS launch
BV0407 - ops to Medit java, explained on 110423 2225. ref SDS F0 676L
BV0409 - ..
BV0410 - Currently, bot command places cursor on line 2 when a file is empty,
BV0411 - thus...
BV0412 -
BV0413 - CMD>
BV0414 - X
BV0415 - ==================== Top of File ===================
BV0416 - ==================== End of File ===================
BV0418 - ..
BV0419 - Would help to conform bot function to original Medit that places
BV0420 - cursor on top of file line,
BV0421 -
BV0422 - CMD>
BV0423 -
BV0424 - X=================== Top of File ===================
BV0425 - ==================== End of File ===================
BV0427 - ..
BV0428 - This will avoid a lot of reprogramming, and maintain alignment with
BV0429 - original SDS, which saves time constructing the 1st generation
BV0430 - transformation from 16-bit to 64-bit platform.
BV0431 -
BV0432 - [On 110601 0936 Morris fixed problem with bot command.
BV0433 - ref SDS G7 4O5M
BV0434 -
BV0435 -
BV0436 -
BV0437 -
BV05 -
Get Command Top File Line When File Empty SDS Java
C603 -
C60401 - ..
C60402 - Get Command Top File Line When File Empty
C60403 -
C60404 - Follow up ref SDS E7 0N8I.
C60405 -
C60406 - Get command was created on 100729 0733. ref SDS A4 BY3O
C60408 - ..
C60409 - On 100731 0931 Morris fixed several problems with "get" command, so
C60410 - work on file management can continue. ref SDS A5 FR7H
C60412 - ..
C60413 - Several additional corrections are needed for "get command...
C60414 -
C60415 - 1. When file is empty, get command should not scroll file up a
C60416 - line, reported on 110414 0732. ref SDS E7 IN4H
C60418 - ..
C60419 - 2. When get command reads empty file, it is entering a control
C60420 - character that adds a line to current file that corrupts
C60421 - subsequent processing, also, reported on 110414 0732.
C60422 - ref SDS E7 0N8I
C60424 - ..
C60425 - This may be related to end of file mark. Original Medit somehow
C60426 - ignores these, so when the file created by OTS is read original
C60427 - Medit does not display the control char, but Medit java handles this
C60428 - differently somehow.
C60429 -
C60430 - [On 110601 0936 Morris eliminated no-1a and other control
C60431 - marks in empty files that occurs with get command
C60432 - ref SDS G7 I18H
C60433 -
C60434 -
C60435 -
C60436 -
C605 -
Immed d End of File Line Empty File Increments Error Count Errorcnt
CQ03 -
CQ0401 - ..
CQ0402 - Immed d End of File Line Increments Error Counter Turn this Off
CQ0403 -
CQ0404 - This took about 4 hours to discover reported on 110414 0732.
CQ0405 - ref SDS E7 JJ8N
CQ0406 -
CQ0407 - Command...
CQ0408 -
CQ0409 - immed 9999d
CQ0410 -
CQ0411 - ...occurs often in SDS code to empty files for processing multiple
CQ0412 - passes in loops. Original Medit does not return an error with immed
CQ0413 - 99999d on the end of file line...
CQ0414 -
CQ0415 - ********************** end of file ************************
CQ0417 - ..
CQ0418 - Would like Medit java to conform in order to avoid finding all of
CQ0419 - these cases and adding a work around of resetting the error counter
CQ0420 - after each pass.
CQ0422 - ..
CQ0423 - [On 110606, Morris turned off errors for all immed commands
CQ0424 - on top of file and end of file.
CQ0425 -
CQ0426 -
CQ0427 -
CQ0428 -
CQ0429 -
CQ05 -
Change Command Execute Wrong Column Outside Zone Specified
D003 -
D00401 - ..
D00402 - Change Command Processing Wrong Column Report Format Fails
D00403 -
D00404 - Following command sequence...
D00405 -
D00406 - z 188 188
D00407 - c / /x/* 1
D00408 -
D00409 - ...applied for SDS report processing in the record on 110414 0732.
D00410 - ref SDS E7 2G6H
D00412 - ..
D00413 - This should put x in column 188, but is putting it column 189; seems
D00414 - repeatable for any similar command sequence.
D00415 -
D00416 - [On 110606, Morris fixed this problem.
D00417 -
D00418 -
D00419 -
D00420 -
D005 -
Setlen Command Return Counter 0 End and Top of File
D903 -
D90401 - ..
D90402 - Setlen Counter 0 on End and Top of File
D90403 -
D90404 - Cannot find a record of Morris working on setlen, per item #117 above.
D90405 - ref SDS 0 HN3J
D90406 -
D90407 - Original SDS....
D90409 - ..
D90410 - Line 300, ref OF 2 3V5L, -label cute in \01\14\035070
D90411 -
D90412 - -label cute
D90413 - rel_cur 1 0
D90414 - setlen 1 0
D90415 - rel_cur -1 0
D90416 - -if @1 != 0 -goto maint
D90417 - immed d
D90418 - -goto cute
D90419 -
D90420 - This code deletes all blank lines to the end of the file, but
D90421 - in SDS java, setlen on end of file causes debug window to
D90422 - crash, and processing stops.
D90424 - ..
D90425 - Need setlen on end and top of file to set counter to 0 or
D90426 - alternatively increment error counter.
D90428 - ..
D90429 - Setlen problem is similar to up command problem, explained above.
D90430 - ref SDS 0 668K
D90431 -
D90432 - setlen command on end of file and top of file should set the
D90433 - counter to 0, or alternatively increment error counter.
D90435 - ..
D90436 - Example....
D90437 -
D90438 - setlen 1 0
D90439 -
D90440 - ...on end of file, should set counter 1 0
D90442 - ..
D90443 - In meantime created work around for this op...
D90445 - ..
D90446 - Line 300, ref OF 2 3V5L, -label cute in \01\14\035070
D90447 -
D90448 - -label cute
D90449 - rel_cur 1 0
D90450 - chrcnt 2 0
D90451 - -if @2 >= 32 setlen 1 0
D90452 - rel_cur -1 0
D90453 - -if @1 != 0 -goto maint
D90454 - immed d
D90455 - -goto cute
D90456 -
D90457 -
D90458 -
D905 -
End of File Subject Reports Not Displayed After Setting Font
DN03 -
DN0401 - ..
DN0402 - End of File Subject Reports Not Displayed After Setting Font
DN0403 - Display Problem After Set Font End of File Subject Reports
DN0404 - Reports Not Displaying End of File Possible Issue Setting Font
DN0405 -
DN0406 - Follow up ref SDS E7 L69K.
DN0407 -
DN0408 - SDS reports for diaries typically start at bottom and scroll back
DN0409 - in time. Standard diary displays correctly with end of file line
DN0410 - showing and user can see the most recent record for the specified
DN0411 - report...
DN0412 -
DN0413 - May 25, 2011 Wednesday
DN0414 - 0010 Schedule and Diary Summary
DN0415 - 0532 Gerry rent June submitted to lease 1158 St Matthew Pl Concord.
DN0416 - 0538 SDS java entered record developing new program the past 2 months.
DN0417 - 2012 SDS integrated with Internet for collaboration macro 0608.
DN0418 - May 26, 2011 Thursday
DN0419 - 0048 Schedule and Diary Summary
DN0420 - 0621 SDS java resolve problem with outline update macro207 saving files.
DN0421 - 1040 Sprint paid May services for cell phone.
DN0422 - 1202 SDS java resolve problem with F2 save error message system failing.
DN0423 - ================== End of File ===============
DN0425 - ..
DN0426 - However, Subject reports display as...
DN0427 -
DN0428 - 101126 SDS Morris call fix Cut & Paste for OS interoperability.
DN0429 - 101127 SDS Java continue convert save 070251 into 000010 compiled macro.
DN0430 - 101220 HP called on c17 configure for usability
DN0431 - 110116 SDS Morris call develop SDS launch routine.
DN0432 - 110226 Kathy ordered book on Atanasoff inventing digital computer.
DN0433 - 110314 Patty tracks world turmoil with need for love, asks about visiting.
DN0435 - ..
DN0436 - End of file line is not shown, because the bottom of the report is not
DN0437 - visible. Display should show...
DN0438 -
DN0439 - 101126 SDS Morris call fix Cut & Paste for OS interoperability.
DN0440 - 101127 SDS Java continue convert save 070251 into 000010 compiled macro.
DN0441 - 101220 HP called on c17 configure for usability
DN0442 - 110116 SDS Morris call develop SDS launch routine.
DN0443 - 110226 Kathy ordered book on Atanasoff inventing digital computer.
DN0444 - 110314 Patty tracks world turmoil with need for love, asks about visiting.
DN0445 - 110316 Patty letter coordinating visit about end of March.
DN0446 - 110417 SDS Morris call develop SDS launch routine using e.exe.
DN0447 - ================== End of File ===============
DN0449 - ..
DN0450 - Thus, the bottom 3 lines are missing. Tried adding bot command after
DN0451 - setting the font for the report, but this has not been effective,
DN0452 - reported on 110414 0732. ref SDS E7 L69K
DN0453 -
DN0454 -
DN0455 -
DN0456 -
DN0457 -
DN05 -
Monospace Raster Bitmap DOS Fonts Increased Microsoft Windows 7 SP 1
E003 -
E00401 - ..
E00402 - Font Choice Menu Similar Notepad
E00403 -
E00404 - Follow up ref SDS E9 QT5H, ref SDS 30 0001.
E00405 -
E00406 - Did not have time to work on this today, so planning today extends
E00407 - analysis to improve font choices for efficient ergonomics (usability),
E00408 - reported last month on 110421 2135. ref SDS E9 QT5H
E00410 - ..
E00411 - Note - use subjects from 110421 because no action today.
E00413 - ..
E00414 - Morris created a font command for Medit java on 090131 1300.
E00415 - ref SDS 31 D45G
E00417 - ..
E00418 - Current font specified for SDS java was recommended by Gary reported
E00419 - also on 090131 0942. ref SDS 30 GX8L, and is called by profile macro
E00420 - 1530 listed in macro file c: sd 33 000008. ref OF 4 DZ8N
E00421 -
E00422 - Lucida ConsoleP 18
E00424 - ..
E00425 - This is the closest font to SDS standrd using Microsoft DOS font, that
E00426 - includes control and line draw characters. However, the characters
E00427 - are not as crisp and clear as the standard Microsoft DOS font, and so
E00428 - this becomes an eye fatigue problem working long hours. Additionally,
E00429 - distinguishing O from 0 and 1 from l with Lucida ConsoleP takes extra
E00430 - time and causes mistakes.
E00432 - ..
E00433 - Research on 110504 discovered a font described as emulating the
E00434 - Microsoft DOS font, so purchased and downloaded the file. 110421 2135,
E00435 - ref SDS E9 CW47
E00437 - ..
E00438 - Could not determine procedure for applying this new font. Possibly
E00439 - Morris can assess to test whether this new font can support SDS java.
E00441 - ..
E00442 - Would be helpful to provide menu choices for Medit Java like
E00443 - Microsoft Notepad in Windows 7.
E00445 - ..
E00446 - A week or so later, Morris bought a computer running Windows 7, so he
E00447 - can open Notepad to observe functionality described.
E00449 - ..
E00450 - Notepad provides a "Format" menu with a choice for "Font" that opens a
E00451 - menu for people to configure a font for the session. This allows
E00452 - making text size larger or smaller depending on vision limitations,
E00453 - and so seems very useful.
E00455 - ..
E00456 - Font Style Size
E00457 -
E00458 - Arial Regular 8, 9, 10, 11...
E00459 - Oblique
E00460 - Bold
E00461 - Bold Oblique
E00462 -
E00464 - ..
E00465 - Sample
E00466 -
E00467 - AaBbCcYyZz
E00469 - ..
E00470 - Script
E00471 -
E00472 - Western
E00473 -
E00474 - This is a pulldown menu for selecting script
E00475 -
E00477 - ..
E00478 - Book Antiqua
E00479 - Bookman Old Style
E00480 - Bookshelf Symbol 7
E00481 - .
E00482 - .
E00483 - .
E00484 - Consolas................... fixed
E00485 - Constantia
E00486 - Corbel
E00487 - Courier.................... fixed
E00488 - Courier New................ fixed
E00489 - Fixedsys................... fixed
E00490 -
E00491 - This font looks similar to DOS command prompt that is used
E00492 - by original Medit. It only has two choices for font size
E00493 - in Notepad, 7 and 11, but the font menu in Properties for
E00494 - the Command promt C> lists 30 font size choices.
E00496 - ..
E00497 - The Microsoft Notepad and the Font index in Microsoft Windows 7 does
E00498 - not say which fonts are monospace (fixed space), and which are
E00499 - proportional fonts. This makes selecting fonts a time consuming
E00500 - "trial and error" process.
E00501 -
E00502 -
E00503 -
E006 -
Cut & Paste OS Justify Wordwrap Paragraph Remove CRLF for SDS Recor DB
ED03 -
ED0401 - ..
ED0402 - Cut & Paste Interoperability with OS and Other Applications
ED0403 - OS Cut & Paste Interoperability with Other Applications
ED0404 -
ED0405 - Follow up ref SDS D9 244F.
ED0406 -
ED0407 - On 101126 1604 Morris completed cut & paste for Windows OS
ED0408 - interoprability with mouse highlight feature, copy, and paste within
ED0409 - specified margins. ref SDS E0 244F
ED0411 - ..
ED0412 - This works well for HTML file content on Internet that does not have
ED0413 - Carriage Returns at end of line; asked Morris if Medit Java cut and
ED0414 - paste can strip CRs for pasting SDS content to another file.
ED0415 - ref SDS E0 EW8P
ED0417 - ..
ED0418 - May need a way to switch modes from...
ED0419 -
ED0420 - 1. Flow text within margins, almost always useful for Internet web
ED0421 - browser content, and a
ED0423 - ..
ED0424 - 2. Maintain structure often needed in SDS records, but not always,
ED0425 - so there are many occassions when text should flow into target
ED0426 - SDS record, same as entering Internet content.
ED0428 - ..
ED0429 - Possibly only need the single text flow within margins function, since
ED0430 - if structure needs to be maintain, can use Medit internal cut & paste
ED0431 - feature.
ED0432 -
ED0433 - [On 110924 1437 Morris corrected problems with wordwrap and
ED0434 - this seems to have improved flowing text with paste command
ED0435 - using cut and paste feature for operating system that
ED0436 - copies text from web pages and other envorinments like
ED0437 - wordprocessing files that omit CRLF at the right margin.
ED0438 - ref SDS H2 QG6F
ED0439 -
ED0440 -
ED0441 -
ED0442 -
ED0443 -
ED05 -
Messages Medit Analyse Requirements Errors Errormsg Command Move to
ES03 -
ES0401 - ..
ES0402 - Version Medit Should Not Display
ES0403 - Error Messages Display Command Line Rather than Filename Line
ES0404 -
ES0405 - Follow up ref SDS E8 636K.
ES0406 -
ES0407 - There are several issues for program messages....
ES0408 -
ES0409 - 1. Message screen system to notify people when the program is
ES0410 - performing data base ops, but appears to be stopped (crashed),
ES0411 - discussed above. ref SDS 0 QR8M
ES0413 - ..
ES0414 - 2. All messages are currently displayed on Medit program line 2,
ES0415 - below command CMD line 1, and on the filename line, above
ES0416 - active screen lines, beginning file line 1, and screen line 3.
ES0417 -
ES0418 - loc_cur 2 1 puts cursor on filename line 2 column 1
ES0419 - setcura n 0 filename line is line 1
ES0421 - ..
ES0422 - Want to eliminate this display location, because it prevents
ES0423 - seeing the filename, which is needed consistently.
ES0425 - ..
ES0426 - Move messages from filename line to the Command Line, since
ES0427 - there is nothing on the Command line needed to perform work.
ES0429 - ..
ES0430 - Discussed objectives for improving errormsg command, reported
ES0431 - on 110417 1400. ref SDS E8 636K
ES0433 - ..
ES0434 - 3. Version 0.00000051 displays after macros are called. This
ES0435 - should be eliminated because it does not convey anything
ES0436 - meaningful to the work, and it overlays the filename which is
ES0437 - needed at all times.
ES0439 - ..
ES0440 - Version need only display in the Help About field.
ES0441 -
ES0442 - [On 110621 1240 Morris removed version # from displaying as
ES0443 - error message. ref SDS G8 FJ8G
ES0445 - ..
ES0446 - 4. Medit command messages display on screen line 2, per above,
ES0447 - ref SDS 0 636K, and help indicate when SDS code is incorrect,
ES0448 - which facilitates making corrections. Most of these messages
ES0449 - are useful for daily work, since they are used by SDS code to
ES0450 - control program operations, e.g.,....
ES0451 -
ES0452 - up
ES0453 - down
ES0454 - left
ES0455 - right
ES0456 - fr
ES0457 - fl
ES0458 - linecnt
ES0459 - l /nnnnnn/
ES0460 - s-/nnnnnn/
ES0462 - ..
ES0463 - SDS code branches on results of commands like these that
ES0464 - increment the errorcnt counter, mostly applied with errorcnt 0
ES0465 - 0. Since these errors are expected to occur, people don't need
ES0466 - a message, because the code is applying command results. A
ES0467 - particular application may generate 10s, even hundreds of such
ES0468 - "errors," so they cannot all be displayed. This makes program
ES0469 - generated messages displayed during normal program use
ES0470 - misleading and distracting, especially to new users.
ES0472 - ..
ES0473 - Therefore, need a way to turn Medit internal messages on and
ES0474 - off, discussed below. ref SDS 0 TZ5O
ES0476 - ..
ES0477 - 5. SDS code needs to display notices through the errormsg command,
ES0478 - developed in SDS java on 090912 0901. ref SDS 64 5N7J The
ES0479 - errormsg command is applied based on values in the errorcnt
ES0480 - command, shown by recent work on the SDS save record macro 142,
ES0481 - shown on 110403 1143. ref SDS E6 X37N
ES0483 - ..
ES0484 - These messages will work better displayed on the command line
ES0485 - and timed to close after 5 seconds, or pressing a keyboard
ES0486 - key.
ES0487 -
ES0488 -
ES0489 -
ES0490 -
ES0491 -
ES05 -
Errors Medit Java Messages On Off Internal Medit Commands Msg On Off
F903 -
F90401 - ..
F90402 - Error Messages On and Off Internal Medit Commands
F90403 -
F90404 - Medit error system is essential using errorcnt 0 0 that enables macro
F90405 - processing to continue when errors occur. This enables using errors
F90406 - to control processing, like when up returns an error, the code is
F90407 - signaled all lines have been processed, and can branch to do another
F90408 - task.
F90410 - ..
F90411 - These error messages however are distracting using the editor, SDS
F90412 - Contacts, SI, etc., for normal application outside of product
F90413 - development. Therefore, we need a command that prevents display of
F90414 - error messages, something like...
F90415 -
F90416 - messageon
F90417 - messageoff
F90418 -
F90419 - message 0
F90420 - message 1
F90421 -
F90422 - errorson
F90423 - errorsoff
F90424 -
F90425 - errors 0
F90426 - errors 1
F90428 - ..
F90429 - Similar to setting stats display on and off with...
F90430 -
F90431 - stats 0
F90432 - stats 1
F90434 - ..
F90435 - Just guessing, will like set errors always on for editor and off
F90436 - other apps, but need experience.
F90437 -
F90438 -
F90439 -
F90440 -
F905 -
Scroll Bar Too Small Increase Size Efficient Usability Improve Ergon
FK03 -
FK0401 - ..
FK0402 - Scroll Bar Refinements User Ergonomics
FK0403 -
FK0404 - Need to try following modifications.
FK0405 -
FK0406 - 1. Scroll bar needs to be longer, so it is easier to use;
FK0407 - currently significant attention is required to use it.
FK0409 - ..
FK0410 - 2. Scrolling to top of file should not expose top of file
FK0411 - line, but rather only line 1. If top of file line is
FK0412 - needed for some reason, beyond programming, people can use
FK0413 - page up, or execute down command.
FK0414 -
FK0415 - [On 110924 1437 Morris fixed this problem, so scroll bar
FK0416 - does not expose top of file line. ref SDS H2 5X5G
FK0417 -
FK0418 -
FK0419 -
FK0420 -
FK0421 -
FK05 -
Simple Editor Title Medit Java Change Name Medit Session # Improve I
FW03 -
FW0401 - ..
FW0402 - Title Simple Editor Screen Change Name Identify Application Session #
FW0403 - Screen Title Simple Editor Change Name Identify Application Session #
FW0404 - Simple Editor Change Name Screen Title Identify Application Session #
FW0405 -
FW0406 - For orientation and navigation purposes, we need a way to identify
FW0407 - multiple sessions so that support menus like the File List, Counters,
FW0408 - and others that arise going forward, e.g., subject index, contacts,
FW0409 - can be dynamically associated with the source session.
FW0411 - ..
FW0412 - Could be something as simple as...
FW0413 -
FW0414 - Session 1
FW0415 - Session 2
FW0416 - Session 3
FW0418 - ..
FW0419 - Title line of sessions instead of...
FW0420 -
FW0421 - A Simple editor
FW0422 -
FW0423 - ...say either....
FW0424 -
FW0425 - Schedule Diary System - Session 1
FW0426 - Medit - Session 1
FW0427 -
FW0428 - [On 110621 1240 Morris created title command that
FW0429 - appends date to title name for uniquely identifying
FW0430 - multiple sessions of Medit java applications, e.g,
FW0431 - editor and SDS. ref SDS G8 TL9F
FW0433 - ..
FW0434 - If additional sessions are opened, then the list would look like...
FW0435 -
FW0436 - Schedule Diary System - Session 1
FW0437 - Schedule Diary System - Session 2
FW0438 - Medit - Session 1
FW0439 - Medit - Session 2
FW0440 - Medit - Session 3
FW0442 - ..
FW0443 - Then, when a File List is opened, it would say...
FW0444 -
FW0445 - Files open SDS session 2
FW0447 - ..
FW0448 - When sessions are closed, then the accounting is all adjusted, so if
FW0449 - SDS session 1 is closed in the above list, then the other session
FW0450 - IDs are adjusted, included associated File and Counter lists.
FW0451 -
FW0452 -
FW0453 -
FW05 -
File List Apply Windows File Management Tools Enter Opens File Shift
G703 -
G70401 - ..
G70402 - File List Menu SDS Java Refine Format Functions Efficient Usability
G70403 -
G70404 - Apply Windows File Management for Explorer to File List menu tools
G70405 - using SDS java...
G70406 -
G70407 - 1. Cancel......... ESC Close (the session list)
G70408 - 2. Enter File..... Enter File (executed with Enter)
G70409 - 3. Purge.......... F1 closes highlighted files
G70410 -
G70411 - [On 110621 1240 Morris added a purge command to the file
G70412 - list window. ref SDS G8 2Z43
G70414 - ..
G70415 - 4. Enable Shift up or down arrows to highlight block of files
G70416 - to close, similar to Windows file management lists.
G70418 - ..
G70419 - 5. Realtime update operate on records while File List window
G70420 - open, and shows changes to list during program operations,
G70421 - including debug ops.
G70422 -
G70423 - [On 110924 1437 Morris developed realtime update for
G70424 - counter listing, ref SDS H2 PU4I; did not have enough
G70425 - time to apply realtime to file listing. ref SDS H2 2Z43
G70427 - ..
G70428 - Window size....
G70429 -
G70430 - Expanding window size is currently increasing the size of
G70431 - the border, and not the size of the window listing the
G70432 - files.
G70433 -
G70434 - Reduce left and right border to lines like the Editor, and
G70435 - similar to Windows file management display, though don't
G70436 - need diagnostics.
G70437 -
G70438 -
G70439 -
G70440 -
G70441 -
G705 -
Counters Menu Add Main Editor Help Menu Counters Local Counter List
GK03 -
GK0401 - ..
GK0402 - Global Counters Getgbl x @y
GK0403 - Debug Counters Expand Local 1000 Display Main Menu
GK0404 - Counters Added Main Help Menu Pending Improvements Realtime Display
GK0405 -
GK0406 - Follow up ref SDS E8 HW6M.
GK0407 -
GK0408 - Pending debug improvements listed on 100210 1019. ref SDS 82 SC4H
GK0410 - ..
GK0411 - Morris made major improvements on 100625 1527. ref SDS A1 SC4H
GK0413 - ..
GK0414 - Morris increased local counters from 499 to 999, to correlate with
GK0415 - global counters, reported on 110417 1400. ref SDS E8 VT6F
GK0417 - ..
GK0418 - Today, Morris reported that he added counters to main menu under Help.
GK0419 - This makes progress on action item pending from 101012 0757.
GK0420 - ref SDS D5 YT5H, and cited in the letter to Morris on managing
GK0421 - counters submitted 101013 1513. ref SDS D6 BK7Y
GK0423 - ..
GK0424 - After the call, pending issues with new counter menu...
GK0425 -
GK0426 - 1. Expanding length of counter list, only the list of global
GK0427 - counters actually expands; need list of local counters to
GK0428 - expand along with global counters so numbers are
GK0429 - synchronized in each list local to global.
GK0431 - ..
GK0432 - 2. Counters menu active realtime so changes can be observed
GK0433 - while using the program to understand causation, similar to
GK0434 - stats tracking cursor, zone and margin changes, including
GK0435 - macro execution.
GK0437 - ..
GK0438 - 3. Counters exception view - list only counters with values
GK0439 - greater than 0
GK0440 -
GK0441 - [On 110924 1437 Morris completed this; seems need option
GK0442 - to switch between exception, and full listing.
GK0443 - ref SDS H2 PU4I
GK0445 - ..
GK0446 - Makes programming faster and easier seeing in a glance only
GK0447 - active values without taking time and energy to scroll a
GK0448 - long list to find a particular counter, since for any given
GK0449 - op, only a very few counters are being used.
GK0450 -
GK0451 - [On 110621 1240 Morris indicated this change to
GK0452 - displaying counters may be easily accomplished.
GK0453 - ref SDS G8 NN8N
GK0455 - ..
GK0456 - 4. Counters eliminate from debug window, so the window is
GK0457 - smaller and does not cover up so much of the screen.
GK0459 - ..
GK0460 - Provide "Counters button and function key in debug window
GK0461 - to open the new counters menu, as needed.
GK0462 -
GK0463 - [On 110924 1437 Morris removed counters from debug
GK0464 - window, so they display only in counters window, and
GK0465 - must be called separately and prior to opening debug
GK0466 - window; has not yet provided a button to call counters
GK0467 - from debug window. ref SDS H2 KY6O
GK0469 - ..
GK0470 - 5. Window title change from "Debug Window" to...
GK0471 -
GK0472 - Counters - File [...filename...]
GK0473 -
GK0474 - [On 110924 1437 Morris changed title from Debug to show
GK0475 - the name of the file for which counters are displayed;
GK0476 - still need to append time file is opened. ref SDS H2
GK0477 - PZ6I
GK0479 - ..
GK0480 - 6. Title of fields -- change Cntrs to...
GK0481 -
GK0482 - Local
GK0483 -
GK0484 - [On 110924 1437 work on this task needs further
GK0485 - refinement. ref SDS H2 LL7J
GK0487 - ..
GK0488 - 7. OK - eliminate, doesn't do anything, maybe change to
GK0489 - "Close"
GK0490 -
GK0491 - [On 110924 1437 this task was completed. ref SDS H2 ZN8K
GK0493 - ..
GK0494 - 8. Border left, narrow more like a thick line, similar to
GK0495 - border for the editor window.
GK0496 -
GK0497 - [On 110924 1437 borders narrowed and made uniform for
GK0498 - professional appearance. ref SDS H2 JQ9F
GK0500 - ..
GK0501 - 9. Bottom border, make same size as left border, more like a
GK0502 - line.
GK0503 -
GK0504 - [On 110924 1437 borders narrowed and made uniform for
GK0505 - professional appearance. ref SDS H2 JQ9F
GK0507 - ..
GK0508 - 10. Right border same as left and bottom; right now it is
GK0509 - nearly 1.5 inches.
GK0510 -
GK0511 - [On 110924 1437 borders narrowed and made uniform for
GK0512 - professional appearance. ref SDS H2 JQ9F
GK0514 - ..
GK0515 - 11. Global counters seem to support commands like...
GK0516 -
GK0517 - getgbl x @y
GK0519 - ..
GK0520 - This command is not working, but has Morris planned to
GK0521 - activate this feature.
GK0522 -
GK0523 -
GK0524 -
GK0525 -
GK06 -
Confidentiality Command Replace Attr Command SDS Records Medit Java
GV03 -
GV0401 - ..
GV0402 - Confidentiality Command Replace Attr Command SDS Records
GV0403 - Attr Command or Alternative Needed Manage Confidentiality
GV0404 -
GV0405 - Follow up ref SDS E6 236G.
GV0406 -
GV0407 - SDS needs method to provide confidentiality so people can enter the
GV0408 - record comprehensively to support personal memory, and avoid
GV0409 - disclosing confidential memory when collaborating, reported on 000329
GV0410 - 2236. ref SDS 6 5040
GV0412 - ..
GV0413 - SDS strives to enable confidentiality by...
GV0414 -
GV0415 - 1. Enabling people to flag parts of records as confidential that
GV0416 - are redacted when posted to the Internet, reported on 031017
GV0417 - 2309, ref SDS 11 5E5K
GV0418 -
GV0419 - 2. Attr command flags entire records to prevent copying in order
GV0420 - to avoid posting on the Internet, and from sending to others
GV0421 - with zip file operations, originally developed on 021107 0715.
GV0422 - ref SDS 8 0001
GV0424 - ..
GV0425 - Morris cited concerns about developing attr command, and
GV0426 - indicated plans to develop an alternative, reported on 090715
GV0427 - 0809. ref SDS 53 FE4M
GV0429 - ..
GV0430 - Morris originally suggested creating attr command on 021107 0715.
GV0431 - ref SDS 8 D15H He completed the work on 021220 2007. ref SDS 9 JH6I
GV0433 - ..
GV0434 - Attr command requirements "saving" SDS records for SDS java were first
GV0435 - reported on 101001 0613. ref SDS D2 S64H
GV0437 - ..
GV0438 - Work completing SDS record "save" function with F2 calling macro 142
GV0439 - lists pending requirement to develop Medit attr command. 110403 1143,
GV0440 - ref SDS E6 236G
GV0442 - ..
GV0443 - Line 150, ref OF 5 RH7K, -label SAAo in sd 33 000010
GV0444 -
GV0445 - attr 0
GV0446 -
GV0447 - Command temporarily disconnected subroutine for saving SDS
GV0448 - records, pending development of attr command or alternative.
GV0449 -
GV0450 -
GV0451 -
GV0452 -
GV0453 -
GV0454 -
GV05 -
Markcur # Add to File List Main Menu File Menu System Associate with
H403 -
H40401 - ..
H40402 - Menu System Markcur # Add to File List Main Menu File
H40403 - Markcur # Add to File List Main Menu File Menu System
H40404 -
H40405 - Follow up ref SDS E4 WX75.
H40406 -
H40407 - Would be very helpful to display list of markcur files in memory
H40408 - similar to files in memory, something like...
H40409 -
H40410 - fun................................... Markcur 6...... File 1
H40411 - c:\sd\03\04702........................ Markcur 28 .... File 2
H40412 - c:\sd\03\04702........................ Markcur 28 .... File 4
H40413 - c:\sd\03\04702........................ Markcur 13 .... File 2
H40414 - d:\sd\08\00101\02\09\10\22\114234..... Markcur 4...... File 3
H40415 - c:\sd\10\x............................ Markcur 62..... File 1
H40417 - ..
H40418 - Any file in memory could have an associated mark, so this is just
H40419 - modifying the current capabilty.
H40421 - ..
H40422 - Provide button to sort list by filename and by mark.
H40423 -
H40424 -
H40425 -
H40426 -
H40427 -
H40428 -
H405 -
Backspace Key Remove Character Without Moving Data String Except Whe
HF03 -
HF0401 - ..
HF0402 - Backspace Key Incorrect Corrupting Choices Editing Menus
HF0403 -
HF0404 - Follow up ref SDS E8 NW4M.
HF0405 -
HF0406 - Discussed pending improvement to backspace key to execute ic 32,
HF0407 - rather than drag stuff left, explained on 110417 1400. ref SDS E8 NW4M
HF0408 -
HF0409 - [On 110621 1240 Morris fixed backspace kay. ref SDS G8 NW4M
HF0410 -
HF0411 -
HF0412 -
HF0413 -
HF0414 -
HF05 -
Netbeans 6.9 C17 Install Fail Windows 7 64-bit Java Access Denied Pe
HW03 -
HW0401 - ..
HW0402 - Java Netbeans 6.9 Installed on C17 Windows 7 64-bit
HW0403 -
HW0404 - Follow up ref SDS F4 Y38J, ref SDS E8 Y38J.
HW0405 -
HW0406 - On 100115 0717 installation on c16 of updated Java Netbeans 6.8 code
HW0407 - was performed. ref SDS 77 Y38J
HW0409 - ..
HW0410 - On 101223 1922 Morris installed Netbeans 6.8 on c17 for Windows 7
HW0411 - 32-bit operating system. ref SDS E2 ZM4G
HW0413 - ..
HW0414 - On 110417 1100 Morris installed Netbeans 6.9.1 on c17 for Windows 7
HW0415 - 64-bit operating system. ref SDS E8 N25O
HW0417 - ..
HW0418 - Username and password to access server for downloading Medit java
HW0419 - project code is listed on 110417 1400. ref SDS E8 PZ6O
HW0421 - ..
HW0422 - Discussed pending improvements listed on 110417 1400. ref SDS E8 4Y4G
HW0423 -
HW0424 - [On 110621 1240 Morris configured jecomp to use compiler
HW0425 - for SDS development on c17 in 64-bit mode; seem to have
HW0426 - problems with application. ref SDS G8 N16F
HW0427 -
HW0428 - [On 110703 2146 Netbeans 7.0 and JDK installed on c16
HW0429 - Windows 7 32-bit, ref SDS H0 TN4K, access files from SDS
HW0430 - project at the college with username and password listed
HW0431 - above. ref SDS E8 PZ6O
HW0432 -
HW0433 -
HW0434 -
HW0435 -
HW0436 -
HW05 -