440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: March 31, 2011 01:38 AM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Kathy letter on visit today in Sacramento.
2...Mercury Health Hazzard Too Much Tuna Eaten Regularly Peggy
3...Health Hazzard Mercury Too Much Tuna Eaten Regularly Peggy
4...Tuna Health Hazzard Too Much Mercury Eaten Regularly Peggy
5...Garlic Prevents Cancer Reduce Cholesterol Blood Pressure
6...Tuna Prevents Cancer Reduce Cholesterol Blood Pressure
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Lunch Sacramento NWO Atanosoff Invention Computer WWII Adell Goldste
1703 -
1703 - ..
1704 - Summary/Objective
1705 -
170501 - Follow up ref SDS 2 0000, ref SDS 1 0000.
170502 -
170504 - ..
1706 -
1707 -
1708 - Progress
1709 -
170901 - Letter to Kathy saying...
170902 -
170903 - 1. Subject: Glad for your visit
170904 - Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2011 02:40:04 -0700
170911 - ..
170912 - 2. Driving home from visiting in Sacramento yesterdy, went well,
170913 - except the initial route from Bradshaw to the intersection of
170914 - Highway 99 was stop and go. Thought there was an accident
170915 - holding up traffic, but no actual sign.
170917 - ..
170918 - 3. Thanks very much for a lovely visit today. The restaurant was
170919 - great. Thanks too on paying for lunch. It was especially fun
170920 - talking about things both family and worldly. A good deal of
170921 - my time involves self-dialog through writing (see a para in
170922 - POIMS. ref OF 7 3742
170924 - ..
170925 - 4. Such self-absorption makes an actual conversation a real treat,
170926 - and in this case driving through Sacramento was a delight as
170927 - well.
170928 -
170929 - [On 121221 0830 medical team at VA diagnosed with weak
170930 - vocal chords causing voice disorder due to low use of voice
170931 - talking. ref SDS 6 LS6W
170933 - ..
170934 - 5. Trying to find the Sacramento Boat Ramp project today on the
170935 - Garden Highway there where highway 5 crosses the river,
170936 - reminded of a similar episode on the Pier 11 project way back
170937 - when...
170939 - ..
170940 - 6. On a foggy day in 1975, a ship veered into a bridge support and
170941 - destroyed the protective fender. The bridge was not damaged,
170942 - but the concrete fender fell in a jumble obstructing ship
170943 - traffic. The job required removing broken concrete piling and
170944 - big debris pieces from the bay floor and hauling it out to sea
170945 - beyond a specified distance (not sure - 30, 50, 100 miles) and
170946 - dumping it into the ocean at a depth that would not harm
170947 - shipping. This would have cost $200K or so. After the
170948 - contract was awarded, we found a restaurant and marina that
170949 - needed "rip rap" for better protection from waves of passing
170950 - ships. This seemed ideal, because the marina was located near
170951 - the Carquinez Bridge, on the way between our project and the
170952 - place to return the crane rented in San Francisco. This saved
170953 - the marina owner probably $500k, and saved us $150K from
170954 - hauling everything out to the ocean.
170956 - ..
170957 - 7. However, the State objected because their engineers had not
170958 - thought of this solution.
170960 - ..
170961 - 8. I requested a meeting at Caltrans District 4 office on Fremont
170962 - Street in San Francisco, not far from where I lived at the
170963 - Golden Gateway 2 years later beginning in 1977. The owner of
170964 - the marina asked to attend the meeting. I picked him up at the
170965 - marina near the Carquinez Bridge, and we drove into San
170966 - Francisco on Highway 80, crossing the San Francisco Oakland Bay
170967 - Bridge. I had been to the Caltrans office several times
170968 - previously, and so knew the route, but the marina owner, who
170969 - was something like 96, was insistent giving directions,
170970 - explaining that he was born and grew up in San Francisco and so
170971 - new the City well. Being respectful I followed his
170972 - instructions. Every turn we made he would say "Gee this seems
170973 - different from when I was here before!"
170975 - ..
170976 - 9. Turns out he had not been to the city in 40 years!!
170978 - ..
170979 - 10. That's how I felt today. Thanks to you the trip down memory
170980 - lane was both a joy and relief from feebly navigating familiar
170981 - yet "strange" territory. Still wonder what happened to the
170982 - airport.
170984 - ..
170985 - 11. Incidentally, the elderly gentleman, while fuzzy on City
170986 - streets, was terrific in the meeting. The State's senior
170987 - engineer started off saying Welch would have to haul the debris
170988 - out to sea. The marina owner was polite and effective saying
170989 - something like "Why should the State object to this young
170990 - businessman accomplishing environmentally essential work in a
170991 - safe and efficient manner at no cost to the State?" So,
170992 - Caltrans changed their position and issued a letter authorizing
170993 - the work.
170995 - ..
170996 - 12. Some 20 years or so later, Millie and I drove down to the
170997 - marina to see how the protective barrier built in 1975 was
170998 - holding up. Think we have a picture somewhere of Mil standing
170999 - on one of the big concrete pieces, as a reminder of challenges
171000 - that worked out.
171001 -
171002 -
1711 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
1803 -
180401 - ..
180402 - 13. Back to the present, got a letter from Robby today. He
180403 - clarified that Jerry is pending approval of a VA pension
180404 - application. In any case, it was good hearing Jerry today in
180405 - such good spirits planning to start a new project next week in
180406 - Santa Barbara, and that he has the chance to reunite with his
180407 - family.
180408 -
180409 -
1805 -
Default Null Subject Account for Blank Record
1903 -
190401 - ..
190402 - 14. The pattymelt did not work as well as hoped. Ate the rest at
190403 - home, but wound up vomiting everything. Suggests there is
190404 - still a ways to go on conquering achalasia.
190405 -
190406 -
190407 -
1905 -
Mercury Health Hazzard Too Much Tuna Eaten Regularly Peggy Worried R
3403 -
340401 - ..
340402 - Mercury Health Hazzard Too Much Tuna Eaten Regularly Peggy
340403 - Health Hazzard Mercury Too Much Tuna Eaten Regularly Peggy
340404 - Tuna Health Hazzard Too Much Mercury Eaten Regularly Peggy
340405 -
340406 -
340407 - 15. Got a call from Peggy this evening, one of Millie's very close
340408 - friends. Had not heard from Peggy for a month or more. She
340409 - explained having been depressed about world events, e.g.,
340410 - Japan, Middle East. But, today, Peggy called to warn against
340411 - eating too much tuna, noting the diary shows my diet has been
340412 - "tuna with this" and "tuna with that," because it is easier to
340413 - swallow.
340414 -
340415 - [On 110415 0900 VA concerned about risk of mercury elevated
340416 - to unsafe levels by eating tuna regularly; mercury added to
340417 - next blood test planned in June, and as ordered by Doctor
340418 - Egan in VA Cardiology. ref SDS 3 JE6O
340420 - ..
340421 - [On 110627 2049 copy to Peggy of letter to Pam noting
340422 - Peggy's caution about eating too much tuna causing mercury
340423 - poisoning. ref SDS 4 X08X
340425 - ..
340426 - 16. Initially, I was glad that worry about my diet finally shook
340427 - Peggy from despondency over world events!!! Suggested she send
340428 - a can of tuna to Barack Obama and the entire Congress. Seems
340429 - an easy solution to world problems that fits dwindling federal
340430 - resources.
340432 - ..
340433 - 17. Peggy explained that mercury in tuna causes health problems.
340434 - She cited a friend who suffered a cacophony of ills attributed
340435 - to a copious regimen of tuna. Doing research on the Internet
340436 - shows studies have not established a causal link. In one
340437 - article a woman reported her neurological and fatigue symptoms
340438 - declined when she stopped eating tuna (sounded like Peggy's
340439 - friend). Medical analysis points out that someone here or there
340440 - suffering adversely from Tuna does not establish an at-large
340441 - risk, noting 1% of people die from bee stings, but most people
340442 - have no severe effects.
340443 -
340444 - [On 110727 1238 Malissa at the VA Primary Care Department
340445 - submits research showing over exposure to mercury can occur
340446 - from contaminated fish, causing health problems for
340447 - kidneys, the nervous system, and the brain. ref SDS 5 1B5K
340449 - ..
340450 - 18. Moreover, there is a lot research saying tuna has many health
340451 - advantages including reducing blood pressure and cholesterol.
340452 - In any case, without tuna, menu choices shrink to the mundane,
340453 - but just to be safe, this evening I had salmon with broccoli
340454 - and cauliflower for dinner.
340455 -
340457 - ..
340458 - Garlic Prevents Cancer Reduce Cholesterol Blood Pressure
340459 - Tuna Prevents Cancer Reduce Cholesterol Blood Pressure
340460 -
340461 - Research on the Internet shows...
340462 -
340463 -
340465 - ..
340466 - Benefits of Tuna
340467 -
340468 -
340470 - ..
340471 - Tuna prevents...
340472 -
340473 - Alzheimer's disease
340474 - Cancer
340475 - High blood pressure
340476 - Stroke
340477 - Coronary heart disease
340479 - ..
340480 - Garlic seems to have similar health benefits reducing
340481 - cholesterol and reducing blood pressure...
340483 - ..
340484 - Wikipedia
340485 -
340486 -
340488 - ..
340489 - Garlic is claimed to help prevent heart disease (including
340490 - atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure)
340491 - and cancer.[26] Garlic is used to prevent certain types of
340492 - cancer, including stomach and colon cancers.
340494 - ..
340495 - Letter to Kathy concludes...
340496 -
340497 - 19. Thanks again for a wonderful day.
340498 -
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340510 -
340511 -
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