Welch Company
San Francisco, CA
DIARY: April 17, 2011 02:00 PM Sunday;
Rod Welch
SDS Morris call develop SDS launch routine using e.exe.
2...Elluminate Telephone Conferencing System
3...E.EXE Compile Netbeans Jedit.jar SDS Java Code
4...Compile Netbeans Jedit.jar SDS Java Code E.EXE
5...Jedit.jar Netbeans Compile SDS Java Code E.EXE
6...Netbeans Jedit.jar Compile SDS Java Code E.EXE
7...Stats Line Caps and Num Lock Appearance Zone Margin
8...Error Messages Display Command Line Rather than Filename Line
9...Savx Add Support No Command Parameter
10...FR Command Correct Cursor Position with File Offset
11...EOL Compiled Processing Failing
12...Debug Counters Expand Local 1000 Display Main Menu
13...INS Insert Function Not Working Correctly
14...Backspace Key Incorrect Corrupting Choices Editing Menus
15...Java Netbeans 6.9 Installed on C17 Windows 7 64-bit
Click here to comment!
SDS Java Windows 64-bit Application Medit Commands Create Correct So
0903 -
0903 - ..
0904 - Summary/Objective
0905 -
090501 - Follow up ref SDS D8 0000. ref SDS D5 0000.
090502 -
090503 -
090504 -
090505 -
090507 - ..
0906 -
0907 -
0908 - Progress
0909 -
090901 - On 090318 planned to build an ascii file that lists commands for the
090902 - new editor. ref SDS 29 JY33
090904 - ..
090905 - 1. cut & paste (OS level)................ 101124, ref SDS D4 244F
090906 - 2. $screen x y........................... 100920, ref SDS C0 V13O
090907 - 3. stats 0 or 1.......................... 100828, ref SDS B0 OQ7O
090908 - 4. get (g)............................... 100729, ref SDS 99 BY3O
090909 - 5. beep.................................. 100604, ref SDS 91 CF6I
090910 - 6. tl.................................... 100604, ref SDS 91 HV9I
090911 - 7. right................................. 100428, ref SDS 88 W55G
090912 - 8. left.................................. 100415, ref SDS 88 W55G
090913 - 9. of.................................... 100415, ref SDS 88 W55G
090914 - 10. lsfile................................ 100415, ref SDS 86 PS5S
090915 - 11. scroll bar............................ 100301, ref SDS 81 4C4N
090916 - 12. pfesc................................. 100224, ref SDS 79 QG6K
090917 - 13. setcolor.............................. 100108, ref SDS 71 4F3M
090918 - 14. pfent................................. 091102, ref SDS 66 EZ3I
090919 - 15. pfb1.................................. 091008, ref SDS 63 4C4N
090920 - 16. pfb1i................................. 091008, ref SDS 63 4C4N
090921 - 17. pfb2.................................. 091008, ref SDS 63 4C4N
090922 - 18. pfb2i................................. 091008, ref SDS 63 4C4N
090923 - 19. pgup.................................. 090926, ref SDS 62 FW6N
090924 - 20. pgdn.................................. 090926, ref SDS 62 FW6N
090925 - 21. ul........cut & paste................. 090924, ref SDS 61 JZ4K
090926 - 22. lr.................................... 090924, ref SDS 61 JZ4K
090927 - 23. cut................................... 090924, ref SDS 61 JZ4K
090928 - 24. copy.................................. 090924, ref SDS 61 JZ4K
090929 - 25. clear................................. 090924, ref SDS 61 JZ4K
090930 - 26. paste................................. 090924, ref SDS 61 JZ4K
090931 - 27. insert................................ 090924, ref SDS 61 JZ4K
090932 - 28. pfd................................... 090924, ref SDS 61 JZ4P
090933 - 29. pfu................................... 090924, ref SDS 61 JZ4P
090934 - 30. tab................................... 090924, ref SDS 61 YW9N
090935 - 31. tab1.................................. 090924, ref SDS 61 YW9N
090936 - 32. pft................................... 090924, ref SDS 61 YW9N
090937 - 33. errormsg.............................. 090912, ref SDS 59 5N7J
090938 - 34. settabs............................... 090912, ref SDS 59 VM4L
090939 - 35. savx.................................. 090912, ref SDS 59 XT5J
090940 - 36. strcnt 0 0............................ 090907, ref SDS 56 XT5J
090941 - 37. compiler.............................. 090715, ref SDS 48 YY6N
090942 - 38. ioff.................................. 090715, ref SDS 48 0I5J
090943 - 39. debug nnn............................. 090530, ref SDS 45 OY3H
090944 - 40. -gosubup.............................. 090529, ref SDS 44 OY3H
090945 - 41. -gosubdn.............................. 090529, ref SDS 44 OY3H
090946 - 42. -label................................ 090528, ref SDS 42 OY3H
090947 - 43. -goto................................. 090528, ref SDS 42 OY3H
090948 - 44. -gg................................... 090528, ref SDS 42 OY3H
090949 - 45. -gosub................................ 090528, ref SDS 42 OY3H
090950 - 46. -return............................... 090528, ref SDS 42 OY3H
090951 - 47. -exit................................. 090528, ref SDS 42 OY3H
090952 - 48. -d.................................... 090528, ref SDS 42 OY3H
090953 - 49. -u.................................... 090528, ref SDS 42 OY3H
090954 - 50. -if @................................. 090528, ref SDS 42 OY3H
090955 - 51. join.................................. 090528, ref SDS 42 OY3H
090956 - 52. split................................. 090528, ref SDS 42 OY3H
090957 - 53. n<<................................... 090528, ref SDS D6 OY3H
090958 - 54. n>>................................... 090528, ref SDS D6 OY3H
090959 - 55. file.................................. 090511, ref SDS 41 HA3L
090960 - 56. purge................................. 090511, ref SDS 41 HA3L
090961 - 57. load.................................. 090511, ref SDS 41 HA3L
090962 - 58. pcmd2................................. 090511, ref SDS 41 HA3L
090963 - 59. datecnt n 0........................... 090511, ref SDS 41 QX4O
090964 - 60. rs.................................... 090511 ref SDS 41 HA3L
090965 - 61. ins_text.............................. 090511, ref SDS 41 HA3L
090966 - 62. markcur nn............................ 090504, ref SDS 40 HA3L
090967 - 63. ecur nn............................... 090504, ref SDS 40 HA3L
090968 - 64. errorcnt 0 0.......................... 090504, ref SDS 40 Q24M
090969 - 65. aw.................................... 090504, ref SDS 40 HA3L
090970 - 66. eol................................... 090504, ref SDS 40 HA3L
090971 - 67. of.................................... 090504, ref SDS 40 HA3L
090972 - 68. quit.................................. 090504, ref SDS 40 HA3L
090973 - 69. setgbl................................ 090504, ref SDS 40 HA3L
090974 - 70. getgbl................................ 090504, ref SDS 40 HA3L
090975 - 71. gfname................................ 090504, ref SDS 40 HA3L
090976 - 72. pushc popc............................ 090504, ref SDS 40 HA3L
090977 - 73. savescr n............................. 090504, ref SDS 40 HA3L
090978 - 74. linecnt............................... 090430, ref SDS 39 KF9G
090979 - 75. margin................................ 090430, ref SDS 39 KF9G
090980 - 76. dos /c................................ 090430, ref SDS 39 XT4F
090981 - 77. dose /c............................... 090430, ref SDS 39 XT4F
090982 - 78. dosepath.............................. 090430, ref SDS 39 ET3M
090983 - 79. fr.................................... 090420, ref SDS 37 HD5J
090984 - 80. fl.................................... 090420, ref SDS 37 HD5J
090985 - 81. nb.................................... 090420, ref SDS 37 WE62
090986 - 82. pfe................................... 090420, ref SDS 37 WE5N
090987 - 83. l-/ /.............................. 090417, ref SDS 36 H95M
090988 - 84. zonereps.............................. 090413, ref SDS 34 C946
090989 - 85. repscnt............................... 090413, ref SDS 34 C946
090990 - 86. ins_cur ic............................ 090413, ref SDS 34 JN5J
090991 - 87. addcnt..........math counters......... 090413, ref SDS 34 245K
090992 - 88. subcnt................................ 090413, ref SDS 34 245K
090993 - 89. mulcnt................................ 090413, ref SDS 34 245K
090994 - 90. divcnt................................ 090413, ref SDS 34 245K
090995 - 91. modcnt................................ 090413, ref SDS 34 245K
090996 - 92. c /xyz/zzz/* *........................ 090408, ref SDS 33 DO45
090997 - 93. zone.................................. 090331, ref SDS 31 PA54
090998 - 94. l / /............................. 090331, ref SDS 31 PA54
090999 - 95. s / /............................. 090331, ref SDS 31 PA54
091000 - 96. pf10.................................. 090331, ref SDS 31 KM9G
091001 - 97. pa7................................... 090331, ref SDS 31 KM9G
091002 - 98. immed commands........................ 090320, ref SDS 30 KM9G
091003 - 99. font.................................. 090131, ref SDS 26 D45G
091004 - 100. annotate.............................. 090119, ref SDS 16 UI4M
091005 - 101. color................................. 090119, ref SDS 16 IS6K
091006 - 102. setcolor.............................. 090119, ref SDS 16 IS6K
091007 - 103. @filename............................. 090119, ref SDS 16 CB8N
091008 - 104. setcur 0 0............................ 090119, ref SDS 16 CB8N
091009 - 105. setcura n 0........................... 090119, ref SDS 16 CB8N
091010 - 106. inscnt 0 0............................ 090119, ref SDS 16 CB8N
091011 - 107. medit................................. 090119, ref SDS 16 CB8N
091012 - 108. e..................................... 090119, ref SDS 16 CB8N
091013 -
091014 -
091015 -
0911 -
Medit Commands Pending List SDS Java Windows 64-bit Application Crea
1303 -
130401 - ..
130402 - Planning to work on....
130403 -
130404 - 1. er ..............(not needed)... ref OF 11 QWTZ
130405 - 2. repeat n ........(not needed)... ref OF 11 2RSR
130406 - 3. oo ..............(not needed)... ref OF 11 2RQQ
130407 - 4. posmouse.........(not needed)... ref OF 11 RPVP
130408 - 5. ins_down ........(not needed)... ref OF 11 2RVY
130409 - 6. recl n...........(not needed)... ref OF 11 2TVS
130410 - 7. rep_down.........(not needed)... ref OF 11 2XXT
130411 - 8. ESC <>..........(not needed)... ref OF 11 2TSU
130412 - 9. savc.............(not needed)... ref OF 11 R47G
130413 - 10. addtabs..........(not needed)... ref OF 11 2UPW
130414 - 11. tabs.............(not needed)... ref OF 11 2SYT
130415 - 12. tabsoff..........(not needed)... ref OF 11 2TPQ
130416 - 13. notabs...........(not needed)... ref OF 11 2TQV
130417 - 14. ragon ragoff.....(not needed)... ref OF 11 QPPP
130418 - 15. pad1.............(not needed)... ref OF 11 2SVT... ref SDS 68 YN5M
130419 - 16. nopad............(not needed)... ref OF 11 2SWQ... ref SDS 68 YN5M
130420 - 17. jj...............(not needed)... ref OF 11 2RXR... ref SDS 68 YN5M
130421 - 18. jc...............(not needed)... ref OF 11 2SPR... ref SDS 68 YN5M
130422 - 19. jl...............(not needed)... ref OF 11 2SPX... ref SDS 68 YN5M
130423 - 20. jr...............(not needed)... ref OF 11 2SQX... ref SDS 68 YN5M
130424 - ..
130425 - 21. getkey.......................... ref OF 11 RPQT
130426 - 22. attr............................ ref OF 11 QW6J
130427 - 23. pfinsw.......................... ref OF 11 4966
130428 - 24. pfinsw1......................... ref OF 11 4966
130429 - 25. wsplit.......................... ref OF 11 RQSU
130430 - 26. tm.............................. ref OF 11 RQPP
130431 - 27. space 1......................... ref OF 11 QVQS
130432 - 28. ledger.......................... ref OF 11 QXPR
130433 -
130434 -
130435 -
1305 -
Elluminate Internet Free Telephone Long Distance Learncentral Educat
2403 -
240401 - ..
240402 - Elluminate Telephone Conferencing System
240403 -
240404 - Follow up ref SDS D8 TQ6I, ref SDS D5 TQ6I.
240405 -
240406 - The record on 090907 1132 explains Elluminate. ref SDS 57 YM5L
240408 - ..
240409 - Remote control instructions are on 100224 0814. ref SDS 79 TQ6I
240411 - ..
240412 - Morris reported that URL to access Eluminate can be recycled for
240413 - subsequent uses, reported on 100618 0927. ref SDS 92 1W5L
240414 -
240424 - ..
240425 - [On 110603 1611 Internet address for Ellumnate changed, and
240426 - name changed to Blackboard. ref SDS E7 QV77
240428 - ..
240429 - Today, installed Elluminate on c17 for Windows 7 64-bit operating
240430 - system, so that Morris can configure SDS Java to run with Windows 7
240431 - 64-bit, like it does now for Windows 7 32-bit.
240433 - ..
240439 - ..
240440 - Java was installed on...
240441 -
240442 - L:\Program Files (x86)\Java
240444 - ..
240445 - Setup for Elluminate determined Java was not installed, and
240446 - automatically ran a program to perform installation, approved by the
240447 - user.
240449 - ..
240450 - Had difficulty using Elluminate today, because Morris recently made
240451 - changes to upgrade his computer using the Linux operating system. He
240452 - said these changes corrupted using audio, so we could not talk through
240453 - Elluminate. Problems upgrading Linux has been a recurring problem.
240454 - An example was work on 101223 1922. ref SDS D7 8L7I
240455 -
240456 - [On 110603 1612 more problems using Ellumiate because of
240457 - further changes to unix/linux operating system. ref SDS E7
240458 - TQ6I
240460 - ..
240461 - Morris is highly skilled with hardware and software. With enough
240462 - time, he will solve the problems today, but today there wasn't enough
240463 - time to fix the Linux operating system, and make progress on Medit
240464 - Java for SDS Windows application.
240465 -
240466 - [...below, on 110417 1400, similar problem using Windows 7
240467 - 64-bit operating system changes adding added "Permissions"
240468 - that caused "Access Denied" which prevented setting up
240469 - Netbeans. ref SDS 0 N26T
240471 - ..
240472 - Since the sound problem was difficult to fix, Morris tried using "live
240473 - chat" that substitues writing real-time notes to exhange in place of
240474 - talking.
240476 - ..
240477 - We used the telephone for voice, but we had to use Morris' cell phone,
240478 - because their AT&T landline is not working correctly today. Did not
240479 - want to expend a lot of cell phone minutes, so work today was
240480 - problematic.
240481 -
240482 -
2405 -
Compiler Java Convert EXE Medit Simplify Deployment Use Avoid Compat
E.EXE Compile Netbeans Jedit.jar SDS Java Code
2604 -
260501 - ..
260502 - E.EXE Compile Netbeans Jedit.jar SDS Java Code
260503 - Compile Netbeans Jedit.jar SDS Java Code E.EXE
260504 - Jedit.jar Netbeans Compile SDS Java Code E.EXE
260505 - Netbeans Jedit.jar Compile SDS Java Code E.EXE
260506 -
260507 - Follow up ref SDS C0 I65M, ref SDS B4 0001.
260508 -
260509 - Background reported on...
260510 -
260511 - 1. Morris begins work developing medit.jar with Java
260512 - programming language that will run existing SDS
260513 - macro language for Windows 64-bit operating
260514 - system, rather than upgrade existing
260515 - assembly language used the past
260516 - 30 years.............................. 081104 0700, ref SDS 11 2W6I
260518 - ..
260519 - 2. Java development software is free; Morris does
260520 - not want to spend money to buy development program
260521 - for assembly language estimated to cost about
260522 - $2,000; feels continuing technology trends
260523 - increasing speed of microprocessors reduces
260524 - disadvantage of Jave processing
260525 - code much slower than
260526 - assembly.............................. 081104 0700, ref SDS 11 VN6F
260528 - ..
260529 - 3. Java substitute for assembly - Morris said customers
260530 - must install java.exe on their computer and it must
260531 - be compatible with version of Java Morris uses
260532 - to develop medit.jar in order for SDS
260533 - Windows 64-bit application
260534 - to run................................ 081104 0700, ref SDS 11 YD5I
260536 - ..
260537 - 4. Morris indicates problems of long-term
260538 - compatibility, and obtaining and installing
260539 - java.exe, can be solved by compiling editor
260540 - code with java.exe into a single
260541 - e.exe program, rather
260542 - medit.jar............................. 081104 0700, ref SDS 11 267I
260544 - ..
260545 - 5. Java compatibility problems discovered by Morris;
260546 - assembler considered again for upgrading
260547 - Medit for SDS Windows 64-bit
260548 - application........................... 081114 0700, ref SDS 12 MW7O
260550 - ..
260551 - 6. Java editor for SDS based on command structure
260552 - for original Medit that drives
260553 - current SDS........................... 081114 0700, ref SDS 12 ZU4N
260555 - ..
260556 - 7. Morris progress developing editor for SDS
260557 - with Java, encountering problems meeting
260558 - requirements for SDS macro
260559 - processing............................ 081123 1443, ref SDS 13 RO4X
260561 - ..
260562 - 8. Letter to Morris on compiling Medit java
260563 - into e.exe planned on during initial
260564 - scope discussions..................... 100830 0058, ref SDS B2 3H8R
260566 - ..
260567 - 9. Morris requested research on sources to obtain
260568 - software for compiling Medit java code
260569 - into e.exe............................ ref SDS B4 ME5G
260570 - accomplish the work.
260571 - there is a good
260572 - explanation on purpose of compiling java code into e.exe,
260573 - 100831 0021
260574 - ref SDS B4 HZ4O
260575 -
260576 -
260577 -
260578 -
260579 -
260580 -
260581 -
2606 -
Stats Field Caps Num Lock Zone Margin Appearance Change from 3 to 1
3403 -
340401 - ..
340402 - Stats Line Caps and Num Lock Appearance Zone Margin
340403 -
340404 - Follow up ref SDS D8 QW9I, ref SDS D5 QW9I.
340405 -
340406 - On 100428 1133 Morris made changes that improve stats field; still
340407 - needs work for better ergonomics. ref SDS 88 QW9I
340409 - ..
340410 - Stats command upgraded to support stats 0 and stats 1, that applies
340411 - original feature of stats and nostats, reported on 100828 1607.
340412 - ref SDS B0 QW9I
340414 - ..
340415 - Today, discussed...
340416 -
340417 - 1. Making stats line smaller. Currently it is at least 3 lines
340418 - high, with only 1 line of text. This gives a poor appearance
340419 - and consumes working space. Browsers use the last line for
340420 - diagnostics. Would like Medit and SDS to apply this industry
340421 - standard. Proposed reducing stats to just 1 line, and...
340422 -
340423 - [On 110504 1051 Morris reduced stats from 3 to 1 line;
340424 - caused new problem of active screen displaying in only half
340425 - of the application window. ref SDS E5 EV98
340427 - ..
340428 - [On 110509 1047 Morris fixed the problem so the editor
340429 - screen now fills the entire window. ref SDS E6 Q27K
340431 - ..
340432 - 2. Change background color to black, so the appearance is more
340433 - like the filename line at the top of the file, and similar to
340434 - original SDS.
340436 - ..
340437 - 3. Zone Margin stats change to "Z" and "M," similar to C and R for
340438 - Column and Row.
340440 - ..
340441 - 4. Caps and num lock add notice to stats line, reported on 100301
340442 - 1028. ref SDS 81 0G7L
340444 - ..
340445 - 5. Eliminate "Broken" when Insert is off.
340446 -
340447 - [On 110509 1047 Morris changed "Broken" to Ovr - Overwrite;
340448 - still need Broken turned off when SDS launches. ref SDS E6
340449 - 118K
340450 -
340451 -
340452 -
3405 -
Errormsg Display Command Line 1 Maintain Visibility Filename Line 2
4203 -
420401 - ..
420402 - Error Messages Display Command Line Rather than Filename Line
420403 -
420404 - Follow up ref SDS 59 5N7J.
420405 -
420406 - Errormsg command displays messages on filename line, and this
420407 - temporarily hides the filename.
420409 - ..
420410 - Would be better to place messages on CMD line or on the menu line at
420411 - the top of the screen, so filename remains visible at all times.
420412 -
420413 - [On 110509 1047 discussed with Morris, but not enough time
420414 - to work on this so far. ref SDS E6 636K
420415 -
420416 -
420417 -
420418 -
4205 -
Savx No Argument Command Error Needs Correction Morris Tried to Fix
5003 -
500401 - ..
500402 - Savx Add Support No Command Parameter
500403 -
500404 - Follow up ref SDS D9 JP9K.
500405 -
500406 - Morris tried fixing problem with savx, reported on 110326 0549.
500407 - ref SDS D9 JP9K
500409 - ..
500410 - Requirement is for savx command can be issued without an argument,
500411 - thus...
500412 -
500413 - CMD>savx
500414 - C:\sd\11\test
500416 - ..
500417 - Command without argument should create the directory...
500418 -
500419 - C:\sd\11
500420 -
500421 - ...and should write the file to the disk...
500422 -
500423 - test................, planned on 090912 0901. ref SDS 59 XT5J
500425 - ..
500426 - Instead, when "savx" is executed, the filename line simply changes
500427 - to....
500428 -
500429 - CMD>
500430 - savx
500432 - ..
500433 - There is no error message.
500434 -
500435 - [On 110425 0808 Morris reported fixing savx command.
500436 - ref SDS E3 BU6F
500437 -
500438 - [On 110502 0533 further problems occurred using savx
500439 - applying to SDS launch op in 04702. ref SDS E4 GA5I
500441 - ..
500442 - [On 110502 0533 Morris advised that other programs use savx
500443 - differently from original Medit, so he conformed to the way
500444 - everybody else uses savx; he advised that conforming to
500445 - original Medit is an easy fix. ref SDS E4 VD6F
500447 - ..
500448 - [On 110504 1051 Morris did more work, and testing indicates
500449 - savx command working correctly. ref SDS E5 645J
500450 -
500452 - ..
500453 - Directory...
500454 -
500455 - C:\sd\11
500456 -
500457 - ...is not created. Cannot find evidence of file "test" being written
500458 - to the disk.
500460 - ..
500461 - Another problem may be that savx changed by code work today is now
500462 - suddenly adding a blank line at the top of saved files.
500463 -
500464 - [On 110425 0808 Morris reported fixing savx command.
500465 - ref SDS E3 BU6F
500466 -
500467 - [On 110502 0533 further problems occurred using savx
500468 - applying to SDS launch op in 04702. ref SDS E4 GO5I
500470 - ..
500471 - Another example of problems with savx...
500473 - ..
500474 - Line 3000, ref OF 24 469K, -entry 956 in \sd\33\000005 about 50 lines below
500475 -
500476 - setcnt 42 1000
500477 - setgbl 42 1000
500478 - macro 972..................................
500479 -
500480 - Deleting task in schedule Alt F8 calls macro 956, which calls
500481 - macro 972.
500482 -
500483 -
500485 - ..
500486 - Line 170, ref OF 25 3009, -entry 972 in \sd\33\000006
500487 -
500488 - This code is used to delete a record listed in the Schedule...
500490 - ..
500491 - Line 770, ref OF 25 OU7O, -label n_del in \sd\33\000006 about 80 lines below
500492 -
500493 - c !e D:!del D:!1 1
500494 - bot
500495 - ins_text !exit !
500496 - savx c:\sd\td\so.cmd
500497 - ecur 96
500498 - purge w07j
500499 - dos c:\sd\td\so.cmd
500500 -
500501 - savx writes file w07j to disk as c:\sd\td\so.cmd, however, it
500502 - also changes the filename in memory, and so purge w07j fails.
500503 -
500504 -
500505 -
500507 - ..
5006 -
5007 -
5008 - 2217
5009 -
500901 - After working with Morris this afternoon, started getting a strange
500902 - result applying savx for the F2 SDS record "save" function, when
500903 - using original Medit. Initial research suggested the new editor,
500904 - Medit java, was suddenly writing the file to the disk with some
500905 - corrupt structure, which conflicted with original Medit.
500907 - ..
500908 - The next day on Monday evening, called Morris. He recalled working on
500909 - savx command today, ref SDS 0 645J, which could have caused the new
500910 - problem.
500912 - ..
500913 - After talking to Morris, further study discovered an error in SDS
500914 - development code macro 142 to save SDS records, reported on 110403
500915 - 1143. ref SDS E0 QVXP After changing counter from 3 to 333 for
500916 - evaluating whether pointer files were processed, this solved the
500917 - problem.
500919 - ..
500920 - Called Morris and left follow up message with correction explaining
500921 - that savx does not seem to be corrupting files written to the disk.
500922 -
500923 -
500924 -
500925 -
5010 -
FR Command Correct Cursor Position with File Offset by Command Proce
5603 -
560401 - ..
560402 - FR Command Correct Cursor Position with File Offset
560403 -
560404 - Follow up ref SDS E1 FS6I.
560405 -
560406 - Morris fixed the problem with fr command, reported a few days ago on
560407 - 110414 0732. ref SDS E1 FS6I
560409 - ..
560410 - Command was created reported on 090420 0913. ref SDS 37 HD5J
560412 - ..
560413 - Correction today maintains cursor position when the file is offset,
560414 - because target position is beyond right edge of the window..
560415 -
560416 - [On 110509 1047 fr command not executing with cursor on
560417 - left zone. ref SDS E6 O23O
560418 -
560419 -
560420 -
560421 -
5605 -
EOL Command Fail Medit Java Compiled Code Macro 142 Save SDS Record
6203 -
620401 - ..
620402 - EOL Compiled Processing Failing
620403 -
620404 - Follow up ref SDS E0 PX7R.
620405 -
620406 - Processing eol SAA with F2 SDS java is failing for code in compiled
620407 - macro 142, listed in record on 110403 1143. ref SDS E0 PX7R
620409 - ..
620410 - This code is in 0702051 for original SDS, but is now compiled in SDS
620411 - java; evidently, compiled eol code is not working.
620413 - ..
620414 - Morris did not work on this today, because there was not enough time.
620415 -
620416 -
620417 -
620418 -
6205 -
Debug Local Counters Increased from 499 to 999 Correlates with Globa
7603 -
760401 - ..
760402 - Debug Counters Expand Local 1000 Display Main Menu
760403 -
760404 - Follow up ref SDS D8 SC4H, ref SDS 96 SC4H.
760405 -
760406 - Morris made major improvements on 100625 1527. ref SDS 96 SC4H
760408 - ..
760409 - Pending debug improvements listed on 100210 1019. ref SDS 77 SC4H
760411 - ..
760412 - Today, Morris increased local counters from 499 to 999, to correlate
760413 - with global counters.
760415 - ..
760416 - Morris worked on adding counters to main menu; this is still pending
760417 - from action item, reported on 101012 0757. ref SDS D0 YT5H
760419 - ..
760420 - Debug applied....
760422 - ..
760423 - Line 50, ref OF 7 5K6F, -label go2 in \01 14 047020
760424 -
760425 - -label go2
760426 - top
760427 - macro 3
760428 - macro 1530
760429 - dos c:\sd\31\sds.cmd
760430 -
760431 - ...failing crashing processing reported on 110423 2225. ref SDS E2
760432 - QL9M
760433 -
760434 -
760435 -
760436 -
760437 -
7605 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
7703 -
770401 - ..
770402 - INS Insert Function Not Working Correctly
770403 -
770404 - Follow up ref SDS B0 OQ7O, ref SDS 48 0I5J.
770405 -
770406 - Wordwrap functions work with insert, reported on 091117 0730.
770407 - ref SDS 68 W16I
770409 - ..
770410 - On 100207 2036 report that wrapflag seems to be working. ref SDS 75
770411 - QE7G
770413 - ..
770414 - Insert function seems to be operational when Ins key is off, shown by
770415 - example typing in the record on 101010 0744. ref SDS C9 525I
770416 -
770417 - [On 110509 1047 discussed pending correction to insert
770418 - function adding commands for pfinsw and pfinsw1.
770419 - ref SDS E6 467M
770421 - ..
770422 - [On 110603 1612 studied scope of problem with wordwrap and
770423 - insert key ops; investigated original Medit code, and
770424 - command history; was unable to fix problems. ref SDS E7
770425 - OB5M
770427 - ..
770428 - [On 110606 1247 wordwrap and insert key code fixed, and
770429 - working correctly, ref SDS E8 OB5M; except for use case
770430 - when space bar is used on column 50, explained on 110509
770431 - 1047. ref SDS E6 QQ9L
770433 - ..
770434 - Tuesday
770435 - 194. 110439 0439....40 12220......................................... 124 70 58
770436 - 1648... 40 12260
770437 - 2214............ 40 7760
770439 - ..
770440 - Insert key is controlled with pfinsw, and work is still pending, per
770441 - above. ref SDS 0 YU6L Functionality of Insert is explained in...
770442 -
770443 - pfinsw.......................... ref OF 11 4966
770444 - pfinsw1......................... ref OF 11 4966
770446 - ..
770447 - Line 540, ref OF 27 0494, -entry 153 in \sd\33\000008
770448 -
770449 - pfinsw macro 341
770450 - pfinsw1 macro 49
770451 -
770453 - ..
770454 - Macros for insert function are in...
770456 - ..
770457 - Line 2330, ref OF 31 2592, -entry 341 in \sd\33\000001
770458 -
770459 -
770460 -
770461 -
7705 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
7803 -
780401 - ..
780402 - Backspace Key Incorrect Corrupting Choices Editing Menus
780403 -
780404 - Backspace key editing menu entries drag menu choices out of position.
780405 - Corrupt positioning of choices on the menu bar prevents processing.
780406 -
780407 - [On 110621 1240 Morris fixed backspace kay. ref SDS E9 NW4M
780408 -
780409 -
780410 -
780411 -
7805 -
Netbeans 6.9 C17 Install Fail Windows 7 64-bit Java Access Denied Pe
9703 -
970401 - ..
970402 - Java Netbeans 6.9 Installed on C17 Windows 7 64-bit
970403 -
970404 - Follow up ref SDS D8 Y38J, ref SDS D5 Y38J.
970405 -
970406 - On 100115 0717 installation on c16 of updated Java Netbeans 6.8 code
970407 - was performed. ref SDS 72 Y38J
970409 - ..
970410 - On 101223 1922 Morris installed Netbeans 6.8 on c17 for Windows 7
970411 - 32-bit operating system. ref SDS D7 ZM4G
970413 - ..
970414 - Morris tried installing Java Netbeans 6.9.1 today on...
970415 -
970416 - c17 L drive for 64-bit Windows 7 operating system
970418 - ..
970419 - Morris explained access to servier at San Jose State for downloading
970420 - Medit java project code is...
970425 - ..
970426 - This was partially successful, but reached a point where Windows
970427 - refused netbeans permission to process and retured message...
970428 -
970429 - Cannot delete file... c:\sd\60\netbeansprojects...
970431 - ..
970432 - Failure of Windows 7 64-bit to delete this file conflicts with record
970433 - executing this command in Windows 7 32-bit, when Netbeans was
970434 - installed by Morris, reported in the record on 101223 1922.
970435 - ref SDS D7 IU8H
970436 -
970437 - [...above, on 110417 1400, Morris had similar problems
970438 - using Linux operating system, because upgrades caused
970439 - mistakes that prevented using the audio system, so could
970440 - not talk to complement realtime visual collaboration.
970441 - ref SDS 0 JY33
970443 - ..
970444 - Turned out after the call that Netbeans 6.9.1 installed on c17 runs
970445 - Clean and Build utility. The problem was that when we ran the utility
970446 - initially (during call with Morris), SDS was running, and this
970447 - presents an operating system problem. After closing the SDS session,
970448 - Clean and Build ran successfully.
970450 - ..
970451 - Improvements to SDS 64-bit programming...
970453 - ..
970454 - 1. Need SDS and Medit sessions open, while working on code,
970455 - compiling and assembling code in Netbeans. Currently, Netbeans
970456 - fails to assemble the program, if there is another session
970457 - running to capture the record for understanding complex
970458 - problems. Morris has noted that SDS is effective for helping
970459 - to improve itself, reported on 010924 0709. ref SDS 6 XT5F
970461 - ..
970462 - 2. Clean and build run in batch mode as part of file 34.cmd.
970464 - ..
970465 - 3. Additional Java Netbeans development directories listed in the
970466 - record on 101223 1922. ref SDS D7 OE6I
970468 - ..
970469 - 4. jecomp project listed on Netbeans Windows 64-bit program.
970470 -
970471 - [On 110621 1240 Morris configured jecomp to use compiler
970472 - for SDS development on c17 in 64-bit mode; seem to have
970473 - problems with application. ref SDS E9 N16F
970474 -
970475 -
970476 -
970477 -
970478 -
970479 -
970480 -
9705 -