Welch Company
San Francisco, CA
DIARY: April 11, 2011 06:18 AM Monday;
Rod Welch
SDS Java fix add and delete tasks in Schedule.
2...Backup Schedule 00 Dir Everyday
3...Schedule New Task F8 Enter Macro 95 and Macro File 008501
4...Schedule Delete Task Alt F8 Macro 956 in 000008 Macro 972 in 000006
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New Task Schedule F1 Macro 95 Modify Macro File 008501 Code New DOS
0903 -
0903 - ..
0904 - Summary/Objective
0905 -
090501 - Follow up ref SDS 17 0000. ref SDS 16 0000.
090502 -
090503 -
090504 -
090505 -
090507 - ..
0906 -
0907 -
0908 - Progress
0909 -
090901 - Backup Schedule 00 Dir Everyday
090902 -
090903 - Having problem opening new task in Schedule with SDS Java.
090904 - Investigation shows Schedule Analysis and Adjustments file from 00 dir
090905 - was somehow deleted. Went to replace 0001 file, and discovered 00
090906 - directory was difficult to find in daily backup. Finally found the
090907 - current 00 SDS dir, based on design created on 070617 0555.
090908 - ref SDS 6 EX5H
090909 -
090910 -
090912 - ..
090913 - Schedule New Task F8 Enter Macro 95 and Macro File 008501
090914 -
090915 - Follow up ref SDS 4 6Q5W, ref SDS 3 0001.
090916 -
090917 - Opening new record in SDS Java Schedule, then creating a link, causes
090918 - erratic performance. In one case, it appears that the code somehow
090919 - opened SAA record and entered entire list of prior records in the
090920 - newly created SDS record. In another case, the filename of 0001 used
090921 - uniquely for SAA, was substituted for the new record, and creating a
090922 - link produced an incorrect record identification for file location.
090923 -
090924 - [On 110413 0906 problems with linking were resolved by work
090925 - today upgrading code for creating new tasks in the
090926 - Schedule. ref SDS 18 HL7J
090928 - ..
090929 - Investigation showed this was occurring because macro file 008501
090930 - needs upgrade to apply new dos command in Java Medit that only
090931 - executes commands in cmd batch files, with exit command at the end,
090932 - reported on 100820 1139. ref SDS 8 845O
090934 - ..
090935 - Line 2460, ref OF 2 MV5F, -entry 942 in sd 33 000005 about 70 lines below
090936 -
090937 - pf1 macro 95
090938 -
090939 - Create new task in SDS Schedule
090940 -
090942 - ..
090943 - Line 3320, ref OF 2 165O, -entry 95 in sd 33 000005 about 70 lines below
090944 -
090945 - -entry 95
090946 -
090947 - Testing debug here
090948 -
090950 - ..
090951 - Line 3350, ref OF 2 FQ6L, -label 18aq in sd 33 000005
090952 -
090953 - @c:\sd\33\008501
090954 -
090955 - This code calls macro file to figure out the next filename
090956 - based on listing of 00 dir.
090957 -
090959 - ..
090960 - Line 60, ref OF 1 4K7N, -label strtF1 in 01 14 0085010
090961 -
090962 - -label strtF1
090963 -
090964 - Code starts here.
090965 -
090967 - ..
090968 - Line 90, ref OF 1 0175, -label blist in 01 14 0085010
090969 -
090970 - -label blist
090971 - save c:\sd\td\stufq1
090972 - e c:\sd\33\008501
090973 - line && *%4s
090974 - loc_cur 4 24
090975 - macro 92
090976 - e c:\sd\td\so.cmd
090977 - macro 301
090978 - ins_text "REM Temporary System Operations with exit"
090979 - immed 6a
090980 - rel_cur 1 0
090981 - ins_text "c:"
090982 - rel_cur 1 0
090983 - ins_text "cd\sd\td"
090984 - rel_cur 1 0
090985 - *%4s
090986 - ins_text "dir d:\sd\08\uuuuu\00 /b > stufq2"
090987 - rel_cur 1 0
090988 - ins_text !c:\sd\31\o stufq1+stufq2 stufq3 c:\sd\33\008502 > stufq4!
090989 - rel_cur 1 0
090990 - ins_text "cd\sd\10"
090991 - rel_cur 1 0
090992 - ins_text !exit!
090993 - savx c:\sd\td\so.cmd
090994 -
090995 - Write Schedule 00 file to disk; dir command gets list of actual
090996 - files in Schedule 00 directory. Change code to apply new Medit
090997 - Java "dos" command that does not execute commands directly;
090998 - must call a batch file, so.cmd, developed for 000006 reported
090999 - on 100820 1139. ref SDS 8 845O Sort the two lists together
091000 - and put diagnostics in stufq4, so it does not flash the screen.
091001 - Control file 008502 builds a list that can be used for the
091002 - purpose of macro 95 to determine the next unique filename for a
091003 - new task, and it can be used to compare the list of files on
091004 - the disk in the 00 directory with the list in the 00 Schedule
091005 - file to automatically delete files that are no longer needed.
091006 -
091007 - [On 110413 0906 problems with linking were resolved by work
091008 - today upgrading code for creating new tasks in the
091009 - Schedule. ref SDS 18 HL7J
091010 -
091012 - ..
091013 - Line 130, ref OF 1 7R7J, -label blist in 01 14 0085010 about 60 lines below
091014 -
091015 - e c:\sd\33\008501
091016 - load c:\sd\td\so.cmd
091017 - dos c:\sd\td\so.cmd
091018 - line........................... && *%sg.......... ref SDS 0 OX6K
091019 - *%eh
091020 - *%eh
091021 - g c:\sd\td\stufq3
091022 - *%eh
091023 - *%eh
091024 - linecnt 10 0
091025 - loc_cur 0 1
091026 - macro 14
091027 - errorcnt 0 0
091028 - -label lprbl41
091029 - up
091030 - -label lprbl42
091031 - chrcnt 1 0
091032 - -if @1 > 32 -goto lprbl41
091033 - immed d
091034 - -if @0 = 0 -goto lprbl42
091035 -
091036 - Sorted file stufq3 is read into memory at bottom of macro file
091037 - 008501, but for some reason, unlike original SDS, this file has
091038 - spaces that separate lines in the file; so added routine to
091039 - remove the blanks;
091040 -
091042 - ..
091043 - Line 180, ref OF 1 0268, -label blist in 01 14 0085010 about 90 lines below
091044 -
091045 - getgbl 251 251
091046 - -if @251 != 784 -goto mac95
091047 - macro 15
091048 - setgbl 251 0
091049 - -exit
091050 - getgbl 251 251
091051 - -if @251 != 784 -goto mac95
091052 - macro 15
091053 - setgbl 251 0
091054 - -exit
091055 -
091056 - counter 251 784 -exits for processing in 04702 to launch SDS;
091057 - and otherwise continue processing in 008501 to add a new task
091058 - in the schedule.
091059 -
091061 - ..
091062 - Line 200, ref OF 1 mac95, -label blist in 01 14 0085010 about 90 lines below
091063 -
091064 - -label mac95
091065 - rel_cur -1 0
091066 - strcnt 1 4
091067 - addcnt 1 1
091068 - setgbl 1 @1
091069 - ecur 96
091070 - getgbl 1 1
091071 - macro 958
091072 - of 7
091073 - loc_cur 0 9
091074 - color 112
091075 - -exit
091076 - *%eh
091077 - *%eh
091078 - ..
091079 - *%sg ****************************************************
091080 -
091081 - After removing blank lines, per above, ref SDS 0 LU5F, code is
091082 - at bottom of the list; reads filename and increments to
091083 - determine next unique filename for the next Schedule task.
091084 - The line at the bottom is where the list is read into macro
091085 - file 008501 in order to conserve memory.
091086 -
091087 - [On 110413 0906 problems with linking were resolved by work
091088 - today upgrading code for creating new tasks in the
091089 - Schedule. ref SDS 18 HL7J
091090 -
091091 -
0911 -
Schedule Delete Task Alt F8 Macro 956 in 000005 Call Macro 972 Modif
1703 -
170401 - ..
170402 - Schedule Delete Task Alt F8 Macro 956 in 000008 Macro 972 in 000006
170403 -
170404 - Follow up ref SDS 1 0260.
170405 -
170406 - Line 770, ref OF 3 OU7O, -label n_del in sd 33 000006 about 70 lines below
170407 -
170408 - -if @42 != 1000 -goto prGSm
170409 - c !e D:!dos /c del D:!1 1
170410 - c !e D:!del D:!1 1
170411 - bot
170412 - ins_text !exit !
170413 - savx c:\sd\td\so.cmd
170414 - ecur 96
170415 - purge w07j
170416 - dos c:\sd\td\so.cmd
170417 - -exit
170418 -
170419 - Change this code from executing dos /c to call a dos del
170420 - command, instead create a batch file sd td so.cmd with an exit
170421 - command that is called with new Medit Java dos command, and
170422 - then exits from batch file.
170423 -
170424 -
170425 -
170426 -
170427 -
170428 -
170429 -
170430 -
1705 -